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- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
- using Urho;
- using Urho.Actions;
- using Urho.SharpReality;
- using Urho.Shapes;
- using Urho.Resources;
- using Urho.Gui;
- namespace HoloUrhoSharp9
- {
- internal class Program
- {
- [MTAThread]
- static void Main()
- {
- var appViewSource = new UrhoAppViewSource<HelloWorldApplication>(new ApplicationOptions("Data"));
- appViewSource.UrhoAppViewCreated += OnViewCreated;
- CoreApplication.Run(appViewSource);
- }
- static void OnViewCreated(UrhoAppView view)
- {
- view.WindowIsSet += View_WindowIsSet;
- }
- static void View_WindowIsSet(Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow coreWindow)
- {
- // you can subscribe to CoreWindow events here
- }
- }
- public class HelloWorldApplication : StereoApplication
- {
- Node earthNode;
- public HelloWorldApplication(ApplicationOptions opts) : base(opts) { }
- protected override async void Start()
- {
- // Create a basic scene, see StereoApplication
- base.Start();
- // Enable input
- EnableGestureManipulation = true;
- EnableGestureTapped = true;
- // Create a node for the Earth
- earthNode = Scene.CreateChild();
- earthNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 1.5f); //1.5m away
- earthNode.SetScale(0.3f); //D=30cm
- earthNode.Name = "Bumi";
- // Scene has a lot of pre-configured components, such as Cameras (eyes), Lights, etc.
- DirectionalLight.Brightness = 1f;
- DirectionalLight.Node.SetDirection(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0.5f));
- //Sphere is just a StaticModel component with Sphere.mdl as a Model.
- var earth = earthNode.CreateComponent<Sphere>();
- earth.Material = Material.FromImage("Textures/Earth.jpg");
- var moonNode = earthNode.CreateChild();
- moonNode.SetScale(0.27f); //27% of the Earth's size
- moonNode.Position = new Vector3(1.2f, 0, 0);
- moonNode.Name = "Bulan";
- // Same as Sphere component:
- var moon = moonNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
- moon.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Sphere;
- moon.Material = Material.FromImage("Textures/Moon.jpg");
- // Run a few actions to spin the Earth, the Moon and the clouds.
- earthNode.RunActions(new RepeatForever(new RotateBy(duration: 1f, deltaAngleX: 0, deltaAngleY: -4, deltaAngleZ: 0)));
- await TextToSpeech("Hello world from UrhoSharp!");
- // More advanced samples can be found here:
- //
- Text text = new Text(Context);
- text.Value = ".";
- text.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
- text.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
- text.Position = new IntVector2(0, 0);
- text.SetColor(Color.White);
- text.SetFont(CoreAssets.Fonts.AnonymousPro, 30);
- UI.Root.AddChild(text);
- //Kalau Pake Gambar
- Sprite crosshair = new Sprite(Context);
- crosshair.Texture = ResourceCache.GetTexture2D(@"Data/crosshair.png");
- crosshair.SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment.Center);
- crosshair.Position = new IntVector2(0, 0);
- crosshair.SetSize(25, 25);
- UI.Root.AddChild(crosshair);
- }
- // For HL optical stabilization (optional)
- public override Vector3 FocusWorldPoint => earthNode.WorldPosition;
- //Handle input:
- Vector3 earthPosBeforeManipulations;
- public override void OnGestureManipulationStarted() => earthPosBeforeManipulations = earthNode.Position;
- public override void OnGestureManipulationUpdated(Vector3 relativeHandPosition) =>
- earthNode.Position = relativeHandPosition + earthPosBeforeManipulations;
- public override async void OnGestureTapped() {
- Ray cameraRay = RightCamera.GetScreenRay(0.5f, 0.5f);
- var result = Scene.GetComponent<Octree>().RaycastSingle(cameraRay, RayQueryLevel.Triangle, 100, DrawableFlags.Geometry, 0x70000000);
- if (result != null && result.Value.Node.Name == "Bumi")
- {
- //Lakukan Aksi disini
- await TextToSpeech("Ini Bumi");
- }
- }
- public override async void OnGestureDoubleTapped() {
- Ray cameraRay = RightCamera.GetScreenRay(0.5f, 0.5f);
- var result = Scene.GetComponent<Octree>().RaycastSingle(cameraRay, RayQueryLevel.Triangle, 100, DrawableFlags.Geometry, 0x70000000);
- if (result != null && result.Value.Node.Name == "Bulan")
- {
- //Lakukan Aksi disini
- await TextToSpeech("Ini Bulan");
- }
- }
- }
- }
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