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- //LED
- int fail;
- int pass;
- int recording;
- int p = 500;
- //states of gb and rb declaration
- int state_prox;
- int state_GB;
- int state_RB;
- int state_test_button;
- //declration for mapping the delau potentiometer
- float s1;
- float s2;
- float s3;
- float s4;
- float s5;
- float s6;
- float s7;
- // declaration of "reading of delay"
- float Reading_Headup;
- float Reading_Headdown;
- float Reading_Holder;
- float Reading_Rej;
- float Reading_vblowon;
- float Reading_vblowoff;
- float Reading_ps;
- //declare the values
- float max_rej;
- float max_accept;
- float normal_value;
- //detect bottle
- //Scan for button
- //Take pressure readings
- //Pass fail test
- //flow, or kickout.
- // Record button Decleration
- int GB = 7;
- int RB = 9;
- int test_button = 6;
- //pressure sensor Declearation
- int Ps = A7;
- //Delays Declatartion
- float DELAY_Headup = A4;
- float DELAY_Headdown = A1;
- float DELAY_Holder = A2;
- float DELAY_Rej = A3;
- float DELAY_vblowon = A5;
- float DELAY_vblowoff = A6;
- // valves Declearation
- int V_Rej = 22;
- int V_Head = 26;
- int V_Holder = 28;
- int V_Blow = 30;
- //status LED Declearation
- int Fail_LED = 32;
- int Pass_LED = 34;
- int Rec_LED = 35;
- // proximity declaration
- int prox = 36;
- // Belt conveyor break
- int Belt_break = 38;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(Ps, INPUT);
- pinMode(DELAY_Headdown, INPUT); //potentiometer 1
- pinMode(DELAY_Headup, INPUT); //potentiometer 2
- pinMode(DELAY_Holder, INPUT); //potentiometer 3
- pinMode(DELAY_Rej, INPUT); //potentiometer 4
- pinMode(prox, INPUT);
- pinMode(DELAY_vblowon, INPUT); //potentiometer 5
- pinMode(DELAY_vblowoff, INPUT); //potentiometer 6
- pinMode(GB, INPUT);
- pinMode(RB, INPUT);
- pinMode(test_button, INPUT);
- pinMode(Belt_break, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(Fail_LED, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(Pass_LED, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(Rec_LED, OUTPUT);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Clear the currently stored maximum
- void clearReading() {
- prevReading = 0;
- }
- // Check for the current maximum and store it
- void updateReading(int curReading) {
- if (prevReading < curReading)
- prevReading = curReading;
- }
- // Display the currently stored maximum
- void displayReading() {
- Serial.println(prevReading)
- }
- */
- void loop() {
- state_GB = digitalRead(GB);
- state_RB = digitalRead(RB);
- state_prox = digitalRead(prox);
- state_test_button = digitalRead(test_button);
- state_prox == digitalRead(prox); //////////////////// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BAD ERROR!!!!!!!!!
- s1 = map(Reading_Headup, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s2 = map(Reading_Headdown, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s3 = map(Reading_Holder, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s4 = map(Reading_Rej, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s5 = map(Reading_vblowon, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s6 = map(Reading_vblowoff, 0, 1023, 0, 10000); // max delay 10sec
- s7 = map(Reading_ps, 0, 0.025, 0, 10);
- Reading_Headup = analogRead(DELAY_Headup);
- Reading_Headdown = analogRead(DELAY_Headdown);
- Reading_Holder = analogRead(DELAY_Holder);
- Reading_Rej = analogRead(DELAY_Rej);
- Reading_vblowon = analogRead(DELAY_vblowon);
- Reading_vblowoff = analogRead(DELAY_vblowoff);
- Reading_ps = analogRead(Ps);
- Serial.println("HEAD UP DELAY");
- Serial.println(s1);
- delay(10);
- if (state_GB == HIGH && state_prox == HIGH) {
- Serial.println("REC_GOOD_MODE");
- digitalWrite(Pass_LED, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(Rec_LED, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_Headdown);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_Headup);
- delay(Reading_vblowon);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_vblowoff);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, LOW);
- delay(p);
- //max function has been added lately new adjustment date 27.4.2022
- digitalWrite(V_Head, LOW);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, LOW);
- }
- if (state_RB == HIGH && state_prox == HIGH) {
- Serial.print("REC_REJ_MODE");
- digitalWrite(Fail_LED, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(Rec_LED, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_Headdown);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_Headup);
- delay(Reading_vblowon);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_vblowoff);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, LOW);
- //max function has been added lately new adjustment date 27.4.2022
- delay(Reading_vblowoff);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, LOW);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, LOW);
- delay(Reading_Rej);
- digitalWrite(V_Rej, HIGH);
- delay(100);
- digitalWrite(V_Rej, LOW);
- }
- if (state_test_button == HIGH && state_prox == HIGH) {
- Serial.println("testing");
- delay(Reading_Headdown);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, HIGH);
- delay(Reading_Headup);
- delay(Reading_vblowon);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, HIGH);
- //max function has been added lately new adjustment date 27.4.2022 hoping i doen't get the 3 values the same
- normal_value == Reading_ps;
- delay(Reading_vblowoff);
- digitalWrite(V_Blow, LOW);
- if (normal_value >= max_accept || max_rej < normal_value <= max_accept) {
- digitalWrite(Pass_LED, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, LOW);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, LOW);
- } else if (normal_value <= max_rej){
- digitalWrite(Fail_LED, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(V_Head, LOW);
- digitalWrite(Belt_break, LOW);
- delay(Reading_Rej);
- digitalWrite(V_Rej, HIGH);
- delay(100);
- digitalWrite(V_Rej, LOW);
- }
- }
- }
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