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- Python Module Index
- _
- __builtin__ The module that provides the built-in namespace.
- __future__ Future statement definitions
- __main__ The environment where the top-level script is run.
- _winreg (Windows) Routines and objects for manipulating the Windows registry.
- a
- abc Abstract base classes according to PEP 3119.
- aepack (Mac) Deprecated: Conversion between Python variables and AppleEvent data containers.
- aetools (Mac) Deprecated: Basic support for sending Apple Events
- aetypes (Mac) Deprecated: Python representation of the Apple Event Object Model.
- aifc Read and write audio files in AIFF or AIFC format.
- al (IRIX) Deprecated: Audio functions on the SGI.
- AL (IRIX) Deprecated: Constants used with the al module.
- anydbm Generic interface to DBM-style database modules.
- applesingle (Mac) Deprecated: Rudimentary decoder for AppleSingle format files.
- argparse Command-line option and argument parsing library.
- array Space efficient arrays of uniformly typed numeric values.
- ast Abstract Syntax Tree classes and manipulation.
- asynchat Support for asynchronous command/response protocols.
- asyncore A base class for developing asynchronous socket handling services.
- atexit Register and execute cleanup functions.
- audioop Manipulate raw audio data.
- autoGIL (Mac) Deprecated: Global Interpreter Lock handling in event loops.
- b
- base64 RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings
- BaseHTTPServer Basic HTTP server (base class for SimpleHTTPServer and CGIHTTPServer).
- Bastion Deprecated: Providing restricted access to objects.
- bdb Debugger framework.
- binascii Tools for converting between binary and various ASCII-encoded binary representations.
- binhex Encode and decode files in binhex4 format.
- bisect Array bisection algorithms for binary searching.
- bsddb Interface to Berkeley DB database library
- buildtools (Mac) Deprecated: Helper module for BuildApplet, BuildApplication and macfreeze.
- bz2 Interface to compression and decompression routines compatible with bzip2.
- c
- calendar Functions for working with calendars, including some emulation of the Unix cal program.
- Carbon
- cd (IRIX) Deprecated: Interface to the CD-ROM on Silicon Graphics systems.
- cfmfile (Mac) Deprecated: Code Fragment Resource module.
- cgi Helpers for running Python scripts via the Common Gateway Interface.
- CGIHTTPServer This module provides a request handler for HTTP servers which can run CGI scripts.
- cgitb Configurable traceback handler for CGI scripts.
- chunk Module to read IFF chunks.
- cmath Mathematical functions for complex numbers.
- cmd Build line-oriented command interpreters.
- code Facilities to implement read-eval-print loops.
- codecs Encode and decode data and streams.
- codeop Compile (possibly incomplete) Python code.
- collections High-performance datatypes
- ColorPicker (Mac) Deprecated: Interface to the standard color selection dialog.
- colorsys Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
- commands (Unix) Deprecated: Utility functions for running external commands.
- compileall Tools for byte-compiling all Python source files in a directory tree.
- compiler Deprecated: Python code compiler written in Python.
- ConfigParser Configuration file parser.
- contextlib Utilities for with-statement contexts.
- Cookie Support for HTTP state management (cookies).
- cookielib Classes for automatic handling of HTTP cookies.
- copy Shallow and deep copy operations.
- copy_reg Register pickle support functions.
- cPickle Faster version of pickle, but not subclassable.
- cProfile
- crypt (Unix) The crypt() function used to check Unix passwords.
- cStringIO Faster version of StringIO, but not subclassable.
- csv Write and read tabular data to and from delimited files.
- ctypes A foreign function library for Python.
- curses (Unix) An interface to the curses library, providing portable terminal handling.
- d
- datetime Basic date and time types.
- dbhash DBM-style interface to the BSD database library.
- dbm (Unix) The standard "database" interface, based on ndbm.
- decimal Implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification.
- DEVICE (IRIX) Deprecated: Constants used with the gl module.
- difflib Helpers for computing differences between objects.
- dircache Deprecated: Return directory listing, with cache mechanism.
- dis Disassembler for Python bytecode.
- distutils Support for building and installing Python modules into an existing Python installation.
- dl (Unix) Deprecated: Call C functions in shared objects.
- doctest Test pieces of code within docstrings.
- DocXMLRPCServer Self-documenting XML-RPC server implementation.
- dumbdbm Portable implementation of the simple DBM interface.
- dummy_thread Drop-in replacement for the thread module.
- dummy_threading Drop-in replacement for the threading module.
- e
- EasyDialogs (Mac) Deprecated: Basic Macintosh dialogs.
- email Package supporting the parsing, manipulating, and generating email messages, including MIME documents.
- encodings
- ensurepip Bootstrapping the ''pip'' installer into an existing Python installation or virtual environment.
- errno Standard errno system symbols.
- exceptions Standard exception classes.
- f
- fcntl (Unix) The fcntl() and ioctl() system calls.
- filecmp Compare files efficiently.
- fileinput Loop over standard input or a list of files.
- findertools (Mac) Wrappers around the finder's Apple Events interface.
- fl (IRIX) Deprecated: FORMS library for applications with graphical user interfaces.
- FL (IRIX) Deprecated: Constants used with the fl module.
- flp (IRIX) Deprecated: Functions for loading stored FORMS designs.
- fm (IRIX) Deprecated: Font Manager interface for SGI workstations.
- fnmatch Unix shell style filename pattern matching.
- formatter Generic output formatter and device interface.
- fpectl (Unix) Provide control for floating point exception handling.
- fpformat Deprecated: General floating point formatting functions.
- fractions Rational numbers.
- FrameWork (Mac) Deprecated: Interactive application framework.
- ftplib FTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- functools Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects.
- future_builtins
- g
- gc Interface to the cycle-detecting garbage collector.
- gdbm (Unix) GNU's reinterpretation of dbm.
- gensuitemodule (Mac) Create a stub package from an OSA dictionary
- getopt Portable parser for command line options; support both short and long option names.
- getpass Portable reading of passwords and retrieval of the userid.
- gettext Multilingual internationalization services.
- gl (IRIX) Deprecated: Functions from the Silicon Graphics Graphics Library.
- GL (IRIX) Deprecated: Constants used with the gl module.
- glob Unix shell style pathname pattern expansion.
- grp (Unix) The group database (getgrnam() and friends).
- gzip Interfaces for gzip compression and decompression using file objects.
- h
- hashlib Secure hash and message digest algorithms.
- heapq Heap queue algorithm (a.k.a. priority queue).
- hmac Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (HMAC) implementation
- hotshot High performance logging profiler, mostly written in C.
- htmlentitydefs Definitions of HTML general entities.
- htmllib Deprecated: A parser for HTML documents.
- HTMLParser A simple parser that can handle HTML and XHTML.
- httplib HTTP and HTTPS protocol client (requires sockets).
- i
- ic (Mac) Deprecated: Access to the Mac OS X Internet Config.
- icopen (Mac) Deprecated: Internet Config replacement for open().
- imageop Deprecated: Manipulate raw image data.
- imaplib IMAP4 protocol client (requires sockets).
- imgfile (IRIX) Deprecated: Support for SGI imglib files.
- imghdr Determine the type of image contained in a file or byte stream.
- imp Access the implementation of the import statement.
- importlib Convenience wrappers for __import__
- imputil Deprecated: Manage and augment the import process.
- inspect Extract information and source code from live objects.
- io Core tools for working with streams.
- itertools Functions creating iterators for efficient looping.
- j
- jpeg (IRIX) Deprecated: Read and write image files in compressed JPEG format.
- json Encode and decode the JSON format.
- k
- keyword Test whether a string is a keyword in Python.
- l
- lib2to3 the 2to3 library
- linecache This module provides random access to individual lines from text files.
- locale Internationalization services.
- logging Flexible event logging system for applications.
- m
- macerrors (Mac) Deprecated: Constant definitions for many Mac OS error codes.
- MacOS (Mac) Deprecated: Access to Mac OS-specific interpreter features.
- macostools (Mac) Deprecated: Convenience routines for file manipulation.
- macpath Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions.
- macresource (Mac) Deprecated: Locate script resources.
- mailbox Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
- mailcap Mailcap file handling.
- marshal Convert Python objects to streams of bytes and back (with different constraints).
- math Mathematical functions (sin() etc.).
- md5 Deprecated: RSA's MD5 message digest algorithm.
- mhlib Deprecated: Manipulate MH mailboxes from Python.
- mimetools Deprecated: Tools for parsing MIME-style message bodies.
- mimetypes Mapping of filename extensions to MIME types.
- MimeWriter Deprecated: Write MIME format files.
- mimify Deprecated: Mimification and unmimification of mail messages.
- MiniAEFrame (Mac) Support to act as an Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) server ("Apple Events").
- mmap Interface to memory-mapped files for Unix and Windows.
- modulefinder Find modules used by a script.
- msilib (Windows) Creation of Microsoft Installer files, and CAB files.
- msvcrt (Windows) Miscellaneous useful routines from the MS VC++ runtime.
- multifile Deprecated: Support for reading files which contain distinct parts, such as some MIME data.
- multiprocessing Process-based "threading" interface.
- mutex Deprecated: Lock and queue for mutual exclusion.
- n
- Nav (Mac) Deprecated: Interface to Navigation Services.
- netrc Loading of .netrc files.
- new Deprecated: Interface to the creation of runtime implementation objects.
- nis (Unix) Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages) library.
- nntplib NNTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- numbers Numeric abstract base classes (Complex, Real, Integral, etc.).
- o
- operator Functions corresponding to the standard operators.
- optparse Deprecated: Command-line option parsing library.
- os Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
- ossaudiodev Access to OSS-compatible audio devices.
- (Linux, FreeBSD)
- p
- parser Access parse trees for Python source code.
- pdb The Python debugger for interactive interpreters.
- pickle Convert Python objects to streams of bytes and back.
- pickletools Contains extensive comments about the pickle protocols and pickle-machine opcodes, as well as some useful functions.
- pipes (Unix) A Python interface to Unix shell pipelines.
- PixMapWrapper (Mac) Deprecated: Wrapper for PixMap objects.
- pkgutil Utilities for the import system.
- platform Retrieves as much platform identifying data as possible.
- plistlib Generate and parse Mac OS X plist files.
- popen2 Deprecated: Subprocesses with accessible standard I/O streams.
- poplib POP3 protocol client (requires sockets).
- posix (Unix) The most common POSIX system calls (normally used via module os).
- posixfile (Unix) Deprecated: A file-like object with support for locking.
- pprint Data pretty printer.
- profile Python source profiler.
- pstats Statistics object for use with the profiler.
- pty (Linux) Pseudo-Terminal Handling for Linux.
- pwd (Unix) The password database (getpwnam() and friends).
- py_compile Generate byte-code files from Python source files.
- pyclbr Supports information extraction for a Python class browser.
- pydoc Documentation generator and online help system.
- q
- Queue A synchronized queue class.
- quopri Encode and decode files using the MIME quoted-printable encoding.
- r
- random Generate pseudo-random numbers with various common distributions.
- re Regular expression operations.
- readline (Unix) GNU readline support for Python.
- resource (Unix) An interface to provide resource usage information on the current process.
- rexec Deprecated: Basic restricted execution framework.
- rfc822 Deprecated: Parse 2822 style mail messages.
- rlcompleter Python identifier completion, suitable for the GNU readline library.
- robotparser Loads a robots.txt file and answers questions about fetchability of other URLs.
- runpy Locate and run Python modules without importing them first.
- s
- sched General purpose event scheduler.
- ScrolledText (Tk) Text widget with a vertical scroll bar.
- select Wait for I/O completion on multiple streams.
- sets Deprecated: Implementation of sets of unique elements.
- sgmllib Deprecated: Only as much of an SGML parser as needed to parse HTML.
- sha Deprecated: NIST's secure hash algorithm, SHA.
- shelve Python object persistence.
- shlex Simple lexical analysis for Unix shell-like languages.
- shutil High-level file operations, including copying.
- signal Set handlers for asynchronous events.
- SimpleHTTPServer This module provides a basic request handler for HTTP servers.
- SimpleXMLRPCServer Basic XML-RPC server implementation.
- site Module responsible for site-specific configuration.
- smtpd A SMTP server implementation in Python.
- smtplib SMTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- sndhdr Determine type of a sound file.
- socket Low-level networking interface.
- SocketServer A framework for network servers.
- spwd (Unix) The shadow password database (getspnam() and friends).
- sqlite3 A DB-API 2.0 implementation using SQLite 3.x.
- ssl TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
- stat Utilities for interpreting the results of os.stat(), os.lstat() and os.fstat().
- statvfs Deprecated: Constants for interpreting the result of os.statvfs().
- string Common string operations.
- StringIO Read and write strings as if they were files.
- stringprep String preparation, as per RFC 3453
- struct Interpret strings as packed binary data.
- subprocess Subprocess management.
- sunau Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.
- sunaudiodev (SunOS) Deprecated: Access to Sun audio hardware.
- SUNAUDIODEV (SunOS) Deprecated: Constants for use with sunaudiodev.
- symbol Constants representing internal nodes of the parse tree.
- symtable Interface to the compiler's internal symbol tables.
- sys Access system-specific parameters and functions.
- sysconfig Python's configuration information
- syslog (Unix) An interface to the Unix syslog library routines.
- t
- tabnanny Tool for detecting white space related problems in Python source files in a directory tree.
- tarfile Read and write tar-format archive files.
- telnetlib Telnet client class.
- tempfile Generate temporary files and directories.
- termios (Unix) POSIX style tty control.
- test Regression tests package containing the testing suite for Python.
- textwrap Text wrapping and filling
- thread Create multiple threads of control within one interpreter.
- threading Higher-level threading interface.
- time Time access and conversions.
- timeit Measure the execution time of small code snippets.
- Tix Tk Extension Widgets for Tkinter
- Tkinter Interface to Tcl/Tk for graphical user interfaces
- token Constants representing terminal nodes of the parse tree.
- tokenize Lexical scanner for Python source code.
- trace Trace or track Python statement execution.
- traceback Print or retrieve a stack traceback.
- ttk Tk themed widget set
- tty (Unix) Utility functions that perform common terminal control operations.
- turtle Turtle graphics for Tk
- types Names for built-in types.
- u
- unicodedata Access the Unicode Database.
- unittest Unit testing framework for Python.
- urllib Open an arbitrary network resource by URL (requires sockets).
- urllib2 Next generation URL opening library.
- urlparse Parse URLs into or assemble them from components.
- user Deprecated: A standard way to reference user-specific modules.
- UserDict Class wrapper for dictionary objects.
- UserList Class wrapper for list objects.
- UserString Class wrapper for string objects.
- uu Encode and decode files in uuencode format.
- uuid UUID objects (universally unique identifiers) according to RFC 4122
- v
- videoreader (Mac) Deprecated: Read QuickTime movies frame by frame for further processing.
- w
- W (Mac) Deprecated: Widgets for the Mac, built on top of FrameWork.
- warnings Issue warning messages and control their disposition.
- wave Provide an interface to the WAV sound format.
- weakref Support for weak references and weak dictionaries.
- webbrowser Easy-to-use controller for Web browsers.
- whichdb Guess which DBM-style module created a given database.
- winsound (Windows) Access to the sound-playing machinery for Windows.
- wsgiref WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation.
- x
- xdrlib Encoders and decoders for the External Data Representation (XDR).
- xml Package containing XML processing modules
- xmlrpclib XML-RPC client access.
- z
- zipfile Read and write ZIP-format archive files.
- zipimport support for importing Python modules from ZIP archives.
- zlib Low-level interface to compression and decompression routines compatible with gzip.
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