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- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <set>
- #include <climits>
- #include <algorithm>
- #define ULLONG unsigned long long
- constexpr auto INF = ULLONG_MAX;
- typedef std::pair<ULLONG, int> edge;
- std::vector<std::vector<edge>> G;
- template <class type>
- std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &Out, const std::vector<type> &Vec )
- {
- for (auto & a : Vec)
- Out << a << " ";
- return Out;
- }
- std::pair<ULLONG, ULLONG> dijkstra( int S, int b, int c )
- {
- const int n = G.size();
- std::vector<ULLONG> d(n, INF);
- std::set<edge> que;
- d[S] = 0;
- que.insert(edge(d[S], S));
- while (!que.empty())
- {
- int v = que.begin()->second;
- que.erase(que.begin());
- // relax
- for (auto & to : G[v])
- if (d[v] + to.first < d[to.second])
- que.erase(edge(d[to.second], to.second)), que.insert(edge((d[to.second] = d[v] + to.first), to.second));
- }
- return std::pair<ULLONG, ULLONG>(d[b], d[c]);
- }
- int main()
- {
- int n, m, a, b, c;
- ULLONG w1, w2, w3;
- scanf("%i%i", &n, &m);
- G.resize(n);
- while (m--)
- scanf("%i%i%llu", &a, &b, &w1), G[--a].push_back(edge(w1, --b)), G[b].push_back(edge(w1, a));
- scanf("%i%i%i", &a, &b, &c);
- a--, b--, c--;
- auto
- res1 = dijkstra(a, b, c),
- res2 = dijkstra(b, a, c);
- w1 = res1.first, w2 = res1.second, w3 = res2.second;
- if (w2 != INF && w1 != INF && w3 != INF)
- {
- ULLONG res = 0;
- if (w1 < w2)
- {
- if (w1 < w3)
- res = w1 + std::min(w2, w3);
- else
- res = w3 + w1;
- }
- else // w2 <= w1
- {
- if (w2 < w3)
- res = w2 + std::min(w3, w1);
- else
- res = w3 + w2;
- }
- printf("%llu", res);
- }
- else
- printf("-1");
- return 0;
- }
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