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- ;
- ; maxdot.s
- ;
- ;
- ;
- COLFOND equ $0
- COLPIX equ $777
- TYPE2PLAN equ 1
- TYPE4PLAN equ 2
- typedot equ TYPE2PLAN
- enablesound equ 1
- weirdos equ 0 1 = 0 = tunnel hyperespace
- SUBXCTE equ 200
- SUBYCTE equ 120
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- nbdot equ 7008+48-enablesound*540 ; 6516 point
- taillecheatcode equ (nbdot*54-65536-65536-64000+54*4+6)
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- nbdot equ 8208-enablesound*30*12
- taillecheatcode equ (nbdot*52-65536-65536-64000+54*4+6)
- endc
- ;nbdot equ 8244+12 7008+960 ; doit etre multiple de 12
- pcstart:
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.w #$20,-(sp)
- trap #1
- addq.l #6,sp
- lea xxx-640,a0
- moveq #2,d2
- .loop0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w #320-1,d1
- .loop
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- addq.w #1,d0
- dbf d1,.loop
- dbf d2,.loop0
- ;jsr preparePrimetable
- ;jsr initmemall
- jsr calculpositionsX
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- jsr reserve_screen
- jsr createClearcode
- jsr makecreate1
- jsr codegencreate1
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- jsr reserve_screen
- jsr mkclearcode4plan
- jsr makecreate2
- jsr codegencreate1
- endc
- ;jsr createclearcode
- ;jsr calculpositionsX
- ;jsr codegencreate2
- jsr preparesinusfory
- lea lutmul160-400*2,a0
- move.w #160,d0
- moveq #2,d3
- .loop1
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w #199,d2
- .loop2 move d1,(a0)+
- move d1,(a0)+
- add d0,d1
- dbf d2,.loop2
- dbf d3,.loop1
- clr.w poslisteY
- move.w #nbdot/12,d7
- .1 move.w d7,-(sp)
- jsr calcsinusy
- move.w (sp)+,d7
- dbf d7,.1
- ; illegal ; not yet finished !
- ;dc.w $a00a
- jsr _disable_mouse
- ;clr.w poslisteY
- move.b $ffff8260.w,systeme+36
- ; moveq #0,d0
- ; ;moveq.w #12-1,d7
- ; move.l screen1,a0
- ; addq.l #4,a0
- ; jsr clearcode+4
- ; move.l screen7,a0
- ; addq.l #4,a0
- ; moveq.w #12-1,d7
- ; jsr clearcode+4
- move.w #0,-(sp)
- move.l $44e.w,d0
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.w #5,-(sp) ;setscren
- trap #14
- lea 12(sp),sp
- move.w #$25,-(sp)
- trap #14
- addq.l #2,sp
- ifne enablesound
- ;moveq #0,d0
- jsr sound
- endc
- lea systeme,a0
- movem.l $ffff8240.w,d0-d7
- movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- jsr spreadpicturebatch
- endc
- lea systeme,a0
- move.l $466.w,d0
- .wait cmp.l $466,d0
- beq.s .wait
- move.w #$2700,sr
- move.l $70.w,32(a0)
- move.l #itvbl,$70.w
- move.w #$2300,sr
- jmp bigmainloop12vbl
- towerofpixset:
- or.b d5,0(a0) ; d5 = 128
- or.b d4,0(a0) ; d4 = 64
- or.b d3,0(a0) ; d3 = 32
- bset.b d1,0(a0) ; d1 = 4 2^4=16
- or.b d2,0(a0) ; d2 = 8
- or.b d1,0(a0) ; d1 = 4
- bset.b d0,0(a0) ; d0 = 1 2^1=2
- or.b d0,0(a0) ; d0 = 1
- or.b d5,1(a0) ; d5 = 128
- or.b d4,1(a0) ; d4 = 64
- or.b d3,1(a0) ; d3 = 32
- bset.b d1,1(a0) ; d1 = 4 2^4=16
- or.b d2,1(a0) ; d2 = 8
- or.b d1,1(a0) ; d1 = 4
- bset.b d0,1(a0) ; d0 = 1 2^1=2
- or.b d0,1(a0) ; d0 = 1
- ;listvalueReg: ;dc.b 1,4,8,32,64,128
- ; moveq #1,d0
- ; moveq #4,d1
- ; moveq #8,d2
- ; moveq #32,d3
- ; moveq #64,d4
- ; moveq #-128,d5
- ; move.l #96000,d7
- ; move.l screen2,d6 base 64k
- ; rts
- ;copiefondon12screen
- ; move.l screen2,a0
- ; pea .suite
- ;.rt addq #4,a0
- ;
- ; lea -32000(a0),a1
- ; lea 32000(a0),a2
- ; lea 32000(a2),a3
- ; lea 32000(a3),a4
- ; lea 32000(a4),a5
- ; move.w #3999,d0
- ; lea picture2plan,a6
- ;.loop
- ; move.l (a6)+,d1
- ; move.l d1,(a0)+
- ; move.l d1,(a1)+
- ; move.l d1,(a2)+
- ; move.l d1,(a3)+
- ; move.l d1,(a4)+
- ; move.l d1,(a5)+
- ; addq.l #2,a0
- ; addq.l #2,a1
- ; addq.l #2,a2
- ; addq.l #2,a3
- ; addq.l #2,a4
- ; addq.l #2,a5
- ; dbf d0,.loop
- ; rts
- ;.suite
- ; move.l screen3,a0
- ; jmp .rt
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- createClearcode:
- move.w #$2140,d0 move.l d0,dep(a0) opcode
- move.w #2000-1,d1
- lea clearcode,a0
- move.l #$41e83e80,(a0)+ ; lea 16000(a0),a0
- moveq #0,d2
- .loop
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- move.w d2,(a0)+
- addq.w #8,d2
- dbf d1,.loop
- move.l #$51CFE0BA,(a0)+ ; dbf d7,codeclear
- move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- rts
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- mkclearcode4plan
- ; add.l #32000*3,a0
- ; moveq #0,d0
- ; moveq #0,d1
- ; moveq #0,d2
- ; moveq.l #$0,d3
- ; moveq.l #$0,d4
- ; moveq #0,d5
- ; moveq #0,d6
- ; moveq #0,d7
- ; move.l d0,a1
- ; move.l d0,a2
- ; move.l d0,a3
- ; move.l d0,a4
- ; move.l d0,a5
- ; move.l d0,a6
- ; rept 1714 1714
- ; movem.l d0-d7/a1-a6,-(a0)
- ; endr
- ; movem.l d0-d3,-(a0)
- lea codeeff4plan,a0
- move.l #$d1fc0001,(a0)+
- move.w #$7700,(a0)+
- move.w #$7000,d0
- move.w #$200,d1
- moveq #7,d2
- .loop
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- add d1,d0
- dbf d2,.loop
- move.w #$2240,d0
- moveq #5,d2
- .loop2
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- add d1,d0
- dbf d2,.loop2
- move.w #1714-1,d2
- move.l #$48e0ff7e,d0
- .loop3 move.l d0,(a0)+
- dbf d2,.loop3
- swap d0
- move.w d0,(a0)+
- move.w #$F000,(a0)+
- move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- rts
- endc
- ;reserve_screens:
- ; move.l #65536*13+32768,d0
- ; jsr getMem
- ; ; the second screen must be multiple of 64k
- ; ; the second+6 screen must be multiple of 64k
- ; ; casse tete, provisoirement je reserve bcp plus de memoire
- ; add.l #32000+65536,d0
- ; clr.w d0
- ; move.l d0,screen2
- ; add.l #96000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen3
- ;
- ; reserve 6 premier screen
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- reserve_screen
- ;move.l #65536+32000*6+32000,d0
- ;jsr getMem
- lea bufferscreens,a0
- move.l a0,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- add.l #65536+32000,d0
- clr.w d0
- move.l d0,d2
- sub.l #32000,d2 ; zone memoire de d1 a d2
- move.l d0,screen2 ; screen2.H dans d6 au sein du code genere pour les 6 premiers ecrans
- move.l d2,screen1
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen3
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen4
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen5
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen6
- move.l d0,d3
- add.l #32000,d3 d3 start adresse zone memoire a la fin
- move.l d3,d4
- sub.l d1,d4 ; d4 = taille totale
- move.l #65536+32000*6+32000,d5 ; taille alloué
- sub.l d4,d5 ; d5 = taille zone memoire de fin
- move.l d1,bank1
- sub.l d1,d2
- move.l d2,taillebank1
- move.l d3,bank2
- move.l d5,taillebank2
- move.l #bufferscreens+65536+32000*6+32000,d0
- ;jsr getMem
- ;move.l a0,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- add.l #65536+32000,d0
- clr.w d0
- move.l d0,d2
- sub.l #32000,d2 ; zone memoire de d1 a d2
- move.l d2,screen7
- move.l d1,bank3
- sub.l d1,d2
- move.l d2,taillebank3
- move.l d0,screen8 ; screen8.h dans d6 au sein du code genere pour les 6 ecrans suivant
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen9
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen10
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen11
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen12
- move.l d0,d3
- add.l #32000,d3
- move.l d3,d4
- sub.l d1,d4 ; d4 = taille totale
- move.l #65536+32000*6+32000,d5
- sub.l d4,d5
- move.l d3,bank4
- move.l d5,taillebank4
- rts
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- reserve_screen
- ;move.l #65536+32000*6+32000,d0
- ;jsr getMem
- lea bufferscreens,a0
- move.l a0,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- add.l #65536+32000,d0
- clr.w d0
- move.l d0,d2
- sub.l #32000,d2 ; zone memoire de d1 a d2
- move.l d0,screen2 ; screen2.H dans d6 au sein du code genere pour les 6 premiers ecrans
- move.l d2,screen1
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen3
- ; add.l #32000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen4
- ; add.l #32000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen5
- ; add.l #32000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen6
- move.l d0,d3
- add.l #32000,d3 d3 start adresse zone memoire a la fin
- move.l d3,d4
- sub.l d1,d4 ; d4 = taille totale
- move.l #65536+32000*3+32000,d5 ; taille alloué
- sub.l d4,d5 ; d5 = taille zone memoire de fin
- move.l d1,bank1
- sub.l d1,d2
- move.l d2,taillebank1
- move.l d3,bank2
- move.l d5,taillebank2
- move.l #bufferscreens+65536+32000*3+32000,d0
- ;jsr getMem
- move.l #bufferscreens+65536+32000*3+32000,d0
- ;move.l a0,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- add.l #65536+32000,d0
- clr.w d0
- move.l d0,d2
- sub.l #32000,d2 ; zone memoire de d1 a d2
- move.l d2,screen4
- move.l d1,bank3
- sub.l d1,d2
- move.l d2,taillebank3
- move.l d0,screen5 ; screen8.h dans d6 au sein du code genere pour les 6 ecrans suivant
- add.l #32000,d0
- move.l d0,screen6
- ; add.l #32000,d0;
- ; move.l d0,screen10
- ; add.l #32000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen11
- ; add.l #32000,d0
- ; move.l d0,screen12
- move.l d0,d3
- add.l #32000,d3
- move.l d3,d4
- sub.l d1,d4 ; d4 = taille totale
- move.l #65536+32000*3+32000,d5
- sub.l d4,d5
- move.l d3,bank4
- move.l d5,taillebank4
- rts
- endc
- shrinka0
- ; de a0 a a0 + 50, virer tout les nop
- movem.l d0/d1/d2/a1,-(sp)
- move.w #$4e71,d1
- move.l a0,a1
- move.w #25,d2
- .loop:
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- cmp.w d1,d0 ; d0 = nop ?
- beq.s .1
- move d0,(a1)+
- .1 dbf d2,.loop
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- cmp.l a1,a0
- beq.s .2 ; branchement si cas ou aucun nop de trouvé
- .3 move.w #$4e71,(a1)+
- cmp.l a1,a0
- bne.s .3
- .2
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/d2/a1
- rts
- ifeq 1
- shrinka0bis
- ; de a0 a a0 + 50, virer tout les nop
- movem.l d0/d1/d2/a1,-(sp)
- move.w #$4e71,d1
- move.l a0,a1
- move.w #25,d2
- .loop:
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- cmp.w d1,d0 ; d0 = nop ?
- beq.s .1
- move d0,(a1)+
- .1 dbf d2,.loop
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- cmp.l a1,a0
- beq.s .2 ; branchement si cas ou aucun nop de trouvé
- .3 move.w #$4e71,(a1)+
- cmp.l a1,a0
- bne.s .3
- .2
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/d2/a1
- rts
- endc
- fillnopa0
- move.w #$4e71,d2
- move.w #25*12-1,d0 ; nombre de nop a determiner
- .1 move.w d2,(a0)+
- dbf d0,.1
- lea -25*12*2(a0),a0
- rts
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- makecreate2
- lea data2,a0
- bra automodifaralonge
- endc
- makecreate1
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- lea data1,a0
- endc
- automodifaralonge:
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- lea PLEASE1,a1
- lea PLEASE2,a2
- lea PLEASE3,a3
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l d0,(a2)+
- move.l d0,(a3)+
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- move.w d0,(a1)+
- move.w d0,(a2)+
- move.w d0,(a3)+
- lea PLEASE4,a1
- lea PLEASE5,a2
- lea PLEASE6,a3
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l d0,(a2)+
- move.l d0,(a3)+
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- move.w d0,(a1)+
- move.w d0,(a2)+
- move.w d0,(a3)+
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- move.l d0,PLEASE7
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- move.l d0,PLEASE8
- move.l (a0)+,PLEASE9
- rts
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- data1
- lea listeoffset2plan,a5 PLEASE1 a 3
- move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) PLEASE4 a 6
- divu #54,d0 PLEASE7
- lea 50(a0),a0
- dc.l paramvbl
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- data2
- lea listeoffset4plan,a5
- nop
- nop
- nop
- divu #52,d0
- lea 50-2(a0),a0
- dc.l paramvbl2
- endc
- codegencreate1
- ifgt taillecheatcode
- move.l #bigcheatcode,bank5 ; normalement bank5
- move.l #(nbdot*54-65536-65536-64000)+54*4+6,bank5+4 ; et bank5+4
- endc
- sf.b rtsfinish
- lea towerofpixset,a1
- lea listeX,a2 ; listeX polycrome wohohohoa listeX pour les hommes (balavoine)
- ;move.w #7008-24-12,cpt
- move.w #nbdot-12-12,cpt
- ; gestion 12 premier points
- ;
- * * * * x1
- * * * x1 x2
- * * x1 x2 x3
- * x1 x2 x3 x4 dans le cas ou y'a 5 truc ici y'a 12
- moveq #12-1,d3
- lea cheatcodedebut,a0
- bsr fillnopa0
- moveq #$F,d5
- .bcldebut0:
- move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+
- move.l a2,a4
- move.w #11,d2
- sub.w d3,d2 ; au debut = 0 = un tour de boucle = x1 seulement
- PLEASE1 equ *
- nop
- nop
- nop lea .listeoffset,a5 ***** listeoffset4plan
- add.w d3,a5
- add.w d3,a5 ; au debut listeoffset+22 =dernier ecran
- pea .suite2
- .bcldebut1:
- move.w (a2)+,d0 ; x1
- move.w d0,d1
- and.w d5,d1
- sub d1,d0
- add d1,d1
- add d1,d1
- move.l (a1,d1.w),d1 ; instruction bset correspondant a x mod 16
- ;lsr #4,d0
- ;lsl #3,d0
- ;and.b #$F0,d0
- lsr #1,d0 ; int (x/16)*8
- add.w d0,d1
- add.w (a5)+,d1
- move.w 24-2(a5),d4
- move.l d1,(a0,d4) ; cg
- dbf d2,.bcldebut1
- rts
- .suite2
- PLEASE4 equ *
- move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000 ***** nop nop nop pour create2
- bsr shrinka0
- move.l a4,a2
- dbf d3,.bcldebut0
- move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- addq #2,a2
- .autoto1:
- move.l bank1,a0
- move.l taillebank1,d0
- subq.l #6,d0 ; pour metre le jmp adresse a la fin
- PLEASE7 equ *
- divu #54,d0 **** divu52 pour create2
- ext.l d0
- sub.w d0,cpt
- bpl.s .itsok
- ; sinon arg kefaire ca doit finir par un rts
- add.w d0,cpt
- move.w cpt,d0
- move.w #0,cpt
- st.b rtsfinish
- .itsok
- moveq #0,d3
- move.w d0,d3
- subq #1,d3
- .bcl0
- move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+ <- 2 opcode :
- ; move.w (a1)+,d6
- ; move.l d6,a0
- lea 2(a2),a4
- moveq #11,d2
- PLEASE2 equ *
- ;lea .listeoffset,a5 ; ***listeoffset4plan pour create2
- bsr .bcldebut1
- PLEASE5 equ *
- move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) *** nop nop nop pour create2 ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000
- PLEASE8 equ *
- lea 50(a0),a0 *** 50-2 pour create2
- move.l a4,a2
- dbf d3,.bcl0
- tst.b rtsfinish
- beq.w .1
- ************************************************** 12 derniers points
- ;PLEASE equ *
- move.w #$4ef9,(a0)+
- move.l #cheatcodefin,d3
- move.l d3,(a0)
- move.l d3,a0
- moveq #11,d3
- ;lea cheatcodefin,a0
- bsr fillnopa0
- .bcldebut2:
- move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+
- lea 2(a2),a4
- move.w d3,d2
- ;sub.w d3,d2 ; au debut = 11 dot a la fin 1 seulement
- PLEASE3 equ *
- nop lea .listeoffset,a5 **** listeoffset4plan
- nop
- nop
- bsr .bcldebut1
- PLEASE6 equ *
- move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) **** nop nop nop ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000
- bsr shrinka0 *** shrinka0bis
- move.l a4,a2
- dbf d3,.bcldebut2
- *************************************************
- move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- rts
- .1
- move.w #$4ef9,(a0)+ jmp opcode
- .autoto2
- move.l bank2,(a0)
- move.l (a0),a0
- addq.l #8,.autoto2+2
- addq.l #8,.autoto1+2
- addq.l #8,.autoto1+8
- bra.w .autoto1
- listeoffset2plan dc.w -32000,0,32000,-32000,0,32000,-32000+2,2,32002,-32000+2,2,32002
- dc.w 0,4,8,26,30,34,12,16,20,38,42,46
- listeoffset4plan
- dc.w -32000,0,32000,-32000+2,2,32002,-32000+4,4,32000+4,-32000+6,6,32000+6
- dc.w 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44
- ; x1 0 -32000
- ; x2 4 0
- ; x3 8 32000
- ; x7 12 -32000+2
- ; x8 16 2
- ; x9 20 32000+2
- ; + 2 (add.l d7,a0)
- ; x4 26 -32000
- ; x5 30 0
- ; x6 34 32000
- ; x10 38 -32000+2
- ; x11 42 2
- ; x12 46 32000+2
- ; 3 nop + 12*4 nop + 2 nop = 53 nop pour 12 point = 4,41666 nop
- ;
- listeoffset1plan dc.w -32000,0,32000,-32000,0,32000
- dc.w 0,4,8,14,18,22
- ; x1 0 -32000
- ; x2 4 0
- ; x3 8 32000
- ; add d7,a0
- ;; x4 14 -32000
- ; x5 18 0
- ; x6 22 32000
- ; total (6*4+5)/6 nop= 4+5/6 = 4,8333333 nop avec effacement 12000 nop:=5793 point soit environ 5000 point c la zone
- ; avec le blitter 7000 point
- *codegencreate2
- *
- * ifgt taillecheatcode
- * move.l #bigcheatcode,bank5 ; normalement bank5
- * move.l #(nbdot*54-65536-65536-64000)+54*4+6,bank5+4 ; et bank5+4
- * endc
- * sf.b rtsfinish
- * lea towerofpixset,a1
- * lea listeX,a2 ; listeX polycrome wohohohoa listeX pour les hommes (balavoine)
- *
- * ;move.w #7008-24-12,cpt
- * move.w #nbdot-12-12-12,cpt
- *
- * ; gestion 12 premier points
- * ;
- ** * * * x1
- *
- ** * * x1 x2
- *
- ** * x1 x2 x3
- *
- ** x1 x2 x3 x4 dans le cas ou y'a 5 truc ici y'a 12
- * moveq #12-1,d3
- * lea cheatcodedebut,a0
- * bsr fillnopa0
- * moveq #$F,d5
- *.bcldebut0:
- * move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+
- * move.l a2,a4
- * move.w #11,d2
- * sub.w d3,d2 ; au debut = 0 = un tour de boucle = x1 seulement
- * lea listeoffset4plan,a5
- * add.w d3,a5
- * add.w d3,a5 ; au debut listeoffset+22 =dernier ecran
- *
- * pea .suite2
- *
- *.bcldebut1:
- * move.w (a2)+,d0 ; x1
- * move.w d0,d1
- * and.w d5,d1
- * sub d1,d0
- * add d1,d1
- * add d1,d1
- * move.l (a1,d1.w),d1 ; instruction bset correspondant a x mod 16
- * ;lsr #4,d0
- * ;lsl #3,d0
- * ;and.b #$F0,d0
- * lsr #1,d0 ; int (x/16)*8
- * add.w d0,d1
- * add.w (a5)+,d1
- * move.w 24-2(a5),d4
- * move.l d1,(a0,d4) ; cg
- * dbf d2,.bcldebut1
- * rts
- *
- *.suite2
- * ;move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000
- * bsr shrinka0bis
- * move.l a4,a2
- * dbf d3,.bcldebut0
- * move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- * addq #2,a2
- *.autoto1:
- * move.l bank1,a0
- * move.l taillebank1,d0
- * subq.l #6,d0 ; pour metre le jmp adresse a la fin
- * divu #52,d0
- * ext.l d0
- *
- * sub.w d0,cpt
- * bpl.s .itsok
- * ; sinon arg kefaire ca doit finir par un rts
- * add.w d0,cpt
- * move.w cpt,d0
- * move.w #0,cpt
- * st.b rtsfinish
- *.itsok
- * moveq #0,d3
- * move.w d0,d3
- * subq #1,d3
- *
- *.bcl0
- * move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+ <- 2 opcode :
- * ; move.w (a1)+,d6
- * ; move.l d6,a0
- * lea 2(a2),a4
- *
- * moveq #11,d2
- * lea listeoffset4plan,a5
- * bsr .bcldebut1
- *
- * ;move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000
- * lea 50-2(a0),a0
- *
- * move.l a4,a2
- * dbf d3,.bcl0
- * tst.b rtsfinish
- * beq.w .1
- *
- *************************************************** 12 derniers points
- *;PLEASE2 equ *
- * move.w #$4ef9,(a0)+
- * move.l #cheatcodefin,d3
- * move.l d3,(a0)
- * move.l d3,a0
- *
- * moveq #11-1,d3
- * ;lea cheatcodefin,a0
- * bsr fillnopa0
- *
- *
- *.bcldebut2:
- * move.l #$3c192046,(a0)+
- * lea 2(a2),a4
- * move.w d3,d2
- * ;sub.w d3,d2 ; au debut = 11 dot a la fin 1 seulement
- * lea listeoffset4plan,a5
- *
- * bsr .bcldebut1
- * ;move.w #$d1c7,24(a0) ; D1C7 = add.l d7,a0 ; d7 = 96000
- * bsr shrinka0bis
- * move.l a4,a2
- * dbf d3,.bcldebut2
- *
- **************************************************
- * move.w #$4e75,(a0)+
- * rts
- *.1
- * move.w #$4ef9,(a0)+ jmp opcode
- *.autoto2
- * move.l bank2,(a0)
- * move.l (a0),a0
- * addq.l #8,.autoto2+2
- * addq.l #8,.autoto1+2
- * addq.l #8,.autoto1+8
- * bra.w .autoto1
- *
- *
- *datasequence:
- * lea datasequencetodolist,a6
- * move.l (a6),a0 ; ecran effacement
- parametreX ;dc.w 0,220,40,180,550,60,450,200 ; les 8 valeur de sinus au depart
- dc.w 30,0,400,10,1200,1060,0,700
- dc.w 1*2,2*2,1*2,(512-3)*2 ; les 4 valeur ajouter au depart des sinus de 512 elements
- dc.w (2)*7,1540*2-16*2,1540*2-(5*2),3*2 ; les 4 vlaeur ajouter au depart des sinus de 1540 elements
- scaletable:
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w (a0)+,d2 ; 0..65536 = (0.5+0.5*sinus(angle)) = [0..1[
- mulu.w d1,d2
- swap d2
- move.w d2,(a1)+
- dbf d0,scaletable
- rts
- temp dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- calculpositionsX
- lea sinus512,a0
- lea sinus1,a1
- move.w #512-1,d0
- move.l #16*30,d1
- bsr scaletable
- lea sinus1540,a0
- lea sinus2,a1
- move.w #1540-1,d0
- move.l #16*50,d1
- bsr scaletable
- lea sinus1,a0 512 valeurs
- lea sinus2,a1 1540 valeurs
- lea parametreX,a2
- lea temp,a3
- lea listeX,a4 ; le resultat
- ;lea tabtemp+3000*2,a6
- moveq #7,d7 ; 8 sinus
- .2b move.w (a2)+,(a3)+
- dbf d7,.2b
- lea -16(a3),a3 ; a3 = temp
- move.w #nbdot-1,d7
- do7000
- moveq #3,d0
- .3 move (a2)+,d1 ; pas
- move.w (a3),d2 ; position
- add d1,d2
- cmp.w #512*2,d2
- blt.s .glok
- sub.w #512*2,d2
- .glok move.w d2,(a3)+
- dbf d0,.3
- moveq #3,d0
- .4 move (a2)+,d1 ; pas
- move.w (a3),d2 ; position
- add d1,d2
- cmp.w #1540*2,d2
- blt.s .glok2
- sub.w #1540*2,d2
- .glok2 move.w d2,(a3)+
- dbf d0,.4
- lea -16(a3),a3
- lea -16(a2),a2
- moveq #0,d4
- moveq #3,d0
- moveq #0,d2
- .5 moveq #0,d1
- move.w (a3)+,d1
- moveq #0,d4
- move (a0,d1.w),d4 ; sinus1 d1
- add.l d4,d2
- dbf d0,.5
- moveq #3,d0
- .6 moveq #0,d1
- move.w (a3)+,d1
- moveq #0,d4
- move (a1,d1.w),d4
- add.l d4,d2
- dbf d0,.6
- ;add (a6)+,d2
- lsr.l #3,d2
- sub.w #SUBXCTE,d2
- asl #1,d2
- lea xxx,a5
- move.w (a5,d2.w),d2
- break
- move.w d2,(a4)+ ; calcul du x final
- lea -16(a3),a3
- dbf d7,do7000
- rts
- preparesinusfory
- lea sinus512,a0
- lea sinus1,a1
- move.w #512-1,d0
- move.l #20*16,d1
- bsr scaletable ;andlsl
- lea sinus1540,a0
- lea sinus2,a1
- move.w #1540-1,d0
- move.l #30*16,d1
- bsr scaletable ;andlsl
- lea parametreY,a6
- lea ramresultat,a2
- lea reftable1,a1
- moveq #3,d7
- .bcl1 lea sinus1,a0
- move.w #512,d2
- move (a6)+,d0 ; pas interne
- move.w #12,d1 ; nombre de copie de valeur
- jsr createSpecialSin1540
- lea 512*4(a1),a1
- dbf d7,.bcl1
- moveq #3,d7
- .bcl2 lea sinus2,a0
- move.w #1540,d2
- move (a6)+,d0
- move.w #12,d1
- jsr createSpecialSin1540
- lea 1540*4(a1),a1
- dbf d7,.bcl2
- rts
- calcsinusy:
- sub.w #12*2,poslisteY
- move.w poslisteY,d0
- tst d0
- bpl.s .1
- move.w #nbdot*2-24,d0
- move.w d0,poslisteY
- .1
- ; move.w postabtemp,d7
- ; sub.w #2*12,d7
- ; tst.w d7
- ; bge.s .zig
- ; add.w #8209*2,d7
- ;.zig move.w d7,postabtemp
- ; move.w postabtemp,d7
- ; add.w #2*120,d7
- ; cmp.w #8209*2,d7
- ; blt.s .zig
- ; sub.w #8209*2,d7
- ;.zig move.w d7,postabtemp
- lea parametreY+8*2,a6
- lea listeY,a0
- add.w poslisteY,a0
- lea reftable1,a1
- ;moveq #2,d7
- .piconbierre
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- move.l (a2)+,d6
- move.l (a2)+,d5
- move.l (a2)+,d4
- move.l (a2)+,d3
- move.l (a2)+,d2
- move.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 512*4(a1),a1
- .bcl1
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 512*4(a1),a1
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 512*4(a1),a1
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 512*4(a1),a1
- ;dbf d7,.bcl1
- ;moveq #3,d7
- .bcl2
- move (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 1540*4(a1),a1
- move (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 1540*4(a1),a1
- move (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- lea 1540*4(a1),a1
- move (a6)+,d0
- move.l (a1,d0.l),a2
- add.l (a2)+,d6
- add.l (a2)+,d5
- add.l (a2)+,d4
- add.l (a2)+,d3
- add.l (a2)+,d2
- add.l (a2)+,d1
- ;lea 1540*4(a1),a1
- ;dbf d7,.bcl2
- ;lea tabtemp,a2
- ;add.w postabtemp,a2
- ;add.l (a2)+,d6
- ;add.l (a2)+,d5
- ;add.l (a2)+,d4
- ;add.l (a2)+,d3
- ;add.l (a2)+,d2
- ;add.l (a2)+,d1
- move.l #%11111111111111100011111111111110,d7
- lea lutmul160-SUBYCTE*2,a1
- lsr.l #1,d1
- lsr.l #1,d2
- lsr.l #1,d3
- lsr.l #1,d4
- lsr.l #1,d5
- lsr.l #1,d6
- and.l d7,d1
- and.l d7,d2
- and.l d7,d3
- and.l d7,d4
- and.l d7,d5
- and.l d7,d6
- move.w (a1,d1.w),d1
- move.w (a1,d2.w),d2
- move.w (a1,d3.w),d3
- move.w (a1,d4.w),d4
- move.w (a1,d5.w),d5
- move.w (a1,d6.w),d6
- swap d1
- swap d2
- swap d3
- swap d4
- swap d5
- swap d6
- ;lsr #4,d1
- ;lsr #4,d2
- ;lsr #4,d3
- ;lsr #4,d4
- ;lsr #4,d5
- ;lsr #4,d6
- move.w (a1,d1.w),d1
- move.w (a1,d2.w),d2
- move.w (a1,d3.w),d3
- move.w (a1,d4.w),d4
- move.w (a1,d5.w),d5
- move.w (a1,d6.w),d6
- movem.l d1-d6,(a0)
- movem.l d1-d6,nbdot*2(a0) ; doit etre un multiple de 12*2 7008 point*2
- lea -16(a6),a5 ; a5 = positions a metre a jour
- ;moveq #3,d7
- move.w #511*4,d7 ; a6 = ajout a faire a position
- .loop
- movem.w (a6)+,d0-d6
- add (a5)+,d0
- and.w d7,d0
- add (a5)+,d1
- and.w d7,d1
- add (a5)+,d2
- and.w d7,d2
- add (a5)+,d3
- and.w d7,d3
- move.w #1540*4,d7
- .loop2
- add (a5)+,d4
- cmp.w d7,d4
- blt.s .toto
- sub.w d7,d4
- .toto
- add (a5)+,d5
- cmp.w d7,d5
- blt.s .toto2
- sub.w d7,d5
- .toto2
- add (a5)+,d6
- cmp.w d7,d6
- blt.s .toto3
- sub.w d7,d6
- .toto3 movem.w d0-d6,-2*7(a5)
- move.w (a6)+,d0
- add (a5),d0
- cmp.w d7,d0
- blt.s .toto4
- sub.w d7,d0
- .toto4 move.w d0,(a5)+
- rts
- ;postabtemp dc.w 0
- createSpecialSin1540
- ; a0 = table sinus de n element
- ; a1 = reftablesinus
- ; a2 = buffer resultat
- ; d0 = pas interne
- ; d1 = nombre de copie de valeur
- ; d2 = nombre n d'element de la table sinus
- ; retour = d1 : nombre de memoire occupé sur buffer resultat
- movem.l d0-d7/a0/a1/a3-a6,-(sp)
- move.w d2,d3
- lea bufferFlag1540,a3
- subq #1,d3
- .clrflag
- clr.b (a3)+
- dbra d3,.clrflag
- move.w d2,.auto1+2
- move.w d2,.auto2+2
- move.w d2,.auto3+2
- move.w d2,.auto4+2
- move.w d2,.auto5+2
- move.w d2,.auto6+2
- move.w d2,d3 ; 512 ou 1024
- subq #1,d3 ; 511 ou 1023 pour le and de l'angle
- lea bufferFlag1540,a3
- subq #1,d2 ; 511 ou 1023 iteration
- moveq #0,d4 ; angle
- .loop
- tst.b (a3,d4) ; flag a 1 ?
- bne.s .flagA1
- .flagA0
- move.w d4,d5
- add d5,d5
- move.w (a0,d5),(a2)
- add d5,d5
- move.l a2,(a1,d5) ; a2 referencer en reftable+angle*4
- addq.l #2,a2
- st (a3,d4) positione flag(angle) a 1
- add d0,d4 ; pas interne
- ;and d2,d4 ; mod 512 ou 1022
- .auto1
- cmp.w #1540,d4
- blt.s .1
- .auto2
- sub.w #1540,d4
- .1
- bra.s .loop
- .flagA1 ; copier d1 fois les valeurs suivante
- move.w d4,d5 ; angle courant copier sur d5
- move.w d1,d7
- subq #1,d7
- .cpy
- move.w d5,d6
- add d6,d6
- move.w (a0,d6),(a2)+
- add d0,d5
- .auto3
- cmp.w #1540,d5
- blt.s .2
- .auto4
- sub.w #1540,d5
- .2
- ;and d2,d5
- dbf d7,.cpy
- ;sub d0,d4
- addq #1,d4
- .auto5
- cmp.w #1540,d4
- blt.s .3
- .auto6
- sub.w #1540,d4
- .3
- ;and d2,d4
- tst.b (a3,d4)
- ;bne.s .fin
- beq.s .flagA0
- .fin
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0/a1/a3-a6
- rts
- spreadpicturebatch
- lea picturebatch,a1
- ;movem.l (a1),d0-d7
- ;movem.l d0-d7,$ffff8240.w
- ;lea picturebatch-32,a1
- move.l screen1,a2
- move.l screen7,a0
- addq.l #4,a0
- addq.l #4,a2
- moveq #5,d7
- .loop0
- move.w d7,-(sp)
- ;lea 66(a1),a1
- move #399,d7
- ;move.l a0,-(sp)
- ;move.l a2,-(sp)
- .loop
- movem.l (a1)+,d0-d6/a3-a5
- move.l d0,(a2)
- move.l d0,(a0)
- move.l d1,8(a2)
- move.l d1,8(a0)
- move.l d2,16(a2)
- move.l d2,16(a0)
- move.l d3,24(a2)
- move.l d3,24(a0)
- move.l d4,32(a2)
- move.l d4,32(a0)
- move.l d5,40(a2)
- move.l d5,40(a0)
- move.l d6,48(a2)
- move.l d6,48(a0)
- move.l a3,56(a2)
- move.l a3,56(a0)
- move.l a4,64(a2)
- move.l a4,64(a0)
- move.l a5,72(a2)
- move.l a5,72(a0)
- lea 80(a0),a0
- lea 80(a2),a2
- dbf d7,.loop
- ;move.l (sp)+,a2
- ;move.l (sp)+,a0
- ;lea 32000(a0),a0
- ;lea 32000(a2),a2
- move.w (sp)+,d7
- dbf d7,.loop0
- ; now s'occuper de la palette
- rts
- bigmainloop12vbl
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- move.l screen1,a0
- jsr codeeff4plan
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l screen1,a0
- moveq.w #11,d7
- jsr clearcode+4
- endc
- lea cheatcodedebut,a0
- lea listeY,a1
- add.w poslisteY,a1
- moveq #1,d0
- moveq #4,d1
- moveq #8,d2
- moveq #32,d3
- moveq #64,d4
- move.w #128,d5
- move.l screen2,d6 base 64k
- move.l #96000,d7
- jsr (a0) ; affichage de 12 point*7008 sur 6 ecran et 2 plan
- move.l bank1,a0
- jsr (a0)
- jsr calcsinusy
- move.w every12vbl,d0
- .1 move.w every12vbl,d1
- cmp.w d0,d1
- beq.s .1
- ;move.w d1,-(sp)
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- move.l screen4,a0
- jsr codeeff4plan
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- moveq #0,d0
- move.l screen7,a0
- moveq #11,d7
- jsr clearcode+4
- endc
- ;move.l screen7,a0
- ;jsr clearcode4plan
- lea cheatcodedebut,a0
- lea listeY,a1
- add.w poslisteY,a1
- moveq #1,d0
- moveq #4,d1
- moveq #8,d2
- moveq #32,d3
- moveq #64,d4
- move.w #128,d5
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- move.l screen8,d6
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- move.l screen5,d6
- endc
- move.l #96000,d7
- jsr (a0)
- move.l bank1,a0
- jsr (a0)
- jsr calcsinusy
- move.w every12vbl,d0
- .2 move.w every12vbl,d1
- cmp.w d0,d1
- beq.s .2
- cmp.b #$b9,$fffffc02.w
- beq.s .fin
- jmp bigmainloop12vbl
- .fin
- lea systeme,a0
- movem.l (a0)+,d0-d7
- movem.l d0-d7,$ffff8240.w
- move.w #$2700,sr
- move.l (a0),d0
- move.l d0,$70.w
- move.w #$2300,sr
- moveq #0,d1
- move.b systeme+36,d1
- move.w d1,-(sp)
- move.l $44e.w,d0
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.w #5,-(sp) ;setscren
- trap #14
- lea 12(sp),sp
- ifne enablesound
- jsr sound+4
- lea $ffff8800.w,a0
- move.l #$08000000,(a0) ; 08 amplitude chanel A,00 dummy,00 volume,00 dummy
- move.l #$09000000,(a0) ; 09 amplitude chanel B
- move.l #$0a000000,(a0) ; 10 amplitude chanel C
- ; merci evil
- endc
- ;dc.w $a009
- jsr _enable_mouse
- ;and.b #8,$fffffc02.w
- clr.w -(sp)
- trap #1
- compteurVBLMOD12 dc.w 0
- itvbl: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- addq.l #1,$466.w
- ifne enablesound
- jsr sound+8
- endc
- move.w compteurVBLMOD12,d0
- lsl #3,d0 ; *8
- ext.l d0
- PLEASE9 equ *+2
- lea $12345678,a2 ; paramvbl2
- add d0,a2
- move.l (a2)+,a0
- move.l (a0),d2
- lsr.w #8,d2
- move.l d2,$ffff8200.w
- move.l (a2)+,a6 ; adresse code changement de palette
- jmp (a6)
- suitevbl:
- move.w compteurVBLMOD12,d0 ; en fait c'est mod 24
- tst d0
- bne.s .1
- addq.w #1,every12vbl
- .1
- cmp.w #12,d0
- bne.s .2
- addq.w #1,every12vbl
- .2
- addq.w #1,d0
- cmp.w #24,d0
- blt.s .3
- clr.w d0
- .3 move.w d0,compteurVBLMOD12
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rte
- ;paramvbl ds.l 12*2*2
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- codepalchangeplan1
- movem.w palfond,d0-d3/d4-d7
- ; d0 = fond 00
- ; d1 = fond 01
- ; d2= fond 10
- ; d3 = fond 11
- ; d4 = couleur point
- ; plan 0 selectionné, le plan 1 = couleur du fond
- ;jmp suitevbl
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.w d0,(a0)+ 00 00
- move.w d4,(a0)+ 10 00
- move.w d0,(a0)+ 01 00
- move.w d4,(a0)+ 11 00
- move.w d1,(a0)+ 00 10
- move.w d5,(a0)+ 10 10
- move.w d1,(a0)+ 01 10
- move.w d5,(a0)+ 11 10
- move.w d2,(a0)+ 00 01
- move.w d6,(a0)+ 10 01
- move.w d2,(a0)+ 01 01
- move.w d6,(a0)+ 11 01
- move.w d3,(a0)+ 00 11
- move.w d7,(a0)+ 10 11
- move.w d3,(a0)+ 01 11
- move.w d7,(a0)+ 11 11
- jmp suitevbl
- codepalchangeplan2
- ;jmp suitevbl
- movem.w palfond,d0-d7
- ; d0 = fond 00
- ; d1 = fond 01
- ; d2= fond 10
- ; d3 = fond 11
- ; d4 = couleur point fond 00 d5 fond 01 etc
- ; plan 1 selectionné, le plan 1 = couleur du fond
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.w d0,(a0)+ 00 00
- move.w d0,(a0)+ 10 00
- move.w d4,(a0)+ 01 00
- move.w d4,(a0)+ 11 00
- move.w d1,(a0)+ 00 10
- move.w d1,(a0)+ 10 10
- move.w D5,(a0)+ 01 10
- move.w d5,(a0)+ 11 10
- move.w d2,(a0)+ 00 01
- move.w d2,(a0)+ 10 01
- move.w d6,(a0)+ 01 01
- move.w d6,(a0)+ 11 01
- move.w d3,(a0)+ 00 11
- move.w d3,(a0)+ 10 11
- move.w d7,(a0)+ 01 11
- move.w d7,(a0)+ 11 11
- jmp suitevbl
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- codechange1
- ;move.w #COLFOND,d0
- move.l #COLFOND*$10000+COLPIX,d1
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- jmp suitevbl
- codechange2
- move.l #COLCOLFOND,d0
- move.l #COLCOLPIX,d1
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- jmp suitevbl
- codechange3
- move.l #COLCOLFOND,d0
- move.l #COLCOLPIX,d1
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- jmp suitevbl
- codechange4
- move.l #COLCOLFOND,d0
- move.l #COLCOLPIX,d1
- lea $ffff8240.w,a0
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d0,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- move.l d1,(a0)+
- jmp suitevbl
- endc
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _disable_mouse:
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- btst #1,$FFFFFC00.W
- beq.s _disable_mouse
- move.b #$12,$FFFFFC02.W
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _enable_mouse:
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- btst #1,$FFFFFC00.W
- beq.s _enable_mouse
- move.b #$8,$FFFFFC02.W
- rts
- ;preparePrimetable
- ; lea tab8209,a0
- ; lea tabtemp,a1
- ; move.w #8208,d0
- ; move.w #50*16/3,d1
- ; jsr scaletable
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; lea tabtemp,a0
- ; move.w #8208,d7
- ; move.w #17*2,d0
- ; move.w #23*2,d1
- ; move.w #2*2,d2
- ; moveq #0,d3
- ; moveq #0,d4
- ; moveq #0,d5
- ; lea 8209*2(a0),a1
- ;boucle
- ; move.w (a0,d3),d6
- ; add (a0,d4),d6
- ; add (a0,d5),d6
- ;
- ; add d0,d3
- ; cmp.w #8209*2,d3
- ; blt.s .1
- ; sub.w #8209*2,d3
- ;
- ;.1 add d1,d4
- ; cmp.w #8209*2,d4
- ; blt.s .2
- ; sub.w #8209*2,d4
- ;
- ;.2 add d2,d5
- ; cmp.w #8209*2,d5
- ; blt.s .3
- ; sub.w #8209*2,d5
- ;.3
- ; ;lsr #2,d6
- ; move.w d6,(a1)+
- ; dbf d7,boucle
- ; lea tabtemp,a0
- ; lea tabtemp+8209*2,a1
- ; move.w #8208,d0
- ;.cpy
- ; move (a1)+,(a0)+
- ; dbf d0,.cpy
- ;
- ; moveq #11,d3
- ; lea tabtemp,a0
- ; lea tabtemp+8209*4,a1
- ;.cpy2
- ; move (a0)+,(a1)+
- ; dbf d3,.cpy2
- ; rts
- ;
- palfond: ;dc.w 0,$246,$124,$235 ; PALETTE PICTURES
- ifeq weirdos ; cas hyperspace
- dc.w $001,$333,$013,$024 ; couleur bleu
- dC.w $555,$777,$666,$777
- endc
- ifne weirdos ; cas spiral onde
- dc.w 0,$530,$210,$420 ; palette pictures maron
- DC.W $706,$777,$755,$637 ; palette couleur transparences
- endc
- picturebatch
- ifne weirdos
- incbin 'E:\1B.2PL' raw picture animation 320x200 2 plan
- incbin 'E:\2B.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\3B.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\4B.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\5B.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\6B.2PL'
- endc
- ifeq weirdos ; si weirdos=0, hyperespace
- incbin 'E:\1C.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\2C.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\3C.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\4C.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\5C.2PL'
- incbin 'E:\6C.2PL'
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- paramvbl
- dc.l screen8,codepalchangeplan1 ; depart sur screen7, screen8 est la vbl suivante
- dc.l screen9,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen10,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen11,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen12,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen7,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen8,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen9,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen10,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen11,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen12,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen1,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen2,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen3,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen4,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen5,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen6,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen1,codepalchangeplan1
- dc.l screen2,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen3,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen4,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen5,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen6,codepalchangeplan2
- dc.l screen7,codepalchangeplan2
- ; dc.l screen7,codepalchangeplan2
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- paramvbl2 dc.l screen5,codechange1
- dc.l screen6,codechange1
- dc.l screen4,codechange1
- dc.l screen5,codechange2
- dc.l screen6,codechange2
- dc.l screen4,codechange2
- dc.l screen5,codechange3
- dc.l screen6,codechange3
- dc.l screen4,codechange3
- dc.l screen5,codechange4
- dc.l screen6,codechange4
- dc.l screen1,codechange4
- dc.l screen2,codechange1
- dc.l screen3,codechange1
- dc.l screen1,codechange1
- dc.l screen2,codechange2
- dc.l screen3,codechange2
- dc.l screen1,codechange2
- dc.l screen2,codechange3
- dc.l screen3,codechange3
- dc.l screen1,codechange3
- dc.l screen2,codechange4
- dc.l screen3,codechange4
- dc.l screen4,codechange4
- endc
- parametreY dc.w 1,7,512-4,6,1540-12,3,5,1540-1
- ;dc.w 11,2,3,40,5,6,7,8
- dc.w 100,20,100,0,300,700,0,1200 ; position dans reftable (*4)
- dc.w 1*4*12,(7)*4*12,512*4-4*4*12,6*4*12,(1540*4-12*4*12),3*4*12,5*4*12,1540*4-1*4*12
- sinus512 incbin 'SIN512.GLK'
- sinus1540 incbin 'SIN1540.GLK'
- ;tab8209 incbin 'SIN8209.GLK'
- sound incbin 'PYM_BEST.SND'
- even
- systeme ds.l 8
- ds.l 1 ; oldvbl
- ds.b 1 ; 8260.w
- ds.b 1
- ;compteurvblMOD12 ds.w 1
- ds.w 200*2
- lutmul160 ds.w 200*2
- ds.w 200*2
- ds.w 320
- xxx ds.w 320
- ds.w 320
- every12vbl ds.w 1
- poslisteY ds.w 1
- bank1 ds.l 1
- taillebank1 ds.l 1
- bank2 ds.l 1
- taillebank2 ds.l 1
- bank3 ds.l 1
- taillebank3 ds.l 1
- bank4 ds.l 1
- taillebank4 ds.l 1
- bank5 ds.l 1
- ds.l 1
- cheatcodedebut ds.b 54*12 ; valeur a determiner
- cheatcodefin ds.w 54*11
- ds.b 54 ; fillnop fill 54*12
- ifgt taillecheatcode
- bigcheatcode ds.b taillecheatcode ; normalement ca tombe juste pour 7008 dot
- ;ds.b taillecheatcode
- ;ds.b taillecheatcode
- ;ds.b taillecheatcode
- ;ds.b taillecheatcode
- ;bigcheatdebug ds.b 20
- endc
- cpt ds.w 1
- rtsfinish ds.w 1
- screen1 ds.l 1
- screen2 ds.l 1 ; this one is on 64k page
- screen3 ds.l 1
- screen4 ds.l 1
- screen5 ds.l 1
- screen6 ds.l 1
- screen7 ds.l 1
- screen8 ds.l 1 ; this one is on 64k page
- screen9 ds.l 1
- screen10 ds.l 1
- screen11 ds.l 1
- screen12 ds.l 1
- sinus1 ds.w 512
- sinus2 ds.w 1540
- ;tabtemp ds.w 8209*2+12
- reftable1 ds.l 512
- ds.l 512
- ds.l 512
- ds.l 512
- ds.l 1540
- ds.l 1540
- ds.l 1540
- ds.l 1540
- valuereftab ds.w 8
- ramresultat ds.w 40000 ; pas plus de 50k ???
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- clearcode: ds.w 2000*2+2+2+1
- ds.w 200
- endc
- listeY ds.w nbdot ; en fait 2x7000 mais comme on utilise la listeX que pour faire le code genere au depart, y'a plus besoin de listeX
- ;ds.w 24
- listeX ds.w nbdot
- ds.w 24 ; a enlever peut etre plus tard
- ; peut etre mis a la place de sinus1 et sinus 2 qui sont plus utilisé apres
- bufferFlag1540 ds.b 1540
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- codeeff4plan
- ds.w 17+1+2*1714+2
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE2PLAN
- bufferscreens ds.b (65536+32000*6)*2+32000
- endc
- ifeq typedot-TYPE4PLAN
- bufferscreens ds.b (65536+32000*3)*2+32000
- endc
- ;picture2plan ds.l 4000
- ; TEXT
- ; include 'MYMEM.S'
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