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- local GetGameTimer = GetGameTimer
- local _sbs = Citizen.SubmitBoundaryStart
- local coresume, costatus = coroutine.resume, coroutine.status
- local debug = debug
- local coroutine_close = coroutine.close or (function(c) end) -- 5.3 compatibility
- local hadThread = false
- -- setup msgpack compat
- msgpack.set_string('string_compat')
- msgpack.set_integer('unsigned')
- msgpack.set_array('without_hole')
- msgpack.setoption('empty_table_as_array', true)
- -- setup json compat
- json.version = json._VERSION -- Version compatibility
- json.setoption("empty_table_as_array", true)
- json.setoption('with_hole', true)
- -- temp
- local _in = Citizen.InvokeNative
- local function FormatStackTrace()
- return _in(`FORMAT_STACK_TRACE` & 0xFFFFFFFF, nil, 0, Citizen.ResultAsString())
- end
- local function ProfilerEnterScope(scopeName)
- return _in(`PROFILER_ENTER_SCOPE` & 0xFFFFFFFF, scopeName)
- end
- local function ProfilerExitScope()
- end
- local newThreads = {}
- local threads = setmetatable({}, {
- -- This circumvents undefined behaviour in "next" (and therefore "pairs")
- __newindex = newThreads,
- -- This is needed for CreateThreadNow to work correctly
- __index = newThreads
- })
- local boundaryIdx = 1
- local runningThread
- local function dummyUseBoundary(idx)
- return nil
- end
- local function getBoundaryFunc(bfn, bid)
- return function(fn, ...)
- local boundary = bid or (boundaryIdx + 1)
- boundaryIdx = boundaryIdx + 1
- bfn(boundary, coroutine.running())
- local wrap = function(...)
- dummyUseBoundary(boundary)
- local v = table.pack(fn(...))
- return table.unpack(v)
- end
- local v = table.pack(wrap(...))
- bfn(boundary, nil)
- return table.unpack(v)
- end
- end
- local runWithBoundaryStart = getBoundaryFunc(Citizen.SubmitBoundaryStart)
- local runWithBoundaryEnd = getBoundaryFunc(Citizen.SubmitBoundaryEnd)
- --[[
- Thread handling
- ]]
- local function resumeThread(coro) -- Internal utility
- if coroutine.status(coro) == "dead" then
- threads[coro] = nil
- coroutine_close(coro)
- return false
- end
- runningThread = coro
- local thread = threads[coro]
- if thread then
- if then
- ProfilerEnterScope(
- else
- ProfilerEnterScope('thread')
- end
- _sbs(thread.boundary, coro)
- end
- local ok, wakeTimeOrErr = coresume(coro)
- if ok then
- thread = threads[coro]
- if thread then
- thread.wakeTime = wakeTimeOrErr or 0
- hadThread = true
- end
- else
- --Citizen.Trace("Error resuming coroutine: " .. debug.traceback(coro, wakeTimeOrErr) .. "\n")
- local fst = FormatStackTrace()
- if fst then
- Citizen.Trace("^1SCRIPT ERROR: " .. wakeTimeOrErr .. "^7\n")
- Citizen.Trace(fst)
- end
- end
- runningThread = nil
- ProfilerExitScope()
- -- Return not finished
- return costatus(coro) ~= "dead"
- end
- function Citizen.CreateThread(threadFunction)
- local bid = boundaryIdx + 1
- boundaryIdx = boundaryIdx + 1
- local tfn = function()
- return runWithBoundaryStart(threadFunction, bid)
- end
- local di = debug.getinfo(threadFunction, 'S')
- threads[coroutine.create(tfn)] = {
- wakeTime = 0,
- boundary = bid,
- name = ('thread %s[%d..%d]'):format(di.short_src, di.linedefined, di.lastlinedefined)
- }
- hadThread = true
- end
- function Citizen.Wait(msec)
- coroutine.yield(GetGameTimer() + msec)
- end
- -- legacy alias (and to prevent people from calling the game's function)
- Wait = Citizen.Wait
- CreateThread = Citizen.CreateThread
- function Citizen.CreateThreadNow(threadFunction, name)
- local bid = boundaryIdx + 1
- boundaryIdx = boundaryIdx + 1
- local di = debug.getinfo(threadFunction, 'S')
- name = name or ('thread_now %s[%d..%d]'):format(di.short_src, di.linedefined, di.lastlinedefined)
- local tfn = function()
- return runWithBoundaryStart(threadFunction, bid)
- end
- local coro = coroutine.create(tfn)
- threads[coro] = {
- wakeTime = 0,
- boundary = bid,
- name = name
- }
- return resumeThread(coro)
- end
- function Citizen.Await(promise)
- local coro = coroutine.running()
- if not coro then
- error("Current execution context is not in the scheduler, you should use CreateThread / SetTimeout or Event system (AddEventHandler) to be able to Await")
- end
- -- Indicates if the promise has already been resolved or rejected
- -- This is a hack since the API does not expose its state
- local isDone = false
- local result, err
- promise = promise:next(function(...)
- isDone = true
- result = {...}
- end,function(error)
- isDone = true
- err = error
- end)
- if not isDone then
- local threadData = threads[coro]
- threads[coro] = nil
- local function reattach()
- threads[coro] = threadData
- resumeThread(coro)
- end
- promise:next(reattach, reattach)
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- return table.unpack(result)
- end
- function Citizen.SetTimeout(msec, callback)
- local bid = boundaryIdx + 1
- boundaryIdx = boundaryIdx + 1
- local tfn = function()
- return runWithBoundaryStart(callback, bid)
- end
- local coro = coroutine.create(tfn)
- threads[coro] = {
- wakeTime = GetGameTimer() + msec,
- boundary = bid
- }
- hadThread = true
- end
- SetTimeout = Citizen.SetTimeout
- Citizen.SetTickRoutine(function()
- if not hadThread then
- return
- end
- -- flag to skip thread exec if we don't have any
- local thisHadThread = false
- local curTime = GetGameTimer()
- for coro, thread in pairs(newThreads) do
- rawset(threads, coro, thread)
- newThreads[coro] = nil
- thisHadThread = true
- end
- for coro, thread in pairs(threads) do
- if curTime >= thread.wakeTime then
- resumeThread(coro)
- end
- thisHadThread = true
- end
- if not thisHadThread then
- hadThread = false
- end
- end)
- --[[
- Event handling
- ]]
- local alwaysSafeEvents = {
- ["playerDropped"] = true,
- ["playerConnecting"] = true
- }
- local eventHandlers = {}
- local deserializingNetEvent = false
- Citizen.SetEventRoutine(function(eventName, eventPayload, eventSource)
- -- set the event source
- local lastSource = _G.source
- _G.source = eventSource
- -- try finding an event handler for the event
- local eventHandlerEntry = eventHandlers[eventName]
- -- deserialize the event structure (so that we end up adding references to delete later on)
- local data = msgpack.unpack(eventPayload)
- if eventHandlerEntry and eventHandlerEntry.handlers then
- -- if this is a net event and we don't allow this event to be triggered from the network, return
- if eventSource:sub(1, 3) == 'net' then
- if not eventHandlerEntry.safeForNet and not alwaysSafeEvents[eventName] then
- Citizen.Trace('event ' .. eventName .. " was not safe for net\n")
- return
- end
- deserializingNetEvent = { source = eventSource }
- _G.source = tonumber(eventSource:sub(5))
- end
- -- return an empty table if the data is nil
- if not data then
- data = {}
- end
- -- reset serialization
- deserializingNetEvent = nil
- -- if this is a table...
- if type(data) == 'table' then
- -- loop through all the event handlers
- for k, handler in pairs(eventHandlerEntry.handlers) do
- local di = debug.getinfo(handler)
- Citizen.CreateThreadNow(function()
- handler(table.unpack(data))
- end, ('event %s [%s[%d..%d]]'):format(eventName, di.short_src, di.linedefined, di.lastlinedefined))
- end
- end
- end
- _G.source = lastSource
- end)
- local stackTraceBoundaryIdx
- Citizen.SetStackTraceRoutine(function(bs, ts, be, te)
- if not ts then
- ts = runningThread
- end
- local t
- local n = 1
- local frames = {}
- local skip = false
- if bs then
- skip = true
- end
- repeat
- if ts then
- t = debug.getinfo(ts, n, 'nlfS')
- else
- t = debug.getinfo(n, 'nlfS')
- end
- if t then
- if == 'wrap' and t.source == '@citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua' then
- if not stackTraceBoundaryIdx then
- local b, v
- local u = 1
- repeat
- b, v = debug.getupvalue(t.func, u)
- if b == 'boundary' then
- break
- end
- u = u + 1
- until not b
- stackTraceBoundaryIdx = u
- end
- local _, boundary = debug.getupvalue(t.func, stackTraceBoundaryIdx)
- if boundary == bs then
- skip = false
- end
- if boundary == be then
- break
- end
- end
- if not skip then
- if t.source and t.source:sub(1, 1) ~= '=' and t.source:sub(1, 10) ~= '@citizen:/' then
- table.insert(frames, {
- file = t.source:sub(2),
- line = t.currentline,
- name = or '[global chunk]'
- })
- end
- end
- n = n + 1
- end
- until not t
- return msgpack.pack(frames)
- end)
- local eventKey = 10
- function AddEventHandler(eventName, eventRoutine)
- local tableEntry = eventHandlers[eventName]
- if not tableEntry then
- tableEntry = { }
- eventHandlers[eventName] = tableEntry
- end
- if not tableEntry.handlers then
- tableEntry.handlers = { }
- end
- eventKey = eventKey + 1
- tableEntry.handlers[eventKey] = eventRoutine
- RegisterResourceAsEventHandler(eventName)
- return {
- key = eventKey,
- name = eventName
- }
- end
- function RemoveEventHandler(eventData)
- if not eventData.key and not then
- error('Invalid event data passed to RemoveEventHandler()')
- end
- -- remove the entry
- eventHandlers[].handlers[eventData.key] = nil
- end
- function RegisterNetEvent(eventName)
- local tableEntry = eventHandlers[eventName]
- if not tableEntry then
- tableEntry = { }
- eventHandlers[eventName] = tableEntry
- end
- tableEntry.safeForNet = true
- end
- function TriggerEvent(eventName, ...)
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return runWithBoundaryEnd(function()
- return TriggerEventInternal(eventName, payload, payload:len())
- end)
- end
- if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- function TriggerClientEvent(eventName, playerId, ...)
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return TriggerClientEventInternal(eventName, playerId, payload, payload:len())
- end
- function TriggerLatentClientEvent(eventName, playerId, bps, ...)
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return TriggerLatentClientEventInternal(eventName, playerId, payload, payload:len(), tonumber(bps))
- end
- RegisterServerEvent = RegisterNetEvent
- RconPrint = Citizen.Trace
- GetPlayerEP = GetPlayerEndpoint
- RconLog = function() end
- function GetPlayerIdentifiers(player)
- local numIds = GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(player)
- local t = {}
- for i = 0, numIds - 1 do
- table.insert(t, GetPlayerIdentifier(player, i))
- end
- return t
- end
- function GetPlayers()
- local num = GetNumPlayerIndices()
- local t = {}
- for i = 0, num - 1 do
- table.insert(t, GetPlayerFromIndex(i))
- end
- return t
- end
- local httpDispatch = {}
- AddEventHandler('__cfx_internal:httpResponse', function(token, status, body, headers)
- if httpDispatch[token] then
- local userCallback = httpDispatch[token]
- httpDispatch[token] = nil
- userCallback(status, body, headers)
- end
- end)
- function PerformHttpRequest(url, cb, method, data, headers)
- local t = {
- url = url,
- method = method or 'GET',
- data = data or '',
- headers = headers or {}
- }
- local d = json.encode(t)
- local id = PerformHttpRequestInternal(d, d:len())
- httpDispatch[id] = cb
- end
- else
- function TriggerServerEvent(eventName, ...)
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return TriggerServerEventInternal(eventName, payload, payload:len())
- end
- function TriggerLatentServerEvent(eventName, bps, ...)
- local payload = msgpack.pack({...})
- return TriggerLatentServerEventInternal(eventName, payload, payload:len(), tonumber(bps))
- end
- end
- local funcRefs = {}
- local funcRefIdx = 0
- local function MakeFunctionReference(func)
- local thisIdx = funcRefIdx
- funcRefs[thisIdx] = {
- func = func,
- refs = 0
- }
- funcRefIdx = funcRefIdx + 1
- local refStr = Citizen.CanonicalizeRef(thisIdx)
- return refStr
- end
- function Citizen.GetFunctionReference(func)
- if type(func) == 'function' then
- return MakeFunctionReference(func)
- elseif type(func) == 'table' and rawget(func, '__cfx_functionReference') then
- return MakeFunctionReference(function(...)
- return func(...)
- end)
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function doStackFormat(err)
- local fst = FormatStackTrace()
- -- already recovering from an error
- if not fst then
- return nil
- end
- return '^1SCRIPT ERROR: ' .. err .. "^7\n" .. fst
- end
- Citizen.SetCallRefRoutine(function(refId, argsSerialized)
- local refPtr = funcRefs[refId]
- if not refPtr then
- Citizen.Trace('Invalid ref call attempt: ' .. refId .. "\n")
- return msgpack.pack({})
- end
- local ref = refPtr.func
- local err
- local retvals
- local cb = {}
- local di = debug.getinfo(ref)
- local waited = Citizen.CreateThreadNow(function()
- local status, result, error = xpcall(function()
- retvals = { ref(table.unpack(msgpack.unpack(argsSerialized))) }
- end, doStackFormat)
- if not status then
- err = result or ''
- end
- if cb.cb then
- cb.cb(retvals or false, err)
- end
- end, ('ref call [%s[%d..%d]]'):format(di.short_src, di.linedefined, di.lastlinedefined))
- if not waited then
- if err then
- --error(err)
- if err ~= '' then
- Citizen.Trace(err)
- end
- return msgpack.pack(nil)
- end
- return msgpack.pack(retvals)
- else
- return msgpack.pack({{
- __cfx_async_retval = function(rvcb)
- cb.cb = rvcb
- end
- }})
- end
- end)
- Citizen.SetDuplicateRefRoutine(function(refId)
- local ref = funcRefs[refId]
- if ref then
- --print(('%s %s ref %d - new refcount %d (from %s)'):format(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'duplicating', refId, ref.refs + 1, GetInvokingResource() or 'nil'))
- ref.refs = ref.refs + 1
- return refId
- end
- return -1
- end)
- Citizen.SetDeleteRefRoutine(function(refId)
- local ref = funcRefs[refId]
- if ref then
- --print(('%s %s ref %d - new refcount %d (from %s)'):format(GetCurrentResourceName(), 'deleting', refId, ref.refs - 1, GetInvokingResource() or 'nil'))
- ref.refs = ref.refs - 1
- if ref.refs <= 0 then
- funcRefs[refId] = nil
- end
- end
- end)
- local InvokeRpcEvent
- if GetCurrentResourceName() == 'sessionmanager' then
- local rpcEvName = ('__cfx_rpcReq')
- RegisterNetEvent(rpcEvName)
- AddEventHandler(rpcEvName, function(retEvent, retId, refId, args)
- local source = source
- local eventTriggerFn = TriggerServerEvent
- if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- eventTriggerFn = function(name, ...)
- TriggerClientEvent(name, source, ...)
- end
- end
- local returnEvent = function(args, err)
- eventTriggerFn(retEvent, retId, args, err)
- end
- local function makeArgRefs(o)
- if type(o) == 'table' then
- for k, v in pairs(o) do
- if type(v) == 'table' and rawget(v, '__cfx_functionReference') then
- o[k] = function(...)
- return InvokeRpcEvent(source, rawget(v, '__cfx_functionReference'), {...})
- end
- end
- makeArgRefs(v)
- end
- end
- end
- makeArgRefs(args)
- runWithBoundaryEnd(function()
- local payload = Citizen.InvokeFunctionReference(refId, msgpack.pack(args))
- if #payload == 0 then
- returnEvent(false, 'err')
- return
- end
- local rvs = msgpack.unpack(payload)
- if type(rvs[1]) == 'table' and rvs[1].__cfx_async_retval then
- rvs[1].__cfx_async_retval(returnEvent)
- else
- returnEvent(rvs)
- end
- end)
- end)
- end
- local rpcId = 0
- local rpcPromises = {}
- local playerPromises = {}
- local repName = ('__cfx_rpcRep:%s'):format(GetCurrentResourceName())
- RegisterNetEvent(repName)
- AddEventHandler(repName, function(retId, args, err)
- local promise = rpcPromises[retId]
- rpcPromises[retId] = nil
- -- remove any player promise for us
- for k, v in pairs(playerPromises) do
- v[retId] = nil
- end
- if promise then
- if args then
- promise:resolve(args[1])
- elseif err then
- promise:reject(err)
- end
- end
- end)
- if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function(reason)
- local source = source
- if playerPromises[source] then
- for k, v in pairs(playerPromises[source]) do
- local p = rpcPromises[k]
- if p then
- p:reject('Player dropped: ' .. reason)
- end
- end
- end
- playerPromises[source] = nil
- end)
- end
- local EXT_FUNCREF = 10
- msgpack.extend_clear(EXT_FUNCREF, EXT_LOCALFUNCREF)
- InvokeRpcEvent = function(source, ref, args)
- if not coroutine.running() then
- error('RPC delegates can only be invoked from a thread.')
- end
- local src = source
- local eventTriggerFn = TriggerServerEvent
- if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- eventTriggerFn = function(name, ...)
- TriggerClientEvent(name, src, ...)
- end
- end
- local p =
- local asyncId = rpcId
- rpcId = rpcId + 1
- local refId = ('%d:%d'):format(GetInstanceId(), asyncId)
- eventTriggerFn('__cfx_rpcReq', repName, refId, ref, args)
- -- add rpc promise
- rpcPromises[refId] = p
- -- add a player promise
- if not playerPromises[src] then
- playerPromises[src] = {}
- end
- playerPromises[src][refId] = true
- return Citizen.Await(p)
- end
- local funcref_mt = nil
- funcref_mt = msgpack.extend({
- __gc = function(t)
- DeleteFunctionReference(rawget(t, '__cfx_functionReference'))
- end,
- __index = function(t, k)
- error('Cannot index a funcref')
- end,
- __newindex = function(t, k, v)
- error('Cannot set indexes on a funcref')
- end,
- __call = function(t, ...)
- local netSource = rawget(t, '__cfx_functionSource')
- local ref = rawget(t, '__cfx_functionReference')
- if not netSource then
- local args = msgpack.pack({...})
- -- as Lua doesn't allow directly getting lengths from a data buffer, and _s will zero-terminate, we have a wrapper in the game itself
- local rv = runWithBoundaryEnd(function()
- return Citizen.InvokeFunctionReference(ref, args)
- end)
- local rvs = msgpack.unpack(rv)
- -- handle async retvals from refs
- if rvs and type(rvs[1]) == 'table' and rawget(rvs[1], '__cfx_async_retval') and coroutine.running() then
- local p =
- rvs[1].__cfx_async_retval(function(r, e)
- if r then
- p:resolve(r)
- elseif e then
- p:reject(e)
- end
- end)
- return table.unpack(Citizen.Await(p))
- end
- return table.unpack(rvs)
- else
- return InvokeRpcEvent(tonumber(netSource.source:sub(5)), ref, {...})
- end
- end,
- __ext = EXT_FUNCREF,
- __pack = function(self, tag)
- local refstr = Citizen.GetFunctionReference(self)
- if refstr then
- return refstr
- else
- error(("Unknown funcref type: %d %s"):format(tag, type(self)))
- end
- end,
- __unpack = function(data, tag)
- local ref = data
- -- add a reference
- DuplicateFunctionReference(ref)
- local tbl = {
- __cfx_functionReference = ref,
- __cfx_functionSource = deserializingNetEvent
- }
- if tag == EXT_LOCALFUNCREF then
- tbl.__cfx_functionSource = nil
- end
- tbl = setmetatable(tbl, funcref_mt)
- return tbl
- end,
- })
- --[[ Also initialize unpackers for local function references --]]
- msgpack.extend({
- __pack = funcref_mt.__pack,
- __unpack = funcref_mt.__unpack,
- })
- msgpack.settype("function", EXT_FUNCREF)
- -- exports compatibility
- local function getExportEventName(resource, name)
- return string.format('__cfx_export_%s_%s', resource, name)
- end
- -- callback cache to avoid extra call to serialization / deserialization process at each time getting an export
- local exportsCallbackCache = {}
- local exportKey = (IsDuplicityVersion() and 'server_export' or 'export')
- do
- local resource = GetCurrentResourceName()
- local numMetaData = GetNumResourceMetadata(resource, exportKey) or 0
- for i = 0, numMetaData-1 do
- local exportName = GetResourceMetadata(resource, exportKey, i)
- AddEventHandler(getExportEventName(resource, exportName), function(setCB)
- -- get the entry from *our* global table and invoke the set callback
- if _G[exportName] then
- setCB(_G[exportName])
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- -- Remove cache when resource stop to avoid calling unexisting exports
- local function lazyEventHandler() -- lazy initializer so we don't add an event we don't need
- AddEventHandler(('on%sResourceStop'):format(IsDuplicityVersion() and 'Server' or 'Client'), function(resource)
- exportsCallbackCache[resource] = {}
- end)
- lazyEventHandler = function() end
- end
- -- invocation bit
- exports = {}
- setmetatable(exports, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- local resource = k
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- lazyEventHandler()
- if not exportsCallbackCache[resource] then
- exportsCallbackCache[resource] = {}
- end
- if not exportsCallbackCache[resource][k] then
- TriggerEvent(getExportEventName(resource, k), function(exportData)
- exportsCallbackCache[resource][k] = exportData
- end)
- if not exportsCallbackCache[resource][k] then
- error('No such export ' .. k .. ' in resource ' .. resource)
- end
- end
- return function(self, ...)
- local status, result = pcall(exportsCallbackCache[resource][k], ...)
- if not status then
- error('An error happened while calling export ' .. k .. ' of resource ' .. resource .. ' (' .. result .. '), see above for details')
- end
- return result
- end
- end,
- __newindex = function(t, k, v)
- error('cannot set values on an export resource')
- end
- })
- end,
- __newindex = function(t, k, v)
- error('cannot set values on exports')
- end,
- __call = function(t, exportName, func)
- AddEventHandler(getExportEventName(GetCurrentResourceName(), exportName), function(setCB)
- setCB(func)
- end)
- end
- })
- -- NUI callbacks
- if not IsDuplicityVersion() then
- function RegisterNUICallback(type, callback)
- RegisterNuiCallbackType(type)
- AddEventHandler('__cfx_nui:' .. type, function(body, resultCallback)
- local status, err = pcall(function()
- callback(body, resultCallback)
- end)
- if err then
- Citizen.Trace("error during NUI callback " .. type .. ": " .. err .. "\n")
- end
- end)
- end
- local _sendNuiMessage = SendNuiMessage
- function SendNUIMessage(message)
- _sendNuiMessage(json.encode(message))
- end
- end
- -- entity helpers
- local EXT_ENTITY = 41
- local EXT_PLAYER = 42
- msgpack.extend_clear(EXT_ENTITY, EXT_PLAYER)
- local function NewStateBag(es)
- local sv = IsDuplicityVersion()
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(_, s)
- if s == 'set' then
- return function(_, s, v, r)
- local payload = msgpack.pack(v)
- SetStateBagValue(es, s, payload, payload:len(), r)
- end
- end
- return GetStateBagValue(es, s)
- end,
- __newindex = function(_, s, v)
- local payload = msgpack.pack(v)
- SetStateBagValue(es, s, payload, payload:len(), sv)
- end
- })
- end
- GlobalState = NewStateBag('global')
- local entityTM = {
- __index = function(t, s)
- if s == 'state' then
- local es = ('entity:%d'):format(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(t.__data))
- if IsDuplicityVersion() then
- EnsureEntityStateBag(t.__data)
- end
- return NewStateBag(es)
- end
- return nil
- end,
- __newindex = function()
- error('Not allowed at this time.')
- end,
- __ext = EXT_ENTITY,
- __pack = function(self, t)
- return tostring(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(self.__data))
- end,
- __unpack = function(data, t)
- local ref = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(tonumber(data))
- return setmetatable({
- __data = ref
- }, entityTM)
- end
- }
- msgpack.extend(entityTM)
- local playerTM = {
- __index = function(t, s)
- if s == 'state' then
- local pid = t.__data
- if pid == -1 then
- pid = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
- end
- local es = ('player:%d'):format(pid)
- return NewStateBag(es)
- end
- return nil
- end,
- __newindex = function()
- error('Not allowed at this time.')
- end,
- __ext = EXT_PLAYER,
- __pack = function(self, t)
- return tostring(self.__data)
- end,
- __unpack = function(data, t)
- local ref = tonumber(data)
- return setmetatable({
- __data = ref
- }, playerTM)
- end
- }
- msgpack.extend(playerTM)
- function Entity(ent)
- if type(ent) == 'number' then
- return setmetatable({
- __data = ent
- }, entityTM)
- end
- return ent
- end
- function Player(ent)
- if type(ent) == 'number' or type(ent) == 'string' then
- return setmetatable({
- __data = tonumber(ent)
- }, playerTM)
- end
- return ent
- end
- if not IsDuplicityVersion() then
- LocalPlayer = Player(-1)
- end
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