
Predator Stalking Shadows 33

Dec 11th, 2023
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  1. "Like his men, he blazed away at the creature, stepping back and to one side as it came at them. The sheer number of bullets hammering into the beast would have felled anything on God's earth, and indeed, Scott saw flesh and fur and green blood bursting up from the creature, flying in all directions. But it kept coming. It kept fucking coming. Its jaws were stretched wide in both directions, revealing a gaping square of frothing pink flesh and rows of shark-like teeth teeth from which bullets were sparking as if the damn things were made of the most durable metal imaginable! Scott didn't realize Flynn was standing directly in its path until the thing hit him. One second he was blasting bullets down its throat, eyes wild and teeth clenched, the next he was flying through the air as if a truck had smashed into him. Scott got a brief, confused impression - one he would see again and again in his mind- of Flynn and the creature hurtling past him, locked in a deadly embrace. Flynn was underneath the creature, on his back, staring straight down the creature's gullet, and the alien dog was on top of him with its paws on his shoulders, and its neck muscles rippling as its head lunged forward, as if about to give him a kiss."pg.232 chpt.9
Tags: Predator
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