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- import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
- import { View, StyleSheet, ScrollView, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform, NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native'
- import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
- import { Formik } from 'formik'
- import * as yup from 'yup'
- import Input from '../../components/common/Input'
- import AppButton from '../../components/common/AppButton'
- import { colors, fonts, dimensions } from '../../constants/constants'
- import { fetchCheckoutId, fetchPaymentStatus } from '../../redux/actions/paymentActions'
- import { Button } from 'react-native-elements'
- var valid = require("card-validator");
- import Checkbox from '../../components/common/Checkbox'
- import { translate } from '../../components/common/translate'
- const cardBrand: any = {
- Mastercard: 'MASTER',
- Visa: 'VISA',
- Amex: 'AMEX'
- }
- const NewCard = (props: any) => {
- const [checkoutId, setCheckoutId] = useState<string>('')
- const isDefault = useRef<boolean>(false)
- const reference = useRef(false)
- const dispatch = useDispatch()
- useEffect(() => {
- if(!checkoutId) generateId()
- const listener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('transactionStatus', onSessionConnect)
- return listener.remove.bind(listener)
- }, [])
- const generateId = async () => {
- const id = await fetchCheckoutId()
- setCheckoutId(id)
- }
- const onSessionConnect = (e: any) => {
- if(!reference.current){
- fetchPaymentStatus(e.checkoutID, dispatch, isDefault.current)
- setCheckoutId('')
- props.navigation.goBack()
- }
- reference.current = true
- }
- const initialValues = {
- brand: '',
- fullName: '',
- cardNumber: '',
- expiryDate: '',
- cvv: '',
- default: false
- }
- const schema = yup.object().shape({
- fullName: yup.string().required(translate('required')),
- expiryDate: yup.string().test('Expiry Date Test',
- translate('invalidExp'),
- value => valid.expirationDate(value).isValid)
- .required(translate('required')),
- cvv: yup.string().test('Cvv Test',
- translate('invalidCvv'),
- value => valid.cvv(value).isValid)
- .required(translate('required')),
- cardNumber: yup.string().test('Card Test',
- translate('invalidCard'),
- value => valid.number(value).isValid)
- .required(translate('required'))
- })
- const dateHandler = (val: any, setFieldValue: Function) => {
- if(val.length === 2){
- setFieldValue('expiryDate', `${val}/`)
- } else {
- setFieldValue('expiryDate', val)
- }
- }
- const saveAddresshandler = async (val: any) => {
- if(!val.brand){
- return
- }
- isDefault.current = val.default
- const [month, year] = val.expiryDate?.split('/')
- const paymentParams = {
- checkoutID: checkoutId,
- paymentBrand: cardBrand[val.brand],
- cardNumber: val.cardNumber,
- holderName: val.fullName,
- expiryMonth: month,
- expiryYear: `20${year}`,
- cvv: val.cvv
- }
- if(Platform.OS !== 'ios'){
- NativeModules?.Hyperpay?.transactionPayment(paymentParams, false)
- } else {
- try {
- const status = await NativeModules?.Hyperpay?.transactionPayment(paymentParams)
- if(status?.checkoutId){
- onSessionConnect({ checkoutID: status.checkoutId })
- }
- } catch(err) {
- console.log(err)
- }
- }
- }
- const onNumberChange = (num: string, fn: Function) => {
- const card = valid.number(`${num}`)
- if(card?.card?.niceType) fn('brand', card.card.niceType)
- }
- return (
- <KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1}} behavior={(Platform.OS === 'ios') ? 'position' : 'height'}>
- <ScrollView>
- <View style={styles.backgroundStyle}>
- <View style={styles.formContainer}>
- <Formik
- initialValues={initialValues}
- validationSchema={schema}
- onSubmit={(value: any) => {
- saveAddresshandler(value)
- }}
- enableReinitialize={true}
- >
- {({ values, handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, errors, touched, setFieldValue }) => (
- <>
- <View style={styles.inputContainer}>
- <Input
- value={values.fullName}
- placeholder={translate("Full Name*")}
- onChange={handleChange('fullName')}
- autoCorrect={false}
- autoCapitalize="none"
- onBlur={handleBlur('fullName')}
- errorText={errors.fullName}
- touched={touched.fullName}
- />
- </View>
- <View style={styles.inputContainer}>
- <Input
- placeholder={translate("Add Card Number*")}
- keyboardType='number-pad'
- value={values.cardNumber}
- onChange={(num: string) => {
- setFieldValue('cardNumber', num)
- onNumberChange(num, setFieldValue)
- }}
- autoCorrect={false}
- autoCapitalize="none"
- onBlur={handleBlur('cardNumber')}
- errorText={errors.cardNumber}
- touched={touched.cardNumber}
- />
- </View>
- <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between'}}>
- <View style={styles.cvvContainer}>
- <Input
- placeholder="MM/YY*"
- keyboardType="number-pad"
- value={values.expiryDate}
- onChange={(val: any) => dateHandler(val, setFieldValue)}
- autoCorrect={false}
- autoCapitalize="none"
- onBlur={handleBlur('expiryDate')}
- errorText={errors.expiryDate}
- touched={touched.expiryDate}
- />
- </View>
- <View style={styles.dateContainer}>
- <Input
- placeholder={translate("CVV*")}
- value={values.cvv}
- onChange={handleChange('cvv')}
- autoCorrect={false}
- keyboardType='number-pad'
- autoCapitalize="none"
- onBlur={handleBlur('cvv')}
- errorText={errors.cvv}
- touched={touched.cvv}
- secureEntry
- />
- </View>
- </View>
- <View style={styles.checkboxContainer}>
- <Checkbox
- checked={values.default}
- onChange={(val: boolean) => setFieldValue('default', val)}
- label={translate("Set As Default")}
- />
- </View>
- <View style={{marginTop: '10%'}}>
- <AppButton
- title={translate("Save")}
- onPress={handleSubmit}
- />
- <View style={{marginVertical: '5%'}}>
- <Button
- title={translate("Cancel")}
- titleStyle={{
- fontSize: 20,
- color: colors.redButton
- }}
- buttonStyle={{
- paddingVertical: 10,
- backgroundColor: '#fff',
- borderRadius: 10,
- borderWidth: 2,
- borderColor: colors.redButton
- }}
- onPress={() => {
- setCheckoutId('')
- props.navigation.goBack()
- }}
- />
- </View>
- </View>
- </>
- )}
- </Formik>
- </View>
- </View>
- </ScrollView>
- </KeyboardAvoidingView>
- )
- }
- const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- backgroundStyle: {
- // flex: 1,
- height: dimensions.screenHeight,
- backgroundColor: colors.white,
- },
- formContainer: {
- width: '100%',
- backgroundColor: colors.white,
- borderTopLeftRadius: 15,
- borderTopRightRadius: 15,
- paddingHorizontal: '5%',
- paddingTop: '8%'
- },
- inputContainer: {
- marginBottom: '5%',
- paddingVertical: '1%'
- },
- cvvContainer: {
- marginBottom: '5%',
- width: '48%',
- paddingRight: '2%',
- paddingVertical: '1%'
- },
- dateContainer: {
- marginBottom: '5%',
- width: '48%',
- paddingVertical: '1%'
- },
- label: {
- color: 'rgb(241, 38, 0)',
- fontSize: 14,
- fontFamily: fonts.OpenSansSemiBold,
- paddingVertical: 5
- },
- locationContainer: {
- margin: '1%',
- marginBottom: 20,
- borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.11)',
- borderWidth: 1,
- borderRadius: 5
- },
- alternative: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontFamily: fonts.OpenSansRegular,
- color: 'rgb(241, 38, 0)',
- },
- checkboxContainer: {
- paddingVertical: 19
- }
- })
- export default NewCard
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