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- warn([[
- You know, sometimes you're gonna wish you could just have your own
- empty space. No one around to gaze at you; No one in your space;
- No one judging. But sometimes, you should just shrug it off.
- Be yourself. You do you. The only one who decides..
- Is you.
- And you, yes you my friend.
- YOU are one and only. no one else can change THAT.
- ]])
- wait(1/60)
- --// Shortcut Variables \\--
- local S = setmetatable({},{__index = function(s,i) return game:service(i) end})
- local CF = {,A=CFrame.Angles,fEA=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ}
- local C3 = {tRGB= function(c3) return c3.r*255,c3.g*255,c3.b*255 end,,RGB=Color3.fromRGB,HSV=Color3.fromHSV,tHSV=Color3.toHSV}
- local V3 = {,FNI=Vector3.FromNormalId,A=Vector3.FromAxis}
- local M = {C=math.cos,R=math.rad,S=math.sin,P=math.pi,RNG=math.random,MRS=math.randomseed,H=math.huge,RRNG = function(min,max,div) return math.rad(math.random(min,max)/(div or 1)) end}
- local R3 = {}
- local De = S.Debris
- local WS = workspace
- local Lght = S.Lighting
- local RepS = S.ReplicatedStorage
- local IN =
- local Plrs = S.Players
- --// Initializing \\--
- local Plr = owner
- local Char = Plr.Character
- local Hum = Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'
- local RArm = Char["Right Arm"]
- local LArm = Char["Left Arm"]
- local RLeg = Char["Right Leg"]
- local LLeg = Char["Left Leg"]
- local Root = Char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
- local Torso = Char.Torso
- local Head = Char.Head
- local NeutralAnims = true
- local Attack = false
- local Debounces = {Debounces={}}
- local Mouse = Plr:GetMouse()
- local Hit = {}
- local Sine = 0
- local Change = 1
- local BloodPuddles = {}
- local Awakened = false
- local Effects = IN("Folder",Char)
- Effects.Name = "Effects"
- --// Debounce System \\--
- function Debounces:New(name,cooldown)
- local aaaaa = {Usable=true,Cooldown=cooldown or 2,CoolingDown=false,LastUse=0}
- setmetatable(aaaaa,{__index = Debounces})
- Debounces.Debounces[name] = aaaaa
- return aaaaa
- end
- function Debounces:Use(overrideUsable)
- assert(self.Usable ~= nil and self.LastUse ~= nil and self.CoolingDown ~= nil,"Expected ':' not '.' calling member function Use")
- if(self.Usable or overrideUsable)then
- self.Usable = false
- self.CoolingDown = true
- local LastUse = time()
- self.LastUse = LastUse
- delay(self.Cooldown or 2,function()
- if(self.LastUse == LastUse)then
- self.CoolingDown = false
- self.Usable = true
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- function Debounces:Get(name)
- assert(typeof(name) == 'string',("bad argument #1 to 'get' (string expected, got %s)"):format(typeof(name) == nil and "no value" or typeof(name)))
- for i,v in next, Debounces.Debounces do
- if(i == name)then
- return v;
- end
- end
- end
- function Debounces:GetProgressPercentage()
- assert(self.Usable ~= nil and self.LastUse ~= nil and self.CoolingDown ~= nil,"Expected ':' not '.' calling member function Use")
- if(self.CoolingDown and not self.Usable)then
- return math.max(
- math.floor(
- (
- (time()-self.LastUse)/self.Cooldown or 2
- )*100
- )
- )
- else
- return 100
- end
- end
- --// Instance Creation Functions \\--
- local baseSound = IN("Sound")
- function Sound(parent,id,pitch,volume,looped,effect,autoPlay)
- local Sound = baseSound:Clone()
- Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://".. tostring(id or 0)
- Sound.Pitch = pitch or 1
- Sound.Volume = volume or 1
- Sound.Looped = looped or false
- if(autoPlay)then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- repeat wait() until Sound.IsLoaded
- Sound.Playing = autoPlay or false
- end)()
- end
- if(not looped and effect)then
- Sound.Stopped:connect(function()
- Sound.Volume = 0
- Sound:destroy()
- end)
- elseif(effect)then
- warn("Sound can't be looped and a sound effect!")
- end
- Sound.Parent =parent or Torso
- return Sound
- end
- function Part(parent,color,material,size,cframe,anchored,cancollide)
- local part = IN("Part")
- part.Parent = parent or Char
- part[typeof(color) == 'BrickColor' and 'BrickColor' or 'Color'] = color or C3.N(0,0,0)
- part.Material = material or Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
- part.TopSurface,part.BottomSurface=10,10
- part.Size = size or V3.N(1,1,1)
- part.CFrame = cframe or CF.N(0,0,0)
- part.CanCollide = cancollide or false
- part.Anchored = anchored or false
- return part
- end
- function Weld(part0,part1,c0,c1)
- local weld = IN("Weld")
- weld.Parent = part0
- weld.Part0 = part0
- weld.Part1 = part1
- weld.C0 = c0 or CF.N()
- weld.C1 = c1 or CF.N()
- return weld
- end
- function Mesh(parent,meshtype,meshid,textid,scale,offset)
- local part = IN("SpecialMesh")
- part.MeshId = meshid or ""
- part.TextureId = textid or ""
- part.Scale = scale or V3.N(1,1,1)
- part.Offset = offset or V3.N(0,0,0)
- part.MeshType = meshtype or Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- part.Parent = parent
- return part
- end
- NewInstance = function(instance,parent,properties)
- local inst =
- inst.Parent = parent
- if(properties)then
- for i,v in next, properties do
- pcall(function() inst[i] = v end)
- end
- end
- return inst;
- end
- local Frame_Speed = 60 -- The frame speed for swait. 1 is automatically divided by this
- local Remove_Hats = false
- local Remove_Clothing = false
- local PlayerSize = 1
- local DamageColor ='CGA brown'
- local MusicID = 2327416065
- local God = true
- local Muted = false
- Sound(Root,MusicID,1,100,true,false,true)
- local WalkSpeed = 100
- --// Weapon and GUI creation, and Character Customization \\--
- if(Remove_Hats)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Accessory",true) end
- if(Remove_Clothing)then Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"Clothing",true) Instance.ClearChildrenOfClass(Char,"ShirtGraphic",true) end
- if(PlayerSize ~= 1)then
- for _,v in next, Char:GetDescendants() do
- if(v:IsA'BasePart')then
- v.Size = v.Size * PlayerSize
- end
- end
- end
- --// Stop animations \\--
- for _,v in next, Hum:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do
- v:Stop();
- end
- pcall(game.Destroy,Char:FindFirstChild'Animate')
- pcall(game.Destroy,Hum:FindFirstChild'Animator')
- --// Joints \\--
- local LS = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=LArm,C0 = CF.N(-1.5 * PlayerSize,0.5 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
- local RS = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=RArm,C0 = CF.N(1.5 * PlayerSize,0.5 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
- local NK = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=Head,C0 = CF.N(0,1.5 * PlayerSize,0)})
- local LH = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=LLeg,C0 = CF.N(-.5 * PlayerSize,-1 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,1 * PlayerSize,0)})
- local RH = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Torso,Part1=RLeg,C0 = CF.N(.5 * PlayerSize,-1 * PlayerSize,0),C1 = CF.N(0,1 * PlayerSize,0)})
- local RJ = NewInstance('Motor',Char,{Part0=Root,Part1=Torso})
- local LSC0 = LS.C0
- local RSC0 = RS.C0
- local NKC0 = NK.C0
- local LHC0 = LH.C0
- local RHC0 = RH.C0
- local RJC0 = RJ.C0
- --// Artificial HB \\--
- local ArtificialHB = IN("BindableEvent", script)
- ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
- script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
- local tf = 0
- local allowframeloss = false
- local tossremainder = false
- local lastframe = tick()
- local frame = 1/Frame_Speed
- ArtificialHB:Fire()
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
- tf = tf + s
- if tf >= frame then
- if allowframeloss then
- script.Heartbeat:Fire()
- lastframe = tick()
- else
- for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
- ArtificialHB:Fire()
- end
- lastframe = tick()
- end
- if tossremainder then
- tf = 0
- else
- tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
- end
- end
- end)
- function swait(num)
- if num == 0 or num == nil then
- ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
- else
- for i = 0, num do
- ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
- end
- end
- end
- function CastRay(startPos,endPos,range,ignoreList)
- local ray =,(endPos-startPos).unit*range)
- local part,pos,norm = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,ignoreList or {Char},false,true)
- return part,pos,norm,(pos and (startPos-pos).magnitude)
- end
- function getRegion(point,range,ignore)
- return workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(R3.N(point-V3.N(1,1,1)*range/2,point+V3.N(1,1,1)*range/2),ignore,100)
- end
- function clerp(startCF,endCF,alpha)
- return startCF:lerp(endCF, alpha)
- end
- function GetTorso(char)
- return char:FindFirstChild'Torso' or char:FindFirstChild'UpperTorso' or char:FindFirstChild'LowerTorso' or char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'
- end
- while true do
- swait()
- Sine = Sine + Change
- if(God)then
- Hum.MaxHealth = 1e100
- Hum.Health = 1e100
- if(not Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'ForceField')then IN("ForceField",Char).Visible = false end
- Hum.Name = M.RNG()*100
- Hum.HipHeight = 6
- Hum.JumpPower = 100
- end
- local hitfloor,posfloor = workspace:FindPartOnRay(,((,Root.Position -,1,0))).lookVector).unit * ((6+Hum.HipHeight)*PlayerSize)), Char)
- local Walking = (math.abs(Root.Velocity.x) > 1 or math.abs(Root.Velocity.z) > 1)
- local State = (Hum.PlatformStand and 'Paralyzed' or Hum.Sit and 'Sit' or not hitfloor and Root.Velocity.y < -1 and "Fall" or not hitfloor and Root.Velocity.y > 1 and "Jump" or hitfloor and Walking and "Walk" or hitfloor and "Idle")
- if(not Effects or not Effects.Parent)then
- Effects = IN("Model",Char)
- Effects.Name = "Effects"
- end
- Hum.WalkSpeed = WalkSpeed
- if(NeutralAnims)then
- if(State == 'Idle')then
- local Alpha = .1
- Change = 1
- RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.N(0,0+.6*M.C(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(20-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,0),Alpha)
- NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(M.R(-20+2.5*M.S(Sine/30)),0,0),Alpha)
- LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(-20-7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(-5-5*M.S(Sine/20))),Alpha)
- RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(-20-7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(5+5*M.S(Sine/20))),Alpha)
- LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,.1-.15*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(0+7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(-5-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)))*CF.A(M.R(-7.5),0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
- RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,.6-.25*M.S(Sine/20),-.6)*CF.A(M.R(0+7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(5+2.5*M.S(Sine/20)))*CF.A(M.R(-7.5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
- elseif(State == 'Run')then
- local Alpha = .1
- Change = 1
- RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0,Alpha)
- NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0,Alpha)
- LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0,Alpha)
- RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0,Alpha)
- LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0,Alpha)
- RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0,Alpha)
- elseif(State == 'Walk')then
- local Alpha = .1
- Change = 1
- RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.N(0,0+.6*M.C(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(-25-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,0),Alpha)
- NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(M.R(-20+2.5*M.S(Sine/30)),0,0),Alpha)
- LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(25-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(-5-2.5*M.S(Sine/20))),Alpha)
- RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.N(0,.1*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(25-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(5+2.5*M.S(Sine/20))),Alpha)
- LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.N(0,.1-.15*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(-10+7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(-5-2.5*M.S(Sine/20)))*CF.A(M.R(-7.5),0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
- RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,.1-.15*M.S(Sine/20),0)*CF.A(M.R(-10+7.5*M.S(Sine/20)),0,M.R(5+2.5*M.S(Sine/20)))*CF.A(M.R(-7.5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
- elseif(State == 'Jump')then
- local Alpha = .1
- local idk = math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/50,-M.R(90)),M.R(90))
- LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(-90)),Alpha)
- RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(90)),Alpha)
- RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
- NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
- LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.A(0,0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
- RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,1,-1)*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
- elseif(State == 'Fall')then
- local Alpha = .1
- local idk = math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/50,-M.R(90)),M.R(90))
- LS.C0 = LS.C0:lerp(LSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(-90)+idk),Alpha)
- RS.C0 = RS.C0:lerp(RSC0*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(90)-idk),Alpha)
- RJ.C0 = RJ.C0:lerp(RJC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
- NK.C0 = NK.C0:lerp(NKC0*CF.A(math.min(math.max(Root.Velocity.Y/100,-M.R(45)),M.R(45)),0,0),Alpha)
- LH.C0 = LH.C0:lerp(LHC0*CF.A(0,0,M.R(-5)),Alpha)
- RH.C0 = RH.C0:lerp(RHC0*CF.N(0,1,-1)*CF.A(M.R(-5),0,M.R(5)),Alpha)
- elseif(State == 'Paralyzed')then
- -- paralyzed
- elseif(State == 'Sit')then
- -- sit
- end
- end
- for i,v in next, BloodPuddles do
- local mesh = i:FindFirstChild'CylinderMesh'
- BloodPuddles[i] = v + 1
- if(not mesh or i.Transparency >= 1)then
- i:destroy()
- BloodPuddles[i] = nil
- elseif(v >= Frame_Speed*4)then
- local trans = (v-Frame_Speed*4)/(Frame_Speed*2)
- i.Transparency = trans
- if(mesh.Scale.Z > 0)then
- mesh.Scale = mesh.Scale-V3.N(.05,0,.05)
- end
- else
- i.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
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