
Jesus Thoughts

Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Jesus' teachings are mostly valid... I see not many qualms to be had. I am no Christian, but even the bible is full of lies because it lays in the hands of man and their corruption. They erode away the meaning constantly
  2. I'm currently doing what most Christians cannot even seem to do without arguing...
  3. I emulate what I have gleaned from the words and made meaning for myself.
  4. I have decided to forgive everyone no matter their transgressions against me.
  5. I hold no grudges. Instead of being concerned over LEFT or RIGHT, Liberal or Conservative, Or what god really intended.
  6. I do as I saw Jesus do in the stories I have put pictures to in my head. I help those to help themselves, while also understanding, you may lead a horse to water... you sure as heck can't make him drink... but who actually hauled your ass to the water source to get a sip in the first place?
  7. I'm Liberally Conservative while being Conservatively Liberal.
  8. I love all humans, even the ones some consider bad because they have done what others have labeled as bad. That is ok to acknowledge they are a sinner. But to deny them the same rights when they are another damaged sheep in the flock, is not the way. I have no enemies. I consider all my friend, even those who wish to try and be my enemy. I have a word of reason for anyone willing to understand. For they may hear me, but they do not always listen. I will stand atop a mountain and bellow anyhow. For my words are not hollow. There are two sides to any coin... but often there is an edge. I will walk the edge of any sword even though it can cut, for if I bleed I have come to understand that wisdom can heal with the help of time.
  9. I always contradict myself, because that is the way to be. For life is at the limits of your imagination.
  10. Food for thought: The bible implies we are sheep that need a shepherd. God gave us free will. We have father god, and mother earth. Out of their many gifts... the greatest are free thought and an ability to share it. We may need a shepherd... but government is not the way for we need no governance if we simply come to terms and work together as unified shepherd leading our individual parts. We then communicate such things to any visitors we may possibly receive if there are any to be had. We also will set a good example if we travel out from our true home that is Earth itself. For we are meant to commune with nature not quarrel amongst ourselves. I have many more ideas to share... but everyone is so deafened by the drone of the hive busy slaving away... that no one has time to afford attention that can be paid with, instead of monetary means. We should free knowledge. Come to terms with ourselves. We need to learn to learn again... The time is coming, especially with a possible singularity looming on the event horizon, preparing its advent.
  11. I do not think Christ really left... he is an idea slumbering in our hearts waiting for us all to wake up.
  12. Christos - Anointed one. We have been anointed for sure...
  13. We were created by a master smith of some kind... and any creator makes sure his invention works... ultimately we are like a machine... and like any machine we have been smeared and rubbed with a metaphorical kind of grease, with hard work and love thrown in for good measure.
  14. It is time to rise up and wake. I am tired of gazing upon my slumbering family, as they remain dull and greedily gobble and graze upon the poisons they are being fed.
  15. But that's just me.
  16. Remember. I'm no christian, but I am more of one than most. And the way most of them act, I am more glad than mad. For that means there is REAL work to be done.
  17. I have read countless religious notions and texts and ideas and dissertations. I study quantum theory and apply a dash of ontology. I am a force to be reckoned with, but I will do no forceful wrecking. I don't want people to be like me. I want them to be themselves and do as I do.
  18. BE. THE. CHANGE.
  19. The golden rule is do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But people are asleep as well as dumb, deaf, and blind.
  20. The words they speak are only the words of others repeated...
  21. Any good puppet dances for their master.
  22. The things they hear come across muddled and convoluted.
  23. It is no wonder they cannot listen to anyone besides the government, being an echo of yet another person's thought.
  24. And the harm that is being inflicted to their world... their lovely and beautiful precious world... The masters mar it...
  25. For as I have said they cannot see what is good for them.
  26. I aim to lead no one. I will not follow either. I am merely waiting...
  27. Everyone is either moving too fast or stopping all together
  28. What am I waiting for? Well my hands are out. I'm waiting for both the left and the right to grab them, whilst I mediate and we all walk together towards our future instead of the means of the false shepherd. The antichrist has indeed risen. The mark of the beast is upon us already. I'm shouting. Can you shout with a non christian that knows the word of god anyhow?
  29. Jesus may have been the son of god... but to hold him in reverence, while every religious and philosophical things I have strung together to come to understand say otherwise. The bible says god is the father... the son... and the holy ghost. We are the trinity. But we're being divided into three parts. The Father (Government) The son (everyone else) The ghost (People like me who go unseen). We are also the children of god our selves.... Jesus is our brother. I'd like to posit with this: If magic is science yet to be understood... was Jesus really a miracle worker? Or a man of logic and reason? Only the ignorant are confounded by magic while the apathetic don't care except for the fact it happened.
  30. I will shout and profess until either I cease to exist or words lose meaning. People may not listen... but eventually some will begin to hear as the rest begin to sing the song I am trying to sing. It will start as a dull buzzing as we organize our humming, but eventually we will sing a song that will replenish our lives.
  31. Harmony... not hatred. Love, not destruction. Hold compassion for those who cannot, for their hearts are heavy. The world is crying silently and I can hear them...
  32. "Do you hear what I hear?"
  33. I could write more... but ultimately these may be wasted words... but if I can have an impact on even just one person... even if all I do is pluck only a hair from their scalp and give them a quick yelp... then I have done the job I was meant to do.
  34. I have been selfish with the space I have already taken up in your time and life. It's an awfully crowded world... and I do feel so alone.
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