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- # Generates a csv file of RDS Logons on given servers.
- <#
- This will list:
- Date/Time , logon or logoff, Event ID, Username, SessionID, Source IPAddress, Computer user logged onto.
- Eg:
- 2015-04-28T15:38:22,23,logoff,andrewst,6,,Server08
- 2015-04-28T15:36:37,23,logoff,sheffieldd,3,,Server10
- 2015-04-28T15:30:40,21,logon,ryank,4,,Server08
- 2015-04-28T15:21:13,23,logoff,powelll,8,,Server09
- 2015-04-28T15:12:35,21,logon,sheffieldd,3,,Server10
- The output can be sorted by date / Time. The date / time is specifically in this format to make sorting easier. Logoff events have no IP address associated. For best results, use the File -> Open option in Excel to import the file as a Comma separated file.
- Parameters:
- ComputerList - list of computer names or IP Addresses to check
- OutputFile - the csv that will be written to
- DomainName - the domain name (will be removed from output to make analysis easier
- #>
- $outputFile="\\server11\audit\RDSLogons.csv"
- $ComputerList="Server08","Server09","Server10"
- $DomainName="QLDPAPER"
- ## This will get the Event ID 23 and 21 from LocalSessionManager logs of a list of given computers and export them.
- $TodaysDate=get-date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
- $TodaysTime=get-date -UFormat "%H%M"
- $TempFile1="$env:TEMP`\Userlogons$TodaysDate$TodaysTime.csv1"
- $TempFile2="$env:TEMP`\Userlogons$TodaysDate$TodaysTime.csv2"
- $TempFile3="$env:TEMP`\Userlogons$TodaysDate$TodaysTime.csv3"
- ## Create the date time object. We will overwrite this data, but using this object gives us the structure.
- $datetimeobject=new-object DateTime
- ## Delete the outputFile
- remove-item $outputFile
- Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerList)
- {
- ## Cycle through each server and get the LocalSessionManager logs, where the event ID is 23 or 21. Export to CSV.
- get-winevent -logname *LocalSessionManager* -computername $Computer | select timecreated, id, message, $Computer | where-object {($ -eq "23") -or ($ -eq "21")} | export-csv $TempFile1 -notypeinformation
- ## Import the first file skipping the first line to remove the headers.
- get-content $TempFile1 | select -skip 1 | set-content $TempFile2
- ## Remove the unnecessary CRLF, domain, extraneous detail
- [STRING]$StringCleanup=[io.file]::ReadAllText($TempFile2)
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace ":`\r`\n`\r`\nUser: ","`",`""
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "$DomainName\\",""
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "`\r`\nSession ID: ","`",`""
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "`\r`\nSource Network Address: ","`",`""
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded","logon"
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "Remote Desktop Services: Session logoff succeeded","logoff"
- $StringCleanup=$StringCleanup -replace "Remote Desktop Services: Session logoff succeeded","logoff"
- ## Add the header again and export
- $StringCleanup='"Date","EVENTID","Event","User","SessionID","IP","Server"' + "`r`n"+$StringCleanup
- $StringCleanup | out-file $Tempfile3 -force
- ## The date time is still a separate item: EG: 25/05/2015 8:00:25 AM
- ## Convert this into a datetime object and cast as sortable (ISO8601)
- ## Do this per line
- $ResetDateTime=Import-csv $TempFile3
- $ResetDateTime | foreach-object {
- $newdate=[datetime]::ParseExact($,"d/MM/yyyy h:mm:ss tt",[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,[System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::none)
- $newdate=$newdate.GetDateTimeFormats('s')
- ## Create a new item to hold the line, remove the <space>,<space> errors introduced in converting the time
- [string]$outputtowrite=$newdate+","+$_.EventID+","+$_.Event+","+$_.User+","+$_.SessionID+","+$_.IP+","+$Computer
- $outputtowrite=$outputtowrite -replace " , ",","
- ## Output the file
- $outputtowrite | out-file $outputFile -append
- }
- }
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