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- import scala.collection.mutable
- trait PriorityStack[Elem] {
- def pop(): Option[Elem]
- def push(elem: Elem): Unit
- }
- object PriorityStack {
- private class Impl[Elem: Ordering](
- initialCapacity: Int,
- capacityFactor: Float,
- ) extends PriorityStack[Elem] {
- private val ordering: Ordering[AnyRef] = new Ordering[AnyRef] {
- override def compare(x: AnyRef, y: AnyRef): Int =
- (x, y) match {
- case (null, _) => 1
- case (_, null) => -1
- case (null, null) => 0
- case _ => Ordering[Elem].compare(
- x.asInstanceOf[Elem],
- y.asInstanceOf[Elem],
- )
- }
- }
- private var underlying = new Array[AnyRef](initialCapacity)
- private var last = -1
- override def pop(): Option[Elem] =
- if(last > 0) {
- def shrink(): Unit = {
- val needShrink = (last * capacityFactor).toInt < underlying.length
- if (needShrink) {
- val shrinked = new Array[AnyRef](last)
- Array.copy(
- src = underlying,
- srcPos = 0,
- dest = shrinked,
- destPos = 0,
- length = last,
- )
- }
- }
- def head(): Option[Elem] = {
- val take = last
- last -= 1
- val elem = underlying(take).asInstanceOf[Elem]
- underlying(take) = null.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- Some(elem)
- }
- shrink()
- head()
- } else {
- None
- }
- override def push(elem: Elem): Unit = {
- def grow(): Unit = {
- val current = last + 1
- if(current > underlying.length) {
- val size = (current * capacityFactor).toInt
- val growed = new Array[AnyRef](size)
- Array.copy(
- src = underlying,
- srcPos = 0,
- dest = growed,
- destPos = 0,
- length = last,
- )
- underlying = growed
- }
- last = current
- }
- def insert(): Unit = {
- underlying(last) = elem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- underlying.sortInPlace()(ordering)
- }
- grow()
- insert()
- }
- override def toString(): String =
- underlying.mkString("PriorityStack(", ", ", ")")
- }
- def apply[Elem: Ordering](initialCapacity: Int = 16,
- growFactor: Float = 2f): PriorityStack[Elem] =
- new Impl[Elem](initialCapacity, growFactor)
- }
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