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- #!/usr/bin/env node
- // run it like this:
- //
- // JDBOT_USERNAME=bolux JDBOT_PASSWORD=future2000 node jdbot.js
- //
- // or like this:
- //
- // JDBOT_HASH=096af33d16104d4d72db4026fc76471372183c132be8acac9aa03176af68ffc3 node jdbot.js
- //
- // and include a JDBOT_CODE=123456 at the start if you need 2FA to log in
- var request = require('request');
- var url = "";
- var transport = 'websocket'; // Replace 'websocket' with the desired transport mechanism
- var cookie = 'hash=096af33d16104d4d72db4026fc76471372183c132be8acac9aa03176af68ffc3; connect.sid=s%3A6p2Au_V3ZKg2S45GOThxbkrd.9fBLOhWaMPNob9bXsWz5Q0BD7lwIyB0Fqy3cehAZo%2BA';
- var socket = require('')(url, { transports: [transport], extraHeaders: { origin: url, cookie: cookie } });
- // my local test instance doesn't have an SSL certificate
- if (process.env.JDBOT_TESTING == '1') {
- url = "";
- }
- // EITHER (A) call login_then_run_bot() with your 64 character hash:
- login_then_run_bot({hash: process.env.JDBOT_HASH,
- username: process.env.JDBOT_USERNAME,
- password: process.env.JDBOT_PASSWORD,
- code: process.env.JDBOT_CODE
- });
- // OR (B) as a shortcut, call run_bot() with your full hash+sid cookie (as shown when you use login_then_run_bot()) to skip the login step:
- // cookie = 'hash=096af33d16104d4d72db4026fc76471372183c132be8acac9aa03176af68ffc3; connect.sid=s%3A6p2Au_V3ZKg2S45GOThxbkrd.9fBLOhWaMPNob9bXsWz5Q0BD7lwIyB0Fqy3cehAZo%2BA';
- // run_bot(cookie);
- var version = '0.1.5',
- socket,
- csrf,
- uid,
- balance,
- max_profit,
- base, factor, steps, martingale = false, martingale_delay = 10,
- flatbet_seconds, flatbet_count,
- bet_in_progress,
- chance = '49.5',
- stake = '0',
- hilo = 'hi',
- bet_stake_threshold = 1,
- bet_profit_threshold = 1,
- show_all_my_bets = true,
- user_profit = {};
- function init_readline() {
- var readline = require('readline').createInterface({
- input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, terminal: false
- });
- readline.on('line', handle_command);
- readline.on('close', function() {
- console.log('Have a great day!');
- process.exit(0);
- });
- }
- var last_command;
- function handle_command(txt) {
- // hit return to repeat last line
- if (txt === '') {
- if (last_command)
- return handle_command(last_command);
- txt = '.help';
- }
- last_command = txt;
- if (!socket) {
- console.log('not connected');
- return;
- }
- // lines that don't begin with a dot are sent as if entered in the chat box
- if (!txt.match(/^[.]/)) {
- socket.emit('chat', csrf, txt);
- return;
- }
- txt = txt.substring(1);
- // split command into array of words
- txt = txt.split(/\s+/);
- try {
- switch (txt[0]) {
- case 'b':
- case 'bet':
- bet(stake, chance, hilo);
- break;
- case 'c':
- case 'chance':
- validate_number(txt[1]);
- chance = tidy(txt[1], 4);
- console.log('set chance to', chance + '%');
- break;
- case 'd':
- case 'deposit':
- socket.emit('deposit', csrf);
- break;
- case 'f':
- case 'flat':
- case 'flatbet':
- // .flatbet <seconds>
- validate_integer(txt[1]); flatbet_seconds = parseInt(txt[1]);
- console.log('flat betting stake', stake, 'chance', chance, 'for', flatbet_seconds, 'seconds');
- flatbet_count = 0;
- bet(stake, chance, hilo);
- setTimeout(function() {
- console.log('flat betting timeout; made', flatbet_count, 'bets in', flatbet_seconds, 'seconds; ', flatbet_count/flatbet_seconds, 'bets per second');
- flatbet_seconds = 0;
- }, flatbet_seconds * 1000);
- break;
- case 'h':
- case 'hi':
- case 'high':
- hilo = 'hi';
- console.log('set hi/lo to hi');
- break;
- case 'l':
- case 'lo':
- case 'low':
- hilo = 'lo';
- console.log('set hi/lo to lo');
- break;
- case 'login':
- validate_string(txt[1]);
- validate_string(txt[2]);
- console.log('attempting to log in <username> <password> [2FA code]');
- socket.emit('login', csrf, txt[1], txt[2], txt[3]);
- break;
- case 'm':
- case 'martin':
- case 'martingale':
- // .martingale <base> <factor> <steps>
- validate_number(txt[1]); base = parseFloat(txt[1]);
- validate_number(txt[2]); factor = parseFloat(txt[2]);
- validate_integer(txt[3]); steps = parseInt(txt[3]);
- console.log('martingaling from base', txt[1] + ', multiplying by', txt[2], 'on loss, and making', txt[3], 'bets');
- martingale = true;
- steps--;
- bet(stake = base, chance, hilo);
- break;
- case 'n':
- case 'name':
- validate_string(txt[1]);
- console.log('attempting to change name to "' + txt[1] + '"');
- socket.emit('name', csrf, txt[1]);
- break;
- case 'passwd':
- validate_string(txt[1]);
- validate_string(txt[2]);
- console.log('attempting to change password <from> <to>');
- socket.emit('change_password', csrf, txt[1], txt[2]);
- break;
- case 'p':
- case 'payout':
- validate_number(txt[1]);
- chance = tidy(99 / txt[1], 4);
- console.log('set chance to', chance + '%');
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'stake':
- validate_number(txt[1]);
- stake = tidy(txt[1], 8);
- console.log('set stake to', stake);
- break;
- case 't':
- case 'tog':
- case 'toggle':
- hilo = 'tog';
- console.log('set hi/lo to toggle');
- break;
- case 'userpass':
- validate_string(txt[1]);
- validate_string(txt[2]);
- console.log('attempting to set username to "' + txt[1] + '"');
- socket.emit('setup_account', csrf, txt[1], txt[2]);
- break;
- case 'w':
- case 'wd':
- case 'withdraw':
- validate_address(txt[1]);
- validate_number(txt[2]);
- console.log('withdrawing', txt[2], 'to', txt[1]);
- socket.emit('withdraw', csrf, txt[1], txt[2], txt[3]);
- break;
- case '?':
- case 'help':
- show_help();
- break;
- default:
- console.log('unknown command;', txt[0]);
- break;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(err);
- }
- }
- function validate_address(addr) {
- if (addr === undefined)
- throw new Error("missing required address");
- if (!addr.match(/^x[1-9a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z]{33}$/))
- throw new Error("invalid CLAM address");
- }
- function validate_integer(num) {
- if (num === undefined)
- throw new Error("missing required integer");
- if (!num.match(/^[1-9][0-9]*$/))
- throw new Error("number should have nothing other than digits in it");
- }
- function validate_number(num) {
- if (num === undefined)
- throw new Error("missing required number");
- if (!num.match(/[0-9]/))
- throw new Error("number should have some digits in it");
- if (num.match(/[.].*[.]/))
- throw new Error("number should have no more than one dot in it");
- if (!num.match(/^[0-9.]*$/))
- throw new Error("number should have nothing other than digits and dots in it");
- }
- function validate_string(str) {
- if (str === undefined)
- throw new Error("missing required string");
- }
- function show_news(news) {
- console.log('NEWS:', news);
- }
- function show_help() {
- console.log('type to chat, or (.b)et, (.c)hance, (.d)eposit, (.f)latbet, (.h)i, (.l)o, (.m)artingale (.n)ame (.p)ayout, (.s)take, (.t)oggle (.w)ithdraw (.help)');
- console.log('hit return on its own to repeat last line');
- }
- function tidy(val, fixed)
- {
- if (fixed === undefined)
- fixed=8;
- if (typeof(val) == 'number')
- val = val.toFixed(fixed);
- val = val.replace(/([.].*?)0+$/, '$1'); // remove trailing zeroes after the decimal point
- val = val.replace(/[.]$/, ''); // remove trailing decimal point
- return val;
- }
- var last_hilo;
- function bet(stake, chance, hilo) {
- if (bet_in_progress) {
- console.log('you have a bet in progress already');
- return;
- }
- // if we're toggling, toggle
- if (hilo == 'tog') {
- if (last_hilo == 'hi')
- last_hilo = 'lo';
- else
- last_hilo = 'hi';
- } else
- // else just remember what we bet in case we toggle next time
- last_hilo = hilo;
- console.log('BET:', stake, '@', tidy(chance, 4) + '%', last_hilo);
- bet_in_progress = true;
- socket.emit('bet', csrf, {chance: tidy(chance, 4), bet: stake, which: last_hilo});
- }
- function login_then_run_bot(credentials) {
- login(credentials, function(err, cookie) {
- if (err) {
- console.log('ERROR:', err);
- return;
- }
- console.log('logged in; got cookie (secret - do not share!):');
- console.log(cookie);
- run_bot(cookie);
- });
- }
- function login(credentials, cb) {
- var jar = request.jar();
- req = {url: url, jar: jar, form: {}}
- if (credentials.hash) {
- if (credentials.username || credentials.password)
- return cb('either specify a hash or a username and password');
- jar.setCookie(request.cookie('hash=' + credentials.hash), url);
- }
- if (credentials.username) req.form.username = credentials.username;
- if (credentials.password) req.form.password = credentials.password;
- if (credentials.code) req.form.code = credentials.code;
-, function(err, res, body) {
- if (err)
- return cb(err);
- // console.log(body);
- if (body.match(/Please enter your 6 digit google authentification number/))
- return cb('that account requires a correct 2FA code and hash to log in; 2FA codes can only be used once each');
- if (body.match(/Your account is set up to require a google authentification code for this action/))
- return cb('that account requires a 2FA code in addition to the username and password to log in');
- if (body.match(/Please enter your username/))
- return cb('that account requires a correct username and password, and possibly 2FA code; 2FA codes can only be used once each');
- var cookie = jar.getCookieString(url);
- if (!cookie.match(/hash=/))
- return cb('bad hash');
- return cb(null, cookie);
- });
- }
- var first_login = true;
- function run_bot(cookie) {
- if (first_login) {
- init_readline();
- first_login = false;
- }
- show_help();
- var transport = 'websocket';
- // var transport = 'polling';
- var inits = 0;
- socket = require("")(url, {transports: [transport],
- extraHeaders: {
- origin: url,
- cookie: cookie
- }});
- socket.on('getver', function(key) {
- socket.emit('version', csrf, key, "jdbot:" + version);
- });
- socket.on('error', function(err) {
- console.log('caught error:', err);
- });
- socket.on('news', function(news) {
- show_news(news);
- });
- socket.on('staked', function(dat) {
- var ourstake = dat.stake_pft ? '; your share = ' + tidy(dat.stake_share) + '; your total = ' + tidy(dat.stake_pft) + '' : '';
- console.log('STAKED: we just staked', tidy(dat.stake), '(total =', tidy( + ourstake + ')');
- });
- socket.on('tip', function(from, name, amount, comment, ignored) {
- // only show tips if we didn't ignore the sender
- if (!ignored)
- console.log('TIP: you received', amount, 'from (' + from + ') <' + name + '>' + (comment ? ' [' + comment + ']' : ''));
- });
- socket.on('init', function(data) {
- uid = data.uid;
- if (!inits++) {
- // only do this stuff the first time we connect, not on reconnection
- // data is something like this:
- //
- // { api: 0,
- // balance: '988.00000000',
- // bankroll: '500215.49619137',
- // bet: 0.5,
- // bets: '2474',
- // chance: 33,
- // chat:
- // [ '{"user":"1243","name":"tammie","txt":"chat text 1"}',
- // '1437445872584',
- // '{"user":"1","name":"@derpy","txt":"etc."}',
- // '1437452160715',
- // '{"user":"1","name":"@derpy","txt":"etc.}',
- // '1437452172081' ],
- // csrf: 'f68wiCdKcdf6',
- // edge: 1,
- // fee: 0.001,
- // ga: { active: false, failures: 0, last: '327860', ok: 1437123260013 },
- // ignores: [],
- // investment: 500181.4929641858,
- // invest_pft: 181.49296418577433,
- // login: '<p>You can log into the same account from a different computer or browser using <a href="/e47004523222720bdf835f741505f7acd9d7ead728893b65fd4ac59b07a33a20">this link</a>.<br/>Protect this secret link as it can be used to access your account balance.</p><p>If you prefer to use a more traditional and secure approach then<button id="setup_account">set up a username and password</button>.</p>',
- // losses: '1305',
- // luck: '96.28%',
- // max_profit: '130001.07',
- // name: 'dooglus',
- // news: 'no news is set',
- // nonce: '477',
- // offsite: 25500000,
- // percent: 99.99986921944092,
- // profit: '-108.01000000',
- // seed: '770695475991960934442523',
- // settings:
- // { max_bet: 1,
- // chat_watch_player: null,
- // alert_words: 'dooglus',
- // alert: 1,
- // hilite: 1,
- // pmding: 1,
- // chat_min_risk: 1,
- // chat_min_change: 1,
- // styleme: 1 },
- // shash: 'bf7feb2c04020f94262d9f01fa62fa4ce527e58f357372969ccb46c2ab85d3ed',
- // stake_pft: 98.6989727076143,
- // uid: '1',
- // username: null,
- // wagered: '2295.81000000',
- // wins: '1169',
- // stats:
- // { bets: '3315',
- // wins: 1542,
- // losses: 1773,
- // luck: 3217.2707228742447,
- // wagered: 2824.9700003,
- // profit: -94.09198439,
- // commission: 22.264911885550614,
- // taken: 0,
- // purse: 26000215.49619137,
- // cold: 25500000,
- // balance: 60827.14134891,
- // sum1: 561042.63754028,
- // sum2: 561064.90245217 },
- // wdaddr: '' }
- csrf = data.csrf;
- balance = data.balance;
- max_profit = data.max_profit;
- console.log('connected as (' + uid + ') <' + + '>');
- show_news(;
- // console.log('csrf is', csrf);
- } else {
- console.log('reconnected');
- // console.log('csrf was', csrf, 'and now is', data.csrf);
- csrf = data.csrf;
- }
- });
- socket.on('set_hash', function(hash) {
- console.log('INFO:', 'server requested that we reconnect...');
- socket.close();
- run_bot(cookie);
- });
- socket.on('chat', function(txt, date) {
- console.log('CHAT:', txt);
- });
- // this triggers for every bet the server tells us about; they're not all ours
- socket.on('result', function(result) {
- // result is something like this:
- //
- // { bankroll: '500227.64420698',
- // bet: '1',
- // betid: 2409,
- // bets: '2177',
- // chance: '49.5',
- // date: 1437439984,
- // high: true,
- // luck: '96.37%',
- // lucky: 750994,
- // max_profit: '130001.13',
- // name: 'derpy (1)',
- // nonce: 180,
- // payout: 2,
- // ret: '2',
- // this_profit: '+1',
- // uid: '1',
- // wagered: '2194.01000000',
- // win: true,
- // stats:
- // { bets: 2409,
- // wins: 1158,
- // losses: 1251,
- // luck: 2338.4848484848394,
- // wagered: 2243.84,
- // profit: -106.24,
- // commission: 22.264911885550614,
- // taken: 0,
- // purse: 26000227.64420698,
- // cold: 25500000,
- // balance: 60814.9933333,
- // sum1: 561042.63754028,
- // sum2: 561064.90245217 },
- // investment: 500193.64096390456,
- // percent: 99.99986921944092,
- // invest_pft: 193.6409639045596,
- // balance: '989.70000000',
- // profit: '-106.31000000' }
- var this_profit = parseFloat(result.this_profit);
- if (user_profit[result.uid] === undefined)
- user_profit[result.uid] = 0;
- user_profit[result.uid] += this_profit;
- if ((show_all_my_bets && result.uid == uid) || this_profit >= bet_profit_threshold || >= bet_stake_threshold)
- console.log('RESULT:',,
- '[betid', result.betid + ',',
- 'bets', result.bets + ',',
- 'nonce', result.nonce + ']',
- 'bet',,
- 'on', result.high ? 'hi' : 'lo',
- 'at', result.chance + '%',
- 'and', ? 'won;' : 'lost;',
- 'profit', result.this_profit,
- 'cumulative profit', tidy(user_profit[result.uid]));
- if (result.balance !== undefined)
- console.log('BALANCE:', result.balance);
- max_profit = result.max_profit;
- if (result.uid == uid) {
- // console.log("that's me!");
- balance = result.balance;
- }
- });
- socket.on('address', function(addr, img, confs) {
- console.log('DEPOSIT:', addr);
- });
- socket.on('invest_error', function(txt) {
- console.log('ERROR:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('divest_error', function(txt) {
- console.log('ERROR:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('jderror', function(txt) {
- console.log('ERROR:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('jdmsg', function(txt) {
- console.log('INFO:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('form_error', function(txt) {
- console.log('FORM ERROR:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('login_error', function(txt) {
- console.log('LOGIN ERROR:', txt);
- });
- socket.on('balance', function(data) {
- let balance = data;
- console.log('BALANCE:', balance);
- });
- socket.on('max_profit', function(mp) {
- max_profit = mp;
- console.log('MAX PROFIT:', max_profit);
- });
- socket.on('disconnect', function() {
- console.log('disconnected');
- });
- }
- let crazy = balance;
- let old = balance;
- let score = balance;
- let lol = balance;
- let bird = balance;
- let arnie = bird / 1440000;
- let james = arnie;
- let jim = arnie;
- let jly = 0;
- let future = 0;
- let madman = james;
- let kool = balance;
- let have = balance;
- let junky = balance;
- function xiggie() {
- let fart = balance;
- if (fart < crazy && future <= 3) {
- future += 1;
- jim += arnie;
- jly = tidy(old - fart);
- james = tidy(jly + jim - arnie);
- madman = james;
- lol = fart;
- crazy = fart;
- }
- if (fart < crazy && future > 3 && fart < score) {
- future += 1;
- james = madman;
- crazy = fart;
- }
- if (fart > crazy && fart < score) {
- james = madman;
- crazy = fart;
- }
- if (future > 3 && fart < lol - james * 1.9) {
- james += james;
- madman = james;
- lol = fart;
- }
- if (fart >= score) {
- arnie = fart / 1440000;
- jim = arnie;
- james = arnie;
- jly = 0;
- future = 0;
- old = fart;
- lol = fart;
- crazy = fart;
- madman = james;
- score = fart;
- }
- return james;
- }
- function go() {
- stake = xiggie();
- chance = 49.5;
- hilo = 'lo'
- bet(stake, chance, hilo);
- setTimeout(() => go(), 100);
- }
- go();
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