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- Syntax
- EP := [emotive] (particle) VP
- VP := (NEG) verb {MP} {PP}
- PP := [particle|2] NP
- NP := noun {MP}
- MP := NP | VP
- Morphology
- emotive~(INT)
- {AGR|3}-(VCE)-verb-{verb|noun}~(MOD)
- (POSS)-noun~(MOD)
- Emotives
- Affection, Anger, Anxiety, Confusion, Disgust, Fear, Focus, Excitement, Happiness, Neutral, Pleasure, Relief, Sadness, Surprise
- Verb Particles
- Purposive, Causal, Conditional, Concessive
- Verb
- Agreement
- Person, Number, Case
- Reflexive, Reciprocal [REFL~REFL]
- Voice
- Agent, Patient, Locative, Instrumental, Causative, Benefactive
- Noun Particles
- Direct, Indirect, Locative, Allative, Ablative, Instrumental, Comparative
- And, Or
- Also, Only
- Pronouns
- 1st Person, 2nd Person
- Singular, Plural
- Direct, Indirect, Oblique/Possessive
- Reflexive, Reciprocal
- Interrogative, Relative
- This, That, Yon
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