
here test this mum on 999dice

Apr 27th, 2020
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  1. function getR(min, max) {
  2. min = Math.ceil(min);
  3. max = Math.floor(max);
  4. return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
  5. }
  6. function go () {
  7. var x =getR(1,3);
  8. $('#LastBetInfoSecret').unbind('DOMSubtreeModified')
  9. onBetComplete = function(e){
  10. if (x==1) {
  11. mySeed = 633953150;
  12. }
  13. else if (x==2)
  14. {
  15. mySeed = 7777;
  16. } else {
  17. myseed = 999;
  18. }
  19. setTimeout(() => {
  20. $(".ManualSeedControls:visible input").val(mySeed)}, 50);
  21. }
  22. $('#LastBetInfoSecret').bind('DOMSubtreeModified', onBetComplete );}
  23. let timerId = setInterval(() => go(), 50);
  24. var maxstrike =15;
  25. var stoploss = 50;// %
  26. var min = 80;
  27. var max = 95;
  28. //--------------------------
  29. var balance = parseFloat(document.getElementsByClassName("Numbers HighlightedText UserBalance")[0].innerText);
  30. var minbet = balance/100000;
  31. var basebet;
  32. var profit = parseFloat($('#LastBetInfoProfit').html());
  33. var bet;
  34. var betid;
  35. var chance = 93;
  36. var startbalance = balance;
  37. var sbalance = balance;
  38. var tick = 0;
  39. var betting = true;
  40. var maxbet = startbalance*stoploss/100;
  41. var b;
  42. var i = 0;
  44. b = balance*stoploss/100;
  45. while(i<maxstrike){
  46. b/=4;
  47. i++;
  48. }
  49. basebet = b;
  50. if(basebet < minbet) basebet = minbet;
  51. bet = basebet;
  53. document.getElementById('BetSizeInput').value = (bet).toFixed(8);
  54. document.getElementById('BetChanceInput').value = chance;
  55. $('#BetLowButton').click();
  56. balance = parseFloat(document.getElementsByClassName("Numbers HighlightedText UserBalance")[0].innerText);
  57. profit = parseFloat($('#LastBetInfoProfit').html());
  59. startbalance = balance;
  60. console.log('Game started at balance ',(balance).toFixed(8));
  62. setInterval("roll()", 1000);
  64. function roll(){
  65. tick+=1;
  66. if (betting && tick >=15 || betid != parseFloat($('#LastBetInfoSecret').html())){
  67. betid = parseFloat($('#LastBetInfoSecret').html());
  68. profit = parseFloat($('#LastBetInfoProfit').html());
  69. balance = parseFloat(document.getElementsByClassName("Numbers HighlightedText UserBalance")[0].innerText);
  72. if(profit < 0){
  73. if(balance-bet*4 > startbalance*stoploss/100)bet*=4;
  74. else if(balance-bet*2 > startbalance*stoploss/100)bet*=2;
  75. }else{
  76. if(balance > startbalance){
  77. i = 0;
  78. b = balance*stoploss/100;
  79. while(i<maxstrike){
  80. b/=4;
  81. i++;
  82. }
  83. basebet = b;
  84. if(basebet < minbet) basebet = minbet;
  85. bet = basebet;
  86. console.log('Current balance ',(balance).toFixed(8),' profit ',(balance-startbalance).toFixed(8),
  87. ' Session profit ',(balance-sbalance).toFixed(8),' ',(100*(balance-sbalance)/sbalance).toFixed(2),'%');
  88. startbalance = balance;
  89. maxbet = startbalance*stoploss/100;
  90. }
  91. }
  93. chance = (Math.random() * (max - min) + min).toFixed(2);
  95. if(betting && bet <= maxbet){
  96. document.getElementById('BetSizeInput').value = (bet).toFixed(8);
  97. document.getElementById('BetChanceInput').value = chance;
  98. if(Math.random() < 0.5){
  99. $('#BetLowButton').click();
  100. }else{
  101. $('#BetHighButton').click();
  102. }
  103. tick = 0;
  104. }else{
  105. betting = false;
  106. console.log('Game stopped at balance ',(balance).toFixed(8),' Loss ',(startbalance - balance).toFixed(8));
  107. }
  108. }
  109. }
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