
The Time Machine 12/6/18

Dec 6th, 2018
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  12.  <div style="font-size:144px;text-align:center;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px #ff8cc1;margin:30px 0px 0px 0px;">The Time Machine</div>
  13.  <div style="font-size:84px;font-family:montez, arial;text-align:center;color:#ae99ce;padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;">Written originally by H. G. Wells<br>Adapted by Kathy WayStone</div>
  18. <div style="font-size:52px;color:darkorchid;text-align:left;font-family:parisienne, arial;margin:40px 0px 0px 0px;padding:130px 10px 0px 40px;">
  20. <li>The Time Machine was reprinted complete in Two Science-Adventure Books in 1951.
  22. <p><li>The book's protagonist is a Victorian English scientist and gentleman inventor living in Richmond, Surrey.
  24. <p><li> He is identified by a narrator simply as the Time Traveller.
  26. <p><li> This narrator recounts the Traveller's lecture to his weekly dinner guests that time is simply a fourth dimension, and he demonstrates a tabletop model machine for travelling through this fourth dimension.
  28. <p><li> He reveals that he has built a machine capable of carrying a person through time. <p><li>He then returns at his next weekly dinner the following week, where he recounts his remarkable tale, and then this gentleman becomes the new narrator.
  33. </div><div style="color:#ae99ce;font-size:64px;text-align:left;padding:0px 40px 0px 40px;">
  36. <p><li>In the new narrative, the Time Traveller tests his device by using it.
  38. <p><li> At first, in his slight excitement, he thinks nothing has happened, but soon recalls he had set his time machine to take him only five hours into the future.
  40. <p><li>So he continues forward in time, things suddenly changing around him and his machine, then he sees his house disappear and turn into a lush garden.
  42. <p><li>Then he goes into fast forward through time.
  44. <p><li>The sun is a bright line in the sky as he goes.
  49. </div><div style="color:#ff99ae;font-size:64px;font-family:montez, arial;text-align:left;padding:0px 40px 0px 40px;">
  52. <p><li>The Time Traveller stops in the year 802,701, where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, beautiful and pretty, naive and childlike people.
  54. <p><li> They live in small communities within large and futuristic, deteriorating, multi-purpose apartment buildings.
  56. <p><li> These Eloi have a fruit-based diet.
  58. <p><li> His efforts to communicate with them are hampered by their lack of curiosity or discipline.
  60. <p><li> They appear to be overly happy and carefree.
  62. <p><li> Yet they fear the dark, and in particular, they very much fear moonless nights.
  64. <p><li>Observing them, he finds that they give no response to the mysterious nocturnal disappearances of some of their number.
  66. <p><li> He thinks that maybe they had become traumatized and could not discuss it.
  68. <p><li> He speculates that they are a peaceful society.
  73. </div><div style="color:#ae99ce;font-size:64px;text-align:left;padding:0px 40px 0px 40px;">
  76. <p><li>Returning to the site where he arrived, the Time Traveller is shocked to find his time machine missing.
  78. <p><li> He eventually deduces that it has been dragged by some unknown party into a nearby structure with heavy doors which are locked from the inside.
  80. <p><li> This structure his machine is inside of looks like the famous Egyptian Sphinx.
  82. <p><li> Luckily, he had removed and pocketed the machine's levers before leaving it.
  84. <p><li> His time machine is unable to travel through time without those levers.
  86. <p><li> So at least it is safe to assume the time machine is still in the same time he is presently in.
  88. <p><li>Therefore at least there is hope of him returning to his home and friends.
  90. <p><li> Later, that night in the dark, he is approached menacingly by Morlocks.
  92. <p><li> Morlocks are ape-like troglodytes who live in darkness underground and surface only at night.
  94. <p><li> He saw them retreat down what look like wells as the sun came up.
  96. <p><li>Exploring one of many wells that lead to the Morlocks' dwellings, he discovers the machinery and industry that makes the above-ground paradise of the Eloi possible. He alters his theory, speculating that the human race has evolved into two species: the leisured classes have become the ineffectual Eloi, and the downtrodden working classes have become the brutal light-fearing Morlocks.
  98. Deducing that the Morlocks have taken his time machine, he explores the Morlock tunnels, learning that due to a lack of any other means of sustenance, they feed on the Eloi. His revised analysis is that their relationship is not one of lords and servants but of livestock and ranchers. The Time Traveller theorizes that intelligence is the result of and response to danger; with no real challenges facing the Eloi, they have lost the spirit, intelligence, and physical fitness of humanity at its peak.
  100. Meanwhile, he saves an Eloi named Weena from drowning as none of the other Eloi take any notice of her plight, and they develop an innocently affectionate relationship over the course of several days. He takes Weena with him on an expedition to a distant structure that turns out to be the remains of a museum, where he finds a fresh supply of matches and fashions a crude weapon against Morlocks, whom he must fight to get back his machine. He plans to take Weena back to his own time. Because the long and tiring journey back to Weena's home is too much for them, they stop in the forest for the night. They are then overcome by Morlocks in the night, whereby Weena faints. The Traveller escapes when a small fire he had left behind them to distract the Morlocks catches up to them as a forest fire; Weena and the pursuing Morlocks are lost in the fire and the Time Traveller is devastated over his loss.
  102. The Morlocks open the Sphinx and use the time machine as bait to capture the Traveller, not understanding that he will use it to escape. He reattaches the levers before he travels further ahead to roughly 30 million years from his own time. There he sees some of the last living things on a dying Earth: Menacing reddish crab-like creatures slowly wandering the blood-red beaches chasing enormous butterflies, in a world covered in simple lichenous vegetation. He continues to make jumps forward through time, seeing Earth's rotation gradually cease and the sun grow larger, redder, and dimmer, and the world falling silent and freezing as the last degenerate living things die out.
  104. Overwhelmed, he goes back to the machine and returns to his own time, arriving at the laboratory just three hours after he originally left. He arrives late to his own dinner party, whereupon, after eating, the Time Traveller relates his adventures to his disbelieving visitors, producing as evidence two strange white flowers Weena had put in his pocket.
  106. The original narrator then takes over and relates that he returned to the Time Traveller's house the next day, finding him preparing for another journey and promising to return in a short time. However, the narrator reveals that he has waited three years before writing and stating the Time Traveller has not returned from his journey.
  108. Deleted text
  109. A section from the eleventh chapter of the serial published in New Review (May 1895) was deleted from the book. It was drafted at the suggestion of Wells's editor, William Ernest Henley, who wanted Wells to "oblige your editor" by lengthening the text with, among other things, an illustration of "the ultimate degeneracy" of humanity. "There was a slight struggle," Wells later recalled, "between the writer and W. E. Henley who wanted, he said, to put a little 'writing' into the tale. But the writer was in reaction from that sort of thing, the Henley interpolations were cut out again, and he had his own way with his text."[10] This portion of the story was published elsewhere as "The Grey Man".[11] The deleted text was also published by Forrest J Ackerman in an issue of the American edition of Perry Rhodan.[citation needed]
  111. The deleted text recounts an incident immediately after the Traveller's escape from the Morlocks. He finds himself in the distant future of an unrecognisable Earth, populated with furry, hopping herbivores resembling kangaroos. He stuns or kills one with a rock, and upon closer examination realises they are probably the descendants of humans / Eloi / Morlocks. A gigantic, centipede-like arthropod approaches and the Traveller flees into the next day, finding that the creature has apparently eaten the tiny humanoid. The Dover Press[12] and Easton Press editions of the novella restore this deleted segment.[citation needed]
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