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- FiveM DP Emote List :
- DP.Dances (command : /e xxx)
- dancef
- dancef2
- dancef3
- dancef4
- dancef5
- dancef6
- danceslow2
- danceslow3
- danceslow4
- dance
- dance2
- dance3
- dance4
- danceupper
- danceupper2
- danceshy
- danceshy2
- danceslow
- dancesilly9
- dance6
- dance7
- dance8
- dancesilly
- dancesilly2
- dancesilly3
- dancesilly4
- dancesilly5
- dancesilly6
- dance9
- dancesilly8
- dancesilly7
- dance5
- danceglowstick
- danceglowstick2
- danceglowstick3
- dancehorse
- dancehorse2
- dancehorse3
- DP.Emotes (command : /e xxx)
- drink
- beast
- chill
- cloudgaze
- cloudgaze2
- prone
- pullover
- idle
- idle8
- idle9
- idle10
- idle11
- idle2
- idle3
- idle4
- idle5
- idle6
- idle7
- wait3
- idledrunk
- idledrunk2
- idledrunk3
- airguitar
- airsynth
- argue
- argue2
- bartender
- blowkiss
- blowkiss2
- curtsy
- bringiton
- comeatmebro
- cop2
- cop3
- crossarms
- crossarms2
- crossarms3
- crossarms4
- crossarms5
- foldarms2
- crossarms6
- foldarms
- crossarmsside
- damn
- damn2
- pointdown
- surrender
- facepalm2
- facepalm
- facepalm3
- facepalm4
- fallover
- fallover2
- fallover3
- fallover4
- fallover5
- fallasleep
- fightme
- fightme2
- finger
- finger2
- handshake
- handshake2
- wait4
- wait5
- wait6
- wait7
- wait8
- wait9
- wait10
- wait11
- hiking
- hug
- hug2
- hug3
- inspect
- jazzhands
- jog2
- jog3
- jog4
- jog5
- jumpingjacks
- kneel2
- kneel3
- knock
- knock2
- knucklecrunch
- lapdance
- lean2
- lean3
- lean4
- lean5
- leanflirt
- leanbar2
- leanbar3
- leanbar4
- leanhigh
- leanhigh2
- leanside
- leanside2
- leanside3
- leanside4
- leanside5
- me
- mechanic
- mechanic2
- mechanic3
- mechanic4
- medic2
- meditate
- meditate2
- meditate3
- metal
- no
- no2
- nosepick
- noway
- ok
- outofbreath
- pickup
- push
- push2
- point
- pushup
- countdown
- pointright
- salute
- salute2
- salute3
- scared
- scared2
- screwyou
- shakeoff
- shot
- sleep
- shrug
- shrug2
- sit
- sit2
- sit3
- sit4
- sit5
- sit6
- sit7
- sit8
- sit9
- sitlean
- sitsad
- sitscared
- sitscared2
- sitscared3
- sitdrunk
- sitchair2
- sitchair3
- sitchair4
- sitchair5
- sitchair6
- sitchairside
- situp
- clapangry
- slowclap3
- clap
- slowclap
- slowclap2
- smell
- stickup
- stumble
- stunned
- sunbathe
- sunbathe2
- t
- t2
- think5
- think
- think3
- think2
- thumbsup3
- thumbsup2
- thumbsup
- type
- type2
- type3
- type4
- warmth
- wave4
- wave2
- wave3
- wave
- wave5
- wave6
- wave7
- wave8
- wave9
- whistle
- whistle2
- yeah
- lift
- lol
- lol2
- statue2
- statue3
- gangsign
- gangsign2
- passout
- passout2
- passout3
- passout4
- passout5
- petting
- crawl
- flip2
- flip
- slide
- slide2
- slide3
- slugger
- flipoff
- flipoff2
- bow
- bow2
- keyfob
- golfswing
- eat
- reaching
- wait
- wait2
- wait12
- wait13
- lapdance2
- lapdance3
- lapdance3
- twerk
- slap
- headbutt
- fishdance
- peace
- peace2
- cpr
- cpr2
- ledge
- airplane
- peek
- cough
- stretch
- stretch2
- stretch3
- stretch4
- celebrate
- punching
- superhero
- superhero2
- mindcontrol
- mindcontrol2
- clown
- clown2
- clown3
- clown4
- clown5
- tryclothes
- tryclothes2
- tryclothes3
- nervous2
- nervous
- nervous3
- uncuff
- namaste
- dj
- threaten
- radio
- pull
- bird
- chicken
- bark
- rabbit
- spiderman
- boi
- adjust
- handsup
- pee
- atm
- bbq
- bumbin
- bumsleep
- cheer
- chinup
- clipboard2
- cop
- copbeacon
- filmshocking
- flex
- guard
- hammer
- hangout
- impatient
- janitor
- jog
- kneel
- leafblower
- lean
- leanbar
- lookout
- maid
- medic
- musician
- notepad2
- parkingmeter
- party
- texting
- prosthigh
- prostlow
- puddle
- record
- sitchair
- smoke
- smokeweed
- statue
- sunbathe3
- sunbatheback
- weld
- windowshop
- yoga
- karate
- karate2
- cutthroat
- cutthroat2
- mindblown
- mindblown2
- boxing
- boxing2
- stink
- think4
- adjusttie
- DP.PropEmotes (command : /e xxx)
- umbrella
- box
- rose
- smoke2
- smoke3
- smoke4
- bong
- suitcase
- suitcase2
- mugshot
- coffee
- whiskey
- beer
- cup
- donut
- burger
- sandwich
- soda
- egobar
- wine
- flute
- champagne
- cigar
- cigar2
- guitar
- guitar2
- guitarelectric
- guitarelectric2
- book
- bouquet
- teddy
- backpack
- clipboard
- map
- beg
- makeitrain
- camera
- champagnespray
- joint
- cig
- brief3
- tablet
- tablet2
- phonecall
- phone
- clean
- clean2
- DP.Shared (command : /nearby OU /e xxx)
- handshake
- handshake2
- hug
- hug2
- bro
- bro2
- give
- give2
- baseball
- baseballthrow
- stickup
- stickupscared
- punch
- punched
- headbutt
- headbutted
- slap2
- slap
- slapped
- slapped2
- DP.Walks (command : /walk xxx)
- Alien
- Armored
- Arrogant
- Brave
- Casual
- Casual2
- Casual3
- Casual4
- Casual5
- Casual6
- Chichi
- Confident
- Cop
- Cop2
- Cop3
- DefaultFemale
- DefaultMale
- Drunk
- Drunk
- Drunk2
- Drunk3
- Femme
- Fire
- Fire2
- Fire3
- Flee
- Franklin
- Gangster
- Gangster2
- Gangster3
- Gangster4
- Gangster5
- Grooving
- Guard
- Handcuffs
- Heels
- Heels2
- Hiking
- Hipster
- Hobo
- Hurry
- Janitor
- Janitor2
- Jog
- Lemar
- Lester
- Lester2
- Maneater
- Michael
- Money
- Muscle
- Posh
- Posh2
- Quick
- Runner
- Sad
- Sassy
- Sassy2
- Scared
- Sexy
- Shady
- Slow
- Swagger
- Tough
- Tough2
- Trash
- Trash2
- Trevor
- Wide
- Caution
- Chubby
- Crazy
- Joy
- Power
- Sad2
- Sad3
- Sad4
- Wading
- DP.Expressions
- Angry
- Drunk
- Dumb
- Electrocuted
- Grumpy
- Grumpy2
- Grumpy3
- Happy
- Injured
- Joyful
- Mouthbreather
- NeverBlink
- OneEye
- Shocked
- Shocked2
- Sleeping
- Sleeping2
- Sleeping3
- Smug
- Speculative
- Stressed
- Sulking
- Weird
- Weird2
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