
Lover Preludes Chapter 28.

May 2nd, 2018
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  1. Lover Preludes Chapter 28
  2. FMC Girlfriend 1 Myungwol (Glass/Black) Girlfriend 2 Soo Hee (Pink) [Mc Shin Hyun Woo]
  3. This is an app. Base translation so it not perfect {Thinking} "Text Bubbles" [Narration]
  5. Chapter start on the Rapist home using the computer saying "Blank rose BJ is that Soo Hee" and then he try comparing it saying "The mike location,the chair is the same the curtain from behind and the same necklace" Rapist put his hand to cover one of his eye saying "Is there something wrong here in my eyes they are exactly the same"And then Rapist got a shocking appearance and says "How can I didn't notice this my favorite adult BJ is the second GF of Hyun Woo I need to talk to him.I need to meet him" Rapist calls Mc. Hyun Woo answer it telling him "Uh Lee Chul" Rapist ask "what are you doing?" Hyun Woo tells him "I am attending my class" the Rapist ask him "Can I meet you later?" Mc ask "Why are you giving me the medicine?" Rapist tells him "I will give it to you and I need to tell you something more important" on the phone Mc tells rapist "Okay alright"
  8. In the Car depot Rapist ask him "Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" Mc declined it and then Rapist hand him something and tells him "Here is the medicine you ask" Hyun woo gets it and says "Oho Thank you" Rapist sit beside him. Mc ask the rapist friend "What do you want to say?. I don't think you ask to meet me just for this drug"
  10. Rapist tells him "Looks like your second girlfriend is a BJ name Soo Hee" Hyun Woo ask him "What about it?" Rapist tells him "That woman named Soo Hee her nick name is 'Black rose' an adult BJ" Hyun Woo question him "BJ? Black rose?"
  12. Rapist tells him "I just figured it out I think I need to tell you something" Mc ask "What about it?" Rapist shouted "After knowing she an adult BJ why aren't you not even have a bit of surprise?" Hyun Woo tells him "Its all in the past anyway now its alright what can I do about that"
  14. Rapist tells him "Your wrong She approach you intentionally how can you not get upset and stay still?" Hyun Woo tells him "Its all in the past" Rapist pick his phone while saying "I will show you something Hyun Woo what you need to know about her" Rapist reveal an old video of Soo Hee his GF2 wearing a black dress and playing with herself.While telling the Mc "They are the kind of women who are willing to disgrace their self for money offering by the costumers online"
  16. HyunWoo didn't mind the video and walk while telling him "Costumer Just like you" Rapist got angry shouting Mc name "Yah Shin Hyun Woo" and then Mc tells him "Cut it out! I only care about myself. I don't know why you are being like that It's nothing to do with me"
  18. Rapist cries while shouting "Black rose I like her" Inserting a flashback of rapist playing with his "D" while looking at her video saying "Black rose naked body I been looking for it for a long time now masturbating on it" Inserting an image of GF2 giving him an oral and say "I even fantasizing her comforting me. In my imagination That was her"
  20. Hyun Woo provoke him more by saying "Its also part of the past now and now that you know that she is my girlfriend.You don't need to masturbate on her body anymore" And walk away saying "I need to go now take care"
  22. The angry rapist shouted again "Ya Shin Hyun Woo!I am not the only one whose been fantasizing on that Black Rose there a lot of men wasting money in the internet just to see her body don't you even know that?"
  24. Moment later the panting Rapist saying "That bastard" and then he pick up his phone while saying "it shouldn't be like this I will never let you have it all"  GF1 pick up the call of the rapist saying "Hello" Rapist tells her "To meet him" Fmc ask him "Why? Do you want to do it again?You want to have sex without love and emotion again?
  26. Retarded Rapist tells her "Don't keep me yelling" Fmc tells him "Okay I will go" and they fuck Rapist kiss her
  28. TBC.
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