Guest User


a guest
Oct 11th, 2015
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Lua 32.46 KB | None | 0 0
  2. local Bypass = false
  3. if Bypass then
  4.     local i=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(140878711)
  5.     local n=i:children()[1]
  6.     game:service'Debris':AddItem(i,0)
  7.     n.Parent=workspace
  8.     coroutine.yield()
  9.     local Environment
  10.     pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{__index=function()
  11.     Environment=getfenv(2)end,__metatable='[qLock]: Locked'}))
  12.     _G.OSC_AddServerSideData=nil
  13.     game:service'Debris':AddItem(n,0)
  14.     setfenv(1,Environment)
  15. end--]]
  17. local Enforcer;
  18. rot, rot2 = .1, 0.001
  20. Enforcer = {
  21.     Ranked = {
  22.          {["Name"] = "PeroxDevelopment", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "Lolurscriptgotleeeeekkd", ["Color"] = "Royal Purple"};
  23.          {["Name"] = "ApexDevelopment", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "You should make a new admin...", ["Color"] = "Really red"};
  24.          {["Name"] = "GalacticParadox", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "Honestly", ["Color"] = "New Yeller"};
  25.          {["Name"] = "Metatables", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "You", ["Color"] = "Royal purple"};
  26.          {["Name"] = "supersonicfan111", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "suck", ["Color"] = "New Yeller"};
  27.          {["Name"] = "SavageMunkey", ["Rank"] = 21, ["Description"] = "ReallyBigDicks", ["Color"] = "Really red"};
  28.          {["Name"] = "brianush1", ["Rank"] = -1, ["Description"] = "and myass", ["Color"] = "Lime green"};
  29.          {["Name"] = "Nexure", ["Rank"] = 21, ["Description"] = "Leaked yo admin", ["Color"] = "Hot pink"};
  30.     };  
  31.     Commands = {};
  32.     Tablets = {};
  33.     Settings = {
  34.         PrivateServer = false;
  35.         AgeRestriction = false;
  36.         MinimumAge = 100;
  37.         DevMode = true;
  38.     };
  39.     TabSettings = {
  40.         Neon = true;
  41.         Wires = false;
  42.         Size =, 1.8, 1.8);
  43.         Size2 =, 2, 2);
  44.     };
  45.     Bet = ';';
  46.     Rotation = 0;
  47.     Services = {
  48.         Workspace = game.Workspace;
  49.         Players  = game.Players;
  50.         Lighting = game.Lighting
  51.     };
  52.     Ranks = {
  53.         {Rank = 5, Role = "Creator"};
  54.         {Rank = 4, Role = "Scripter"};
  55.         {Rank = 3, Role = "Best Friend"};
  56.         {Rank = 2, Role = "Member"};
  57.         {Rank = 1, Role = "Player"};
  58.         {Rank = 0, Role = "Unknown/Guest"};
  59.         {Rank = -1, Role = "Banned"};
  60.         {Rank = -2, Role = "Lagged/Crashed"};
  61.     };
  62.     PriPeople = {
  63.            {"PeroxDevelopment", "ApexDevelopment"};
  64.     }; --ok done
  65. };
  67. function Kick(plr)
  68.     local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
  69.     delay(1,function()
  70.         pcall(function() workspace.RemoteEvent:remove() end)
  71.     end)
  72. end
  74. function Explore(p, part)
  75.         pcall(function()
  76.                 Dismiss(p)
  77.                 if part == nil or part == game or part == workspace.Parent then
  78.                         for _,v in pairs(Enforcer['Services']) do
  79.                                 Output(p,v.Name,getColor(p), function() Explore(p,v) end)
  80.                         end
  81.                 else
  82.                         for _,v in pairs(part:children()) do
  83.                                 Output(p,v.Name,getColor(p), function() Explore(p,v) end)
  84.                         end
  85.                         Output(p,"Currently exploring: "..part:GetFullName(),'New Yeller')
  86.                         Output(p,"ClassName: "..part.ClassName,'New Yeller')
  87.                         Output(p,"Destroy",'Really red', function() part:Destroy() Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  88.                         Output(p,"Remove",'Really red', function() part:remove() Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  89.                         Output(p,"Explore parent",'Bright blue', function() Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  90.                         Output(p,"Clone",'Institutional white', function() clonedpart = part:Clone() end)
  91.                         Output(p,"Refresh",'Cyan', function() Explore(p,part) end)
  92.                         if clonedpart then
  93.                                 Output(p,"Paste: "..clonedpart.Name,'Institutional white', function() clonedpart.Parent = part clonedpart = nil end)
  94.                         end
  95.                 end
  96.         end)
  97. end
  99. function GetPlayers(plr, msg, all)
  100.         local plrs = {}
  101.         if msg:match("^!") then
  102.                 return GetPlayers(plr, msg:sub(2), true)
  103.         elseif msg == "me" then
  104.                 table.insert(plrs, plr)
  105.         elseif msg == "all" then
  106.                 for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  107.                         if all or getRank(v) <= getRank(plr) then
  108.                                 table.insert(plrs, v)
  109.                         end
  110.                 end
  111.         elseif msg == "others" then
  112.                 for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  113.                         if v ~= plr then
  114.                                 if all or getRank(v) <= getRank(plr) then
  115.                                         table.insert(plrs, v)
  116.                                 end
  117.                         end
  118.                 end
  119.         else
  120.                 for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  121.                         if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  122.                                 if all or getRank(v) <= getRank(plr) then
  123.                                         table.insert(plrs, v)
  124.                                 end
  125.                         end
  126.                 end
  127.         end
  128.         return plrs
  129. end
  131. function Dismiss(Player)
  132.      table.foreach(Enforcer.Tablets,function(i,v)
  133.          if v.Player == Player then
  134.                                 spawn(function()
  135.                                         for _ = 0, .3, 0.01 do
  136.                                                 v.Text.TextStrokeTransparency = v.Text.TextStrokeTransparency + .1
  137.                                                 v.Text.TextTransparency = v.Text.TextTransparency + .1
  138.                                                 v.Tab.Size = v.Tab.Size -, .1, .1)
  139.                                                 --v.Tab2.Transparency = v.Tab2.Transparency + .1
  140.                                                 v.Tab.Transparency = v.Tab.Transparency + .05
  141.                                                 game['Run Service'].Heartbeat:wait()  
  142.                                         end--MESSY CODE >.>
  143.                                         v.Tab:Destroy()--u dun goofed?
  144.                                         --v.Tab2:Destroy()
  145.                                 end)
  146.         end-- u r an st00pid
  147.     end)  
  148. end
  150. function getRank(player)
  151.     for _,p in next,Enforcer.Ranked do
  152.         if player.Name == p.Name then return p.Rank end
  153.     end
  154.     return 0
  155. end
  157. function getColor(plr)
  158.       if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  159.              plr = plr.Name
  160.          else
  161.              plr = tostring(plr)
  162.       end
  163.       for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Ranked) do
  164.              if v.Name == plr then
  165.                     return v['Color']
  166.               end
  167.        end
  168.        return 'Royal purple'
  169. end
  171. function setColor(plr, color)
  172.     if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  173.              plr = plr.Name
  174.          else
  175.              plr = tostring(plr)
  176.       end
  177.     for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Ranked) do
  178.             if v.Name == tostring(plr) then
  179.                   v.Color = color
  180.             end
  181.       end --k
  182. end
  184. function getDesc(plr)
  185.     if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  186.              plr = plr.Name
  187.          else
  188.              plr = tostring(plr)
  189.       end
  190.       for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Ranked) do
  191.              if v.Name == plr then
  192.                     return v['Description']
  193.               end
  194.        end
  195.        return 'A normal player.'
  196. end
  198. function setRank(plr, rank)
  199.        if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  200.              plr = plr.Name
  201.          else
  202.              plr = tostring(plr)
  203.       end
  204.       for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Ranked) do
  205.             if v.Name == tostring(plr) then
  206.                   v.Rank = tonumber(rank)
  207.             end
  208.       end
  209. end
  211. function PlaySound(id, pitch)
  212.         epicsound ="Sound")
  213.         epicsound.Name = "Epicosound"
  214.   epicsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  215.      epicsound.Volume = 1
  216.      epicsound.Pitch = pitch
  217.   epicsound.Looped = true
  218.   epicsound.Parent = workspace
  219.   sbu = epicsound:Clone()
  220.   sbu.Parent = Storage
  221.   if epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tt" then -- TELL ME, TELL ME, WHERE DA FREAKS AT!
  222.       epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://181158033"
  223.   elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://fabulous" then -- FA-FA-FABULOUS!
  224.       epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://191819419"
  225.      elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://ufdb" then -- ultimate final death battle(fairy tail XD)
  226.          epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://153085393"
  227.         elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://nnm" then
  228.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://210189234"
  229.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://tun" then -- tunak tunak tun
  230.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxass/setid://162682002"
  231.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://zelda" then
  232.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://158215156"
  233.        elseif epicsound.SoundId=="rbxassetid://cc" then
  234.            epicsound.SoundId="rbxassetid://177080835"
  235.      end
  236.   epicsound:Play()
  237. end
  240. function StopMusic()
  241.                     for i,v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  242.             if v:IsA("Sound") then
  243.                 v.Name = "Sound"
  244.                 wait()
  245.                 v:Remove()
  246.             end
  247.         end
  248. end
  250. function makeMessage(Text,Parent)
  251.           coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  252.         local M ="Message",Parent)
  253.         for i = 1, string.len(Text) do
  254.             M.Text = M.Text .. string.sub(Text, i, i)
  255.             wait(math.random() * 0.1)
  256.         end
  257.         M.Text = M.Text .. ""
  258.         for i = 1, math.random(2, 6) do
  259.             M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text)) .. "_"
  260.             wait(0.4)
  261.             M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text)) .. "  "
  262.             wait(0.4)
  263.         end
  264.         M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(Text))
  265.         for i = 1, string.len(M.Text) do
  266.             M.Text = string.sub(M.Text, 1, string.len(M.Text) - 1)
  267.             wait()
  268.         end
  269.         M:Remove()
  270.     end))
  271. end  
  275. SoundSearch = function(Speaker, msg)
  276. if msg == "" or msg == nil then
  277. Output(Speaker,"Nothing searched!", 'Deep orange')
  278. else
  279. Dismiss(Speaker)
  280. http=game:GetService'HttpService'
  281. url=""..http:UrlEncode(msg).."&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=20"
  282. local assets=http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(url))
  283. for i,v in pairs(assets) do
  284.     Output(Speaker, v.Name, 'Really red', function()
  285.         Dismiss(Speaker)
  286.         Id=assets[i].AssetId
  287.                 local Asset=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(v.AssetId))
  288.                 Output(Speaker, "Name: "..Asset['Name'], "Lime green")
  289.                 Output(Speaker, "Sales: "..Asset['Sales'], "New yeller")
  290.                 Output(Speaker, "Item ID: "..Asset['AssetId'], "Teal")
  291.                 --Output(Speaker, "Creator: "..Asset['Creator'], 'Royal purple')
  292.                 --Output(Speaker, "Creator ID: "..Asset['CreatorID'], 'Institutional white')
  293.         Output(Speaker, "Play sound", 'Really blue', function()
  294.             Dismiss(Speaker)
  295.             StopMusic()
  296.         PlaySound(tonumber(v.AssetId), 1)
  297.  end)
  298.         Output(Speaker, "Play sound x2 pitch", "Lime green", function()
  299.             Dismiss(Speaker)
  300.             StopMusic()
  301.             PlaySound(tonumber(v.AssetId), 2)
  302.             end)
  303.     end)
  304. end
  305. end
  306. end
  308. AddRank = function(name, rank, reason, color)
  309.        if getRank(name) == -1 then return end
  310.        if getRank(name) > 0 then return end
  311.        table.insert(Enforcer.Ranked,{Name = name, Rank = rank, Description = reason, Color = color})
  312. end
  315. WirePart = function(partA, partB)
  316.     local distance=(partA.Position-partB.Position).magnitude;
  317.     if not partA:FindFirstChild('Wire') then   
  318.         local'Part',parent)
  319.         wire.Anchored=true
  320.         wire.CanCollide=false
  321.         wire.TopSurface='Smooth'
  322.         wire.BottomSurface='Smooth'
  323.         wire.FormFactor='Custom'
  324.         wire.Material = 'Neon'
  326.         wire.Name='Wire';
  328.         wire.BrickColor = partA.BrickColor
  329.     else   
  332.     end
  333. end
  335. function Output(player, text, color, func)
  336.     if text == nil then text = text end
  337.     --text = ' [ENF]\n ' ..text --//ENF = Enforcer.
  338.     if color == nil then color = 'Really red' end
  339.     if func == nil then func = function() return end end -- fixed
  341.     local tab ='Part',script)
  342.     tab.Name = "Enforcer tab #"..math.random(-99999,99999)
  343.     tab.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  344.     if Enforcer.TabSettings.Neon then tab.Material = 'Neon' end
  345.     tab.Anchored = true;
  346.     tab.CanCollide = false;
  347.     tab.Locked = true;
  348.     tab.Size = Enforcer.TabSettings.Size
  349.     tab.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  350.     tab.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  351.     tab.BrickColor =
  352.     tab.Transparency = 0
  355.    --[[ local tab2 ='Part',tab)
  356.     tab.Name = "Enforcer tab #"..math.random(-99999,99999)
  357.     tab2.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  358.     if Enforcer.TabSettings.Neon then tab.Material = 'Neon' end
  359.     tab2.Anchored = true;
  360.     tab2.CanCollide = false;
  361.     tab2.Size = Enforcer.TabSettings.Size2
  362.     tab2.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  363.     tab2.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  364.     tab2.BrickColor =
  365.     tab2.Transparency = 0.5
  366.     ]]--
  367.     --[[local sb ="SelectionBox", tab)
  368.     sb.Adornee = tab
  369.     sb.Color =
  370.     sb.Transparency = .9]]--
  371.     local pl ='PointLight', tab)
  372.     pl.Brightness = 4
  373.     pl.Range = 4
  376.     local gui ="BillboardGui", tab)
  377.     gui.Adornee = tab
  378.     gui.Size =,0,1,0)
  379.     gui.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  381.     local tl ="TextLabel", gui)
  382.     tl.Size =,0,1,0)
  383.     tl.Text = text
  384.     tl.TextTransparency = 0
  385.     tl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  386.     tl.TextColor3 = tab.Color
  387.     tl.BorderColor3 =,3,0)
  388.     tl.Font = 'SourceSansBold'
  389.     tl.FontSize = 'Size18'
  390.     tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  392.     local dismissing = false
  394.     local Click ="ClickDetector",tab)
  395.     Click.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  396.     Click.MouseClick:connect(function(plr)
  397.         if plr.userId == player.userId then
  398.             dismissing = true
  399.             coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  400.                 spawn(function()
  401.                     pcall(function()
  402.                         repeat
  403.                             game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:wait()
  404.                             tab.Size = - 0.1,tab.Size.Y - 0.1,tab.Size.Z - 0.1)
  405.                             --tab2.Size = - 0.1,tab2.Size.Y - 0.1,tab2.Size.Z - 0.1)
  406.                             tab.Transparency = tab.Transparency+0.1
  407.                             --tab2.Transparency = tab2.Transparency + 0.1
  408.                             tl.Transparency = tl.Transparency + 0.1
  409.                             --sb.Transparency = sb.Transparency + 0.05
  410.                             pl.Brightness = pl.Brightness - 0.05
  411.                         until tab.Size.X < 0.1
  413.                        -- pl:Destroy()
  414.                         tab:Destroy()
  415.                         table.remove(Enforcer.Tablets,i)
  416.                     end)
  417.                 end)
  418.             end))
  419.             func=func func()
  420.         end
  421.     end)
  423.     Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plr)
  424.         if plr.userId==player.userId and not dismissing then
  425.             tab.Transparency = 0.5
  426.         end
  427.     end)
  429.     Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(plr)
  430.         if plr.userId==player.userId and not dismissing then
  431.             tab.Transparency = 0.2
  432.         end
  433.     end)
  435.     pcall(function() tab.CFrame = player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  436.     tab.Parent = script
  437.     table.insert(Enforcer.Tablets,{Tab = tab, Tab2 = tab2, Text = tl, Player = player})
  438. end
  440. function Chatted(Player, Message)
  441.       for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Commands) do
  442.             if Message:sub(1,string.len(v['Say']..Enforcer.Bet)) == v['Say']..Enforcer.Bet then
  443.                   if getRank(Player) >= v.Rank  then
  444.                          Message=Message:sub(1+#v['Say']+#Enforcer.Bet)
  445.                          a,b = ypcall(function()
  446.                              v['Func'](Player, Message)
  447.                         end)  if not a then print(b) end
  448.                     else
  449.                         Output(Player, "Your rank is too low for that command.", "Really red")
  450.                         --Output(Player, "Rank needed: "..v.Rank,'Really red')
  451.                   end
  452.             end
  453.       end  
  454. end
  456. function showCommands(plr, rank)
  457.       Dismiss(plr)
  458.       for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Commands) do
  459.           if v.Rank <= rank then
  460.             Output(plr, v.Name, getColor(plr), function() Dismiss(plr)
  461.                   Output(plr, "Name: " ..v.Name, "Royal purple")
  462.                   Output(plr, "Usage: " ..v.Say..Enforcer.Bet, "Bright blue")
  463.                   Output(plr, "Description: " ..v.Desc, "Really red") --ysomanycolors xd
  464.                   Output(plr, "Rank: "..v.Rank, "Lime green")
  465.             end)
  466.            end
  467.       end
  468.       Output(plr, "-[ Dismiss ]-", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  469. end
  471. Oxchat = function(msg1,msg2)
  472.                         pcall(function()
  473.                             for _,v in next,game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  474.                                         local SV ='StringValue')
  475.                                         SV.Parent = v
  476.                                         SV.Name = 'SB_Chat'
  477.                                         SV.Value = ""..tostring(msg1):gsub('','\5').."/"..tostring(msg2):gsub('','\5')..""
  478.                                         game.Debris:AddItem(SV, .1)
  479.                                 end
  480.                         end)
  481. end
  483. function setCommand(Name, Say, Desc, Rank, Func)
  484.       table.insert(Enforcer.Commands,{Name = Name, Say = Say, Desc = Desc, Rank = Rank, Func = Func})
  485. end
  487. function setTabSize(vec1,vec2,vec3,Player)
  488.     Enforcer.TabSettings.Size =,vec2,vec3)
  489.     --Enforcer.TabSettings.Size2 =,vec2-0.2,vec3-0.2)
  490.     for i,v in next,Enforcer.Tablets do
  491.         v.Tab.Size =,vec2,vec3)
  492.         --v.Tab2.Size =,vec2-0.2,vec3-0.2)
  493.     end
  494.     Output(Player,'Tab size changed.',getColor(Player))
  495. end
  497. function Connect(Player)
  498.     Output(Player, "Welcome, " ..Player.Name.. "!\n", "Black")
  499.     Output(Player, "You are rank "..getRank(Player)..'.', "White")
  500.     Output(Player, "Enforcer by PeroxDevelopment and ApexDevelopment loaded.", "Bright red")
  501.     Player.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  502.         Chatted(Player, msg)
  503.     end)  
  504. end
  506.   Music = function(player, id)
  507.                         for i,v in next,workspace:GetChildren() do
  508.                                 if v.ClassName == "Sound" then
  509.                                     v.Volume = 0
  510.                                         v:Pause()
  511.                                         v:Stop()
  512.                                         wait()
  513.                                         v:remove()
  514.                                 end
  515.                     end
  516.                     for i,v in next,script:GetChildren() do
  517.                        if v.ClassName == "Sound" or v.Name == "Sound" then
  518.                             v.Volume = 0
  519.                             v:Pause()
  520.                             v:Stop()
  521.                             wait()
  522.                                         v:remove()
  523.                         end
  524.                     end
  525.                         local NS ="Sound", script)
  526.                         NS.Parent = script
  527.                         NS.Pitch = 1
  528.                         NS.Volume = 1
  529.                         NS.Looped = true
  530.                         NS.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  531.                         wait()
  532.                         NS:Play()
  533.                         Output(player, "Now Playing: "..NS.Name.."!", "Deep orange")
  534.                         Output(player, "ID: "..tosting(id).."!", "Really blue")
  535.                         Output(player, "Creator: "..nil..".", "Really red")
  536. end
  538. function isException(player)
  539.     if type(player) == 'userdata' then
  540.         player = player.Name
  541.     end
  542.     for _,p in next,Enforcer.PriPeople do
  543.         if p == player then return true end
  544.     end
  545.     return false
  546. end
  548. function GetTabletsPlayer(player)
  549.     local returnTable = {}
  550.     if type(player) == "userdata" then
  551.         player = player.Name
  552.     end
  553.     for _,tab in next,Enforcer.Tablets do
  554.         if tab.Player.Name == player then
  555.             table.insert(returnTable, tab)
  556.         end
  557.     end
  558.     return returnTable
  559. end
  561. function Rotate()
  562.     rot=rot+0.650
  563.     --pcall(function()
  564. for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  565. local Counter = 0
  566. local PlayerTablets = {}
  567. for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Tablets) do
  568. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player==Player then
  569. table.insert(PlayerTablets,v)
  570. end
  571. end
  574. local Start =,0,0)
  575. for I = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  576. local Pos = nil
  577. pcall(function() Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  578. if Pos == nil then return end
  579. local Tab=PlayerTablets[I].Tab
  580. --local Tab2=PlayerTablets[I].Tab2
  581. local i=I
  582. local Main = (I / #PlayerTablets - (.5 / #PlayerTablets) + rot/(#PlayerTablets/10)) * math.pi * 2
  583. local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  584. local y = math.sin(tick()/.655)
  585. local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  586. local aPos =, y, z) + Pos.p
  587. local bPos = Tab.CFrame.p
  588. local cPos = (aPos * .1 + bPos * .9)
  589. Tab.CFrame =, Pos.p)
  590. local d=math.rad((rot*300)*math.pi);
  593. --//*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.sin(time()+I/.6),math.sin(time()+I/.6),math.sin(time()+I/.6))
  594. end
  595. end
  596. --end)
  597. end
  599. setCommand('Show Commands','cmds','Shows list of commands you can use.',0,function(plr, msg)
  600.     Dismiss(plr)
  601.       Output(plr, "All avaliable commands", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr) showCommands(plr,getRank(plr)) end)
  602.       for i = 0,5 do
  603.             Output(plr, "Rank [" .. i .. "]".." commands", getColor(plr), function() Dismiss(plr) showCommands(plr, i) end)
  604.       end
  605.       Output(plr, "You are rank "..getRank(plr), "New Yeller")
  606.       Output(plr, "Dismiss", "Bright red", function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  607. end)
  609. setCommand('Dismiss Tablets','dt','Dismisses tablets.',0,function(Speaker, Message)
  610.     coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  611.         if Message=='' or Message==' ' or Message=='me' or Message==nil or FindPlayers(Speaker,Message,false)=={Speaker} then
  612.             Dismiss(Speaker)
  613.         else
  614.             if getRank(Speaker)>=3 then
  615.                 for _,p in next,FindPlayers(Speaker,Message) do
  616.                     Dismiss(p)
  617.                 end
  618.             else
  619.                 Output(Speaker,'Your rank is too low to dismiss other tablets.','Really red')
  620.             end
  621.         end
  622.     end))
  623. end)
  625. setCommand('Dismiss All','dall','Dismisses everyones tablets.',3,function(plr,msg)
  626.       for _,v in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  627.            Dismiss(v)
  628.       end
  629. end)
  631. setCommand('Ping','p','Pings a message from tab.',1,function(plr, msg)
  632.       Output(plr, msg, "Bright blue")
  633. end)
  635. setCommand('Kill','k','Kills a player.',1,function(plr, msg)
  636.       for _,v in pairs(GetPlayers(plr, msg)) do
  637.             if getRank(v) < getRank(plr) then
  638.                 v.Character:BreakJoints()
  639.                 Output(plr,'Killed '..v.Name..'.',getColor(plr))
  640.             else
  641.                 Output(plr,v.Name..' is ranked higher than you.',getColor(plr))
  642.             end
  643.        end
  644. end)
  646. setCommand('Ping all','pall','Pings a message to everyone.',2,function(plr, msg)
  647.       for _,v in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  648.             Output(v, msg, getColor(plr))
  649.       end
  650. end)
  652. setCommand('Dev mode','dev','Disallows players under rank 5 from using commands.',5,function(plr)
  653.     Enforcer.Settings.DevMode = true;
  654.     Output(plr,'Developer mode enabled.', 'Lime green')
  655. end)
  657. setCommand('Private Server','pri','Disallows players from joining the game.',3,function(plr)
  658.     Enforcer.Settings.PrivateServer = not Enforcer.Settings.PrivateServer
  659.     Output(plr,'Private server set to '..tostring(Enforcer.Settings.PrivateServer)..'.',getColor(plr))
  660. end)
  662. setCommand('Age Restriction','agepri','Disallows players under a certain age from joining.',3,function(plr)
  663.     Enforcer.Settings.AgeRestriction = not Enforcer.Settings.AgeRestriction
  664.     Output(plr,'Age restriction set to '..tostring(Enforcer.Settings.AgeRestriction)..'.', getColor(plr))
  665. end)
  667. setCommand('Minimum Age','minage','Sets the minimun age for the age restriction.',3,function(plr,msg)
  668.     Enforcer.Settings.MinimumAge = tonumber(msg)
  669.     Output(plr,'Minimum age is now '..msg..'.',getColor(plr))
  670. end)
  672. setCommand('Tab Size','tabsize','Changes the size of the tablets.',2,function(plr,msg)
  673.     if msg:lower() == "flat" then setTabSize(.2,4,3,plr)
  674.     elseif msg:lower() == "cube" then setTabSize(2.2,2.2,2.2,plr) end
  675. end)
  677. setCommand('Tab Neon','tabneon','Enables/Disables the neon effect on tablets.',2,function(plr)
  678.     Enforcer.TabSettings.Neon = not Enforcer.TabSettings.Neon
  679.     for _,tab in next,Enforcer.Tablets do
  680.         if Enforcer.TabSettings.Neon then
  681.             tab.Tab.Material = 'Neon'
  682.         else
  683.             tab.Tab.Material = 'SmoothPlastic'
  684.         end
  685.     end
  686. end)
  688. setCommand('Wires','wires','Enables/Disables the wires.',2,function(plr)
  689.     Enforcer.TabSettings.Wires = not Enforcer.TabSettings.Wires
  690.     Output(plr,'Wires set to '..tostring(Enforcer.TabSettings.Wires),getColor(plr))
  691. end)
  693. setCommand('Kick','kick','Kicks a player from game.',4,function(plr, msg)
  694.       for _,v in pairs(GetPlayers(plr, msg)) do
  695.             if getRank(v) < getRank(plr) then
  696.                   Kick(game:service'Players'[v.Name])
  697.                 Output(p,'Kicked '..v.Name..'.',getColor(plr))
  698.             else
  699.                 Output(p,v.Name..' is ranked higher than you.',getColor(plr))
  700.             end
  701.       end
  702. end)
  704. setCommand('Ban','ban','Bans a player from game.',4,function(plr, msg)
  705.       for _,v in pairs(GetPlayers(plr, msg)) do
  706.             if getRank(v) < getRank(plr) then
  707.                   Kick(game:service'Players'[v.Name])
  708.                   setRank(v,-1)
  709.                 Output(plr,'Banned '..v.Name..'.',getColor(plr))
  710.             else
  711.                 Output(plr,v.Name..' is ranked higher than you.',getColor(plr))
  712.             end
  713.       end
  714. end)
  716. setCommand('Players','plrs','View all the players.',3,function(plr, msg)
  717.       Dismiss(plr)
  718.       for i,v in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  719.              Output(plr, v.Name, getColor(plr), function() Dismiss(plr)
  720.                     Output(plr, "Name: "..v.Name, "New Yeller")
  721.                     Output(plr, "Rank: "..tostring(getRank(v), "Bright blue"))
  722.                     Output(plr, "Color: "..tostring(getColor(v),getColor(v)))
  723.                     Output(plr, "Description: "..getDesc(v), getColor(v))
  724.                     Output(plr, "Account Age: "..v.AccountAge, "Really red")
  725.                     Output(plr, "User ID: "..v.userId,"Really blue")
  726.                     Output(plr, "Kick", "Really red", function() Dismiss(plr) Kick(game:service'Players'[v.Name]) end)
  727.                     Output(plr, "Set rank", "Really blue", function() Dismiss(plr)
  728.                             Output(plr, "Rank [1] ", "Lime green", function() Dismiss(plr) setRank(v, 1) end)
  729.                             Output(plr, "Rank [2] ", "Really red", function() Dismiss(plr) setRank(v, 2) end)
  730.                             Output(plr, "Rank [3] ", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr) setRank(v, 3) end) -- bcuz rank 3 command
  731.                             if getRank(plr) >= 4 then Output(plr, "Rank [4] ", "Hot pink", function() Dismiss(plr) setRank(v, 4) end)
  732.                             Output(plr, "Rank [5] ", "Really blue", function() Dismiss(plr) setRank(v, 5) end) end
  733.                     end)
  734.                     Output(plr, "Set color", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr)
  735.                             Output(plr, "Set color to Royal purple", "Royal purple", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "Royal purple") end)
  736.                             Output(plr, "Set color to new yeller", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "New Yeller") end)
  737.                             Output(plr, "Set color to Really red", "Really red", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "Really red") end)
  738.                             Output(plr, "Set color to Really blue", "Really blue", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "Really blue") end)
  739.                             Output(plr, "Set color to White.", "White", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "White") end)
  740.                             Output(plr, "Set color to Hot pink", "Hot pink", function() Dismiss(plr) setColor(v, "Hot pink") end)
  741.                     end)
  742.              end)
  743.        end  
  744.        Output(plr, "Dismiss", "Really red", function() Dismiss(game:service'Players'[plr.Name]) end)
  745. end)
  747. setCommand('Explore','expl','Explores from the tablets.',3,function(plr, msg)
  748.      Explore(plr)
  749. end)
  751. setCommand('Remove','r','Removes Enforcer admin.',5,function(plr, msg)
  752.       script.Disabled = true
  753.       setfenv(1,{script:Destroy()})
  754.       script:Destroy()
  755. end)
  757. setCommand('Ranked','ranked','Opens the rank menu.',1,function(plr, msg)
  758.     Dismiss(plr)
  759.        for i,v in pairs(Enforcer.Ranked) do
  760.               Output(plr, v.Name, getColor(v), function() Dismiss(plr)
  761.                      Output(plr, "Name: "..v.Name, "New Yeller")
  762.                     Output(plr, "Rank: "..tostring(getRank(v), "Hot pink"))
  763.                     Output(plr, "Color: "..tostring(getColor(v),getColor(v)))
  764.                     Output(plr, "Description: "..getDesc(v), getColor(v))
  765.              end)
  766.        end
  767. end)
  769. setCommand('Music','ms','Plays a song/music/id.',2,function(plr, msg)
  770.       Musi(plr, msg)  
  771. end)
  773. setCommand('Stop Music','sm','Removes all sounds from workspace.',2,function(plr)
  774.     StopMusic()
  775.     Output(plr,'Stopped music.',getColor(plr))
  776. end)
  778. setCommand('Set color','sc','Sets your own color.',1,function(plr, msg)
  779.     setColor(plr,msg)
  780.     Output(plr, "Your color is now:\n"..tostring(getColor(plr)), getColor(plr))
  781. end)
  783. setCommand('Sound search','ss','Searches ROBLOX for music.',1,function(plr, msg)
  784.      SoundSearch(plr, msg)
  785. end)
  787. setCommand('Help','help','Displays Enforcer help list.',0,function(plr, msg)
  788.        Output(plr, "Created by PeroxDevelopment, ApexDevelopment.", "Royal purple")
  789.        Output(plr, "Your current rank:\n"..getRank(plr), "Bright red")
  790.        Output(plr, "For list of cmds avalible to your rank click this tablet.", "New Yeller", function() Dismiss(plr)
  791.             Chatted(plr, Enforcer.Bet.. " cmds " ..Enforcer.Bet)
  792.       end)
  793.       Output(plr, "This is the help menu. Click a tablet for more information.", "Lime green")
  794. end)
  796. setCommand('Make message','m','Makes the message from screen.',2,function(plr, msg)
  797.        makeMessage(" [ " .. plr.Name .. " ] " ..msg,Enforcer.Services.Workspace)
  798. end)  
  800. for _,Player in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  801.     if getRank(Player) == -1 or (Enforcer.Settings.AgeRestriction and Player.accountAge < Enforcer.Settings.MinimumAge and not isException(Player)) or (Enforcer.Settings.PrivateServer and not isException(Player)) then Kick(Player) return end
  802.     Connect(Player)
  803. end
  805. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  806.     if getRank(Player) == -1 or (Enforcer.Settings.AgeRestriction and Player.accountAge < Enforcer.Settings.MinimumAge and not isException(Player)) or (Enforcer.Settings.PrivateServer and not isException(Player)) then Kick(Player) return end
  807.     Connect(Player)
  808. end)
  810. Oxchat('[Enforcer]','Enforcer has loaded.')
  811. Oxchat('[Enforcer]','Made by PeroxDevelopment and ApexDevelopment.')
  813. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(Rotate)
  814. --game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(WirePart)
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