
Release notes

Feb 24th, 2012
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  1. A while back I built a mm designed to test mappacks and constant file settings between peer 2 peer. However i stopped production of it when Inca said he was going to release his new mm soon (4 months ago). sometime has passed and I wanted to privately get feed back on if it works correctly. I know you'll need at least more than 1 player in order to use it so you can freely distribute it around. This is setup into private section and will be kinda a culture shock some people who like being crammed into one room with a bunch of people. Each game will get their own private session or section so they can privately discuss mappack matters without other people asking questions or spying.
  3. This is a untested program in its ability to transfer constant file but it transfers the map pack file just fine.
  4. ...
  6. There is a little bit of information you may need to know
  7. * This does not have a restore service built into it so you'll have to use something like popmedic to fix your changed game files
  8. * The automatically overrides the players based on how many people are in the lobby.
  9. * there is a encrypt and decryption tools for the constant.dat incase you want to decrypt the RAW file.
  10. * sometimes the client doesnt close correctly.
  11. * Private sessions are completely anti cheat free so beware this is designed for mappack testers not real game play goto popre for that!
  12. * If you're on 1.03 tower crash is still existing!
  14. With best regards,
  15. Brandan Lasley
  17. Good luck and have fun!
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