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- // This #include statement was automatically added by the Spark IDE.
- #include "neopixel/neopixel.h"
- /*L3D demo code - EZU added Valentine's'*/
- #include <math.h>
- //set up the pin that controls the LEDs, the type of LEDs (WS2812B) and the number of LEDs in the cube (8*8*8=512)
- #define PIXEL_PIN D0
- #define PIXEL_COUNT 512
- #define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812B
- #define SIDE 8
- SYSTEM_MODE(SEMI_AUTOMATIC); //don't connect to the internet on boot
- #define BUTTON D2 //press this button to connect to the internet
- #define MODE D3
- #define MICROPHONE 12
- #define GAIN_CONTROL 11
- #define MAX_POINTS 20
- #define SPEED 0.22
- #define MIN_SALVO_SPACING 100
- bool onlinePressed=false;
- bool lastOnline=true;
- #define FIREWORKS 0
- #define PLASMA 1
- #define SQUARRAL 2
- #define PURPLE_RAIN 3
- #define VALENTINE 4
- #define DEMO_ROUTINES 5
- /* datatype definitions
- */
- typedef struct{
- unsigned char red, green, blue;
- } color;
- typedef struct{
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- } point;
- typedef struct{
- point raindrops[MAX_POINTS];
- bool dead;
- } salvo;
- /******************************
- * function definitions
- * ***************************/
- void background(color col);
- color getPixel(int x, int y, int z);
- void setPixel(int x, int y, int z, color col);
- color colorMap(float val, float min, float max);
- color lerpColor(color a, color b, int val, int min, int max);
- void add(point& a, point& b);
- /******************************
- * Valentine's definitions
- *******************************/
- /* For now just draw a simple red heart in the center */
- float vRotAngle = 0.0;
- /******************************
- * fireworks variables *
- * ****************************/
- color black;
- int centerX, centerY, centerZ;
- int launchX, launchZ;
- int red, green, blue;
- int brightness=35;
- float radius=0;
- float speed;
- bool showRocket;
- bool exploded;
- float xInc, yInc, zInc;
- float rocketX, rocketY, rocketZ;
- float launchTime;
- int maxSize;
- color rocketColor, fireworkColor;
- /*********************************
- * squarral variables *
- * ******************************/
- #define TRAIL_LENGTH 50
- int frame=0;
- color pixelColor;
- point position, increment, pixel;
- point trailPoints[TRAIL_LENGTH];
- int posX, posY, posZ;
- int incX, incY, incZ;
- int squarral_zInc=1;
- int bound=0;
- int boundInc=1;
- unsigned char axis=0;
- bool rainbow=true;
- //maxBrightness is the brightness limit for each pixel. All color data will be scaled down
- //so that the largest value is maxBrightness
- int maxBrightness=50;
- /********************************
- * zplasma variables *
- * *****************************/
- float phase = 0.0;
- float phaseIncrement = 0.035; // Controls the speed of the moving points. Higher == faster
- float colorStretch = 0.23; // Higher numbers will produce tighter color bands
- float plasmaBrightness = 0.2;
- color plasmaColor;
- /*********************************
- * purple rain variables *
- * *******************************/
- int threshhold;
- int max=-1;
- int min=10000;
- float sensitivity=0.5;
- int maxAmplitude=0;
- bool aboveThreshhold=false;
- int timeAboveThreshhold;
- color rainColor;
- salvo salvos[SIDE];
- /**********************************
- * flip variables *
- * ********************************/
- //accelerometer pinout
- #define X 13
- #define Y 14
- #define Z 15
- #define AUTOCYCLE_TIME 30000
- #define FACEPLANT 2300
- #define UPSIDE_DOWN 1850
- #define RIGHTSIDE_UP 2400
- #define LEFT_SIDE 1800
- #define RIGHT_SIDE 2400
- #define FLIP_TIMEOUT 3000
- #define FLIP_DEBOUNCE 250
- long lastFaceplant=-1*FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- bool upsideDown=false;
- bool sideways=false;
- bool autoCycle=true; //start on autocycle by default
- int upsideDownTime=-1*FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- long lastAutoCycle=0;
- int lastLeft=-1*FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- int lastRight=-1*FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- int accelerometer[3];
- long lastChange=0;
- int demo=FIREWORKS;
- Adafruit_NeoPixel strip=Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);
- int frameCount=0;
- /*******************************
- * fade variables *
- * ****************************/
- bool fading=false;
- int fadeValue=255;
- int fadeSpeed=2;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(7,OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
- // seed the random number generator. THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN
- uint32_t seed = millis();
- srand(seed);
- // Serial.begin(115200);
- initCube();
- initCloudButton();
- initSquarral();
- initFireworks();
- initMicrophone();
- initSalvos();
- initValentine();
- }
- void initValentine()
- {
- }
- float heartColor(int x, int z, int y)
- {
- // translate the coordinates from 0..7 to -2..+2 range
- float vX=abs((float)x-3.5)/1.8;
- float vY=((float)y-3.5)*1.8; // y is squished by a factor 3
- float vZ=(3.5-(float)z)/1.8;
- // Rotate 45degrees around Y axis to create a heart
- float hX= vX * 0.7071 - vZ * 0.7071; //vX*cos(theta) - vZ*sin(theta);
- float hY= vY;
- float hZ= vX * 0.7071 + vZ * 0.7071; //vX * sin(theta) + vZ*cos(theta);
- // Let's give it some heartbeat :-)
- float rX= hX;
- float rY= hY * cos(vRotAngle) - hZ * sin(vRotAngle);
- float rZ= hZ * sin(vRotAngle) + hY * cos(vRotAngle);
- if(rX>1.0)
- {
- //inside a Sphere centered in 1,0,0
- if(distance(rX,rY,rZ,1.0,0.0,0.0) <1.0)
- return(0.5);
- }
- else // inside a cylinder diameter 1, around X axis
- if(distance(rX,rY,rZ,rX,0.0,0.0) < 1.0)
- return(0.5);
- //outside!
- return (0.0);
- }
- void doValentine()
- {
- int x, y, z;
- color pixelColor;
- for(int x=0;x<SIDE;x++)
- for(int y=0;y<SIDE;y++)
- for(int z=0;z<SIDE;z++)
- {
- * heartColor(x,y,z);
- setPixel(x,y,z, pixelColor);
- }
- // Slowly spin heart around Z axis
- vRotAngle += 0.1;
- }
- //sets up the online/offline switch
- void initCloudButton()
- {
- //set the input mode for the 'connect to cloud' button
- if(!digitalRead(MODE))
- WiFi.listen();
- //a.k.a. onlinePressed is HIGH when the switch is set to 'online' and LOW when the switch is set to 'offline'
- onlinePressed=digitalRead(BUTTON);
- if(onlinePressed)
- Spark.connect();
- }
- //checks to see if the 'online/offline' switch is switched
- void checkCloudButton()
- {
- //if the 'connect to cloud' button is pressed, try to connect to wifi.
- //otherwise, run the program
- //note -- how does this behave when there are no wifi credentials loaded on the spark?
- //onlinePressed is HIGH when the switch is _not_ connected and LOW when the switch is connected
- //a.k.a. onlinePressed is HIGH when the switch is set to 'online' and LOW when the switch is set to 'offline'
- onlinePressed=digitalRead(BUTTON);
- if((!onlinePressed)&&(lastOnline)) //marked as 'online'
- {
- lastOnline=onlinePressed;
- Spark.connect();
- }
- else if((onlinePressed)&&(!lastOnline)) //marked as 'offline'
- {
- lastOnline=onlinePressed;
- Spark.disconnect();
- }
- lastOnline=onlinePressed;
- if(!digitalRead(MODE))
- WiFi.listen();
- }
- void loop()
- {
- //if the 'connect to cloud' button is pressed, try to connect to wifi.
- //otherwise, run the program
- checkCloudButton();
- if(fading)
- fade();
- else
- {
- background(black);
- switch(demo)
- {
- case(FIREWORKS): updateFireworks();
- break;
- case(PLASMA): zPlasma();
- break;
- case(SQUARRAL): squarral();
- break;
- case(PURPLE_RAIN): purpleRain();
- break;
- case(VALENTINE): doValentine();
- break;
- }
- frameCount++;
- }
- //check to see how if the cube has been flipped
- checkFlipState();
- if(fading)
- {
- fadeValue-=fadeSpeed;
- //if we're done fading)
- if(fadeValue<=0)
- {
- fading=false;
- fadeValue=255;
- }
- else
- fade();
- }
- }
- void fade()
- {
- color pixelColor;
- for(int x=0;x<SIDE;x++)
- for(int y=0;y<SIDE;y++)
- for(int z=0;z<SIDE;z++)
- {
- pixelColor=getPixel(x,y,z);
- if(>0)
- if(>0)
- if(>0)
- setPixel(x,y,z, pixelColor);
- }
- }
- //sets a pixel at position (x,y,z) to the col parameter's color
- void setPixel(int x, int y, int z, color col)
- {
- int index = (z*SIDE*SIDE) + (x*SIDE) + y;
- strip.setPixelColor(index,strip.Color(,,;
- }
- //returns the color value currently displayed at the x,y,z location
- color getPixel(int x, int y, int z)
- {
- int index = (z*SIDE*SIDE) + (x*SIDE) + y;
- uint32_t col=strip.getPixelColor(index);
- color pixelColor;
- return pixelColor;
- }
- void initCube()
- {
- }
- void background(color col)
- {
- for(int x=0;x<SIDE;x++)
- for(int y=0;y<SIDE;y++)
- for(int z=0;z<SIDE;z++)
- setPixel(x,y,z, col);
- }
- /***************************************
- * fireworks functions *
- * ***********************************/
- void updateFireworks()
- {
- //loop through all the pixels, calculate the distance to the center point, and turn the pixel on if it's at the right radius
- for(int x=0;x<SIDE;x++)
- for(int y=0;y<SIDE;y++)
- for(int z=0;z<SIDE;z++)
- {
- if(showRocket)
- if(abs(distance(x,y,z,rocketX, rocketY, rocketZ)-radius)<0.05)
- setPixel(x,y,z, rocketColor);
- if(exploded)
- if(abs(distance(x,y,z,centerX, centerY, centerZ)-radius)<0.1)
- setPixel(x,y,z, fireworkColor);
- }
- if(exploded)
- radius+=speed; //the sphere gets bigger
- if(showRocket)
- {
- rocketX+=xInc;
- rocketY+=yInc;
- rocketZ+=zInc;
- }
- //if our sphere gets too large, restart the animation in another random spot
- if(radius>maxSize)
- prepRocket();
- if(abs(distance(centerX,centerY,centerZ,rocketX, rocketY, rocketZ)-radius)<2)
- {
- showRocket=false;
- exploded=true;
- }
- }
- float distance(float x, float y, float z, float x1, float y1, float z1)
- {
- return(sqrt(pow(x-x1,2)+pow(y-y1,2)+pow(z-z1,2)));
- }
- void prepRocket()
- {
- radius=0;
- centerX=rand()%8;
- centerY=rand()%8;
- centerZ=rand()%8;
- launchX=rand()%8;
- launchZ=rand()%8;
- rocketX=launchX;
- rocketY=0;
- rocketZ=launchZ;
- launchTime=15+rand()%25;
- xInc=(centerX-rocketX)/launchTime;
- yInc=(centerY-rocketY)/launchTime;
- zInc=(centerZ-rocketZ)/launchTime;
- showRocket=true;
- exploded=false;
- speed=0.15;
- maxSize=2+rand()%6;
- //speed=rand()%5;
- //speed*=0.1;
- }
- void initFireworks()
- {
- prepRocket();
- }
- void initSquarral()
- {
- position={0,0,0};
- increment={1,0,0};
- }
- void squarral()
- {
- add(position, increment);
- if((increment.x==1)&&(position.x==SIDE-1-bound))
- increment={0,1,0};
- if((increment.x==-1)&&(position.x==bound))
- increment={0,-1,0};
- if((increment.y==1)&&(position.y==SIDE-1-bound))
- increment={-1,0,0};
- if((increment.y==-1)&&(position.y==bound))
- {
- increment={1,0,0};
- position.z+=squarral_zInc;
- bound+=boundInc;
- if((position.z==3)&&(squarral_zInc>0))
- boundInc=0;
- if((position.z==4)&&(squarral_zInc>0))
- boundInc=-1;
- if((position.z==3)&&(squarral_zInc<0))
- boundInc=-1;
- if((position.z==4)&&(squarral_zInc<0))
- boundInc=0;
- if((position.z==0)||(position.z==SIDE-1))
- boundInc*=-1;
- if((position.z==SIDE-1)||(position.z==0))
- {
- squarral_zInc*=-1;
- if(squarral_zInc==1)
- {
- axis=rand()%6;
- if(rand()%5==0)
- rainbow=true;
- else
- rainbow=false;
- }
- }
- }
- posX=position.x;
- posY=position.y;
- posZ=position.z;
- incX=increment.x;
- incY=increment.y;
- incZ=increment.z;
- for(int i=TRAIL_LENGTH-1;i>0;i--)
- {
- trailPoints[i].x=trailPoints[i-1].x;
- trailPoints[i].y=trailPoints[i-1].y;
- trailPoints[i].z=trailPoints[i-1].z;
- }
- trailPoints[0].x=pixel.x;
- trailPoints[0].y=pixel.y;
- trailPoints[0].z=pixel.z;
- switch(axis)
- {
- case(0): pixel.x=position.x;
- pixel.y=position.y;
- pixel.z=position.z;
- break;
- case(1): pixel.x=position.z;
- pixel.y=position.x;
- pixel.z=position.y;
- break;
- case(2): pixel.x=position.y;
- pixel.y=position.z;
- pixel.z=position.x;
- break;
- case(3): pixel.x=position.z;
- pixel.y=SIDE-1-position.x;
- pixel.z=position.y;
- break;
- case(4): pixel.x=position.y;
- pixel.y=position.z;
- pixel.z=SIDE-1-position.x;
- break;
- case(5): pixel.x=position.x;
- pixel.y=SIDE-1-position.y;
- pixel.z=position.z;
- break;
- }
- pixelColor=colorMap(frame%1000,0,1000);
- setPixel((int)pixel.x, (int)pixel.y, (int)pixel.z, pixelColor);
- for(int i=0;i<TRAIL_LENGTH;i++)
- {
- color trailColor;
- if(rainbow)
- {
- trailColor=colorMap((frame+(i*1000/TRAIL_LENGTH))%1000,0,1000);
- //fade the trail to black over the length of the trail
- }
- else
- {
- }
- setPixel((int)trailPoints[i].x, (int)trailPoints[i].y, (int)trailPoints[i].z, trailColor);
- }
- frame++;
- }
- void add(point& a, point& b)
- {
- a.x+=b.x;
- a.y+=b.y;
- a.z+=b.z;
- }
- //returns a color from a set of colors fading from blue to green to red and back again
- //the color is returned based on where the parameter *val* falls between the parameters
- //*min* and *max*. If *val* is min, the function returns a blue color. If *val* is halfway
- //between *min* and *max*, the function returns a yellow color.
- color colorMap(float val, float min, float max)
- {
- float range=1024;
- val=range*(val-min)/(max-min);
- color colors[6];
- colors[0].red=0;
- colors[0].green=0;
- colors[0].blue=maxBrightness;
- colors[1].red=0;
- colors[1].green=maxBrightness;
- colors[1].blue=maxBrightness;
- colors[2].red=0;
- colors[2].green=maxBrightness;
- colors[2].blue=0;
- colors[3].red=maxBrightness;
- colors[3].green=maxBrightness;
- colors[3].blue=0;
- colors[4].red=maxBrightness;
- colors[4].green=0;
- colors[4].blue=0;
- colors[5].red=maxBrightness;
- colors[5].green=0;
- colors[5].blue=maxBrightness;
- if (val<=range/6)
- return(lerpColor(colors[0], colors[1], val, 0, range/6));
- else if (val<=2*range/6)
- return(lerpColor(colors[1], colors[2], val, range/6, 2*range/6));
- else if (val<=3*range/6)
- return(lerpColor(colors[2], colors[3], val, 2*range/6, 3*range/6));
- else if (val<=4*range/6)
- return(lerpColor(colors[3], colors[4], val, 3*range/6, 4*range/6));
- else if (val<=5*range/6)
- return(lerpColor(colors[4], colors[5], val, 4*range/6, 5*range/6));
- return(lerpColor(colors[5], colors[0], val, 5*range/6, range));
- }
- //returns a color that's an interpolation between colors a and b. The color
- //is controlled by the position of val relative to min and max -- if val is equal to min,
- //the resulting color is identical to color a. If it's equal to max, the resulting color
- //is identical to color b. If val is (max-min)/2, the resulting color is the average of
- //color a and color b
- color lerpColor(color a, color b, int val, int min, int max)
- {
- color lerped;
- return lerped;
- }
- /********************************
- * zplasma functions *
- * *****************************/
- void zPlasma()
- {
- phase += phaseIncrement;
- // The two points move along Lissajious curves, see:
- // We want values that fit the LED grid: x values between 0..8, y values between 0..8, z values between 0...8
- // The sin() function returns values in the range of -1.0..1.0, so scale these to our desired ranges.
- // The phase value is multiplied by various constants; I chose these semi-randomly, to produce a nice motion.
- point p1 = { (sin(phase*1.000)+1.0) * 4, (sin(phase*1.310)+1.0) * 4.0, (sin(phase*1.380)+1.0) * 4.0};
- point p2 = { (sin(phase*1.770)+1.0) * 4, (sin(phase*2.865)+1.0) * 4.0, (sin(phase*1.410)+1.0) * 4.0};
- point p3 = { (sin(phase*0.250)+1.0) * 4, (sin(phase*0.750)+1.0) * 4.0, (sin(phase*0.380)+1.0) * 4.0};
- byte row, col, dep;
- // For each row
- for(row=0; row<SIDE; row++)
- {
- float row_f = float(row); // Optimization: Keep a floating point value of the row number, instead of recasting it repeatedly.
- // For each column
- for(col=0; col<SIDE; col++)
- {
- float col_f = float(col); // Optimization.
- // For each depth
- for(dep=0; dep<SIDE; dep++)
- {
- float dep_f = float(dep); // Optimization.
- // Calculate the distance between this LED, and p1.
- point dist1 = { col_f - p1.x, row_f - p1.y, dep_f - p1.z }; // The vector from p1 to this LED.
- float distance1 = sqrt( dist1.x*dist1.x + dist1.y*dist1.y + dist1.z*dist1.z);
- // Calculate the distance between this LED, and p2.
- point dist2 = { col_f - p2.x, row_f - p2.y, dep_f - p2.z}; // The vector from p2 to this LED.
- float distance2 = sqrt( dist2.x*dist2.x + dist2.y*dist2.y + dist2.z*dist2.z);
- // Calculate the distance between this LED, and p3.
- point dist3 = { col_f - p3.x, row_f - p3.y, dep_f - p3.z}; // The vector from p3 to this LED.
- float distance3 = sqrt( dist3.x*dist3.x + dist3.y*dist3.y + dist3.z*dist3.z);
- // Warp the distance with a sin() function. As the distance value increases, the LEDs will get light,dark,light,dark,etc...
- // You can use a cos() for slightly different shading, or experiment with other functions.
- float color_1 = distance1; // range: 0.0...1.0
- float color_2 = distance2;
- float color_3 = distance3;
- float color_4 = (sin( distance1 * distance2 * colorStretch )) + 2.0 * 0.5;
- // Square the color_f value to weight it towards 0. The image will be darker and have higher contrast.
- color_1 *= color_1 * color_4;
- color_2 *= color_2 * color_4;
- color_3 *= color_3 * color_4;
- color_4 *= color_4;
- // Scale the color up to 0..7 . Max brightness is 7.
- //strip.setPixelColor(col + (8 * row), strip.Color(color_4, 0, 0) );
- setPixel(row,col,dep,plasmaColor);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************
- * purple rain functions *
- * *******************************************/
- void checkMicrophone()
- {
- int mic=analogRead(MICROPHONE);
- if(mic<min)
- min=mic;
- if(mic>max)
- max=mic;
- float range=max-min;
- int mean=(max-min)/2;
- /*
- if(min<mean)
- min++;
- if(max>mean)
- max--;
- */
- threshhold=mean+sensitivity*(range/2);
- if(mic>threshhold)
- {
- if((!aboveThreshhold)&&((timeAboveThreshhold-millis())>MIN_SALVO_SPACING))
- {
- launchRain(mic-threshhold);
- aboveThreshhold=true;
- timeAboveThreshhold=millis();
- }
- }
- else
- aboveThreshhold=false;
- /*
- Serial.print(mic);
- Serial.print(": ");
- Serial.print(threshhold);
- Serial.print(" - above threshhold: ");
- Serial.println(aboveThreshhold);
- */
- }
- void launchRain(int amplitude)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;((i<SIDE)&&(!salvos[i].dead));i++)
- ;
- if(i<SIDE)
- {
- if(amplitude>maxAmplitude)
- maxAmplitude=amplitude;
- int numDrops=map(amplitude,0, maxAmplitude,0, MAX_POINTS);
- for(int j=0;j<numDrops;j++)
- {
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].x=1+(rand()%6);
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].y=((rand()%10)-5)/10;
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].z=1+(rand()%6);
- salvos[i].dead=false;
- }
- for(int j=numDrops;j<MAX_POINTS;j++)
- {
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].x=-1;
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].z=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- void drawSalvos()
- {
- for(int i=0;i<SIDE;i++)
- if(!salvos[i].dead)
- for(int j=0;j<MAX_POINTS;j++)
- setPixel(salvos[i].raindrops[j].x, salvos[i].raindrops[j].y, salvos[i].raindrops[j].z, rainColor);
- }
- void updateSalvos()
- {
- for(int i=0;i<SIDE;i++)
- {
- int offCube=true;
- for(int j=0;j<MAX_POINTS;j++)
- {
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].y+=SPEED;
- if(salvos[i].raindrops[j].y<SIDE)
- offCube=false;
- else
- {
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].x=-1;
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].z=-1;
- }
- }
- if(offCube)
- salvos[i].dead=true;
- }
- }
- void initMicrophone()
- {
- digitalWrite(GAIN_CONTROL, LOW);
- }
- void initSalvos()
- {
- for(int i=0;i<SIDE;i++)
- {
- for(int j=0;j<MAX_POINTS;j++)
- {
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].x=-1;
- salvos[i].raindrops[j].z=-1;
- }
- salvos[i].dead=true;
- }
- }
- void purpleRain()
- {
- checkMicrophone();
- updateSalvos();
- drawSalvos();
- }
- /****************************************
- * flip functions *
- * **************************************/
- void checkFlipState()
- {
- updateAccelerometer();
- /*
- if(accelerometer[2]<UPSIDE_DOWN) //if the cube is upside-down, set the upside-down flag and mark the time when it was flipped
- {
- upsideDownTime=millis();
- //Serial.println("I'm upside-down!");
- }
- */
- if(accelerometer[0]>FACEPLANT) //if the cube is upside-down, set the upside-down flag and mark the time when it was flipped
- {
- lastFaceplant=millis();
- // Serial.println("I'm upside-down!");
- }
- if(accelerometer[1]<LEFT_SIDE) //if the cube is flipped to either side
- {
- lastLeft=millis();
- // Serial.println("I'm on my left side");
- }
- if(accelerometer[1]>RIGHT_SIDE)
- {
- lastRight=millis();
- // Serial.println("I'm on my right side");
- }
- if(accelerometer[2]>RIGHTSIDE_UP)
- {
- // Serial.println("whew! I'm rightside-up");
- /*
- if(((millis()-upsideDownTime)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastChange>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- // Serial.println("turned upside down and back");
- lastChange=millis();
- autoCycle=!autoCycle;
- upsideDownTime=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- lastLeft=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT; //clears the left and right turns, in case the user turned it sideways
- lastRight=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT; //clears the left and right turns, in case the user turned it sideways
- }
- if(((millis()-lastLeft)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastChange>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- // Serial.println("turned to the left and back");
- lastChange=millis();
- decrementDemo();
- lastLeft=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- }
- if(((millis()-lastRight)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastChange>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- // Serial.println("turned to the right and back");
- lastChange=millis();
- incrementDemo();
- lastRight=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- }
- }
- */
- if(((millis()-lastFaceplant)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastFaceplant>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- autoCycle=false;
- lastFaceplant=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- color flash;
- background(flash);
- }
- if(((millis()-lastLeft)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastChange>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- // Serial.println("turned to the left and back");
- autoCycle=false;
- lastChange=millis();
- decrementDemo();
- lastLeft=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- }
- if(((millis()-lastRight)<FLIP_TIMEOUT)&&(millis()-lastChange>FLIP_DEBOUNCE))
- {
- // Serial.println("turned to the right and back");
- autoCycle=false;
- lastChange=millis();
- incrementDemo();
- lastRight=millis()-FLIP_TIMEOUT;
- }
- }
- if(autoCycle)
- if(millis()-lastAutoCycle>AUTOCYCLE_TIME) //in autocycle, change demos every 15 seconds
- {
- incrementDemo();
- // Serial.print("autocycling...Demo is ");
- // Serial.println(demo);
- lastAutoCycle=millis();
- }
- }
- void updateAccelerometer()
- {
- for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
- accelerometer[i]=analogRead(X+i);
- }
- void setFadeSpeed()
- {
- if(autoCycle)
- fadeSpeed=2;
- else
- fadeSpeed=20;
- }
- void incrementDemo()
- {
- demo++;
- setFadeSpeed();
- fading=true;
- if(demo>=DEMO_ROUTINES)
- demo=0;
- }
- void decrementDemo()
- {
- demo--;
- setFadeSpeed();
- fading=true;
- if(demo<0)
- }
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