

Nov 16th, 2022
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  2. Let's make a game!
  3. name:cows of War
  4. by:Kaleb
  5. desc:This game is for cow people, cows are majestic and deserve a game.
  6. created:11/16/2022
  7. updated:11/16/2022
  8. version:1
  10. Settings
  11. background:
  12. building cost increate:115%
  13. building cost refund:50%
  14. spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48
  15. stylesheet:stuff/bigBlue.css
  16. Layout
  17. use default
  19. Buttons
  20. *cowButton
  21. name:Make a cow
  22. desc:Click to earn milk!
  23. on click:anim icon wobble
  24. on click:yield 1 cow
  25. on click:if (have goldenTouch and (1%)) yield 1 goldenMilk
  26. icon:
  27. no text
  28. class:bigButton hasFlares
  29. icon class:shadowed
  30. tooltip origin:bottom
  31. tooltip class:yellow
  33. Resources
  34. *cow|cows
  35. name:cow|cows
  36. desc: These are cows, they are used to purchase upgrades and units in the shop.
  37. icon:icons[0,0]
  38. class:noBackground
  39. show earned
  41. *goldenMilk|goldenMilks
  42. name:Gold Milk| Gold Milks
  43. desc:These are rare currency. Used for things normal cows can't do, save them.
  44. icon:icons[0,0]
  45. class:noBackground
  46. hidden when 0
  48. Shinies
  49. *holycow
  50. on click:log Woop
  51. movement:onRight moveLeft fade bounce:0.05
  52. frequency:60
  53. frequency variation: 30
  54. icon:
  55. class:bigButton
  56. on click:
  57. $boost=1
  58. if (have clover) $boost=4
  59. if (chance(25%))
  60. //get al least 7, or between 1 and 3 minutes of our cow production
  61. $amount=max(7,random(cows:ps*60*1,cows:ps*60*3))*$boost
  62. toast The Holy cow grants you<//><b>[$amount] cows</b>.
  63. yield $amount cows
  64. else
  65. $amount=1*$boost
  66. toast The Holy cow grants you<//><b>[$amount] golden milks[s?$amount]</b>!
  67. end
  68. end
  70. Buildings
  72. on click: anim glow
  74. *hand|hands
  75. name:Helping hand|Helping hands
  76. desc:They help a bit.<//><b>Action:</b><.>Milks 1 cow every 10 seconds.
  77. icon:icons[3,0]
  78. cost: 20 cows
  79. on tick: yield 0.1 cow
  80. unlocked
  81. *haybale|haybales
  82. name:hay bale:hay bales
  83. desc:Allows cows to eat resulting in greater production.<//><b>Action:</b><.>Feeds 1 cow every 2 seconds.
  84. icon:icons[3,1]
  85. cost: 100 cows
  86. on tick: yield 0.5 cows
  87. req:100 cows:earned
  89. *tom|thomas
  90. name:tom|Thomas
  91. desc:Is it tom or Thomas?<//><b>Action:</b><.>Produces 10 cows per second.
  92. icon:icons[3,2]
  93. cost:600 cows
  94. on tick: yield 10 cows
  95. req:600 cows:earned
  96. *milkHut|milkHuts
  97. name:Milk Hut|Milk Huts
  98. desc: Sells your cow milk to people around the world<//><b>Action:</b><.>Sells 50 milk jugs per second.
  99. icon:icons[3,3]
  100. cost: 1300 cows
  101. on tick:yield 50 cows
  102. req:1300 cows:earned
  104. Upgrades
  105. *TEMPLATE
  106. on click:anim glow
  107. //Milk Upgrades
  110. *BetterHay
  111. name:Better Hay
  112. desc:Allows your cows to have a more nutritous snack!<//><b>Action:</b><.> +1 cows/click
  113. icon: icons[1,1]
  114. cost:100 cows
  115. passive:increase cow yield of cowButton by 1
  116. req:10 cows:earned
  117. *BetterBottles
  118. name:Better Bottles
  119. desc:Allows Milk to be packaged neater.<//><b>Action:</b><.>+2 cows/click
  120. icon:icons[1,2]
  121. cost:200 cows
  122. passive:increase cow yield of cowButton by 2
  123. req:50 cows:earned
  124. *MoreMoo
  125. name:More Moo
  126. desc:It's the name, cows will moo into the bottle. Restoring thou' who drinks from the blessed jug.
  127. icon:icons[1.3]
  128. cost: 400 cows
  129. passive:increase cow yield of cowButton by 3
  130. req:200 cows:earned
  132. //building upgrades
  134. *buildingUpgrade1
  135. name:Speed Milk
  136. desc:The milk is fast man, like... fast.
  137. icon:icons[2,0] icons[3,0]
  138. cost: 1000 cows
  139. passive:multiply yield of hand by 2
  140. passive:multiply yield of hay bale by 2
  141. passive:multiply yield of tom by 2
  142. req:(hands>=10 or hay bale>+10 or tom>=10)
  144. //golden milk upgrades
  146. *goldenMoo
  147. name:Golden Moo
  148. desc: The delicate art of a moo, straight from a cow. Calling out accorss the sacred land blessing every milk jug produced to be magical.
  149. icon:icons[2,5]
  150. cost: 1 goldenMilk:earned
  152. Achievements
  153. *TEMPLATE
  155. *cowAchiev1
  156. name:Milk Man
  157. desc:Have <b>1</b> hand.
  158. req: 1 hand
  159. icon:icons [2,4] icons[0,2] icons[0,6]
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