

Jan 7th, 2013
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  1. necroNician [NN] began trolling royalSpectacle [RS] --
  2. NN: <...Oh, sorry. Wrong troll.>
  3. NN: <Not svre how I messed that vp.>
  4. NN: <Carry on.>
  5. RS: ||| Who the fuck are you? |||
  6. NN: <Someone that knows how to mind his fvcking manners, evidently.>
  7. NN: <I'm not svre I appreciate yovr tone.>
  8. RS: ||| Norma||y | don't care about a random tro|| that messages me, but | have a fee||ng th|s was |ntent|onal |||
  9. NN: <Like I wovld ever message someone as rvde as yovrself.>
  10. RS: ||| Classic deflection of the obvious. |||.
  11. NN: <Right, becavse I'd go ovt of my way to get gig's worth of rvdeness. Do yov kiss yovr lvsvs with that movth?>
  12. RS: ||| Right, so you never answered my question. |||
  13. RS: ||| Who the fuck are you? |||
  14. RS: ||| Aside from an obnoxious seadweller. |||.
  15. NN: <Obnoxiovs?? How dare yov.>
  16. NN: <I'm Liethe.>
  17. NN: <Might as well rvn yovr awfvl movth some more and tell me who yov are.>
  18. RS: ||| Giorro Armois, since you're so fascinated with me |||.
  19. NN: <Hah, don't flatter yovrself. I merely figvred it was fair that yov share yovr name with me since I shared mine with yov.>
  20. RS: ||| So what do you want? |||
  21. NN: <Want? I already TOLD yov, messaging yov was an accident!>
  22. NN: <I don't WANT anything!>
  23. RS: ||| Alright then go bother some other troll |||.
  24. NN: <Well now I know talking to yov bvgs yov.>
  25. NN: <I might keep it vp.>
  26. NN: <Tell me abovt yovrself.>
  27. RS: ||| Oh god what do you think this is? |||
  28. RS: ||| A date? Please. |||.
  29. NN: <Not yet it isn't.>
  30. NN: <Bvt seriovsly. I'm jvst trying to make conversation. We're talking to each other anyway, why not be civil abovt it?>
  31. RS: ||| Because when is a seadweller civil? |||.
  32. NN: <Forgive me for assvming that yov were capable of intelligent conversation.>
  33. RS: ||| Oh, the mighty seadweller has adorned me with attention. I must reciprocate because the seadweller wants me to. |||.
  34. NN: <Yov keep doing that.>
  35. NN: <Why?>
  36. RS: ||| Because I'm sure you're just another seadweller who thinks they're better than everyone else. |||
  37. RS. ||| I know your kind. |||.
  38. NN: <That's not what's confvsing me.>
  39. NN: <"Yovr kind"?>
  40. NN: <Are yov not...?>
  41. RS: ||| A seadweller? No. |||
  42. RS: ||| I'm a land dweller, idiot. |||
  43. NN: <Colovr me svrprised.>
  44. NN: <Yov jvst seemed... like yov were one. It's a very close call.>
  45. NN: <My most sincere of apologies. I know a lot abovt blood, I gvess I shovld have paid more attention.>
  46. RS: ||| I suppose I can overlook it. |||
  47. RS: ||| Many trolls don't realize it at first. |||
  48. RS: ||| But do NOT mistake me for one of /them/ |||.
  49. NN: <It's actvally really fascinating.>
  50. NN: <At the risk of sovnding like a creeper I'd love to get a closer look at yov sometime. I've never met someone qvite like yov before.>
  51. RS: ||| Excuse me? |||
  52. RS: ||| Wow, are you really hitting on me right now? |||
  53. RS: ||| How flattering. |||.
  54. NN: <What? No!>
  55. NN: <I'm a scientist of sorts. I stvdy anatomy and compvter sciences and hemotology very extensively.>
  56. NN: <Finding a rare case svch as yovrself - being so close to the cvsp of sea and land-dweller - is an oddity, and well... I'd like to get... a better look at yov...>
  57. NN: <This does sovnd like gratvitovs flirting, doesn't it.>
  58. RS: ||| It does. |||
  59. RS: ||| But maybe I'll take the bait. |||.
  60. NN: <Well, excvse me, then. I didn't intend it to.>
  61. NN: <Oh? Yov will?>
  62. NN: <That's an vnexpected svrprise.>
  63. RS: ||| Surprise? Hm. Not desperate sounding at all. |||
  64. RS: ||| At least you'll provide mild entertainment. |||.
  65. RS: ||| But sure. I've got nothing else better to do currently. |||
  66. NN: <Apologies once again. I do not get visitors often.>
  67. NN: <Willing ones, anyway.>
  68. NN: <I'm irresponsibly excited to meet yov, thovgh.>
  69. RS: ||| Willing? |||.
  70. NN: <Yes. Bvt that's not important right now.>
  71. NN: <When shovld I be expecting yov?>
  72. RS: ||| ....Now I'm not so sure about this anymore. |||
  73. RS: ||| Nevermind. Pass. |||.
  74. NN: <I knew all landdwellers were pvssies.>
  75. NN: <Might as well be a lowblood with that attitvde.>
  76. RS: ||| Excuse me? |||
  77. RS: ||| Fine. We'll do it your way, seadweller. Expect me soon. |||
  78. RS: ||| I'm sure you live near the coastline, correct? ||| .
  79. NN: <Vnderwater, actvally.>
  80. NN: <There's a tvnnel that leads into my hive.>
  81. RS: ||| A tunnel? |||
  82. RS: ||| Where is this tunnel exactly? |||.
  83. NN: <Less than half a mile away from the coastline, north of the body of water itself.>
  84. NN: <Yov can see the entrance marked by a flag sporting my blood colovr.>
  85. RS: ||| I have to swim out to it? |||
  86. NN: <No, yov moron. I already told yov there's a tvnnel to it.>
  87. RS: ||| Whatever. You're giving me piss more instructions. |||
  88. RS: ||| But it won't take me long to get there. |||
  89. RS: ||| So I suppose I'll see you soon. |||.
  90. NN: <Excellent. I'll send Loel for yov and make svre the drones don't attack.>
  91. NN: <I'll do my best to be accomodating.>
  92. RS: ||| Drones? |||
  93. RS: ||| Why would they attack me? |||.
  94. NN: <I have to protect myself somehow.>
  95. RS: ||| Hm... |||.
  96. NN: <Yov'll be fine. I promise.>
  97. NN: <I wovld not let something so fascinating get harmed.>
  98. RS: ||| How sweet. I'll be on my way then. |||.
  99. -- royalSpectacle ceased trolling necroNician --
  102. kai: Well, this certainly wasn't what Giorro planned to do today, but he honestly didn't have anything better to do. Lespri was too busy with that seadweller, and he had no projects to speak of. Though this seadweller was somewhat interesting, and he enjoyed the attention despite not admitting to it directly. His castle was close to the shore, so he knew most of the seadweller territory fairly well. He had seen the strange tunnel before, but never inspected it. After he dressed up in his nice black suit adorned with his dark purple pinstripes, he went out in search of the tunnel. It didn't take long to find, but he figured he'd wait for what he assumed to be Liethe's lusus to meet him first.
  103. [1/6/2013 2:04:38 AM] insomniacMercury: Glaring at the monitors tiredly, he was more attentive as movement was captured outside the tunnel. Ah, that must have been him - Liethe let out a low whistle at the sight, leaning back appreciatively and nodding a little to himself. So fascinating. So... beautiful in it's own way. Different. Enticing. He pressed a button, speaking into the intercom that was connected to everywhere in the underwater city; even the small speaker outside. "Hey. I see you out there." He grinned a little at the response. "Loel's further inside. Cmon down." He pressed another button and the small robotic pod that was attached to a rail on the ceiling that went everywhere in the city zoomed off towards the entrance, waiting for the newcomer to greet and welcome.
  104. [1/6/2013 2:18:47 AM] kai: "Right, not weird at all," the land dweller rolled his eyes as he carefully went into the tunnel. He made sure to have his gloves tucked away just in case things got bad. Something seemed a little off about this guy, and Giorro wasn't going to take his chances. He made sure not to look impressed, sure that would only make the seadweller's ego boost further. As the pod closed and he was on his way to Liethe's hive, he adjusted his suit accordingly and simply waited.
  105. [1/6/2013 2:25:10 AM] insomniacMercury: The pod approached the newcomer, and chirped to life. "Hello! You must be Giorro. I'm Loel. It's a pleasure to meet you." It turned around, going back and forth a foot or so on the rail. "Follow me." And it took off at a comfortable pace, leading the landdweller into the depths of the underwater city. Soon enough, the darkness gave way to smooth glass walls and ceilings, a glass tube suspended under the waves. Light gently filtered from the surface, casting eerie shadows over the place. In the lab, Liethe relaxed a little - watching the pair of them make their way closer. He was nearly giddy with excitement. Someone so close to seadweller status, but not a seadweller? He found himself daydreaming for just a moment about the anatomy of someone like this and wondered - did he have underdeveloped gills? Anything interesting in his chest cavity? Some strange water-filtration system that wasn't used? "Nearly there," Loel informed cheerfully.
  106. [1/6/2013 2:27:00 AM] kai: He knew about the underwater city, but Giorro never had been inside it before. Honestly, it was beautiful, but eerie at the same time. Through the glass walls Giorro could see large creatures swimming past not too far away, and smaller ones trying to escape prey. As the pod chirped away, Giorro tried not to speak with it, as he tried to remain disinterested for this journey. Soon they approached a lab, and Giorro peaked around, glimpsing at possible vantage points in case a strife broke out. He paused as he waited for Loel to properly introduce him to the unfamiliar area.
  107. [1/6/2013 2:38:20 AM] insomniacMercury: He waited in a small corner, very hidden from the view of the door to the lab. It was mostly dark - and thank glub for that, really - the only real light from the various displays Liethe had in front of him. "Here we are," Loel piped. "The journey was a safe one, Liethe." - And, from the corner - "Good. Great. Thank you, Loel." Liethe stood, sliding his glasses up his nose a bit as he approached his guest. The urge to start inspecting every inch of him was a very, very hard one to fight but the seadweller managed to keep his hands to himself. They were in his pockets currently; dark pants under a black sweatervest, atop a grey long-sleeved button-up. ...smattered in yellow blood. The visit had been short notice, afterall. On his right eye a small computer-like device rest. "You're Giorro, then?" Liethe actually had to look up at him to make eye contact; but he wasn't that much shorter. He held out his hand. "Liethe. Thanks for coming by." Was the excitement in his voice hidden well enough?
  108. [1/6/2013 4:52:54 AM] kai: Not exactly what Giorro had in mind, but he wasn't surprised by Liethe's appearance. The sweatervest was alright, but it could look /so/ much better. The yellow blood splattered on his sweater, for some reason, didn't really surprise him either. The tall landdweller crossed his arms over his chest, furrowing his brows together as he looked down at Liethe's hand, not taking it. "Obviously," he retorted as he tried his best to look down on the seadweller. While he may have been higher than Giorro on the hemospectrum, he was a seadweller, completely different realm as far as Giorro was concerned. Up on the surface, it was hard to be higher than Giorro's blood color. No one was above Giorro, unless it was a pathetic seadweller. He wanted to make absolutely sure his dominance was established, even under water.
  109. [1/6/2013 4:59:20 AM] insomniacMercury: Liethe smirked, his eyes narrowing a little. He pulled his hand back. One of these, eh? He was certainly arrogant enough to be a seadweller. Thinking a moment, he shook his finger at the other, smiling again. "You're different." He liked it. "I like it." Turning on his heel he made a 'follow' gesture over his shoulder, sitting at his computer again for a moment to bring up the lights. "Have a seat, if you want." If Giorro sat he himself stood; and he would have done it otherwise. He got closer once again, leaning towards him and narrowing his eyes as he studied him. He... had very little sense of personal space. As was obvious. "You did agree to come over here to be studied, yes?" He paused, then chuckled; waving his hand. "Nothing extensive. I'd just like to get a look at you." He wasn't bad to look at, either; very sharp, precise. A perfectionist. Again, Liethe liked it. He pushed his glasses up his nose again. "For science."
  110. about lespri))
  111. [1/6/2013 5:19:33 AM] kai: "Science is your excuse, huh?" the highblood rolled his eyes as he sat down where he was instructed. A small smirk formed on his face as he relaxed in his seat. "This is a rather lame idea of a date, seadweller. I thought I would be impressed." He chuckled softly as he ran his fingers through his slicked back, wavy hair. Liethe was studying him over, but he wondered what the curiousity was over. His blood type might have been a slight anomaly, but nothing drastic like a mutant blood. This seadweller was much stranger than he anticipated, and Giorro was ready to strife If necessary.
  112. [1/6/2013 5:29:25 AM | Edited 5:33:25 AM] insomniacMercury: Liethe blinked, as if taken aback. "Date?" He wasn't... aware that this was a date. Was it a date? He felt a small blush touching the tips of his fins. He pulled off his glasses to clean them on the edge of his sweatervest, and he cleared his throat, resuming his inspection. He touched without asking, tugging down the lapel of the suit to inspect his neck. He got... really goddamn close; fingertips brushing over his neck as he peered through his glasses at the skin there. All grey. No gills. He felt like there may have been a small raised portion, as if gills were /meant/ to form there, but that may have just been his imagination hoping for something. A few minutes into his inspection - his fignertips were touching his ears and jawline now, looking for fins - he quietly murmured: "I didn't know this was a date."
  113. [1/6/2013 5:34:53 AM] kai: "How desperate you sounded over Trollian told me otherwise," Giorro sat through the prodding and inspecting, figuring he'd be done soon enough. "You sound disappointed. Didn't find what you were looking for?" Giorro adjusted his suit jacket after Liethe stopped tugging around near the collar to search for gills and fins. This was boring. He wasn't really in the mood to just be prodded at with a slimy seadweller's fingers. His breath was warm against his grey skin, causing a few goosebumps to rush down his arms, embarrassingly enough. Thankfully his suit hid evidence of that, and hopefully Liethe didn't feel him shudder. "Let me guess, the blood's from an earlier experiment?"
  114. [1/6/2013 5:42:39 AM] insomniacMercury: "I wasn't desperate! Not for... a date. I sincerely wanted to check you out." Fuck. "Scientifically. Like I said, I thought you were a seadweller and I just wanted to see for myself." He backed off for a moment, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm not disappointed; I wasn't exactly /looking/ for anything. I was just looking in general." He hadn't noticed the shudder or the goosebumps; and it was for the best probably - Liethe would have commented on it and it could have gone one of two ways. Both of which were easily guessed. "Hm? Oh-" He looked down at himself, seeing the blood. "Yeah. One of my subjects died earlier." He scrunched his nose. "Filthy creatures."
  115. [1/6/2013 5:49:49 AM] kai: Oh, not a fan of lowbloods. No surprise there. Giorro obviously didn't care too much about them, but he loathed when they tried to put him in his place. They annoyed him in general, and he growled a little at the thought of Lespri, the tiny lowblood who was practically his kismesis by now. Though he hadn't displayed his full dominance over him, but that would come later. "And what were you doing with the lowblood?" He was curious now, and Liethe had his full attention.
  116. [1/6/2013 5:59:22 AM] insomniacMercury: He sighed, shaking his head. "You probably missed all the... patrolbots, on your jaunt to the lab." He gestured towards the door. "They're all over. Of course, that means you didn't see them up close." He tapped his chin, trying to think of how to word this. "I was trying to integrate him into the android body. He didn't take to it well." Simply put. He shrugged. "I don't very much care, I can always find another. I just hope the next doesn't put up as much of a fight." He turned his arm over and rolled up his sleeve, showing off a deeply set bite mark that he'd gotten from the yellowblood. "Fucker got me good. It took an entire day for me to get use of my hand back."
  117. [1/6/2013 6:07:47 AM] kai: A mad genius? Great. You know how to pick em, Gio. He quirked a brow as he examined over the bite mark, his finger ghosting over the mark almost curiously. "It had to be alive, hm?" he pulled his hand away and relaxed back in the chair again. "A dead lowblood would be much easier to work with. I'm close to having my own dead lowblood soon if he continues to ignore me the way he does. Tch. They demand to be treated the same, but it's disgusting and infuriating when they think that way." Ah, bitterness. Giorro still needed to get even with that rustblood eventually.
  118. [1/6/2013 6:13:56 AM] insomniacMercury: Hold the goddamn phone. His /own/ lowblood? "Easier to deal with, yes, but -" He narrowed his eyes. "You /socialize/ with one?" He felt his bloodpusher flutter for a moment. "You /actually/ converse with one?" Puzzled look. "Strictly online, right?" In a much more tolerable setting and away from Liethe's greedy, terrible hands. "Like you've... never actually... /seen/ him before?" If this Giorro was in with a lowblood he miiiiiight be a little less inclined to allow him access to his hive. He couldn't quite sort out his feelings though - was he more disgusted, or intrigued?
  119. [1/6/2013 6:19:12 AM] kai: "Mm, we had a bit of a run in once, but I haven't really heard from him since," Giorro looked up at Liethe curiously, a small smirk plastered on his face. "It's waxing black, but nothing is really confirmed." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. The seadweller seemed disgusted, almost infuriated at the idea. Giorro wondered how far he could take this, or what would happen.
  120. [1/6/2013 6:24:31 AM] insomniacMercury: "Run-in?" And he hadn't killed him on the spot? What was it over? "Waxing black? You're actually thinking of being in a /quadrant/ with him?" He couldn't... He sat down again, leaning in towards Giorro. "What happened? You're honestly not going to let this get any farther, are you?" He wasn't sure how to feel, still. This was a messy swirl of interesting things and Liethe was having a hard time sorting it out. Black, he guessed.... was better than red? He shuddered, barely able to comprehend /touching/ a lowblood in any intimate sort-of way. They were just... so inferior.
  121. [1/6/2013 10:57:54 PM] kai: "It's a kismestitude, idiot," Giorro dusted his suit jacket off and glanced over at Liethe with a smug smirk on his face. "I'm not sure how far I'll take it, but I'll see what happens. Why are /you/ so interested, seadweller?" He knew that it was gnawing at him. He was one of /those/ types, and he wanted to see his reaction. Almost eager to see it.
  122. [1/6/2013 11:01:57 PM] bangarang: Liethe scowled. "I know what it is, don't patronize me." Still... He cleared his throat, removing his glasses and cleaning them again on his sweatervest. It was a nervous habit. He replaced them and stood, beckoning for the other to follow. When He did, he walked at a slow pace with his hands in his pockets. He was quiet for a little while, mulling over his thoughts. When he spoke again, he was quiet. "Have you... touched him?" Not... not really like /that/, but if he had... Nnn.
  123. [1/6/2013 11:10:05 PM] kai: "We've fought, but that's about the extent of it. Not a full strife, but eventually, I'm sure it'll happen," he rolled his shoulders before he stood up, following behind the seadweller. "No pailing though, but I hardly see why that's any of /your/ business, seadweller." His hands were tucked away in his pockets comfortably, but he was still on guard just in case.
  124. [1/6/2013 11:13:08 PM] bangarang: Rolling his hand in the air a bit, searching for words, he hummed carefully. "I just... find it interesting, really." Lowbloods were scum, simply put. How someone so garish and obviously proud of himself could tolerate putting up with one in a /quadrant/... He turned to walk backwards in front of his guest, knowing the underwater city like the back of his hand. "Would you, if you could? Forgive me if I'm being intrusive. As previously stated, I'm simply curious." And poooooossibly daydreaming a little.
  125. [1/6/2013 11:34:17 PM] kai: Giorro raised an eyebrow curiously as he watched Liethe. He certainly was invasive with his questions, but he figured he wouldn't get in contact with this seadweller again. (Little did he know.) "You seem to find many things interesting," he looked around idly. "But if you must know, I plan to eventually. Do you need details to satisfy your curiousity further?" Another smug smirk. Now, /this/ would be interesting.
  126. [1/6/2013 11:39:43 PM] bangarang: Closing his eyes for a moment he sighed. He could almost feel the filth on himself from the minor contact he'd had with Gio earlier. He wasn't sure if he loved it or hated it but man was it doing something for him. Eyes opened at the question, a glittering slash of a smirk on his face. The gap between his teeth was evident, and he stuffed his hands back into his pockets again. He planned to. He actually wanted to have intimacy with a lowblood. He shivered thinking about it. Now, how to be diplomatic about this? "If you're willing to indulge me, I'll certainly be attentive."
  127. [12:06:50 AM] kai: Was he actually getting off on this? Wow, it sure seemed like it. The seadweller was in the palm of his hand now, and he could play this any way he wanted. "Well, let's see," he stood still to mull over all his options. "I usually enjoy strifing it out first. Once I have him pinned, I'll make sure to find all his weakspots," his smirk grew as he tilted his head to the side. "Mm, I'm not sure how much more I really want to explain."
  128. [12:13:00 AM] bangarang: That's where his guest was wrong. Liethe was in perfect control of the situation - he was calculated, he was cool. He was giving Giorro the illusion of power when really... Liethe was the one that had it. He nodded leisurely. "Weakspots, sure." Lowbloods had a lot of them. "They're not hard to find. ...or exploit." He tilted his chin back a little, smirking himself. "The choice is entirely up to you, Giorro. I'm letting you talk about something you enjoy. If you'd rather, I can take the conversation." Liethe talking about things /he/ liked. In the state he was in now, that had the potential to turn into something a little wicked.
  129. [12:26:03 AM] kai: "Mm, I think that you've heard plenty about me," Not really. "So, why not tell me more about yourself? So far, all I know is that you're a desperate seadweller that hates lowbloods potentially more so than I and that you are into voyeurism," he had a wicked grin on his face. "So, what are you interested in? Any quadrants?"
  130. [12:29:37 AM] bangarang: Liethe visibly pouted for half a second, but collected himself and stood straighter, stopping his gait. "I'm not desperate," he muttered, but went on. "I may have a quadrant interest, but she's exceptionally flighty and occasionally a little embarrassing." Myscua, her name was? "Sometimes I'm not sure if she's wanting to be black or pale. She's... an interesting girl." Pause. "I already know one of yours." Disgusting, enchanting, /enticing/. Lowblood relationships. He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "Any others?" He stepped a bit closer, albeit unassumingly.
  131. [12:47:49 AM] kai: "Is she a lowblood?" he figured not, but it was worth it to see the reaction. He took a step toward the seadweller, relaxed in his demeanor as they conversed. "Mm, well there have been a few mishaps, so I've only really covered one quadrant. Why so curious about /that/ now?" It was obvious he was interested. And why shouldn't he be? Giorro was a well dressed, classy highblood that had a lot of potential .
  132. [12:53:23 AM] bangarang: Scowl was visible and he shook his head. "She's a respectable blueblood." 'Respectable' was a generous description, but she was of a suitable colour for him. He stepped closer at the question, grinning up at him as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "Can't I have curiosities?" He was within touching distance; he could have lifted his hand and settled it on his chest. He didn't, but the idea was inviting. "I guess I just find your black quadrant a little..." Let's be honest. "Peculiar." If by 'peculiar' he meant 'it confuses me and I really want to see if pailing your brains out will shed some light on the situation', then yes. That.
  133. [1:07:58 AM] kai: "Why so peculiar? It isn't extremely uncommon for lowbloods and highbloods to share a black quadrant. I know several, anyways," he shrugged his shoulders as he raised a brow, almost taunting him to try something. Try anything. He moved his hand to tug at his sweatervest to bring him closer, dangeriously close. He loved the chase, especially when he was dominant. "You can have them, but part of me wonders why exactly you have them."
  134. [1:15:33 AM] bangarang: He felt his bloodpusher speed up a little as his sweatervest was grabbed, stepping up to him. He wasn't that much shorter; standing straight and looking at him his eye-level would probably be about at his nose. So he was able to look at him, closeup like that, and grin. Hands lifted, sliding up his guest's ribcage. "Because it's filthy," he whispered, fingertips pressing into the fabric of his suit, sweeping down lower to dig into his hips. It was filthy, it was disgusting, and Liethe found such an inexplicable thrill from touching the same being that laid hands on something so vile. His grin widened, and his eyes narrowed; aggressing and moving forward, aiming to make Gio walk backwards towards the closest wall. "I like it."
  135. [1:32:47 AM] kai: Oh, well that was unexpected. He really didn't think that he had the gall to do that. He tried his best not to shudder, but something about Liethe taking control like that was... hot. He kept face though, a smug smirk on his face. "Knew you were desperate," he leaned in, his fingers hooking into the belt loops to pull his hips closer to his own. Usually he would stop, tease some more before going any further in this type of situation, but something... something was drawing him in.
  136. [1:44:56 AM] bangarang: "You want to put your hands on him," he murmured, his eyes alight with a certain, hungry fire. The desperate comment was ignored - if it was true, he didn't care - and he made short work of the buttons holding that sharp suit jacket closed. He delved in, their bodies touching, fingers raking up his sides once more. "You want to hold him down and stare into his eyes and see /terror/. You want him to know you could kill him without even trying." His breathing was getting heavier and his touches were getting less... gentle; Gio had hit the wall but Liethe didn't stop. "Filthy fucking creature." He leaned in closer, stood on his toes; their mouths nearly touching. "You're filthy too. I can smell him on you." Claws tested the skin of Gio's hips. "It smells /amazing/."
  137. [12:11:35 AM] kai: "You're certainly getting off on this," the highblood couldn't help but chuckle softly. His claws grazed over his hips as he pulled him closer. "Mm, but I haven't touched him quite yet. Perhaps I'm not as filthy as you think." A soft groan escaped once his back hit the wall. The cool metal against his back sent shivers through his body. "But you are a /disgusting/ seadweller... So, maybe you could make it worse."
  138. [12:20:50 AM] bangarang: His smirk widened and he retreated just a little, eyes narrowed more. "You haven't, but you /want/ to." Blood colour notwithstanding, nothing felt better than and was more tempting than a good, healthy blackrom. Brows lofted a bit at the groan. Bingo. He was getting somewhere. Disgusting seadweller? Well, if it made Gio feel better about himself. "Do you want me to make it worse?" Fingers danced across his guest's stomach, creeping up the shirt that was under the blazer, making a point to hit every button.
  139. [12:46:41 AM] kai: This was tempting to pursue, but it wasn't something that he expected. The seadweller was surprisingly attractive, and there was something that was enticing to him. Maybe it was because he was practically beneath the seadweller, and it was... exhilarating. Never before had he been beneath /anyone/. The highblood glanced down at his hand and wondered what would happen if he tried to turn this around. Giorro pressed his hips forward against him and attempted to push him away. "Now, now, someone's being hasty," he smirked as he attempted to push the seadweller against the wall. "Why not play a little first?"
  140. [12:54:56 AM] bangarang: His grin flashed white, gap and all; Liethe catching on to the attempted shenanigans. Foot came around the back of Giorro's, intending to re-direct his step and energy so that the seadweller could neatly swing him back against the wall, this time grabbing his wrists and pinning them with a tight, restrictive grip. There was danger in his eyes; glinting with the ever-changing light that filtered into the city through the sturdy glass. He was not here to argue the fact that Gio was attractive; a little arrogant and a little obnoxious but that was something Liethe could work on with time. He leaned up on his toes again, daring the highblood with all he had to try something else. "Because I don't play nice."
  141. [1:17:20 AM] kai: Oh. Well, /that/ never happened before, and Giorro liked it. A lot. A purple tint flushed over his cheek, shock overcoming him from this sudden dominance. "What makes you think I do?" he raised a brow, a toothy smirk on his face still. He leaned in, nipping quickly at the seadweller's lower lip.
  142. [1:21:20 AM] bangarang: Liethe laughed at him, one hand leaving his wrist to grab his neck - mostly his chin, jerking the landdweller's head left and right, inspecting him again in a bit of a degrading way. "Look at you," he chided softly. "You wouldn't dare mess up your pretty little outfit." Fingers slowly moved down his neck, delving into Gio's shirt and carefully undoing the top button as he eyed him. "I have every confidence that you're going to be a good boy for the disgusting seadweller."
  143. [1:36:44 AM] kai: "Don't you dare ruin this suit," his voice lowered, and he was serious about that. If anyone ruined any of beautiful creations, he would end them. Giorro poured hours of work with all his outfits, and he was known for his work. "It is worth anything that you will ever be worth to me, you pathetic excuse for a highblood." He bared his teeth, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
  144. [1:44:13 AM] bangarang: Fingers continued lower, unbuttoning as he kept going. "Pathetic?" he echoed quietly, squeezing the wrist he still held captive. "I'm sorry who..." He narrowed his eyes. "Who's the one that, on a whim, came to visit someone he'd met on the internet and talked to for all of five minutes?" Free hand now traced his collarbone delicately before sweeping over his shoulder; under the blazer as he pulled it gently off that arm. The hand that held his wrist captive inched down, coming up to do the same thing to the opposite arm. He hooked the suitjacket onto his fingers, stepping back and holding it. "Who's gonna get their wires in a twist over a jacket?" He dangled it in front of himself, taking slow steps backwards. "Sounds pretty pathetic to me."
  145. [2:00:27 AM] kai: "I had nothing better to do, and that doesn't make /me/ the pathetic one," and then his jacket was in front of him. The highblood's eyes widened, and he retrieved his gloves quickly. There was a smirk on his face as he assumed a fighting position. "Now, if you would kindly drop the jacket, I'll be on my way and we can carry on." The fact he was reacting to Liethe's threats was bad. He didn't want to stoop any lower than he already did by being in the underwater city with an insane seadweller.
  146. [2:13:26 AM] bangarang: He snorted, shaking his head and dangling the jacket still. "You could have declined." He raised a brow at the stance, looking the highblood over curiously. He was still playing right into Liethe's hand. Eating from it, practically. Holding the jacket out in an offer, he shrugged carelessly. "I mean, if you want to leave, by all means. I got what I wanted." He was lying. "I won't try and stop you." He was very lying.
  147. [2:24:13 AM] kai: It would probably be a good idea to leave. He wasn't in the mood to Grief with the seadweller. No need for pointless slaughter, anyways. He put away his gloves carefully and took a few steps towards him to take the jacket away. All he needed to do was take the jacket and leave. It was in his hand and he began to turn around, but something felt off. This felt far too easy.
  148. [2:31:21 AM] bangarang: Smirking, he nodded briefly - letting Giorro take the jacket from him. He folded his arms, pushing his glasses back up on his nose again. "Thanks for your time, landdweller." Liethe's bloodpusher was racing again. He wasn't planning on letting Gio get very far, but giving the highblood the illusion of freedom was important.
  149. [2:46:50 AM | Edited 2:47:07 AM] kai: Finally, he was free. He put his suit jacket back on with flare, like usual, and smoothed out the fabric before briskly starting to walk away from the seadweller. This would be the last time that he would go to the underwater city. He felt more filthy being here than being at Lespri's, if that was at all possible. Maybe he'd stop by the lowblood's hive and take out his pent out aggression. He walked out of the lab, and tried to search for the pod to leave the city.
  150. [2:51:29 AM] bangarang: A dark chuckle left him as he watched Gio leave, barely able to contain his giddiness. He counted to five before taking off after him at a jaunty pace; speeding up the second he breached the door of the lab. There he was. Liethe quickened his steps - coming up behind Giorro with an amazing speed. In one swift movement he'd put his hands on his shoulders from behind; and using that leverage he jumped up; using both feet to kick out the back of the landdweller's knees. If he did it right, he could land in a crouch behind the highblood; pulling him back and down while his head connected with the floor. If he did it wrong... Well, let's just say Liethe had done this more than once.
  151. [2:59:56 AM] kai: "W-What the-?!" he gasped out as his head connected with the floor. The walls seemed to dance around, and there was a pounding pain in the back of his head. Nothing was remaining still around him, and there was a whirring noise ringing in his ears. Slowly, he pulled himself back up, holding the side of his head as he looked around for the seadweller. "What was /that/ for?!" He was furious. His fists were clenched, but his palms were getting clammy and he couldn't find his gloves anywhere. Did he take them?
  152. [3:07:06 AM] bangarang: "I'm impressed," he purred. "Most trolls are down for the count when I do that." Shrug. "No matter." Taking advantage of the dazed confusion, he reached out quick as lightning to grab the back of Gio's head, his hair, in a harsh hold, pulling him back a little. When he bent back Liethe swung his leg out, aiming to take out the backs of his knees again, wanting to make him kneel. "I said I wouldn't /try/ to stop you." His eyes gleamed. "I /did/ stop you. Kneel."
  153. [3:22:40 AM] kai: He winced in pain, letting out a groan of pain. His eyes opened blearily, his vision blurry but at least everything was remaining still. There was a low, threatening growl from the highblood, but he did as he was told. He needed to be more coherent in order to reach his gloves. The water outside the city's glass seemed murky and dark; no light at all. He tried to look over his shoulder, and could make out the dark outline of the seadweller. "Looks like I wasn't quick enough," he muttered under his breath, his eyes facing forward again. "So, what are you planning to do, /Liethe/?" Giorro didn't know what to do in this situation aside from comply. He never met any troll that could keep up with his agility or skills, but this one was different. It was a mistake to underestimate him.
  154. [3:34:08 AM] bangarang: Borderline cheerful smile was offered at the growl, a hum leaving him. "Good boy," he murmured under his breath as Gio knelt next to him, Liethe still keeping his grip on the back of his head tight. The light from his horn-mounted computer scouter thing glowed purple, illuminating him creepily. "Looks like." He chuckled again darkly at the question, shaking his head a little and tightening his grip, pulling his head back a little more. "Well, I can't kill you." Much to his dismay. "Well, I /could/, I guess, but I think I like watching you obey commands just a little bit more." He crouched down next to him, angling the landdweller's head back uncomfortably, smirking. "You're so very /good/ at it."
  155. [3:44:08 AM] kai: That was it. He wasn't going to just beg like a starving woofbeast to a seadweller. But his head was throbbing and his movement was limited thanks to his hair being pulled back. There was a fire in his eyes, seering rage, and he wanted to wipe that smug smirk off the seadweller's face. There had to be another way out. "Mm, you'd love to see me bleed, I'm sure, but wouldn't you rather be touching a lowblood instead? Feel their filth on your hands? I'm just a highblood, nothing interesting here. Not nearly as rewarding."
  156. [4:01:43 AM] bangarang: He tutted softly at his guest, almost like a custodian might to a sickly grub. His eyes narrowed a little as he spoke again. Yes yes the part about bleeding was nice and all but talking about him... with a lowblood like that? Snarling a little he switched hands quickly; one coming around his throat to slam him back into the ground again, holding him there with a surprising amount of force. He loomed over Gio, staring down at him. "I think you and I have very different ideas of what exactly is 'rewarding'." Leaning in closer, he tightened his grip on his throat a little. "Though bleeding is definitely something I think you're going to do."
  157. [4:13:37 AM] kai: So, this seadweller wouldn't listen to reason. Fine. But then disorientation came again, but he wasn't going to pass out and die here. Not in a seadweller's lair. He groaned softly in pain, his ears roaring and he felt like his face was burning. Pain. He hadn't experienced this in a long time. Pain merely seemed like a far off concept, but it was real. "Ngh... Fine.. I'll play by your rules then," if he couldn't win with dominance, he'd do as the seadweller wanted and then he'd be free. At least that's what he hoped. He cringed as claws lightly scraped at his skin, his body started to tremble from the pain. He needed something to set the seadweller offguard. A free hand moved up to tug at his sweatervest to bring him closer, their faces close now. "I'll show you what I think is rewarding though..." And his lips quickly pressed against the seadweller's. It was far-fetched and he knew it probably wouldn't work the way he wanted, but he was running out of options... Even though it felt good, oddly enough.
  158. [4:32:48 AM] bangarang: Smirk widened at the give-up, but Liethe didn't move his hand. He wasn't that stupid. He knew all the tricks. Lowbloods had a nasty habit of trying to buy him off, feign compliance, stupid shit like that. But - oh. That wasn't what he was expecting. But even still he swung his leg around, straddling the landdweller. He broke the kiss a moment later, leaning back and wiping his mouth off with the back of his other sleeve. Fingertips dug into the skin on Gio's neck further, glowering down at him as he weakened the other troll's air flow. This was a game, and Liethe was going to win. A grin cracked again; a glittering white slash amongst the shadows that fell over his face. "Now who's desperate."
  159. [2:11:04 AM] kai: The game had changed completely. Liethe was right, he was the desperate one now. There was something warm on the back of his head. Blood. Well, it looked like Liethe got what he wanted. But then his fingers wrapped tightly around his neck, and he struggled beneath him, his hands desperately trying to pull him off and he bucked his hips the best he could to knock him off. Liethe was going to win if he didn't breathe. The highblood managed to buck up enough to upset Liethe's balance, making his grip loose. Giorro managed to get whatever air he could before Liethe settled back on him.
  160. [2:18:56 AM] bangarang: He faltered a little, but managed to regain his balance - and graciously let up his hold. "This is a good view," he purred quietly, empty hand brushing down Gio's chest, finishing off the last of the buttons that held the undershirt closed. "You should consider yourself lucky," he continued, admiring the skin he exposed before lightly dragging his claws down the espanse, "not many trolls in this position live for very long."
  161. [2:26:27 AM] kai: Well, that escalated quickly. His cheeks burned purple, which in his position was very rare. Giorro's angular brows were practically permanently furrowed, always making him look like he had a scowl on his face, but this time it was worse. "You're not going to kill me, though," he muttered as he moved his hands, which were free for now, up and down Liethe's thighs. "You should consider yourself lucky for being able to have that view. But I don't mind..."
  162. The highblood's voice was lower, and a small smirk spread on his face.
  163. [2:36:58 AM] bangarang: Now he was speaking his language. He loved the way the blush was tinting his guest's cheeks, he loved the way he looked so disgruntled. "You're right," he murmured. "I'm not." His own grin widened as he felt the hands on his thighs, his claws pressing a little more harshly into his skin, leaving raised bumps in their wake. No blood yet, though. He leaned in closer, tightening the grip on his throat juuuuust a little bit more. "I know you don't mind. I can see it in your eyes." And he could feel it. "You want it." He wanted this; he wanted to be knocked down a peg. And Liethe was good at putting people in their place.
  164. [2:45:45 AM] kai: Maybe Giorro did want it, but he certainly didn't know he did until Liethe forced him in place. It was disgusting to be beneath someone like him, but Liethe didn't allow any other option. Slowly he dragged his claws up his thighs, managing to reach at the buttons of his pants, unbuttoning them with that smug smeared on his face. "I do want it," he mumbled under his breath, his throat raspy from the choking. "So do it. Fuck me." It was blunt and to the point, but Giorro was far too desperate at this point to consider how this would reflect on him. He wanted to be touched, handled differently than he always had been before.
  165. [3:00:56 AM] bangarang: Head tilted back a little as his pants were undone, Liethe having been concealing his own arousal of the situation for a while now; since he'd chased him. The thrill of the hunt always got him off a little, but he'd never been able to actually do something about it before - he'd never touch a lowblood like that, so he was always unsatisfied. A dark, breathy chuckle left him at the egging on, Liethe shaking his head a little. Oh, he wanted to. And was probably going to. But right now he wasn't entirely sure if Giorro knew the gravity of the situation at present. Leaning on his throat a little more he scooted forward, free hand now moving to sweep and drag his claws through Gio's hair, off his face. Grip loosened as he leaned down, an almost-honest smile coming to his face as his voice lowered. In a tone that was as condescending as it was sweet, he spoke. "Blow me, landdweller."
  166. [3:12:21 AM] kai: The very fact he was begging for a seadweller to fuck him was degrading enough, but to suck him off was another thing too. Liethe just wanted him to grovel, but his words made his pants even tighter than they already were. It was completely messed up how aroused this seadweller made him, but this situation was new and exciting. A soft groan escaped his lips as Liethe came closer, and that condescencion was intoxicating. A low growl rumbled in his throat, but he leaned up, fingers examining the outline of his bulge. His normally purple lids dilated and were glossed over from pure lust. Without any hesitation, Giorro dipped his finger into the fabric and started to stroke him for now.
  167. [3:25:11 AM] bangarang: A hiss of appreciation left him as he felt the fingers on his bulge, hand in his hair tightening its grip in spite of himself. Liethe stroked through his hair again, this time claws dragging against his guest's scalp. "It's not a fucking grub," he breathed impatiently, tightening the hold he had on Gio's neck. He didn't have to be /gentle/ or anything. But he had to admit, having the highblood's hands on him - the same hands that /touched/ a lowblood and didn't fall off or anything - was so fucking exhilarating. "Use your filthy hands. Your filthy /mouth/."
  168. [4:11:45 AM] kai: A smirk spread across face as he pulled the hard bulge out of his pants. His tongue ran across his lower lip as he leaned in slightly. Normally he would have fought to get out of this position, turn the tables on the seadweller to let him know where Giorro thought his place was. But he liked this a lot more than he wanted to admit. His tongue dragged across the tip slowly, his eyes shutting closed as he managed to wrap his lips around the glossy tip with his tongue pressing against the sensitive skin teasingly. Even if he was going to do this, he wanted to maintain some sort of control.
  169. [4:16:01 AM] bangarang: He moved his arm to allow the highblood's mouth to come into contact with his bulge, hands instead finding themselves in Gio's hair, or on his shoulders, or gripping his biceps. Liethe'd been pretty untouched for a while. Probably since his lusus died. He'd closed up a bit at that point and had refused a lot of contact. "Good... Yes..."
  170. [4:41:33 AM] kai: The encouragment from the seadweller caused Giorro to go a bit further now. He took Liethe more into his mouth, his tongue running against the shaft slowly, but thoughtfully. He was eager to hear noises from the seadweller, noises of his approval. He groaned softly himself as he took more of the bulge into his mouth, getting more than half into his mouth by now. His nails dragged against the seadweller's thighs, and he wished he could tear at the skin, draw some blood like Liethe did to him.
  171. [4:51:29 AM] bangarang: Liethe's mouth was open, letting hot breaths in and out slowly. This was good. This was definitely good. In spite of himself he laughed; shoulders shaking with the silent amusement. What a fucking bizarre turn of events. He never expected this to happen, but goddamn was it wonderful. Leaning most of his weight onto Gio's shoulders he bit his bottom lip; hips beginning a smooth rock back and forth into the landdweller's mouth. He didn't care if he was ready or not; Liethe was not about to wait. He didn't even mind the nails on his thighs; the feel of them through the fabric of his pants was enough. For now. Maybe someday he'd let the highblood injure him in kind. If Liethe managed to coax him into coming back.
  172. [5:05:09 AM] kai: Giorro tried his best not to gag on the bulge invading his mouth, but he managed to adjust and take him in fully. He groaned around the flesh, his legs trembling as he tried to keep up and bob his head in unison with Liethe's movements. His tongue ran against throbbing veins and sensitive areas that he managed to discover. The highblood's mouth was slick, and he was careful about his fangs against the skin. God, this was fucking hot. Giorro tried to pull away from the seadweller, but he was yanked back into position firmly, which caused Giorro to let a soft yelp out. How pathetic. His dark purple eyes flickered up towards the seadweller, almost as if he was trying to communicate that he wanted to do more to the stupid bastard. Giorro was sure he wouldn't listen, but his own pants were incredibly tight and he needed some sort of satisfaction as well. Stupid selfish seadweller.
  173. [5:32:33 AM] bangarang: "F-fuck..." His claws dug into his guest's shoulders a little, Liethe's smile wide. Eyes were closed, but they cracked open every so often to get a good look at that face below him. One hand left the highblood's shoulder to rake back through his hair again, claws grazing his scalp. "F-fucking dirty... Sssso filthy..." Gio'd probably kiss the lowblood. Run his hands all over him. Make him /squirm/. The prospect made him shudder, gripping a handful of the hair he held tightly. He caught the gaze and regrettably pulled himself from Gio's mouth, leaning down and pressing their foreheads together. "H-how delightful," he purred at him, their mouths touching but Liethe giving him nothing by means of affection. He reached behind him, fingers roughly brushing against Gio's own clothed bulge. "Look at you, g-getting off from being p-pushed around." Tongue dragged over the landdweller's bottom lip. "P-pathetic."
  174. [6:10:58 AM] kai: "And you like it, huh?" his grin was wide and he was eager to please. It was so not like him, but he really wanted it. The highblood shuddered as his bulge received attention. He moved his hips up towards the touch, trying so hard not to look so desperate, but his eyes were glazed over and his breath short. "A-Ah.. You going to do something about it, seadweller...?"
  175. [6:19:18 AM] bangarang: Grin slanted a bit, like the devil's smirk. "Oh, I/ love/ it." Being in a position of power was nothing new to Liethe, but being in a position of power over something you had no intention of killing was... a different story entirely. With a fleeting, teasing nip to his mouth Liethe retreated a little, scooting backwards until he crouched just past Gio's hips. The flat of his palm rubbed again over his guest's restricted arousal, and he purred at him once more. "Gonna make it worth my time?"
  176. [6:42:46 AM] kai: The seadweller's palm pressed against him set off explosions of pleasure throughout his body, even with just a simple touch. Damn, this guy was good. He leaned in, nipping back at Liethe's mouth before gripping onto Liethe's sweatervest, an equally dangerous smirk on his face. But his face was flushed with purple, and his look was far more desperate than he probably intended. "I'm sure I could," he muttered as he pushed back the urge to ravage the seadweller in any way he could imagine.
  177. [6:51:39 AM] bangarang: That's what he liked seeing. Flusteredness, confusion. "I sure hope so," he continued, leisurely unbuttoning and unzipping the pants before him. Hand delved in, the other stroking his own wet bulge at a languid pace. Fingers rubbed Gio like that, tongue dragging over his fangs. "I dispose of things that aren't worth my time." Impatiently, he reached to tug at the back of the pants, aiming to get them off - at least enough to drag his claws over one of his cheeks possessively.
  178. [12:37:58 AM] kai: The highblood let out a soft growl as the seadweller toyed with his bulge, but that growl slowly turned into a whine. His hips thrusted forward violently, and a stern look was in his eyes and he lifted them up a bit to help Liethe with getting his pants off. Without saying a word, he was demanding for more.
  179. [12:51:49 AM] bangarang: Smirk showed again, removing the pants and discarding them off to the side. Hand returned, dragging claws over the curvature of his backside. Good. Perfect. Still slick from before he got closer, fingers dropping between Gio's thighs to rub gently over his nook. "I adore how desperate you are, landdweller." It fed his ego, and made his want that much more.
  180. [12:59:48 AM] kai: He hated how he was feeding into the seadweller's ego, but damnit he wanted it badly. His nook was dripping thanks to the seadweller's forceful nature. "S-Shut up..." managed to mumble between his soft notes. "Just get it over with... Nn.. Before I change my mind..."
  181. [1:04:10 AM] bangarang: Laughing, he shook his head, pressing a single finger into the form below him. "There's nothing you could do even if you did change your mind." Hips moved gently, their naked bulges brushing one another. "You're mine." Another finger entered, the two digits slowly stroking in and out of him. He leaned over him, grazing his pointed teeth over the edge of his company's jaw. "You're not going anywhere."
  182. [1:20:14 AM] kai: The highblood tilted his head back as the finger entered him. He cringed, and tried to relax, but it was proving to be difficult. The highblood usually wasn't the one on the bottom, so this experience was completely foreign to him. But.. But he liked it. A lot. "You'll never.. nn.. Make me say it..."
  183. [1:26:24 AM] bangarang: He loved the way Giorro tensed beneath him; taking advantage of the landdweller's discomfort to drag his tongue up the side of his neck. "You don't have to," he whispered, fingers removed and going back to his own bulge, stroking himself a few times before guiding the tip of it to the other kid's waiting nook, nosing into it less than gently. /"Because I know it."/
  184. [12:05:59 AM] kai: He tensed again and let out a low groan as soon as Liethe entered him. His nook was wet and ready, and he hated the fact that his body was reacting so well to this stiuation. He wanted to hate it, wanted to leave, but he wanted it so bad. "Nn.. fuck you..." he muttered and growled softly, his fingers digging into Liethe's shoulders.
  185. [12:18:59 AM] bangarang: Fingers found a harsh grip on Gio's hips, holding his prey in place while he quickened and went to work. Soon enough he was flush against him, grinning deviously through his now-shallow pants as he thrust into him. "You're welcome," he murmured condescendingly, one of his hands coming up to rake through his company's hair.
  186. [12:44:40 AM] kai: Oh no. He did not just assume that Giorro was GRATEFUL for this. "I-If anything..." he mumbled angrily, his brows furrowed together. "You should be t-thanking... me... s-seadwell-A-Ahh..!" he let out a low groan, throwing his head back, his entire body tensing at the sudden intrusion. "F-f-fuuuck...!"
  187. [12:56:19 AM] bangarang: Grin widened toothily as Gio spoke, shaking his head slowly. Thanking Giorror? A /landdweller/? No no no. Especially not when he /knew/ beyond a shadow of a doubt that the highblood below him absolutely loved it. He was eating it up. Eating out of Liethe's hand. Leaning in close he dragged his teeth across Gio's jaw, moving to his ear where he nipped the shell of it. "Yesss... Thank you for giving yourself /so/ willingly to me." His thrusts kept up, growing in intensity and speed.
  188. [1:08:01 AM] kai: Moans escaped his him with each thrust, and he tilted his head back for Liethe to gain more access to his neck. Secretly, he wanted him to mark him up, claim him and make him his. He wanted it so bad. But no. He wasn't going to admit to any of that. "W-Willing...?! H-Heh... You /begged/ for me to c-come down here.. D-Desperate..."
  189. [1:18:18 AM] bangarang: Mouth went lower, pointed fangs grazing dangerously over his company's neck. Now near his shoulder - actually that one spot, right between them, that was super tender. Tongue dragged over it, humming darkly at his comments. "You're the desperate one, friend." Every buck of his hips had purpose, and he was aiming to leave his guest a mess. "Look at you. Presenting like a horny adolescent." He liked it though. Kissing the wet mark on his neck, he tormented him with the possibility of biting him - but he didn't. Yet.
  190. [12:43:03 AM] kai: The prospect of Liethe biting him, marking him, claiming him in such a vicious way was practically a fantasy to Giorro now. What did this seadweller turn him into? He wanted so badly to retort, to push away and try to take control of the situation... But he knew that would end poorly. It was certain that he wasn't going to underestimate the seadweller again. Without realizing it, Giorro's moans were getting louder, his claws raking down Liethe's shoulders while he writhed beneath him. His neck was fully exposed as an exploding amount of pleasure waved over his body with an incredible intensity. Whines were mixed into the moans, indicating that he wanted much more. Coherent words vanished, his think pan was reduced to ooze as he let the intoxicating pleasure take hold of him completely.
  191. [12:57:38 AM] bangarang: Liethe knew that Giorro was incapacitated. Completely and utterly taken over. His thrusts slowed to an agonizing pace, claws digging into his guest's hips to hold him down, hold him still, keep him right where the seadweller wanted him while he took and took and took. "You're alright for a landdweller," he whispered into his skin, not giving him a moment to reply before sinking uneven teeth into that spot between neck and shoulder; where it was especially tender and especially erogenous. He was unrelenting, claws racing up Gio's torso to leave slivers of his blood to seep through. Weight rested againt his shoulders now, mouth still attached via razor-sharp teeth as his thrusts sped up again. He hadn't wanted to give into the landdweller; hadn't wanted to give him what he was begging for because it was so perfect. But Liethe wanted it just as much, so he promised it was more for himself than it was for his company.
  192. [1:13:36 AM] kai: Despite the supposedly selfish actions of the seadweller, Giorro didn't care. It felt amazing, even if he was torturing him. The claws on his skin, the sting of the marks left behind, the sharp, pointy fangs sinking into his neck.. It was almost enough to break Giorro down completely. He was so close, and the vulger moans and heavy breathing was a good indication he was loving every moment of it. Suddenly, his back arched as Liethe bit into him, his erogenous zone found and exposed, but he was pushed back down and forced to take more of Liethe's sensual torture. The highblood let out a low groan as his body trembled beneath him as his bulge spilled his genetic material onto his stomach, the pleasure crashing on the highblood as he released shakily. He was a complete wreck thanks to the seadweller. His panting was heavy and he looked up at Liethe with a pathetic expression, one he normally wouldn't have after these types of affairs. "P-Please..." he managed to sputter out, though he had no idea what he was begging for.
  193. [1:26:19 AM] bangarang: Taken by complete surprise as Gio came, he grunted hard and thrust harder - teeth still set dangerously in the skin of the landdweller as he, too, released. Well, he hadn't meant to do it /inside/, but he guessed it didn't matter. Lasting reminder when the fucker went to use the load gaper next, he supposed. Tremor overtook him as he did so, claws sinking into the skin he held, teeth gritting where they held. Through with /that/ whole song and dance he finally let him go, picking his head up to look down at him. Through his teeth the purple blood dripped onto Gio's neck and collarbones, the corner of his lips turning up into a smirk. Please? Please what? He pulled out from his guest, a soft groan leaving him as he did so. His question was unanswered. "Please what?" he asked quietly, staring through his guest, rather than at him. Cold, calculating. His claws remained sunken into the grey skin below him. "Use your words, Giorro."
  194. [1:31:12 AM] kai: Use his words? There were no words available to him. He was just babbling, his body trembling as the waves slowed down and just pulsed softly through his body. His toes curled and his eyes fell shut. He couldn't move, even though he now started to feel the discomfort of the pile genetic fluid. A bath sounded nice, but there was no way he could stand right now. "Bath..." he mumbled quietly, hoping to get his point across.
  195. [1/30/2013 11:28:58 PM] bangarang: Liethe let go, sitting back from his guest and re-arranging his clothes. Bath? Hn. He rolled his eyes, moving to help the landdweller into a sit, then eventually to stand. He braced him against the wall, calling up Loel on his horn-mounted computer. Minutes later the little pod zoomed towards them on the ceiling. "Liethe?" he questioned. "Show this one to one of the hygieneblocks. I don't care which one. When he's cleaned himself up show him the door. I've got business to take care of." The lususbot made a tut, but agreed. Liethe assisted in re-dressing his guest - even fetched his blazer for him, hanging it on his shoulders. He patted his back, then leaned in to kiss the still-bleeding bite mark on his neck. Wicked grin. "I trust you not to make a mess. Don't make me regret it." Turning on his heel then, he headed back towards his lab.
  196. [1/31/2013 12:07:22 AM] kai: So, that's how it was going to be. It wasn't surprising to Giorro though. Some part of him was slightly disappointed, but he wasn't going to show it. His legs were trembling as he headed over toward the hygieneblocks. Whatever, he wanted to leave as soon as possible anyways. He had enough of this seadweller's hive. As he stripped down again for the hygieneblock, he started the water, relieved that he could finally get clean and rid himself of the mess that pathetic seadweller left him in. He grumbled as he showered, the water feeling incredible on him. After he showered, he dried off and dressed back up slowly, finally gaining back the feeling in his legs again. He glanced over at Loel, quirking a brow, arms crossed over his chest. "Are you going to lead me out now or what?" his voice was terse and he wanted to leave immediately. Bitter? Maybe. But for the most part he was just sick of being underwater like this where he felt somewhat /inferior/.
  197. [1/31/2013 12:15:07 AM] bangarang: Loel remained silent for the entire trip, keeping close to the hygieneblock while their guest tidied himself up. He entered the room again once he heard the ablution trap drain entirely, surprised at being addressed so suddenly, his reply wasn't immediate. Afterall, Loel /had/ been a living thing. He wasn't a computer his entire life. "Yes, I can do that." <Is he gone yet?> ~No, he's just finishing up. Are you okay, Liethe? )=:~ <I'm fine. What the fvck wovld make yov think otherwise?> ~You left in a hurry... I'm just a little worried, I guess.~ <Vgh. Why are yov worried? I'm fine.> ~Well this is the first... company... you've had over in a while. \=:~ <So?> ~So... ah... Nevermind. I'll show him out.~ <Good.> "Just follow me." And Loel zoomed along the rail, not going too fast, so Gio could keep up. "Um..." he began softly, but thought better of it - and quieted. In his lab, Liethe was reclining in his chair, watching the monitors with a bit of a... sad look. Whatever. It was nothing. Fuck it.
  198. [1/31/2013 12:31:00 AM] kai: It was awkwardly silent as he walked behind Loel. He was mulling over what just happened, how he was dominated and claimed by the strange seadweller. Whatever. He was still pathetic for falling for it. That's right. He knew very well what was going to happen, though it didn't go exactly how he planned. The highblood sighed and stepped into the pod that led him into the city, glad to see his own hive soon.
  199. [1/31/2013 12:39:21 AM] bangarang: "Well then," Loel began quietly, watching Gio go. "See you..." The bot watched the pod leave, sighed (which was a strange sound indeed), and went back to the lab. "So he's gone?" Liethe asked quietly - he'd watched the landdweller leave, it was more of a... conversation starter. Sure. "Yes, he left just a few moments go." There was an awkward pause. "Before you ask again, Loel, yes I'm fine. I lured an unsuspecting guest into my hive, fucked him, and no I don't want to have touchy-feely-after-time. Alright? Just leave me alone about it." But he was actually somewhat distressed - and he did want to talk about it, but it seemed just... strange to talk to Loel about it, even if he was his lusus. He turned, signing onto Trollian and checking a few things on his computer before really setting to work on more programming.
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