
pq-dos hdd decoder

Dec 5th, 2023
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VHDL 2.08 KB | Source Code | 0 0
  1. -- IDE Profi
  2. profi_ebl <='1' when (adress(7)='1' and adress(4 downto 0)="01011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or           -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  3.                             (adress(7)='1' and adress(4 downto 0)="01011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') else '0'; -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  4. WWC <='0' when (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="11001011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or                     -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  5.                     (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="11001011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') else '1';             -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  6. WWE <='0' when (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="11101011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or                     -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  7.                     (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="11101011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') else '1';             -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  8. RWW <='0' when (wr='1' and adress(7 downto 0)="11001011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or                     -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  9.                     (wr='1' and adress(7 downto 0)="11001011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') else '1';             -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  10. RWE <='0' when (wr='1' and adress(7 downto 0)="11101011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or                     -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  11.                     (wr='1' and adress(7 downto 0)="11101011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0') else '1';             -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  12. CS3FX <='0' when    (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="10101011" and iorq='0' and CPM='0' and rom14='1') or                    -- CPM=1 & ROM14=1 BAS=0/1 ПЗУ DOS/ SOS
  13.                         (wr='0' and adress(7 downto 0)="10101011" and iorq='0' and dos='0' and rom14='0')else '1';          -- ROM14=0 BAS=0 ПЗУ SYS
  14. CS1FX <= RWW and WWE;
  16. process (f14,adress,wr,rd,cs1fx,cs3fx,rwe,wwe,wwc,rww,profi_ebl)
  17. begin
  18.     if f14'event and f14='0' then
  19.         hdd_a0 <=adress(8);
  20.         hdd_a1 <=adress(9);
  21.         hdd_a2 <=adress(10);
  22.         hdd_wr <=wr;
  23.         hdd_rd <=rd;
  24.         hdd_cs0 <=cs1fx; -- Profi HDD Controller
  25.         hdd_cs1 <=cs3fx;
  26.         hdd_rh_oe <=rwe;
  27.         hdd_rh_c <=cs1fx;
  28.         hdd_wh_oe <=wwe;
  29.         hdd_wh_c <=wwc;
  30.         hdd_rwl_t <=rww;
  31.         hdd_iorqge<= '0';
  32.     end if;
  33. end process;
Tags: pq-dos
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