

Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
  2. $input1,$input2 = $null
  4. # START | The script asks for an IP, put it in a while for error checking. It only checks if the IP is a valid one.
  5. while ($input1 -eq $null)
  6. {
  7.     [ipaddress]$input1 = read-host "Please input the first IP address you would like to scan: "
  8. }
  9. # END | The script asks for an IP, put it in a while for error checking. It only checks if the IP is a valid one.    
  10. while ($input2 -eq $null)
  11. {
  12.     [ipaddress]$input2 = read-host "Please input the IP address you want to finish the scan: "
  13. }
  14. # Grabs each respective input and puts them into their own arrays.
  15. [array]$ip1 = $input1 -split ".",0,"simplematch"; [array]$ip2 = $input2 -split ".",0,"simplematch"
  17. # Begin madness. The ping sweep is four nested for loops. Each for loop interates for each octet. We call the count for each octet a.b.c.d respectively.
  18. # $a starts at the first input.. obviously. The first input should be less or equal to the second input. i.e. 192.x.x.x 192..193.x.x.x
  19. for ([int]$a = $ip1[0];($a -le $ip2[0]); $a++)
  20. {
  21.     # Say we're interating through a ton of IPs.. eventually when we get to where we want to be.. we need to reset the limit to stop at our second input
  22.     # input will never change.. but ip1 and ip2 can because they are our limiters.
  23.     if ($a -eq $ip2[0])
  24.     {
  25.         [array]$ip2 = $input2 -split ".",0,"simplematch"
  26.     }
  28.     # This is the first break.. don't worry about how it's spelled. In order for the loop to break properly.. we had to add a mechanism to exit each nested for.
  29.     # I.E. when b.c.d. reaches 255.. that was the easiest way to go back to the previous for loop in order to interate to the next subnet.
  30.     [int]$brakeB = 0
  32.     # $b starts at the first inputs second octet. Checks to see if it's less or equal to the second input's second octet OR if $a is less than the input2's first octet.
  33.     # I.E. , Those are two valid ranges.. but input1 $b > input2 $b. but... 65 < 66.. so we're still good.
  34.     for ([int]$b = $ip1[1];($b -le $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0]) -and [int]$brakeB -eq 0; $b++)
  35.     {
  36.         # So.. We have to tell the sweep where to stop when it's iterating.. or.. it'll just keep going. a.b.c.d is our count. ip1 and ip2 are constants/limiters
  37.         # We want $c to be 255 when we want to add to $b
  38.         if ($b -lt $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0])
  39.             {
  40.                 [int]$ip2[2] = 255
  41.             }
  42.         # This checks if $b gets to 255 or 256 and needs to keep going.
  43.         # First it checks if a is less than ip2's first octet, if it is.. it sets the limit of b to 256, because if it equals 255 it will auto reset to 0 if you start on the 255 subnet
  44.         if ($a -lt $ip2[0])
  45.         {
  46.             $ip2[1] = 256
  47.             # so if $b is 256... that means it wants to keep going.. so reset and break the loop.
  48.             if ($b -eq $ip2[1])
  49.             {
  50.                 $b = 0
  51.                 $ip1[1] = 0
  52.                 [int]$brakeB++
  53.             }
  54.         }
  55.         # This is here to be able to break out of the $c loop
  56.         $brakeC = 0
  58.         # $c starts at input1's third octet. Checks against ip2's a.b.c. If $c less or equal to ip2 OR b < inpute's second octet, or a < input2's first octet.
  59.         # The breaks make sure that it's supposed to run at that current time
  60.         for ([int]$c = $ip1[2];($c -le $ip2[2] -or $b -lt $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0]) -and $brakeB -eq 0 -and $brakeC -eq 0; $c++)
  61.         {        
  62.             # if c is less than input2's third octet, it sets the limit to 255
  63.             if ($c -lt $ip2[2])
  64.             {
  65.                 [int]$ip2[3] = 255
  66.             }
  67.             # if c is equal to input2's third octet, reset the constant so it'll stop if our input told it to
  68.             elseif ($c -eq $ip2[2])
  69.             {
  70.                 [array]$ip2 = $input2 -split ".",0,"simplematch"
  71.             }
  72.             # This checks to see if b < input2's second octet or if a < input2's first octet
  73.             elseif ($b -lt $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0])
  74.             {
  75.                # so if $c is 256... that means it wants to keep going.. so reset and break the loop.
  76.                if ($c -eq 256)
  77.                {
  78.                    $c = 0
  79.                    $ip1[2] = 0
  80.                    $brakeC++
  81.                }
  82.             }
  83.             # This is here to be able to break out of the $d loop
  84.             $brakeD = 0
  85.             # d starts at input1's fourth octet. checks to see if it's less or equal to it's input2 counterpart
  86.             # checks to see if a.b.c are less than it's counterpart and if it's supposed to be running
  87.             for ([int]$d = $ip1[3];($d -le $ip2[3] -or $c -lt $ip2[2] -or $b -lt $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0]) -and $BrakeC -eq 0 -and $brakeD -eq 0; $d++)
  88.             {    
  89.                 ping -n 1 "$a.$b.$c.$d"
  90.                 [array]$ip2 = $input2 -split ".",0,"simplematch"
  91.                 if ($c -lt $ip2[2] -or $b -lt $ip2[1] -or $a -lt $ip2[0])
  92.                 {
  93.                     if ($d -eq 255)
  94.                     {
  95.                         $d = 1
  96.                         $ip1[3] = 1
  97.                         $brakeD++
  98.                     }
  99.                 }    
  100.             }
  101.         }
  102.     }
  103. }
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