
Space is Cool

Nov 10th, 2015
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  1. Please be sure to pay attention to image sizes or the layout will be off!
  2. If you have any questions message me on ask!
  5. // — ABOUT ME SECTION — //
  8. </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table bordercolor="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <tr> <td class="text" valign="" align="left" width="700" bgcolor="0" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="orangetext15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><table bordercolor="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" align="" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <td valign="top" align="" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" style="word-wrap:break-word">
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  19. <h1>First Middle Last</h1>
  20. <h2>Words - Words - Words</h2>
  23. </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table bordercolor="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <tr> <td class="text" valign="" align="left" width="700" bgcolor="0" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="orangetext15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><table bordercolor="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" align="" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <td valign="top" align="" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" style="word-wrap:break-word">
  26. <h6>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</h6><br>
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  31. <div style="width:377; height:240; background-color:transparent; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; border-color:455f2e; overflow: auto; padding:0px; text-indent:px;">
  33. <h5>Biography Header</h5>
  35. <center>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at nisl erat, a vulputate orci. Maecenas sem justo, dapibus id malesuada nec, ultrices a sapien. Curabitur ut massa elit, vel interdum purus. Duis ullamcorper viverra erat, vitae feugiat dui pharetra id. Curabitur dignissim ante sed sem imperdiet tincidunt. Sed vel massa et lacus mattis congue. Integer volutpat erat vel lectus lobortis facilisis. Phasellus eu tortor eu ipsum consequat viverra sed ut leo. Mauris et porttitor magna. Donec porttitor leo sit amet nulla tincidunt ut pretium risus porta. Aenean sit amet dolor metus, eget pellentesque ipsum. Nam dapibus, nunc tincidunt sodales mattis, ipsum lorem pulvinar felis, eget gravida nunc odio et purus. Vestibulum suscipit orci eget neque lobortis facilisis. Curabitur pretium tempus orci at tincidunt. Maecenas pellentesque, velit at vestibulum tincidunt, mauris ipsum cursus lorem, in varius tortor justo a sapien. Vestibulum pellentesque faucibus ornare. Nullam eget pretium sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at nisl erat, a vulputate orci. Maecenas sem justo, dapibus id malesuada nec, ultrices a sapien. Curabitur ut massa elit, vel interdum purus. Duis ullamcorper viverra erat, vitae feugiat dui pharetra id. Curabitur dignissim ante sed sem imperdiet tincidunt. Sed vel massa et lacus mattis congue. Integer volutpat erat vel lectus lobortis facilisis. Phasellus eu tortor eu ipsum consequat viverra sed ut leo. Mauris et porttitor magna. Donec porttitor leo sit amet nulla tincidunt ut pretium risus porta. Aenean sit amet dolor metus, eget pellentesque ipsum. Nam dapibus, nunc tincidunt sodales mattis, ipsum lorem pulvinar felis, eget gravida nunc odio et purus. Vestibulum suscipit orci eget neque lobortis facilisis. Curabitur pretium tempus orci at tincidunt. Maecenas pellentesque, velit at vestibulum tincidunt, mauris ipsum cursus lorem, in varius tortor justo a sapien. Vestibulum pellentesque faucibus ornare. Nullam eget pretium sem.
  36. </div></td><td>
  39. <img src="">
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  44. <img src="">
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  49. <h6>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</h6><br>
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  54. <center><img src="" align="left"></center> <div style="width:375; height:240; background-color:transparent; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; border-color:455f2e; overflow: auto; padding:0px; text-indent:px;">
  56. <h5>Details</h5>
  58. <br><b>[Birthname]</b> Your Name Here.
  59. <br><b>[Name Meaning]</b> <i>First</i> Write out the meaning of your first name here. <i>Middle</i> Write out the meaning of your middle name here.
  60. <br><b>[Nicknames]</b> List all nicknames.
  61. <br><b>[Date of Birth]</b> Month/ Day/ Year.
  62. <br><b>[Age]</b> How old are you?
  63. <br><b>[Species]</b> What's your species.
  64. <br><b>[Place of Birth]</b> Where were you born?
  65. <br><b>[Current Residence]</b> Where do you live?
  66. <br><b>[Education]</b> What's your highest level of education?
  67. <br><b>[Occupation]</b> What's your job?
  68. <br><b>[Living Arrangements]</b> Where do you live?
  69. <br><b>[Transportation]</b> How do you get around?
  70. <br><b>[Criminal Record]</b> List all of your criminal record here. It's helpful to include dates if possible.
  71. <br><b>[Medical History]</b> List all of your medical history here. It's helpful to add dates of diagnosis or injury if possible.
  72. <br><b>[Zodia Sign]</b> What's your sign?
  73. <br><b>[Zodiac Traits]</b> List all of your sign traits.
  74. <br><b>[Likes | Dislikes]</b> List your favorite things | List your least favorite things.
  75. <br><b>[Drink | Drugs | Smoke]</b> No| No | No
  76. <br><b>[Habits]</b> List all habits here. Include details if possible.
  77. <br><b>[Fears]</b> List all of your fears here. Include details if possible.
  78. <br><b>[Other Traits]</b> Include details if possible.
  79. <br><b>[Hair Color]</b> What color is your hair?
  80. <br><b>[Eye Color]</b> What color are your eyes?
  81. <br><b>[Height | Weight]</b> 0'0" | 000 lbs.
  82. <br><b>[Skin Color]</b> What's your skin color?
  83. <br><b>[Ethnicity]</b> What's your ethnicity?
  84. <br><b>[Body Type]</b> What's your body type.
  85. <br><b>[Physical Description]</b> Give a short description of what you look like psychically.
  86. <br><b>[Parents]</b> List your mother and father and state if they are alive or dead.
  87. <br><b>[Siblings]</b> List your siblings and state if they are alive or dead.
  88. <br><b>[Other Family Members]</b> List all other family members of importance here. State whether they are alive or dead.
  89. <br><b>[Children]</b> List all children here. State whether they are alive or dead.
  90. <br><b>[Pets]</b> List all pets here. State whether they are alive or dead.
  91. <br><b>[Close Friends]</b> List all close friends here. State whether they are alive or dead.
  92. <br><B>[Orientation]</B> What is your sexual orientation?
  93. <br><b>[Description]</b> A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here. A definition of your sexual orientation goes here.
  94. <BR><b>[Past Relationships]</b> List all of your past romantic relationships.
  95. <BR><B>[Comments]</B> Add comments about your relationship status.
  98. </div>
  100. </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table bordercolor="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <tr> <td class="text" valign="" align="left" width="700" bgcolor="0" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="orangetext15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><table bordercolor="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" align="" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <td valign="top" align="" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" style="word-wrap:break-word">
  101. <div style="width:250; height:167; background-color:transparent; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; border-color:455f2e; overflow: auto; padding:0px; text-indent:px;">
  102. <h3>Love Life</h3>
  104. <img src="" align="right" div>
  106. <BR><b>[By Whom]</b> If you're in a relationship list whom with here.
  107. <BR><B>[First Met]</B> 00/00/0000
  108. <BR><b>[First Kiss]</b> 00/00/0000
  109. <BR><b>[Said I Love You]</b> 00/00/0000
  110. <BR><B>[Got Engaged]</B> 00/00/0000
  111. <BR><b>[Got Married]</b> 00/00/0000
  112. <BR><b>[Song | Lyrics]</b> Put a song title here | Add lyrics to the song here.
  113. <BR><B>[Comments]</B> Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status. Add comments about your relationship status.
  114. </div>
  115. </td><td>
  117. <img src="" />
  118. </td><td>
  120. <div style="width:250; height:167; background-color:transparent; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; border-color:455f2e; overflow: auto; padding:0px; text-indent:px;">
  121. <h3>Connections</h3>
  123. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  124. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  125. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  126. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  127. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  128. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  129. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  130. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  131. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  132. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  133. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  134. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  135. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  136. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  137. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  138. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  139. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  140. <a href="#" class="second">connection name</a>
  141. </div>
  142. </td><td>
  144. </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table bordercolor="transparent" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <tr> <td class="text" valign="" align="left" width="700" bgcolor="0" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"><span class="orangetext15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><table bordercolor="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="700" align="" bgcolor="transparent" border="0"> <td valign="top" align="" width="700" bgcolor="transparent" style="word-wrap:break-word">
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  152. <a href="" class="first">Comment</a>
  153. <a href="" class="first">Message</a>
  154. <a href="" class="first">Gallery</a>
  155. <a href="" class="first"></a>
  156. </div>
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