
Rob and the parking

Jun 27th, 2019
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  1. parking, the client's story.
  3. So one of my clients had a job down in Brighton, went down in a van full of parts/tool.
  4. On arriving at the site, they were looking for somewhere to park, and ended up finding a road with cars parked on the yellows on both sides, with a traffic warden (dates this!) ticketing them.
  5. They stopped and one of the guys got out to talk to the warden, asking him for advice on where to find somewhere to park. Then the question came up.. what's with all the cars here?
  6. The warden said they were all owned by business/solicitor types, and the parking ticket was cheaper then all day parking, so they just got a ticket every day "as they can afford it".
  8. So Rob heads back to the van, when a police car pulls up. "You're not stopping there!"
  9. Rob says no, they just stopped to get advice on parking.. "Good" say the officer, "There's a fire engine coming, and if I hadn't see you, I wouldn't have warned you..".
  10. So Rob jumps back in the van, and they move off.. as the engine arrives.. blues and twos on. And proceeds to drive right down the cars, taking out every mirror on both sides of the road as it forces it's way down the road.
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