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- --Copyright Simlor ( - Alle Rechte an diesen Programm sind Simlor vorbehalten.
- axit = 0
- file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- PassSystem = fileData[1]
- Hintergrund = fileData[2]
- versionOS = fileData[3]
- Sprache = fileData[4]
- --SappS Touch Function
- function SappSL(xaa, xba, yaa, yba, numm)
- if x >= xaa and x <= xba and y >= yaa and y <= yba then
- file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm,"r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- nameTEST = fileData[1]
- if nameTEST == "" then
- side = 1
- end
- if side == 2 then
- posNR = fileData[2]
- posNR = (posNR+1)
- posNR = (posNR-1)
- ver = fileData[5]
- verD = fileData[6]
- if ver == "n" then
- else
- namesappS = fileData[1]
- if posNR == 5 or posNR == 10 or posNR == 15 then
- xaa = (xaa-22)
- end
- BC(128)
- TC(1)
- CP(xaa+6, yaa)
- print(" ")
- CP(xaa+6, yaa)
- print(" "..namesappS)
- BC(1)
- TC(256)
- CP(xaa+6, yaa+1)
- print(" ")
- CP(xaa+6, yaa+2)
- print(" Run ")
- CP(xaa+6, yaa+3)
- print(" Delete ")
- CP(xaa+6, yaa+4)
- print(" Run with Arg. ")
- CP(xaa+6, yaa+5)
- print(" ")
- while true do
- event,side,xx,yy = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if xx >= (xaa+6) and xx <= (xaa+20) and yy >= yaa and yy <= (yaa+5) then
- if xx >= (xaa+7) and xx <= (xaa+9) and yy == (yaa+2) then
- if ver == "sv" then
- ver = fileData[7]
- axit = 1
- break
- elseif ver == "n" then
- break
- else
- axit = 1
- break
- end
- elseif xx >= (xaa+7) and xx <= (xaa+13) and yy == (yaa+3) then
- file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/A","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- sc = fileData[1]
- sc = (sc+1)
- sc = (sc-1)
- fs.delete("SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm)
- if verD == "" then
- else
- fs.delete("SimSoft/SappS/"..verD)
- end
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm,"w")
- file.close()
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm,"a")
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine("n")
- file.writeLine("false")
- file.close()
- sc = (sc-1)
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/A","w")
- file.writeLine(sc)
- file.close()
- --Schieben im Falls das x sc nicht letzte Nr war.
- sc = (sc+1)
- if numm == sc then
- axit = 1
- break
- else
- file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- iia = fileData[1]
- iib = numm
- iic = fileData[3]
- iid = fileData[4]
- iie = fileData[5]
- iif = fileData[6]
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/","w")
- file.close()
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/","a")
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine()
- file.writeLine("n")
- file.writeLine("false")
- file.close()
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm,"w")
- file.close()
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/"..numm,"a")
- file.writeLine(iia)
- file.writeLine(iib)
- file.writeLine(iic)
- file.writeLine(iid)
- file.writeLine(iie)
- file.writeLine(iif)
- file.close()
- axit = 1
- break
- end
- elseif xx >= (xaa+7) and xx <= (xaa+19) and yy == (yaa+4) then
- CP(xaa+7, yaa+4)
- print(" ")
- CP(xaa+7, yaa+4)
- TC(128)
- arg = read()
- TC(256)
- if ver == "sv" then
- ver = fileData[7]
-" "..arg)
- axit = 1
- break
- elseif ver == "n" then
- break
- else
-"SimSoft/SappS/"..ver.." "..arg)
- axit = 1
- break
- end
- end
- else
- axit = 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif side == 1 then
- ver = fileData[5]
- if ver == "sv" then
- ver = fileData[7]
- axit = 1
- elseif ver == "n" then
- else
- axit = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --Sapps Function
- function AppG(name,pos,farbe)
- --Pos
- if pos == 1.0 then
- x = 4
- y = 5
- elseif pos == 2.0 then
- x = 12
- y = 5
- elseif pos == 3.0 then
- x = 20
- y = 5
- elseif pos == 4.0 then
- x = 28
- y = 5
- elseif pos == 5.0 then
- x = 36
- y = 5
- elseif pos == 6.0 then
- x = 4
- y = 9
- elseif pos == 7.0 then
- x = 12
- y = 9
- elseif pos == 8.0 then
- x = 20
- y = 9
- elseif pos == 9.0 then
- x = 28
- y = 9
- elseif pos == 10.0 then
- x = 36
- y = 9
- elseif pos == 11.0 then
- x = 4
- y = 13
- elseif pos == 12.0 then
- x = 12
- y = 13
- elseif pos == 13.0 then
- x = 20
- y = 13
- elseif pos == 14.0 then
- x = 28
- y = 13
- elseif pos == 15.0 then
- x = 36
- y = 13
- end
- --Farbe
- TC(256)
- if farbe == 1.0 then
- BC(1)
- elseif farbe == 2.0 then
- BC(2048)
- elseif farbe == 3.0 then
- BC(2048)
- elseif farbe == 4.0 then
- BC(8)
- elseif farbe == 5.0 then
- BC(32)
- elseif farbe == 6.0 then
- BC(4)
- elseif farbe == 7.0 then
- BC(2048)
- elseif farbe == 8.0 then
- BC(16)
- elseif farbe == 9.0 then
- BC(1024)
- elseif farbe == 10.0 then
- BC(4096)
- elseif farbe == 11.0 then
- BC(2)
- elseif farbe == 12.0 then
- BC(1024)
- elseif farbe == 13.0 then
- BC(16384)
- elseif farbe == 14.0 then
- BC(8192)
- elseif farbe == 15.0 then
- BC(2)
- elseif farbe == 16.0 then
- BC(4)
- elseif farbe == 17.0 then
- BC(8)
- elseif farbe == 18.0 then
- BC(16)
- elseif farbe == 19.0 then
- BC(32)
- elseif farbe == 20.0 then
- BC(64)
- end
- --Pos
- CP(x,y) --4,6
- print(" ")
- x = (x+1)
- y = (y+1)
- CP(x,y) --5,7
- print(" ")
- y = (y-1)
- --Farbe
- if farbe == 1.0 then
- BC(32768)
- elseif farbe == 2.0 then
- BC(1)
- elseif farbe == 3.0 then
- BC(32768)
- elseif farbe == 4.0 then
- BC(1)
- elseif farbe == 5.0 then
- BC(32768)
- elseif farbe == 6.0 then
- BC(1)
- elseif farbe == 7.0 then
- BC(16384)
- elseif farbe == 8.0 then
- BC(32)
- elseif farbe == 9.0 then
- BC(32768)
- elseif farbe == 10.0 then
- BC(8192)
- elseif farbe == 11.0 then
- BC(32768)
- elseif farbe == 12.0 then
- BC(4)
- elseif farbe == 13.0 then
- BC(16)
- elseif farbe == 14.0 then
- BC(32)
- elseif farbe == 15.0 then
- BC(64)
- elseif farbe == 16.0 then
- BC(256)
- elseif farbe == 17.0 then
- BC(256)
- elseif farbe == 18.0 then
- BC(512)
- elseif farbe == 19.0 then
- BC(1024)
- elseif farbe == 20.0 then
- BC(8192)
- end
- --Pos
- CP(x,y) --5,6
- print(" ")
- x = (x-1)
- y = (y+1)
- CP(x,y) --4,7
- print(" ")
- x = (x-2)
- y = (y+1)
- CP(x,y) --2,8
- TC(128)
- BC(256)
- print(name)
- end
- --Hintergrund erstellung
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- Hintergrund = fileData[2]
- if Hintergrund == "true" then
- w, h = term.getSize()
- h = (h-17)
- _Background = paintutils.loadImage("SimSoft/Data/DesktopBG")
- paintutils.drawImage(_Background,1,h) --1,2
- elseif Hintergrund == "false" then
- end
- --Interface und Icons
- SimSoftBalken("SimSoft 4 - Desktop", 19)
- CP(2,2)
- TC(256)
- print("=")
- w, h = term.getSize()
- nr = 3
- w = (w-2)
- while true do
- BC(8)
- nr = (nr+1)
- CP(w,nr)
- write(" ")
- if nr == h then
- w = (w+1)
- CP(w,5)
- TC(1)
- print("@")
- h = (h-1)
- CP(w,h)
- print("@")
- break
- end
- end
- file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/A","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- sc = fileData[1]
- sc = (sc+1)
- sc = (sc-1)
- if sc >= 16 then
- sc = 15
- elseif sc <= -1 then
- sc = 0
- end
- if sc == 0 then
- else
- anz = 0
- while true do
- anz = (anz+1)
- file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- a = fileData[1]
- b = fileData[2]
- c = fileData[3]
- b = (b+1)
- b = (b-1)
- c = (c+1)
- c = (c-1)
- AppG(a,b,c)
- if anz == sc then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --Touch
- while true do
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- --SappS
- SappSL(2, 7, 5, 7, 1)
- SappSL(10, 15, 5, 7, 2)
- SappSL(18, 23, 5, 7, 3)
- SappSL(26, 31, 5, 7, 4)
- SappSL(34, 39, 5, 7, 5)
- SappSL(2, 7, 9, 11, 6)
- SappSL(10, 15, 9, 11, 7)
- SappSL(18, 23, 9, 11, 8)
- SappSL(26, 31, 9, 11, 9)
- SappSL(34, 39, 9, 11, 10)
- SappSL(2, 7, 13, 15, 11)
- SappSL(10, 15, 13, 15, 12)
- SappSL(18, 23, 13, 15, 13)
- SappSL(26, 31, 13, 15, 14)
- SappSL(34, 39, 13, 15, 15)
- if axit == 1 then
- break
- end
- --Balkenleisten
- w, h = term.getSize()
- if x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 1 and y <= 3 then
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- w, h = term.getSize()
- BC(128)
- TC(1)
- laenge = 19
- titel = "SimSoft 4 - Desktop"
- anz = 0
- hig = 1
- while true do
- anz = (anz+1)
- term.setCursorPos(anz, hig)
- write(" ")
- if anz == w then
- if hig == 3 then
- laenge = (laenge/2)
- w = (w/2)
- w = (w-laenge)
- term.setCursorPos(w,2)
- print(titel)
- break
- else
- hig = (hig+1)
- anz = 0
- end
- end
- end
- CP(2,2)
- TC(256)
- print(">")
- w, h = term.getSize()
- nr = 3
- w = (w-2)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- nr = 3
- w = (w-2)
- while true do
- BC(8)
- nr = (nr+1)
- CP(w,nr)
- write(" ")
- if nr == h then
- w = (w+1)
- CP(w,5)
- TC(1)
- print("@")
- h = (h-1)
- CP(w,h)
- print("@")
- break
- end
- end
- BC(256)
- TC(1)
- CP(6,5)
- print("System")
- VerSpr()
- --Version
- TC(32768)
- CP(4,8)
- write("OS-Version - ")
- TC(128)
- print(SS2V)
- --ID
- CP(4,10)
- TC(32768)
- write("PC-ID - ")
- TC(128)
- print(os.getComputerID())
- --by
- CP(4,12)
- TC(32768)
- write("Copyright - ")
- TC(128)
- print("Simlor")
- --Hintergrund
- BC(256)
- CP(4,14)
- TC(1)
- print("Edit Background")
- --Acounts
- BC(256)
- CP(4,16)
- TC(1)
- print("Account Manager")
- while true do
- file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- PassSystem = fileData[1]
- Hintergrund = fileData[2]
- versionOS = fileData[3]
- Sprache = fileData[4]
- if Hintergrund == "true" then
- CP(22,14)
- BC(8)
- write(" ")
- BC(32768)
- print(" ")
- else
- CP(22,14)
- BC(32768)
- write(" ")
- BC(128)
- print(" ")
- end
- BC(256)
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if x >= 4 and x <= 18 and y == 14 then
-"paint SimSoft/Data/DesktopBG")
- break
- end
- if x >= 4 and x <= 18 and y == 16 then
- break
- end
- if x >= 22 and x <= 24 and y == 14 then
- local file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","w")
- file.close()
- if Hintergrund == "true" then
- Hintergrund = "false"
- elseif Hintergrund == "false" then
- Hintergrund = "true"
- end
- local file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","a")
- file.writeLine(PassSystem)
- file.writeLine(Hintergrund)
- file.writeLine(SS2V)
- file.writeLine(Sprache)
- file.close()
- end
- w, h = term.getSize()
- if x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 1 and y <= 3 then
- break
- end
- wxb = (w-2)
- if x >= wxb and x <= w and y >= 4 and y <= h then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- break
- end
- w, h = term.getSize()
- wxa = (w-2)
- if x >= wxa and x <= w and y >= 4 and y <= h then
- w, h = term.getSize()
- nr = 3
- wa = (w-14)
- while true do
- BC(8)
- nr = (nr+1)
- CP(wa,nr)
- write(" ") --3
- if nr == h then
- wb = (w-13)
- CP(wb,5)
- TC(1)
- print("@")
- h = (h-1)
- CP(wb,h)
- print("@")
- break
- end
- end
- ha = h
- wc = (w-11)
- CP(wc,ha) --40,18 --51
- TC(1)
- print("by Simlor")
- wc = (w-11)
- CP(wc,5)
- TC(32768)
- print("SimSoft 4")
- wc = (w-14)
- CP(wc,7)
- TC(8)
- BC(1)
- print(" Restart ")
- wc = (w-14)
- CP(wc,8)
- TC(1)
- BC(8)
- print(" Shutdown ")
- wc = (w-14)
- CP(wc,9)
- TC(8)
- BC(1)
- print(" Shell ")
- wc = (w-14)
- CP(wc,10)
- TC(1)
- BC(8)
- print(" SappS Store ")
- UpdateC()
- wc = (w-14)
- if UpdateCV == true then
- CP(wc,11)
- TC(8)
- BC(1)
- print(" OS-Updates ")
- else
- CP(wc,11)
- TC(16384)
- BC(1)
- print(" OS-Updates ")
- end
- while true do
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- w, h = term.getSize()
- wa = (w-14)
- if x >= wa and x <= w and y == 7 then
- os.reboot()
- break
- end
- if x >= wa and x <= w and y == 8 then
- os.shutdown()
- break
- end
- if x >= wa and x <= w and y == 9 then
- term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- term.setTextColor(1)
- print("Back to SimSoft? 'exit'")
- break
- end
- if x >= wa and x <= w and y == 10 then
- break
- end
- if x >= wa and x <= w and y == 11 then
- break
- end
- --Seitenleiste aus
- wb = (w-15)
- if x >= 1 and x <= wb and y >= 4 and y <= h then
- break
- end
- if x >= 1 and x <= w and y >= 1 and y <= 3 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
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