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- function Problem4() {
- let activities = arguments[0]
- let planes = {}
- let towns = {}
- for (let activiti of activities) {
- let currentAction = activiti.split(" ")
- let currentPlaneId = currentAction[0]
- let currentPlaneDestination = currentAction[1]
- let currentPlaneFillment = Number(currentAction[2]) // ppl traveling
- let currentPlaneActivity = currentAction[3] // landing or takeing off
- let isPlaneAvaliable = planes.hasOwnProperty(currentPlaneId)
- // First time landing planes
- if ((planes == undefined || !isPlaneAvaliable) && currentPlaneActivity == 'land') {
- planeGenerator(currentPlaneId, planes)
- if (towns == undefined || !towns.hasOwnProperty(currentPlaneDestination)) {
- townsGenerator(currentPlaneDestination, 0, currentPlaneFillment, currentPlaneId, towns)
- } else {
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].arrivals += currentPlaneFillment
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].planes.add(currentPlaneId)
- }
- }
- // planes landing
- if (isPlaneAvaliable && currentPlaneActivity == "depart" && planes[currentPlaneId].status == "land") {
- if (towns.hasOwnProperty(currentPlaneDestination)) {
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].departures += currentPlaneFillment
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].planes.add(currentPlaneId)
- } else {
- townsGenerator(currentPlaneDestination, currentPlaneFillment, 0, currentPlaneId, towns)
- }
- planes[currentPlaneId].status = "depart"
- }
- // planes flying away
- if (isPlaneAvaliable && currentPlaneActivity == "land" && planes[currentPlaneId].status == "depart") {
- if (towns.hasOwnProperty(currentPlaneDestination)) {
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].arrivals += currentPlaneFillment
- towns[currentPlaneDestination].planes.add(currentPlaneId)
- } else {
- townsGenerator(currentPlaneDestination, 0, currentPlaneFillment, currentPlaneId, towns)
- }
- planes[currentPlaneId].status = "land"
- }
- }
- //From here on im printing
- console.log("Planes left:")
- Object.keys(planes).filter(x => planes[x].status != "depart").sort(function(a,b){
- return a.localeCompare(b)
- }).map(x => console.log("- " + x))
- // in sorted towns there is a problem with the sort,
- let sortedTowns = Object.keys(towns).sort((a, b) => towns[b].arrivals - towns[a].arrivals).sort(function(a,b){
- if((towns[b].arrivals === towns[a].arrivals)){
- return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLocaleLowerCase())
- }else{
- return -1
- }
- })
- for (let town of sortedTowns) {
- console.log(town)
- console.log("Arrivals: " + towns[town].arrivals)
- console.log("Departures: " + towns[town].departures)
- console.log("Planes:")
- let tempArr = Array.from(towns[town].planes)
- tempArr.sort(function(a,b){
- return a.localeCompare(b)
- }).map(x=>console.log("-- "+x))
- }
- function townsGenerator(id, leaving = 0, arriving = 0, planeId, townsObj) {
- townsObj[id] = {
- departures: leaving,
- arrivals: arriving,
- planes: new Set([])
- }
- townsObj[id].planes.add(planeId)
- }
- function planeGenerator(planeID, planesObj) {
- planesObj[planeID] = {
- status: "land"
- }
- }
- }
- Problem4(['RTA72 London 140 land',
- 'RTA72 Brussels 240 depart',
- 'RTA72 Sofia 450 land',
- 'RTA72 Lisbon 240 depart',
- 'RTA72 Berlin 350 land',
- 'RTA72 Otava 201 depart',
- 'RTA72 Haga 350 land',
- 'RTA72 Otava 201 depart',
- 'RTA72 Dortmund 150 land',
- 'RTA72 Montana 243 depart',
- 'RTA72 Monreal 350 land',
- 'RTA72 NewYork 201 depart',
- 'RTA72 Pekin 350 land',
- 'RTA72 Tokyo 201 depart',
- 'RTA72 Warshaw 350 land',
- 'RTA72 Riga 201 depart']
- )
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