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- from __future__ import division
- from math import *
- import random
- import os
- # Pretty
- def MaxDP(x, n):
- s = '%.*f' % (n, x)
- if '.' in s:
- while s[-1:] == '0':
- s = s[:-1]
- if s[-1:] == '.':
- s = s[:-1]
- return s
- # n choose k
- def C(n, k):
- if k >= 0 and k <= n:
- if k == 0 or k == n:
- Result = 1
- else:
- if n < 4:
- Result = n
- else:
- if k <= (n // 2):
- j = k
- else:
- j = n - k
- Numerator = 1
- Divisor = 1
- i = 1
- while i <= j:
- Numerator *= (n - j + i)
- Divisor *= i
- i += 1
- Result = Numerator / Divisor
- else:
- Result = 0
- return Result
- # Permutations of k items drawn from n items
- def P(n, k):
- Result = 1
- Limit = n - k
- x = n
- while x > Limit:
- Result *= x
- x -= 1
- return Result
- # Combinations of k items drawn from n items which include
- # exactly j specified matches.
- def J(n, k, j):
- return C(n - j, k - j)
- # (Faulty) Lotto odds
- def B(n, k, j, b):
- return (C(k, j) * C(1, b) * C(n - k - 1, k - j - b)) / C(n, k)
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 6, 0)
- # 3838380.0
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 5, 1)
- # 639730.0
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 5, 0)
- # 19385.757575757576
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 4, 1)
- # 7754.303030303031
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 4, 0)
- # 484.64393939393943
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 3, 1)
- # 363.4829545454545
- # >>> 1/B(40, 6, 3, 0)
- # 35.17576979472141
- # Slosh's formula:
- def Zb(n, k, j):
- return C(k,j)*C(n-k-1,k-j)/C(n,k)*1/(n-k)
- def Zn(n, k, j):
- return C(k,j)*C(n-k-1,k-j)/C(n,k)*(1 - 1/(n-k))
- # Simulation
- def DieRoll(n):
- return 1 + int(floor(n * random.random()))
- def Draw(n, k):
- # A boring sequence is statistically as good as any other to win even if
- # Lotto forbids the customer to make such a selection and risk sharing
- # their prize with many other people who think runs of numbers are great.
- Line = list(range(1, k + 1))
- LineBonus = k + 1
- Bag = list(range(1, n + 1))
- Drawn = []
- for i in range(k):
- Drawn.append(Bag.pop(DieRoll(len(Bag)) - 1))
- Bonus = Bag.pop(DieRoll(len(Bag)) - 1)
- NumMatches = 0
- for x in Line:
- if x in Drawn:
- NumMatches += 1
- return (NumMatches, Bonus == LineBonus)
- def WinDist(n, k, Trials):
- H = [(0, 0) for j in range(k + 1)]
- i = 0
- while i < Trials:
- i += 1
- (m, b) = Draw(n, k)
- if b:
- H[m] = (H[m][0], H[m][1] + 1)
- else:
- H[m] = (H[m][0] + 1, H[m][1])
- Eta = 1/Trials
- N = [(Eta * x[0], Eta * x[1]) for x in H]
- return N
- # More pretty
- def OddsStr(x, DP=None):
- try:
- Odds = 1/x
- if DP is None:
- DP = max(0, 2 - int(floor(log10(Odds))))
- return '1:' + MaxDP(Odds, DP)
- except (ZeroDivisionError):
- return 'None'
- def OddsH(H, DP=None):
- return [(OddsStr(x[0], DP), OddsStr(x[1], DP)) for x in H]
- def PrintLottoH(H):
- PLose = sum(H[0]) + sum(H[1]) + sum(H[2]) + H[3][0]
- DivRecs = {
- 1: (H[6][0] + H[6][1], '6 balls'),
- 2: (H[5][1], '5 balls + bonus'),
- 3: (H[5][0], '5 balls, no bonus'),
- 4: (H[4][1], '4 balls + bonus'),
- 5: (H[4][0], '4 balls, no bonus'),
- 6: (H[3][1], '3 balls + bonus')
- }
- PWin = 0
- for d in sorted(DivRecs):
- (p, Desc) = DivRecs[d]
- PWin += p
- print 'Division %d (%s): %s' % (d, Desc, OddsStr(p))
- print 'Any division: ' + OddsStr(PWin)
- print 'P(No luck): ' + str(PLose)
- # >>> H = WinDist(40, 6, 50000000)
- # >>> PrintLottoH(H)
- # Division 1 (6 balls): 1:7142857
- # Division 2 (5 balls + bonus): 1:617284
- # Division 3 (5 balls, no bonus): 1:19904
- # Division 4 (4 balls + bonus): 1:16573
- # Division 5 (4 balls, no bonus): 1:466
- # Division 6 (3 balls + bonus): 1:1198
- # Any division: 1:323
- # P(No luck): 0.99690874
- # >>> H
- # [(0.34190612, 0.00847088), (0.42398538, 0.01088244), (0.17660452000000001, 0.00470074), (0.03035866, 0.00083488), (0.00214404, 6.034e-05), (5.024e-05, 1.62e-06), (1.4e-07, 0.0)]
- # >>> OddsH(H)
- # [('1:2.92', '1:118'), ('1:2.36', '1:91.9'), ('1:5.66', '1:213'), ('1:32.9', '1:1198'), ('1:466', '1:16573'), ('1:19904', '1:617284'), ('1:7142857', 'None')]
- # >>> H = WinDist(40, 6, 1000000000)
- > >> PrintLottoH(H)
- # Division 1 (6 balls): 1:4032258
- # Division 2 (5 balls + bonus): 1:621118
- # Division 3 (5 balls, no bonus): 1:19390
- # Division 4 (4 balls + bonus): 1:16413
- # Division 5 (4 balls, no bonus): 1:469
- # Division 6 (3 balls + bonus): 1:1197
- # Any division: 1:324
- # P(No luck): 0.996917296
- # >>> H
- # [(0.34188522200000004, 0.008488078000000001), (0.424051646, 0.010917859), (0.17652759, 0.00470585), (0.030341051, 0.000835703), (0.002132643, 6.0927e-05), (5.1573e-05, 1.61e-06), (2.43e-07, 5e-09)]
- # >>> OddsH(H)
- # [('1:2.92', '1:118'), ('1:2.36', '1:91.6'), ('1:5.66', '1:213'), ('1:33', '1:1197'), ('1:469', '1:16413'), ('1:19390', '1:621118'), ('1:4115226', '1:200000000')]
- # >>> H1 = [(Zn(40,6,j), Zb(40,6,j)) for j in range(7)]
- # >>> OddsH(H1)
- # [('1:3.57', '1:118'), ('1:2.78', '1:91.6'), ('1:6.44', '1:213'), ('1:36.2', '1:1196'), ('1:499', '1:16478'), ('1:19973', '1:659116'), ('1:3954695', '1:130504920')]
- #
- # >>> PrintLottoH(H1)
- # Division 1 (6 balls): 1:3838380
- # Division 2 (5 balls + bonus): 1:659116
- # Division 3 (5 balls, no bonus): 1:19973
- # Division 4 (4 balls + bonus): 1:16478
- # Division 5 (4 balls, no bonus): 1:499
- # Division 6 (3 balls + bonus): 1:1196
- # Any division: 1:339
- # P(No luck): 0.847048647668
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