

Mar 22nd, 2016
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  1. print("Sex Script Made By Catie Minx")
  2. wait(1)
  3. print("Changing Players Into Sex Slaves!")
  4. execute("char others 39165235")
  5. wait(6)
  6. print("Done")
  7. wait(1)
  8. execute("god me")
  9. print("Charring Yourself - The Sex King")
  10. execute("char me 32296876")
  11. wait(6)
  12. print("Done")
  13. wait(1)
  14. execute("setname others Sex King's Slave")
  15. wait(1)
  16. execute("setname me Sex King")
  17. wait(1)
  18. execute("gear 45177979")
  19. print("Now Drill that big sledge hammer inside their tiny tight ass Sex King!")
  20. wait(2)
  21. print("Teleporting others to you")
  22. wait(2)
  23. execute("tp others me")
  24. wait(2)
  25. execute("skybox 10218620")
  26. wait(2)
  27. print("To get the audio for sex - you need to pay $1")
  28. wait(2)
  29. print("Done! Made by Catie Minx")
  30. wait(2)
  31. NameList = {"Sex Slave","SexKingIsHot","CatieMinxIsHot","ILikePorn","ILikeSex"}
  32. while true do
  33. wait(.01)
  34. for i=1,#NameList do
  35. wait(1)
  36. execute("setname all " .. NameList[i])
  37. end
  38. end
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