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- // (VEX_AI_SIM/robot_controller/include/robotFunctions.cpp)
- // library for sim functions
- #include "include/simFunctions.cpp"
- // create the sim class
- Sim sim;
- class Bot{
- private:
- double currentScore;
- bool training = true;
- int currentTerm = 25;
- int previousTerm = 0;
- bool E_NEW_NET = true;
- public:
- const void* message = " ";
- double functionOutput;
- // activate or deactivate the hook
- void hook(bool activated) {
- if (activated == true) {
- Hook->setPosition(0.2);
- } else {
- Hook->setPosition(0);
- }
- }
- void topArm(bool activated) {
- if (activated == true) {
- topRingArm->setPosition(-1.2);
- } else {
- topRingArm->setPosition(0);
- }
- }
- void holder(bool activated) {
- if (activated == true) {
- intakeHold->setPosition(-0.5);
- } else {
- intakeHold->setPosition(0);
- }
- }
- void clamp(bool activated) {
- if (activated == true) {
- ringClampL->setPosition(0.3);
- ringClampR->setPosition(0.3);
- } else {
- ringClampL->setPosition(-0.3);
- ringClampR->setPosition(-0.3);
- }
- }
- void intake(bool spinning) {
- if (spinning == true) {
- intakeRoll->setVelocity(-100.0);
- } else {
- intakeRoll->setVelocity(0);
- }
- }
- void Conveyor(bool spinning) {
- if (spinning == true) {
- conveyor->setVelocity(-10.0);
- } else {
- conveyor->setVelocity(0);
- }
- }
- // training functions for network
- void trainingNetwork(NeuralNetwork& actor, NeuralNetwork& critic, int numEpisodes, double gamma, double learningRate, double GRADIENT_CLASH_THRESHOLD, double weight_decay) {
- // initialize variables
- vector<double> state;
- double input1;
- double input2;
- double input3;
- int extraReward;
- int runCount;
- AdamWOptimizer actorOptimizer(learningRate, 0.9, 0.999, 0.01, weight_decay);
- AdamWOptimizer criticOptimizer(learningRate, 0.9, 0.999, 0.01, weight_decay);
- actor.add_layer(Layer(3, 128, "relu", actorOptimizer));
- actor.add_layer(Layer(128, 128, "relu", actorOptimizer));
- actor.add_layer(Layer(128, 1, "linear", actorOptimizer));
- critic.add_layer(Layer(3, 128, "relu", criticOptimizer));
- critic.add_layer(Layer(128, 128, "relu", criticOptimizer));
- critic.add_layer(Layer(128, 1, "linear", criticOptimizer));
- if(E_NEW_NET == 1) {
- // Save neural network to file
- }
- for (int episode = 0; episode <= numEpisodes; ++episode) {
- // Load neural network from file
- NeuralNetwork actorLoadedNN;
- NeuralNetwork criticLoadedNN;
- actorLoadedNN.load("actor_network_params.txt");
- criticLoadedNN.load("critic_network_params.txt");
- actor = actorLoadedNN;
- critic = criticLoadedNN;
- fstream AIshots("ai_rec.html");
- vector<vector<double>> states;
- vector<double> actions, rewards, logProbs, values;
- if (left1->getVelocity() != 0.0) {
- sim.moveBot(0);
- sim.delay(50, "msec");
- }
- sim.resetSimManual();
- sim.programSetup();
- robot->animationStartRecording("ai_rec.html");
- training = true;
- while (training == true) {
- runCount = runCount + 1;
- // average velocities, and insert into array
- input1 = (left1->getVelocity() + left2->getVelocity() + left3->getVelocity()) / 3;
- input2 = (right1->getVelocity() + right2->getVelocity() + right3->getVelocity()) / 3;
- input3 = currentScore;
- // erase the vector, and insert the array
- state.assign({input1, input2, input3});
- states.push_back(state);
- vector<vector<double>> actionProbs = actor.forward({state});
- vector<vector<double>> valueEstimates = critic.forward({state});
- values.push_back(valueEstimates[0][0]);
- sim.delay(64, "msec");
- double action = actionProbs[0][0];
- logProbs.push_back(log(max(actionProbs[0][action], 1e-8)));
- if (action > 0) {
- functionOutput = action * 10;
- } else if (action < 0) {
- functionOutput = action * -10;
- }
- if (functionOutput > 1) {
- functionOutput = functionOutput / 30;
- }
- cout << "MAINBOT: functionOutput = " << functionOutput << endl;
- functionConvert(functionOutput);
- if (left1->getVelocity() >= 0.1) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 20;
- }
- if (left1->getAcceleration() >= 0.01) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 3;
- }
- if (invisVision->getRecognitionNumberOfObjects() > 0) {
- extraReward = extraReward + (invisVision->getRecognitionNumberOfObjects() * 3);
- }
- if (left1->getVelocity() >= 0 && right1->getVelocity() <= 0) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 15;
- } else if (left1->getVelocity() <= 0 && right1->getVelocity() >= 0) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 20;
- }
- if (topRingArm->getTargetPosition() > 0) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 10;
- }
- if (intakeHold->getTargetPosition() > 0) {
- extraReward = extraReward + 10;
- }
- if (yes->getSpeed() <= 0.05) {
- extraReward = extraReward / 3;
- }
- sim.receive();
- if (receiv->getQueueLength() >= 1) {
- message = receiv->getData();
- currentScore = *(double *)message;
- rewards.push_back(input1 + input2 + input3 + extraReward);
- receiv->nextPacket();
- }
- if (robot->getTime() >= currentTerm) {
- training = false;
- previousTerm = currentTerm;
- currentTerm = currentTerm + 25;
- extraReward = 0;
- }
- }
- vector<double> advantages;
- for (int t = 0; t < rewards.size(); ++t) {
- double td_target = rewards[t] + (t < rewards.size() - 1 ? gamma * values[t + 1] : 0.0);
- advantages.push_back(td_target - values[t]);
- }
- if (episode == numEpisodes) {
- robot->animationStopRecording();
- }
- double actorLoss = computeLoss(logProbs, advantages);
- double criticLoss = 0.0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < rewards.size(); ++i) {
- double td_target = rewards[i] + (i < rewards.size() - 1 ? gamma * values[i + 1] : 0.0);
- criticLoss += pow(td_target - values[i], 2);
- }
- criticLoss = rewards.size();
- actor.backward({{actorLoss}}, GRADIENT_CLASH_THRESHOLD);
- actor.update_weights();
- critic.backward({{criticLoss}}, GRADIENT_CLASH_THRESHOLD);
- critic.update_weights();
- }
- }
- double computeLoss(const vector<double>& logProbs, const vector<double>& advantages) {
- double loss = -0.005;
- for (int i = 0; i < logProbs.size(); ++ i) {
- loss -= logProbs[i] * advantages[i];
- }
- return loss;
- }
- void functionConvert(double functionID) {
- if (functionID >= -0.1 && functionID <= 0.1) {
- sim.moveBot(0);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.1 && functionID <= 0.2) {
- sim.moveBot(1);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.2 && functionID <= 0.3) {
- sim.moveBot(2);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.3 && functionID <= 0.4) {
- sim.moveBot(3);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.4 && functionID <= 0.5) {
- sim.moveBot(4);
- } else {
- sim.moveBot(0);
- }
- if (functionID >= 0.5 && functionID <= 0.6) {
- hook(true);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.6 && functionID <= 0.7) {
- hook(false);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.7 && functionID <= 0.8) {
- topArm(true);
- } else if (functionID >= 0.8 && functionID <= 0.9) {
- topArm(false);
- }
- }
- };
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