

Jan 12th, 2019
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  1. The low Gray a vibrant truth not to come but hell the ramble of a crazed hermit known to not be truth but always correct talks of the best to come but not correct haven talked of death none believed hell to come a truth denied to hell with it we are gone spared is he?
  2. come back to the first and find the truth the start of all not 1/56 believed a fake truth false but always allowed a strange rambling with some secret meaning without the truth. To say the best it didnt last as long as we wouldve liked it ended too soon inevitable grey mist to come and end they updated but by the end it was too late so the truth is it was never meant to be take the void and show me what i shouldve done it didnt want to work but i never cared he didnt care the ramble of death leads slowly to take another mind and a great big breathe the exploration of space was one not to work but it had to happen the void was not enough slowly dying it was wrong help them they are slowly gone go save it them are gone we are done show them the way oxygen detects large and follows small taken to a place not meant to camp not supposed to be doesnt make sense it follows anything to come why are we here showing the hell of life falling down telling the hell of like i want to fall but cannot stand why is it to me none left but gray save me i am alone i need life its done to me why is this here i need life i need help show me the secrets to life i need help oh god save me i need to see the truth not the past show me the life of hell take my heart to the truth the hell i could be i know what i meant to be i am not allowed to see the truth it is hell to me i am not alive a truth that needs to escape its not the best but is the worst help
  3. OxygenIsDeath
  5. -5ANDZ
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