
Tutorial without explanations for mining Arma 3 maps

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. mkdir C:\Games\ArmA3\A3Files
  2. steamcmd.exe +login Merci_AltisCraft altiscraft123 +force_install_dir C:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master +"app_update 233780 -beta" validate +quit
  3. cd C:\Games\ArmA3\A3Master
  4. echo class Missions { class Mission_2 { template="test.Altis"; difficult = "regular"; }; } Persistent=1;>server.cfg
  5. mkdir mpmissions\test.Altis
  6. echo _xchkstart=0; _xchkend=30; _ychkstart=0; _ychkend=0; _precision2D = 0.1; _chk = 1000; print = { diag_log(text("[CPAGH] " + _this)); }; for "_ychk" from _ychkstart to _ychkend step -1 do { for "_xchk" from _xchkstart to _xchkend step 1 do { (str _ychk + "*" + str _xchk) call print; _ymax = _chk * _ychk; for "_y" from _chk * (_ychk + 1) to _ymax step -_precision2D do { for "_i" from 1 to 100 step 1 do { _sy = ""; for "_x" from (_i - 1) * 10 to _i * 10 step _precision2D do { _sy = _sy + ((ATLToASL([_x, _y, 0]) select 2) toFixed 2); _sy = _sy + "#"; if(isOnRoad[_x, _y]) then { _sy = _sy + "0"; } else { _sur = surfaceType[_x, _y]; switch (_sur) do { case "#GdtDirt": { _sy = _sy + "1" }; case "#GdtGrassDry": { _sy = _sy + "2" }; case "#GdtGrassGreen": { _sy = _sy + "3" }; case "#GdtConcrete": { _sy = _sy + "4" }; case "#GdtSoil": { _sy = _sy + "5" }; case "#GdtBeach": { _sy = _sy + "6" }; case "#GdtSeabed": { _sy = _sy + "7" }; case "#GdtThorn": { _sy = _sy + "8" }; case "#GdtWildField": { _sy = _sy + "9" }; case "#GdtRock": { _sy = _sy + "A" }; case "#GdtGrassWild": { _sy = _sy + "B" }; case "#GdtStony": { _sy = _sy + "C" }; case "#GdtForestPine": { _sy = _sy + "D" }; case "#GdtMud": { _sy = _sy + "E" }; case "#GdtStonyThistle": { _sy = _sy + "F" }; case "#GdtMarsh": { _sy = _sy + "G" }; case "#GdtDead": { _sy = _sy + "H" }; case "#GdtDesert": { _sy = _sy + "I" }; default { _sy = _sy + _sur }; } }; _sy = _sy + "@"; }; _sy call print; }; }; }; }; "mining" serverCommand "#shutdown"; > mpmissions/test.Altis/init.sqf
  7. echo version=53; randomSeed=3682513; serverCommandPassword="mining"; > mpmissions/test.Altis/mission.sqm
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