
SO78992609 - Danson stage2.asm

Sep 21st, 2024 (edited)
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  1. %ifndef KERNEL_SECTORS
  2. %define KERNEL_SECTORS 1
  3. %endif
  5. [BITS 16]
  6. [org 0x8000]
  8. ; -------------------------
  9. ; A20 Status Check
  10. ; -------------------------
  11. a20_status_check:
  12. pushf ; Save flags
  13. push ds ; Save data segment
  14. push es ; Save extra segment
  15. push di ; Save destination index
  16. push si ; Save source index
  18. cli ; Disable interrupts during A20 check
  19. xor ax, ax ; Set AX to 0
  20. mov es, ax ; Set extra segment (ES) to 0
  21. mov di, 0x0500 ; Set DI to test memory location 0x0500 in low memory
  23. not ax ; Set AX to 0xFFFF (inverted 0)
  24. mov ds, ax ; Set data segment (DS) to 0xFFFF
  25. mov si, 0x0510 ; Set SI to memory location 0x0510 (also in low memory)
  27. ; Save original values from memory locations
  28. mov al, byte [es:di] ; Load byte at ES:DI into AL
  29. push ax ; Save value from ES:DI
  30. mov al, byte [ds:si] ; Load byte at DS:SI into AL
  31. push ax ; Save value from DS:SI
  33. ; Modify memory locations for the test
  34. mov byte [es:di], 0x00 ; Set ES:DI to 0x00
  35. mov byte [ds:si], 0xFF ; Set DS:SI to 0xFF
  37. ; Check if memory write is visible at ES:DI
  38. cmp byte [es:di], 0xFF ; Compare ES:DI with 0xFF
  40. ; Restore original memory values
  41. pop ax ; Restore value from stack to AX
  42. mov byte [ds:si], al ; Restore original byte at DS:SI
  43. pop ax ; Restore value from stack to AX
  44. mov byte [es:di], al ; Restore original byte at ES:DI
  46. ; Determine A20 status based on comparison result
  47. mov ax, 0 ; Assume A20 is off
  48. je status_a20_off ; Jump if A20 is off
  50. mov ax, 1 ; A20 is on
  51. jmp status_a20_on ; Jump to A20 enabled handling
  53. ; -------------------------
  54. ; A20 Enable via BIOS Interrupt 15h
  55. ; -------------------------
  56. status_a20_off:
  57. mov ax, 0x2401 ; Request to enable A20 via BIOS (INT 15h)
  58. int 0x15 ; BIOS interrupt call
  60. jc a20_error ; If carry flag is set (error), jump to error handler
  61. jmp a20_status_check ; Otherwise, recheck A20 status after enabling
  63. ; -------------------------
  64. ; A20 Enable Failure Handling
  65. ; -------------------------
  66. a20_error:
  67. xor ax, ax
  68. mov ds, ax
  69. mov ah, 0x0E ; Set up for character output
  70. mov bh, 0x00 ; Display page number
  72. mov si, msg_a20_error ; Load error message into SI
  74. print_error_loop:
  75. lodsb ; Load next byte from message
  76. cmp al, 0 ; Check for null terminator
  77. je end_error_msg_a20 ; If end of string, stop printing
  78. int 0x10 ; Print character in AL
  79. jmp print_error_loop ; Loop to print the next character
  81. end_error_msg_a20:
  82. hlt ; Halt the system
  84. ; -------------------------
  85. ; A20 Enable Success Handling
  86. ; -------------------------
  87. status_a20_on:
  88. xor ax, ax
  89. mov ds, ax
  90. mov ah, 0x0E ; Set up for character output
  91. mov bh, 0x00 ; Display page number
  93. mov si, msg_a20_enable ; Load success message into SI
  95. print_enable_loop:
  96. lodsb ; Load next byte from message
  97. cmp al, 0 ; Check for null terminator
  98. je restore_registers_a20 ; If end of string, restore registers
  99. int 0x10 ; Print character in AL
  100. jmp print_enable_loop ; Loop to print the next character
  102. ; -------------------------
  103. ; Restore Registers and Continue
  104. ; -------------------------
  105. restore_registers_a20:
  106. pop si ; Restore source index
  107. pop di ; Restore destination index
  108. pop es ; Restore extra segment
  109. pop ds ; Restore data segment
  110. popf ; Restore flags
  112. sti ; Re-enable interrupts
  114. ; Now proceed to set up GDT and TSS
  115. jmp gdt_setup
  117. ; -------------------------
  118. ; GDT Setup and TSS Setup
  119. ; -------------------------
  120. gdt_setup:
  121. cli ; Disable interrupts during GDT setup
  122. lgdt [gdt_descriptor] ; Load GDT descriptor into GDTR
  124. ; -------------------------
  125. ; GDT & TSS Success Message
  126. ; -------------------------
  127. xor ax, ax
  128. mov ds, ax
  129. mov ah, 0x0E ; Set up for character output
  130. mov bh, 0x00 ; Display page number
  132. mov si, msg_gdtss_success ; Load GDT success message into SI
  134. gdtss_print_success:
  135. lodsb ; Load next byte from message
  136. cmp al, 0 ; Check for null terminator
  137. je enter_protected_mode ; If end of string, proceed to protected mode
  138. int 0x10 ; Print character in AL
  139. jmp gdtss_print_success ; Loop to print the next character
  141. ; -------------------------
  142. ; Enter Protected Mode
  143. ; -------------------------
  144. enter_protected_mode:
  145. cli ; Disable interrupts before entering protected mode
  147. mov ah, 0x0E
  148. mov al, 'B' ; Print 'B' for before protected mode
  149. int 0x10
  151. mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS function to read sectors
  152. mov al, KERNEL_SECTORS ; Number of sectors to read
  153. mov ch, 0x00 ; Cylinder number (0)
  154. mov cl, 0x03 ; Sector number (starts at sector 3)
  155. mov dh, 0x00 ; Head number (0)
  156. mov dl, 0x80 ; Drive number (0x80 = primary hard disk)
  157. push load_segment
  158. pop es ; Load segment
  159. mov bx, load_offset ; Destination address (ES:BX = 0x1000:0x0000 = Destination 0x10000)
  160. int 0x13 ; Call BIOS interrupt
  161. jc load_error ; Jump if error
  163. mov eax, cr0
  164. or eax, 1 ; Set protected mode bit
  165. mov cr0, eax
  167. jmp 0x08:pm_start ; Far jump to 32-bit code
  168. load_error:
  169. mov ah, 0x0E ; BIOS function to print character
  170. mov al, 'E' ; Print 'E' for error
  171. int 0x10 ; Call BIOS interrupt to print
  172. hlt
  174. ; -------------------------
  175. ; Protected Mode Code Segment
  176. ; -------------------------
  177. [BITS 32]
  178. pm_start:
  180. ; Set up segment registers for protected mode
  181. mov ax, 0x10 ; Load GDT data segment selector (0x10)
  182. mov ds, ax
  183. mov es, ax
  184. mov fs, ax
  185. mov gs, ax
  186. mov ss, ax
  188. mov esp, 0x9FC00 ; Set ESP to a safe location within the segment
  190. ; Load TSS
  191. call setup_tss
  192. mov ax, 0x28 ; TSS selector
  193. ltr ax ; Load Task Register with TSS selector
  195. call run_offset
  196. jmp $
  198. global setup_tss
  199. setup_tss:
  200. ; Get the base address of the TSS at runtime
  201. lea eax, [tss_start] ; Load the effective address of TSS into EAX
  203. ; Set ESP0 (kernel stack pointer) and SS0 (kernel stack selector)
  204. mov dword [tss_start + 4], esp0 ; Set the kernel stack pointer (ESP0)
  205. mov dword [tss_start + 8], ss0 ; Set the kernel stack segment selector (SS0)
  207. ; Fill the TSS base address into GDT descriptor at runtime
  208. mov [gdt_tss_base + 2], ax ; Set the lower 16 bits (Base Low)
  209. shr eax, 16 ; Get the upper 16 bits of the TSS base address
  210. mov [gdt_tss_base + 4], al ; Set the middle 8 bits (Base Middle)
  211. mov [gdt_tss_base + 7], ah ; Set the upper 8 bits (Base High)
  213. ret
  215. ; -------------------------
  216. ; TSS Memory Allocation
  217. ; -------------------------
  218. section .bss
  219. tss_start: resb 104 ; Reserve 104 bytes for the TSS
  220. tss_end:
  222. esp0 EQU 0x9D000 ; Define the kernel stack pointer
  223. ; (0x9D000 is an example, should not be same as kernel stack)
  224. ss0 EQU 0x10 ; Define the kernel data segment selector (0x10, corresponding to your GDT)
  226. section .text
  227. ; -------------------------
  228. ; GDT Definition
  229. ; -------------------------
  230. gdt_start:
  232. ; Null Descriptor (Selector 0x00)
  233. dd 0x0
  234. dd 0x0
  236. ; Kernel Code Segment Descriptor (Selector 0x08)
  237. dw 0xFFFF ; Limit Low
  238. dw 0x0000 ; Base Low
  239. db 0x00 ; Base Middle
  240. db 10011010b ; Access Byte
  241. db 11001111b ; Flags and Limit High
  242. db 0x00 ; Base High
  244. ; Kernel Data Segment Descriptor (Selector 0x10)
  245. dw 0xFFFF ; Limit Low
  246. dw 0x0000 ; Base Low
  247. db 0x00 ; Base Middle
  248. db 10010010b ; Access Byte
  249. db 11001111b ; Flags and Limit High
  250. db 0x00 ; Base High
  252. ; User Code Segment Descriptor (Selector 0x18)
  253. dw 0xFFFF ; Limit Low
  254. dw 0x0000 ; Base Low
  255. db 0x00 ; Base Middle
  256. db 11111010b ; Access Byte
  257. db 11001111b ; Flags and Limit High
  258. db 0x00 ; Base High
  260. ; User Data Segment Descriptor (Selector 0x20)
  261. dw 0xFFFF ; Limit Low
  262. dw 0x0000 ; Base Low
  263. db 0x00 ; Base Middle
  264. db 11110010b ; Access Byte
  265. db 11001111b ; Flags and Limit High
  266. db 0x00 ; Base High
  268. ; TSS Descriptor (Selector 0x28)
  269. gdt_tss_base:
  270. dw tss_end - tss_start - 1 ; Limit (Size of TSS)
  271. dw 0x0000 ; Base Low (to be filled at runtime)
  272. db 0x00 ; Base Middle (to be filled at runtime)
  273. db 0x89 ; Access Byte (TSS descriptor, 32-bit available)
  274. db 0x00 ; Flags and Limit High
  275. db 0x00 ; Base High (to be filled at runtime)
  277. gdt_end:
  279. ; -------------------------
  280. ; GDT Descriptor
  281. ; -------------------------
  282. gdt_descriptor:
  283. dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1 ; Size of the GDT (in bytes, minus 1)
  284. dd gdt_start ; Linear address of the GDT
  286. ; -------------------------
  287. ; Messages
  288. ; -------------------------
  289. msg_a20_error db 'A20 line enable -> failed ', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
  290. msg_a20_enable db 'A20 line enable -> successfully ', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
  292. msg_gdtss_success db 'GDT and TSS is configured -> successfully ', 0x0D, 0x0A, 0
  293. load_segment equ 0x1000
  294. load_offset equ 0x0000
  295. run_offset equ ((load_segment << 4) + load_offset)
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