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- --rbxsig%Jl1magpG8HDueelFdv0f65hWuwxRy+UB2PTJXROQcS/jkrCeRCEwXcRtMTmXlA6+KznENfbm8DKgvDGLoJI8SWRvMTVYF1uY2qz5wgF1wJ0ZSPoEim3NpGQh592n2cQefYyP9VDqVIkLDSpFwXfS/N3Tp9liHbaipOH1uk1dcyw=%
- --rbxassetid%1311981%
- print("Vote Kicker 1.0 Loaded")
- ---------------------------------------------------
- -- This script adds the "kick" command to your game.
- -- Players can type "kick [player name]" to vote to kick an abusive player.
- -- If enough people vote to kick the same person, that person contracts a deadly case of NoTorsoItis
- -- There is no cure for NoTorsoItis, even rejoining the game doesn't stop it.
- -- The number of votes required to kick a player depends on the number of people in the game.
- --
- -- One cool thing - you don't need to type the player's full name, just enough letters to be sure of who you
- -- want to kick.
- --
- -- For example: if Builderman and Builderdude are in-game, "kick builderm" is enough
- -- if Builderman and Telamon are the only people in the game, you can vote to kick both
- -- by typing "kick b t"
- --
- -- Multiple votes from the same person are ignored. As are ambigious votes:
- -- Example: Builderman and Builderdude are in-game. "kick bu" is ambigious.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- -- This hack brought to you by Telamon.
- -- If you find bugs in this script, post them to the scripting forum.
- -- If you find a bug and change the script to fix it, post your solution in the scripting forum. There is a 500 R$ bonus for each fix.
- kickedlist = {}
- voteMatrix = {}
- function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer)
- local stats ="IntValue")
- stats.Name = "punkstats"
- local votes ="IntValue")
- votes.Name = "votes"
- votes.Value = 0
- votes.Parent = stats
- -- Will this leak threads?
- -- Is the problem even what I think it is (player arrived before character)?
- while true do
- if newPlayer.Character ~= nil then break end
- wait(5)
- end
- -- start to listen for new humanoid
- newPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) onPlayerRespawn(property, newPlayer) end )
- stats.Parent = newPlayer
- newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end)
- -- make sure this isn't a previously banned player re-entering the game
- for i = 1, #kickedlist do
- if (string.lower(newPlayer.Name) == kickedlist[i]) then
- banish(newPlayer)
- end
- end
- end
- function getVotesNeeded()
- local np = game.Players.NumPlayers
- if np > 10 then return 4 end
- if np > 4 then return 3 end
- return 2
- end
- function onPlayerRespawn(property, player)
- if property == "Character" and player.Character ~= nil then
- local stats = player:findFirstChild("punkstats")
- if (stats ~= nil) then
- if (stats:findFirstChild("banned") ~= nil) then
- punish(player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function banish(player)
- local stats = player:findFirstChild("punkstats")
- local votes = stats:findFirstChild("votes")
- if (stats ~= nil and votes ~= nil) then
- votes.Value = votes.Value + 1
- if (votes.Value >= getVotesNeeded()) then
- local banned ="IntValue")
- banned.Name = "banned"
- banned.Parent = stats
- local message ="Message")
- message.Text = "You caught NoTorsoItis!"
- message.Parent = player
- table.insert(kickedlist, string.lower(player.Name))
- punish(player)
- end
- end
- end
- function punish(player)
- -- called when we think the player has respawned
- while true do
- if player.Character ~= nil then break end
- wait(5)
- end
- player.Character.Torso.Parent = nil
- end
- function matchPlayer(str)
- -- find all players that start with the str
- -- if there is only one, match it
- -- 0 or 2+, don't match it
- local result = nil
- local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
- for i = 1,#players do
- if (string.find(string.lower(players[i].Name), str) == 1) then
- if (result ~= nil) then return nil end
- result = players[i]
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- function voteAgainst(voter, victim)
- -- consult the voteMatrix to see if this guy has voted against that guy before
- -- voter is a string - all lowers
- -- victim is a player
- local votesList = voteMatrix[voter]
- if (votesList ~= nil) then
- local prior = votesList[string.lower(victim.Name)]
- if (prior ~= nil) then
- -- this dude voted against that dude before
- return
- end
- else
- voteMatrix[voter] = {}
- end
- -- insert the record
- voteMatrix[voter][string.lower(victim.Name)] = 1
- banish(victim)
- end
- function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
- -- convert to all lower case
- local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
- msg = string.lower(msg)
- -- vote to kick the following players
- -- "kick telamon buildman wookong"
- if (string.find(msg, "kick") == 1) then --- msg starts with "kick"
- -- words and numbers
- for word in msg:gmatch("%w+") do
- if word ~= "kick" then
- local p = matchPlayer(word)
- if p ~= nil then
- voteAgainst(source, p)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(onPlayerEntered)
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