
max shot

Jan 28th, 2025
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  1. Behind me I could hear a couple of the bozos yelling, swearing, threatening. I wanted to laugh but
  2. couldn't spare the time. I was steadily increasing the distance between us.
  3. Then I heard a loud bang? from the shotgun, and tree bark exploded around my head. That stupid gun.
  4. Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? Are you wondering if I noticed the similarities between this asinine situation and my dream? Well, yeah. I'm not an idiot. As to what it all meant, well, I'll work on that later.
  5. In the next second, there was another bang, and almost simultaneously a sudden, searing pain in my left shoulder. I gasped and glanced over to see blood blossoming on my sleeve. That idiot had actually hit me!
  6. Then sheer bad luck made me instantly trip over a tree root, fall on my hurt shoulder, and slide crazily down a steep slope, through bushes, underbrush, vines, and rocks. I tried to grab anything, but my left arm couldn't move well, and my right hand scrabbled uselessly.
  7. Finally, I tumbled to a stop at the bottom of an overgrown ravine. Looking up, I saw only green: I was covered by vines and shrubs.
  8. I lay very still, trying to catch my breath, trying to think. Far above me, I heard the wild boys yelling
  9. and shooting again. They sounded like elephants crashing through the woods, and I tracked them clearly as they ran right past where I fell.
  10. I felt like an ogre had just beaten me all over with a club. I could barely move my left arm, and it hurt like fire. I tried to stretch out my wing, only to suck my breath in hard as I found out it had been hit too. I couldn't see it well over my shoulder, but my big clue was the screaming pain.
  11. I was scraped all over, had lost my windbreaker, and, if I wasn't mistaken, I was sitting in a patch of
  12. poison ivy.
  13. Slowly, I stood up, smothering gasps of pain. I had to get out of here. I checked the sun and started working my way north. I swallowed a groan as I realized that Nudge and Fang were no doubt wondering where the heck I was.
  14. I had messed up big-time. Angel was waiting for me too— if she was still alive. I had let them all down.
  15. On top of it, I was hurt pretty bad and had gun-toting maniacs after me. Crap.
  16. I scowled. It's in my nature to fight for the underdog. Jeb had always told me it was my fatal flaw.
  17. Jeb had been right.
  19. The Angel Experiment Chapter 22
  22. Oh, man. This was not the best day I'd ever had. My shoulder was still bleeding a bit, even though I'd been pressing on it for hours. Every time I jostled it, warm blood oozed through my fingers.
  23. I hadn't run into the gun-carrying clowns again, but I'd heard them off and on. I'd been working my way north in a big are, trying to weave a confusing trail for whoever might be following me. Every time I heard them, I froze for endless minutes, trying to blend in with the brush.
  24. Then, cramped and stiffening, I would painstakingly start again. In case they brought dogs, I'd splashed through streams at least four times, and let me tell you, trying to keep your balance on moss-covered rocks in icy water with a hurt shoulder is no picnic.
  25. I'd felt around on my shoulder and wing, and as far as I could tell, the shot had just scooped out a trail of flesh and wing but hadn't actually lodged inside. Whatever— my arm and wing felt useless and they hurt awfully.
  26. It was getting late. Angel was somewhere hours away, being subjected to God knows what horror, wondering where I was. I pressed my lips together, trying not to cry. I couldn't fly, couldn't catch up to Fang and Nudge, who were probably furious by now. It wasn't like I could call their cell phones or
  27. anything.
  28. This situation totally sucked, and it was 100 percent my own stupid fault, which made it suck even
  29. worse.
  30. Then, of course, it started pouring rain.
  31. So now I was slogging my way through wet woods, wet brush, red clay mud, wiping water out of my eyes, getting more chilled and more miserable and more hungry and more insanely furious at myself.
  32. I hadn't heard the guys in a long time — they had probably gone home to get out of the rain.
  33. A minute later I blinked and wiped my eyes. I squinted. There were lights ahead.
  35. The Angel Experiment Chapter 26
  38. "Yeah, your wing got hit too," Ella's mom murmured, extending it ever so gently. "I think the shot
  39. nicked a bit of bone." She sat back and looked at me.
  40. I stared at the floor, feeling the weight of her gaze. I could not believe I was in this situation. Fang was
  41. going to kill me. And after I was dead, he would kill me again.
  42. And I deserved it.
  43. Ella's mom took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay, Max," she said in a calm, controlled voice. "First,
  44. we have to clean the wounds and stop the bleeding. When's the last time you had a tetanus shot?" I stared up into her eyes. Ella's mom seemed no-nonsense and ... incredibly caring. About me. I had
  45. become a huge crybaby in the last couple days, so I wasn't surprised to feel tears haze my vision.
  46. "Um, never?"
  47. "Okay. I can take care of that too."
  49. The Angel Experiment Chapter 31
  52. I woke up warm, dry, bandaged, and safe.
  53. I felt like death.
  54. As always, as soon as I was conscious, I panicked for a second, not knowing where I was. My brain anxiously registered flowered wallpaper. A soft, warm bed that smelled like laundry softener. I looked down. I was wearing a huge T-shirt that had a cartoon character on it, one I didn't know.
  55. I was at Ella's house. I was supposed to be rescuing Angel—if she was even still alive.
  56. Fang and Nudge were probably sticking pins in a Max doll by now. I didn't blame them.
  58. The Angel Experiment Chapter 35
  61. She came and let me out of the closet, looking at my face solemnly.
  62. "Those guys were bad news," she said, "am I right?" I nodded. "I better leave right now."
  63. She shook her head. "Tomorrow morning is soon enough. One more night of rest. Promise me." I opened my mouth to argue, but what came out was "Okay. I promise."
  65. The Angel Experiment Chapter 42
  68. The next morning I pulled on my new sweatshirt. I'd tried out my wing. It worked, though it was incredibly stiff and sore.
  69. I was relieved to go, to get back in the air. I knew Fang and Nudge were going to kill me. I knew I had let Angel down. But there was no way I could have not done what I did. I wouldn't be Max.
  70. To tell you the truth, not being Max sometimes had its appeal.
  71. Dr. Martinez pushed a small backpack at me. "It's an old one —I don't use it," she said quickly, knowing I wanted to refuse any more help. "Please take it."
  72. "Well, since you said 'please,"" I muttered, and she laughed.
  73. Ella was watching the ground, her shoulders hunched. I tried not to look at her either.
  74. "If you ever need anything, anything at all, please call us," said Ella's mom. "I put my phone numbers inside the pack."
  75. I nodded, even though I knew I would never use the numbers. I had no idea what to say. But I had to try.
  76. "You guys helped me," I said stiffly, "and you didn't even know me. It would have been bad if you hadn't." How's that for eloquent, eh? I sounded like freaking Tarzan.”
  77. "You helped me," Ella pointed out. "And you didn't even know me. You got hurt because of me." I shrugged in that endearing way I have. "Anyway — thanks. Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it."
  78. "You're welcome," said Ella's mom, smiling kindly. "We were glad to do it. And good luck— with
  79. whatever happens."
  80. I nodded, and then — get this —they both hugged me at once, like a Max sandwich. Once again, I felt the horror of tears starting in my eyes, and I blinked them back quickly. But I let them hug me, and sort of patted Ella's elbow, which was all I could reach. I won't lie to you —it felt really good. And really awful at the same time. Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never
  81. I disengaged myself gently and opened the door. Outside, it was sunny and warm. I gave a little half-wave, hoping it was jaunty, then headed out into the yard. I'd decided to give them a sort-of present. I felt they deserved it.
  82. Would they think I looked goofy? What did we—the flock— look like to outsiders? I had no idea, and I didn't have time to start caring. I adjusted my sweatshirt and the backpack. I turned. Ella and her mom were watching me with wide, curious eyes.
  83. I ran a few steps and leaped upward, unfurling my wings, feeling them fill with air, wincing slightly as my damaged muscles pulled and strained. Fully extended, my wings were thirteen feet across, speckled brown and splotched with white.
  84. A hard downstroke, ouch, then upward, ouch, then down. The familiar rhythm. Ella's face was awed and delighted, her hands clasped together. Dr. Martinez was wiping her eyes, her smile wobbly.
  86. The Angel Experiment Chapter 48
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