

Jun 18th, 2018
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  1. Monday Jun 18
  2. 13:43 - Bertalan: Alex
  3. 13:43 - Bertalan: help
  4. 13:43 - Bertalan: I'm in trouble
  5. 13:44 - Bertalan: I am positive I am falling for someone I should not be falling for for several reasons
  6. 13:45 - Bertalan: like it has a one in a trillion chance of working out
  7. 13:45 - Bertalan: but I also can't just back out at this point
  8. 13:46 - AlexHoratio: oh
  9. 13:46 - Bertalan: basically I went to a 3-day rock festival with mom, her boyfriend, and 2 coworkers of hers
  10. 13:47 - Bertalan: and she warned me in advance that one of them is extremely, mega super attractive
  11. 13:47 - Bertalan: I called bullshit
  12. 13:47 - Bertalan: then I saw her and my jaw is still on the floor somewhere
  13. 13:47 - Bertalan: literally the hottest person I have ever seen including on TV, online, anywhere, ever
  14. 13:47 - Bertalan: and what's worse is we also get along incredibly well
  15. 13:48 - Bertalan: but even then, it has practically no chance of working
  16. 13:48 - AlexHoratio: aww
  17. 13:49 - Bertalan: the reasons being
  18. 13:49 - Bertalan: -she is 32
  19. 13:49 - Bertalan: -she has her eyes on a guy she never met but soon will
  20. 13:49 - Bertalan: mostly the fact that she is 32 and it bothers her
  21. 13:50 - AlexHoratio: aw
  22. 13:51 - Bertalan: although to be fair
  23. 13:51 - Bertalan: my chances did go from 0% to like 1% in those 2.5 days
  24. 13:53 - Bertalan: but asdf
  25. 13:53 - Bertalan: from top to bottom
  26. 13:53 - Bertalan: -prettiest person I have ever seen, easily
  27. 13:53 - Bertalan: -extremely good dress sense and boobs
  28. 13:53 - Bertalan: -the best ass I've ever seen
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