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- {include file="global:shop2.v2-order-registration-errors.tpl"}
- <form action="{$form_action}" method="post" class="shop2-cart-order-form shop2-order-options shop2-order-in-one-page-form shop2-delivery" id="form_g-anketa">
- {if $deligate_delivery}
- {if $deligate_use}<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>{/if}
- <h2>{#SHOP2_DELIVERY2#}</h2>
- {if $deligate_fields && $deligate_use}
- <div class="shop2-perfect-form" id="shop2-perfect-form">
- <span class="shop2-delivery-step">1</span>
- <span class="shop2-delivery-step-name">{#DELIGATE_DELIVERY_ENTER_CITY#}</span>
- {foreach from=$deligate_fields item=v_field key=k_field}
- {if $v_field.type == 'textarea'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {*<span>{$|htmlspecialchars|s3_localize} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>*}
- <textarea {if $}id="{$}"{/if} name="options[{$k_field}]" cols="50" rows="5">{strip}{$v_field.value|htmlspecialchars}{/strip}</textarea>
- </label>
- </div>
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'text'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {*<span>{$|htmlspecialchars|s3_localize} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>*}
- <div class="suggestions-input--wrapper">
- <input {if $}id="{$}"{/if} name="options[{$k_field}]" type="text" size="{$v_field.size|default:30}" maxlength="{$v_field.maxlength|default:100}" value="{strip}
- {$v_field.value|htmlspecialchars}{/strip}" placeholder="{#DELIGATE_DELIVERY_PLACEHOLDER#}" />
- <a class="g-button" href="#" id="shop2-deligate-calc">{#DELIGATE_DELIVERY_CHOOSE_BUTTON#}</a>
- </div>
- </label>
- </div>
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'hidden'}
- <input {if $}id="{$}"{/if} name="options[{$k_field}]" type="hidden" value="{strip}{$v_field.value|htmlspecialchars}{/strip}" />
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'checkbox'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {*<span>{$|htmlspecialchars|s3_localize} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>*}
- <input {if $}id="{$}"{/if} type="checkbox" name="options[{$k_field}]" {if !empty($v_field.value)}checked{/if}/>
- </label>
- </div>
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'datetime'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars|s3_localize} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>
- <input {if $}id="{$}"{/if} name="options[{$k_field}]" type="datetime" value="{strip}{$v_field.value|htmlspecialchars}{/strip}" />
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {/foreach}
- </div>
- {/if}
- <div id="shop2-order-delivery">
- {include file="global:shop2.v2-order-delivery-built_in.tpl" in_cart=$order_in_one_page deligate_use=$deligate_use}
- {if $deligate_use}
- <div class="preloader">
- <div class="spinner"></div>
- </div>
- {/if}
- </div>
- {else}
- {if $deliveries}
- <h2>{#SHOP2_DELIVERY2#}</h2>
- <div class="shop2-order-options shop2-delivery">
- <div class="options-list">
- {foreach from=$deliveries item=e key=k name="deliveries"}
- {assign var="cur" value=0}
- {if $delivery.attach_id}
- {if $delivery.attach_id == $k}
- {assign var="cur" value=1}
- {/if}
- {elseif $smarty.foreach.deliveries.first}
- {assign var="cur" value=1}
- {/if}
- <div class="option-type {if $cur}active-type{/if}">
- <label class="option-label">
- <input name="delivery_id" type="radio" autocomplete="off" {if $cur}checked="checked"{/if}
- value="{$k}" />
- <span>
- {$|htmlspecialchars}
- {if $e.code != 'ems' && $e.code != 'edost'}
- {if $e.cost==0}
- {if $e.delivery_info}
- - {$e.delivery_info}
- {else}
- {if !$}- {#SHOP2_FREE#}{/if}
- {/if}
- {else}
- - {$e.cost|price_convert} {$shop2.currency_shortname}
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {if $e.term}({$e.term}){/if}
- </span>
- </label>
- {if $e.fields|@count}
- <div class="option-details">
- {if $e.code != 'ems' && $e.code != 'edost'}
- {if $e.cost!=0}
- <p><b>{#SHIPPING_METHOD#}</b><br></p>
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {foreach from=$e.fields item=v_field key=k_field}
- {if $v_field.type == 'textarea'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}
- <span class="required">*</span>
- {/if}</span>
- <textarea name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" {if !$cur}disabled="disabled"{/if}
- cols="50" rows="5" class="shop2-textarea">{strip}
- {if $delivery.attach_id == $k}
- {$delivery[$k_field]|htmlspecialchars}
- {else}
- {$v_field.value}
- {/if}
- {/strip}</textarea>
- </label>
- </div>
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'text'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}
- <span class="required">*</span>
- {/if}</span>
- <input class="shop2-input" name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" {if !$cur}disabled="disabled" {/if}type="text"
- size="{$v_field.size|default:30}"
- maxlength="{$v_field.maxlength|default:100}" value="{strip}
- {if $delivery.attach_id == $k}
- {$delivery[$k_field]|htmlspecialchars}
- {else}
- {$v_field.value}
- {/if}
- {/strip}" />
- </label>
- </div>
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'checkbox'}
- {if $e.code == 'ems'}
- {if $v_field.display}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>
- <input type="checkbox" name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" />
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {else}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>
- <input type="checkbox" name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" />
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {elseif $v_field.type == 'select'}
- {if $e.code == 'edost'}
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/g/s3/shop2/edost/1.0.0/shop2.edost.regions.js"></script>
- {capture assign="field_name"}
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}
- <span class="required">*</span>
- {/if}</span>
- {/capture}
- {if $e.params.countries}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {$field_name}
- {assign var="field_name" value=""}
- {if $}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select id="shop2-edost2-country" name="{$k}[country]"
- data-value="{$|htmlspecialchars}">
- <option value="default">--{#COUNTRIES#}--</option>
- </select>
- {if $}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {if $e.params.regions}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {$field_name}
- {assign var="field_name" value=""}
- {if $}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select id="shop2-edost2-region" name="{$k}[region]"
- data-value="{$delivery.region|htmlspecialchars}">
- <option value="default">--{#REGIONS#}--</option>
- </select>
- {if $}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- {$field_name}
- {if $}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select id="shop2-edost2-city" name="{$k}[city]"
- data-value="{$|htmlspecialchars}">
- <option value="default">--{#SHOP2_CITY#}--</option>
- </select>
- {if $}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- <input type="hidden" id="shop2-edost2-to" name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" value="{$delivery[$k_field]}" />
- {else}
- {if $e.code == 'ems' && $k_field =='to'}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>
- {if $}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select id="delivery-{$k_field}" name="{$k}[{$k_field}]" {if !$cur}disabled="disabled"{/if}>
- <option value="">--{#SHOP2_SELECT_CITY#}--</option>
- {foreach from=$v_field.values item=v_value key=k_value}
- {if is_array($v_value)}
- <optgroup label="{$k_value}">
- {foreach from=$v_value item=vv_value key=kk_value}
- <option {if $delivery[$k_field] == $kk_value}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$kk_value}">{$vv_value|htmlspecialchars}</option>
- {/foreach}
- </optgroup>
- {else}
- <option {if $delivery[$k_field] == $k_value}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$k_value}">{$v_value|htmlspecialchars}</option>
- {/if}
- {/foreach}
- </select>
- {if $}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- {else}
- <div class="option-item">
- <label>
- <span>{$|htmlspecialchars} {if $v_field.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}</span>
- {if $ && $v_field.select_type!='multi'}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select {if $v_field.select_type=='multi'}multiple{/if} id="delivery-{$k_field}" name="{$k}[{$k_field}][]" {if !$cur}disabled="disabled"{/if}>
- {if $v_field.select_type != 'multi'}<option value="">--{#SHOP2_SELECT_TYPE_SELECT#}--</option>{/if}
- {foreach from=$ item=v_value key=k_value}
- {if is_array($v_value)}
- <optgroup label="{$k_value}">
- {foreach from=$v_value item=vv_value key=kk_value}
- <option {if in_array($kk_value, $delivery[$k_field])}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$vv_value|htmlspecialchars}">{$vv_value|htmlspecialchars}</option>
- {/foreach}
- </optgroup>
- {else}
- <option {if in_array($v_value, $delivery[$k_field])}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$v_value|htmlspecialchars}">{$v_value|htmlspecialchars}</option>
- {/if}
- {/foreach}
- </select>
- {if $ && $v_field.select_type!='multi'}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {if (($e.code == 'ems' && $k_field == 'to') || $e.code == 'edost') && $v_field.type == 'select'}
- <label>
- <a class="shop2-btn" href="#" data-attach-id="{$e.attach_id}" id="shop2-{$e.code}-calc">{#SHOP2_CALCULATE#}</a>
- {if $e.code == 'ems'}
- <span id="delivery-{$e.attach_id}-cost">0</span> {$shop2.currency_shortname}
- {/if}
- </label>
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {/foreach}
- {if $e.code == 'edost'}
- <div id="delivery-{$e.attach_id}-html">
- {include file="global:shop2.v2-order-delivery-edost.tpl" edost=$e.edost attach_id=$e.attach_id}
- </div>
- {/if}
- </div>
- {/if}
- </div>
- {/foreach}
- </div>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {if $site.reg.shop2.order_design=="6"}
- <div class="shop2-cart-order-payments shop2-order-options shop2-payment-options"{if $payment_id} data-payment_id="{$payment_id}"{/if}>
- {if $change_ps}
- {include file="global:shop2.v2-cart.order-payments.tpl"}
- {/if}
- </div>
- {/if}
- {if $form}
- <h2>{#SHOP2_ORDER_FORM#}</h2>
- <div class="shop2-order-form shop2-order-form--offset-left">
- {if $on_order_registration}
- {if $on_order_registration.user_exists}
- <input type="hidden" name="user_exists" value="1" />
- {/if}
- {/if}
- {foreach from=$form key=name item=item}
- {capture assign="caption"}
- <strong>
- {$|htmlspecialchars}
- {if $item.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}
- </strong>
- {/capture}
- <div class="form-item{if $item.type == 'captcha'} form-item__captcha{elseif $item.type == 'personal_data'} form-item__personal_data{if $} gr-field-style{/if}{/if}">
- {if $item.type == 'text' || $item.type == 'email' || $item.type == 'phone'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- <input{if $item.placeholder != ""} placeholder="{$item.placeholder|escape}"{/if} type="text" maxlength="{$item.maxlength|default:100}" size="{$item.size|default:50}"
- name="order[{$name}]" id="user_{$name}" value="{$item.value|htmlspecialchars}" class="shop2-input" />
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'textarea'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- <textarea{if $item.placeholder != ""} placeholder="{$item.placeholder|escape}"{/if} rows="{$item.rows|default:7}" cols="{$item.cols|default:50}" name="order[{$name}]"
- id="user_{$name}" class="shop2-textarea">{$item.value}</textarea>
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'radio'}
- {$caption}
- {foreach from=$item.values key=key item=val}
- <label class="order-form-options">
- <input type="radio" name="order[{$name}]"
- value="{$key}"{if $key==$item.value} checked="checked"{/if} /> {$val}
- </label>
- {/foreach}
- {elseif $item.type == 'checkbox'}
- {*$caption*}
- {foreach from=$item.values key=key item=val name=foo}
- <div class="order-form-options">
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="order[{$name}][{$key|htmlspecialchars}]"
- value="{$key|htmlspecialchars}"
- {if $key == $item.value}checked="checked"{/if} /> {if $}<a href="{$}" target="_blank">{/if}{$val|htmlspecialchars}{if $}</a>{/if}
- </label>
- </div>
- {/foreach}
- {elseif $item.type == 'multi_checkbox'}
- {$caption}
- {foreach from=$item.values key=key item=val name=foo}
- <div class="order-form-options">
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="order[{$name}][{$key|htmlspecialchars}]"
- value="{$key|htmlspecialchars}" {if isset($item.value[$key])} checked="checked"{/if} /> {$val|htmlspecialchars}
- </label>
- </div>
- {/foreach}
- {elseif $item.type == 'select'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- {if $}<label class="gr-select-wrapper">{/if}
- <select name="order[{$name}]">
- {foreach from=$item.values key=key item=val}
- <option value="{$key}" {if $key == $item.value} selected="selected"{/if}>{$val}</option>
- {/foreach}
- </select>
- {if $}</label>{/if}
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'multiselect'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- <select name="order[{$name}][]" multiple="multiple" size="{$item.size|default:5}">
- {foreach from=$item.values key=key item=val}
- <option value="{$key}"{if in_array($key, $item.value)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$val}</option>
- {/foreach}
- </select>
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'date'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- <span>
- <input type="text" size="15" readonly="readonly" value="{$item.value|escape}" name="order[{$name}]" id="user_{$name}" class="init-calendar" />
- </span>
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'captcha'}
- <label>
- {$caption}
- {captcha name=$name}
- </label>
- {elseif $item.type == 'personal_data'}
- {if !$}
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="order[{$name}]" value="1" autocomplete="off" {if $item.value}checked{/if} />
- {$}
- {if $item.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}
- </label>
- {else}
- <div class="tpl-field type-checkbox">
- <ul class="menu-default">
- <li>
- <label>
- <input class="gr-fixed-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="order[{$name}]" value="1" autocomplete="off" {if $item.value}checked{/if} />
- <span>{$} {if $item.required}<ins class="required">*</ins>{/if} <a href="{$}?mode=agreement" target="_blank">{#SHOP2_MORE#}</a></span>
- </label>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- {/if}
- {*{if !$}({/if}<a href="#" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, {ldelim}contentId:'order-personal-data-agreement', wrapperClassName: 'draggable-header', align: 'center', width: 600, height: 400{rdelim})">{#DETAILS#}</a>{if !$}){/if}
- <div class="highslide-html-content" id="order-personal-data-agreement">
- <div class="highslide-header">
- <ul>
- <li class="highslide-close"><a href="#" title="Close (esc)" onclick="return hs.close(this)"></a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="highslide-body">{$item.text}</div>
- </div>*}
- {elseif $item.type == 'on_order_registration'}
- <label>
- <input type="checkbox" name="order[{$name}]" value="1" autocomplete="off" {if $item.value}checked{/if} />
- {$|s3_localize|htmlspecialchars}
- {if $item.required}<span class="required">*</span>{/if}
- </label>
- {/if}
- {if $item.note}
- <small>{$item.note}</small>
- {/if}
- </div>
- {/foreach}
- </div>
- <script src="/shared/misc/calendar.gen.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
- {/if}
- <div class="form-item form-item-submit">
- <button type="submit" class="{if $}shop2-btn{else}g-button{/if}">{#SHOP2_CHECKOUT#}</button>
- </div>
- </form>
- {if $deligate_delivery}
- {if $deligate_use}
- <script type="text/javascript" src="/g/shop2v2/default/js/jquery.suggestions.js"></script>
- {literal}
- <script type="text/javascript">
- $("#address").suggestions({
- serviceUrl: "/my/s3/xapi/public/?method=deligate/suggestAddress",
- type: "ADDRESS",
- onSelect: function(suggestion) {
- },
- onSelectNothing: function(suggestion) {
- $("#address").focus();
- }
- });
- </script>
- {/literal}
- {/if}
- {/if}
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