

Mar 27th, 2022
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  1. how many stars will you still see in your eyes
  2. becoming not what I can stand
  3. th monster inside is is being untied
  4. for the worser of the two evils to live on bereft
  6. corpus
  7. curricula
  8. dependents sing inside
  9. let me know you can cry
  11. I'm only holding you hear in my vision
  12. I can't drive out your disguises
  13. i need you to focus on me here in this moment
  14. I can noly see thru sometimes and when i do i need to get this thing off my mind
  16. whatever
  17. its all with not
  18. its what its not
  19. so get the anger
  20. pour on proof you still got love here
  21. decibles of honest angst here
  22. I'll live to say i never died, dear
  24. You're not the wings I thought I'd had
  25. you can only run with the shed skin now
  26. defunct is the sound of this marriage
  27. be between the mirrors I focus on
  29. This enemy is basis for all to conceive in
  30. the earnest may breathe and the others cannot see
  31. the poisonous reasons they have not a lead be
  32. I'd crossed thru the bleak just to see if they'd return belie
  34. kick his ass if you see him for the reason
  35. not one can pit him with the edge of distinction
  36. I'll kick it in, nock it all, just to pin you to the thought
  37. welcome to hell
  39. when im coming on you gotta see the dialin if you're gonna be the one who had me
  40. it cant be if you had to be the one who tried to have had me
  41. im really not ready for the end of my being
  42. and its really getting clear that i wont get any further
  43. but phonies can talk sometimes and i wont let em feed me. this sickness is deadened
  44. its time for the muscles to form and grow my appendages
  45. its sickness inside and its rotted my feelings i have alwayas tried to inhale
  46. the things i exhort it's an animosity i'm aggregious to be within when i find
  47. it's not the edge of reason I've hit here you can walk away if you want to
  48. we're still not deep enough to go with the eyes
  49. you can take away the leaning it'll go with your blind
  50. then all reason loses its clime. lik intonation i angle the mountains
  51. and if you catch me again, ask me another one. I'll inflect of your side
  52. you're even here i can hear you're in the morrow
  53. so totally there for the marksman who grows prow
  54. thus the end is night for me and I've only begun hanging the saviour on the nails
  55. talk to rhythm and it'll bounce like a knife, it'll shed you of your skin
  56. and it'll give you the layers you need for relief
  57. there's nothing worse than beauty gone to waste
  58. and nothing realer is not that you're empty, but its you that you hate.
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