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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. name:Space Station Manager
  3. by:kasperja
  4. desc:Manage your station.<//>Click your way to trade with the universe!</><//><b>Credits:</b><.>Sprite parts: Space Ship & Mech Construction Kit 2 by Skorpio<.>Programming assistance: TrueWolves<.>Dynamic Tooltips: MageKing17</><//><b>Bulk Buying:</b><.>Hold <b>Shift</b> to buy 50 of a Ship or Outpost each time.
  5. created:11/12/2021
  6. updated:28/3/2024
  7. version:3.0
  9. Settings
  10. background:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kasperja/SSM/main/TRYBh3Y.jpg
  11. building cost increase:110%
  12. building cost refund:50%
  14. spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kasperja/SSM/main/SpriteCrystalsEC2.png
  16. stylesheet:https://pastebin.com/raw/ptD6VjVU
  18. no particles
  19. no bulk particles
  21. Layout
  22. *main
  23. contains:res, buttons, BulkDisplay
  24. *res
  25. icons:show
  26. contains:Resources
  27. class:fullWidth
  28. tooltip origin:bottom
  29. *buttons
  30. contains:Buttons
  31. *store
  32. contains:buildings, buildings2, upgrades, upgrades2, buildingsHeader, buildings2Header, upgradesHeader, upgrades2Header
  33. *buildings
  34. contains:Buildings
  35. tooltip origin:left
  36. *buildingsHeader
  37. header:Shipyard
  38. *buildings2
  39. contains:tag:sortup2
  40. contains:tag:buildings2
  41. tooltip origin:left
  42. *buildings2Header
  43. header:Outposts
  44. *upgrades
  45. tooltip origin:left
  46. contains:tag:sortup
  47. contains:Upgrades
  48. contains:tag:upgrades
  49. *upgradesHeader
  50. header:Upgrades
  51. *upgrades2
  52. tooltip origin:left
  53. contains:tag:upgrades2
  54. *upgrades2Header
  55. header:Facilities
  56. *log
  57. contains:Log
  58. class:log
  61. Buttons
  62. *bunnyButton|tradeButton
  63. name:Trade
  64. desc:Trade to earn Alz.<//><b>Stats:</b><.>Station Level <b>[slvl]</b><.>Uber Level <b>[ulvl]</b><.>Total ships owned : <b>[totalShips]</b><.>Total outposts owned : <b>[totalPlanets]</b>
  65. on start:log Welcome to </#></><t>Space Station Manager</#> <//> Game version: 3.0</#>
  66. on load:log Welcome to </#></><t>Space Station Manager</#> <//> Game version: 3.0</#>
  67. on load:log Game loaded.
  68. on click:anim icon wobble
  69. on click:yield 1 alz
  70. on click:yield 1 talz
  71. on click:
  72. if (have blackMarket and chance(1%))
  73. yield 1 spaceCrystal
  74. yield 1 tsc
  75. end
  76. end
  77. icon:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kasperja/SSM/main/ZZnnx71%20-%20Imgur.gif
  79. no text
  80. class:bigButton
  81. icon class:shadowed
  82. tooltip origin:bottom
  83. tooltip class:red
  85. Includes
  86. *include shipText %low %high
  87. text:[?(this!=1)|[p:this]|[n:this]] [?(alienTech >= [%low] and alienTech < [%high])|MK2][?(alienTech >= [%high])|MK3] : [this]
  88. *include planetText %low %high
  89. text:[?(alienTech >= [%low] and alienTech < [%high])|Adv.][?(alienTech >= [%high])|Prime] [?(this!=1)|[p:this]|[n:this]] : [this]
  90. *include alzMult %ship %tech %tech2
  91. if (alienTech >= [%tech])
  92. multiply alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  93. multiply talz yield of [%ship] by 2
  94. multiply [%ship]Alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  95. multiply [%ship]AlzDO yield of [%ship] by 2
  96. multiply [%ship]AlzT yield of [%ship] by 2
  97. end
  98. if (alienTech >= [%tech2])
  99. multiply alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  100. multiply talz yield of [%ship] by 2
  101. multiply [%ship]Alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  102. multiply [%ship]AlzDO yield of [%ship] by 2
  103. multiply [%ship]AlzT yield of [%ship] by 2
  104. end
  105. *include scMult %ship %tech %tech2
  106. if (alienTech >= [%tech])
  107. multiply spaceCrystal yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  108. multiply tsc yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  109. multiply [%ship]SC yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  110. multiply [%ship]SCDO yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  111. multiply [%ship]SCT yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  112. end
  113. if (alienTech >= [%tech2])
  114. multiply spaceCrystal yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  115. multiply tsc yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  116. multiply [%ship]SC yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  117. multiply [%ship]SCDO yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  118. multiply [%ship]SCT yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  119. end
  120. *include doubleMult %ship %tech %tech2
  121. if (alienTech >= [%tech])
  122. multiply alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  123. multiply talz yield of [%ship] by 2
  124. multiply [%ship]Alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  125. multiply [%ship]AlzDO yield of [%ship] by 2
  126. multiply [%ship]AlzT yield of [%ship] by 2
  127. multiply spaceCrystal yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  128. multiply tsc yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  129. multiply [%ship]SC yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  130. multiply [%ship]SCDO yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  131. multiply [%ship]SCT yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  132. end
  133. if (alienTech >= [%tech2])
  134. multiply alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  135. multiply talz yield of [%ship] by 2
  136. multiply [%ship]Alz yield of [%ship] by 2
  137. multiply [%ship]AlzDO yield of [%ship] by 2
  138. multiply [%ship]AlzT yield of [%ship] by 2
  139. multiply spaceCrystal yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  140. multiply tsc yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  141. multiply [%ship]SC yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  142. multiply [%ship]SCDO yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  143. multiply [%ship]SCT yield of [%ship] by 1.5
  144. end
  146. *include alzCost %ship %cost
  147. *[%ship]Cost
  148. hidden
  149. is always:pow(1.1, [%ship])*[%cost]
  151. *include scCost %ship %cost
  152. *[%ship]SCCost
  153. hidden
  154. is always:pow(1.1, [%ship])*[%cost]
  156. *include doubleCost %ship %alzCost %scCost
  157. *[%ship]Cost
  158. hidden
  159. is always:pow(1.1, [%ship])*[%alzCost]
  161. *[%ship]SCCost
  162. hidden
  163. is always:pow(1.1, [%ship])*[%scCost]
  165. *include alzResources %ship
  166. *[%ship]Alz
  167. hidden
  168. tag:Alz
  170. *[%ship]AlzPS
  171. hidden
  173. *[%ship]AlzDO
  174. hidden
  175. tag:prestige Alz
  177. *[%ship]AlzT
  178. hidden
  179. tag:prestige prestige2 Alz
  181. *include scResources %ship
  182. *[%ship]SC
  183. hidden
  184. tag:SC
  186. *[%ship]SCPS
  187. hidden
  189. *[%ship]SCDO
  190. hidden
  191. tag:prestige SC
  193. *[%ship]SCT
  194. hidden
  195. tag:prestige prestige2 SC
  197. *include doubleResources %ship
  198. *[%ship]Alz
  199. hidden
  200. tag:Alz
  202. *[%ship]AlzPS
  203. hidden
  205. *[%ship]AlzDO
  206. hidden
  207. tag:prestige Alz
  209. *[%ship]AlzT
  210. hidden
  211. tag:prestige prestige2 Alz
  213. *[%ship]SC
  214. hidden
  215. tag:SC
  217. *[%ship]SCPS
  218. hidden
  220. *[%ship]SCDO
  221. hidden
  222. tag:prestige SC
  224. *[%ship]SCT
  225. hidden
  226. tag:prestige prestige2 SC
  228. *include alzCostDesc %ship :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%ship]Cost/[%ship]AlzPS)] Alz</b>
  229. *include scCostDesc %ship :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%ship]SCCost/[%ship]SCPS)] Space Crystals</b>
  230. *include doubleCostDesc %ship :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round([%ship]Cost/[%ship]AlzPS)] Alz</b>, <b>[round([%ship]SCCost/[%ship]SCPS)] Space Crystals</b>
  231. *include descriptionAlz %ship :<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)/10)][?(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)<10000 and round([%ship]AlzPS*10)%10>=1)|.[(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)%10)]] Alz per second</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Actual Alz/s per [n:this] : <b>[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)<10000 and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)%10]][?this|</b><.>Total Alz/s by all [p:this] : <b>[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)<10000 and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?[%ship]AlzT|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%ship]Alz and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Alz earned this run : <b>[[%ship]Alz]</b>][?([%ship]AlzDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Alz earned this Data Orb : <b>[[%ship]AlzDO]</b>][?[%ship]AlzT|<.>Total Alz earned : <b>[[%ship]AlzT]</b>]
  232. *include descriptionSC %ship %interval="per second" :<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%ship]SCPS*100)/100)][?(round([%ship]SCPS*100)<100000 and round([%ship]SCPS*100)%100>=1)|.[((round([%ship]SCPS*100)/10)%10)]][?(round([%ship]SCPS*100)<100000 and round([%ship]SCPS*100)%10>=1)|[(round([%ship]SCPS*100)%10)]] Space Crystal[?((round([%ship]SCPS*100)/100) != 1)|s] [%interval]</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Total Space Crystals/s by all [p:this] : <b>[round([%ship]SC:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]SC:ps*10)<10000 and round([%ship]SC:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]SC:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?[%ship]SCT|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%ship]SC and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this run : <b>[[%ship]SC]</b>][?([%ship]SCDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this Data Orb : <b>[[%ship]SCDO]</b>][?[%ship]SCT|<.>Total Space Crystals earned : <b>[[%ship]SCT]</b>]
  233. *include descriptionDouble %ship %interval="per second" :<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)/10)][?(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)<10000 and round([%ship]AlzPS*10)%10>=1)|.[(round([%ship]AlzPS*10)%10)]] Alz per second</b>.<.>Produces <b>[(round([%ship]SCPS*100)/100)][?(round([%ship]SCPS*100)<100000 and round([%ship]SCPS*100)%100>=1)|.[((round([%ship]SCPS*100)/10)%10)]][?(round([%ship]SCPS*100)<100000 and round([%ship]SCPS*100)%10>=1)|[(round([%ship]SCPS*100)%10)]] Space Crystal[?((round([%ship]SCPS*100)/100) != 1)|s] [%interval]</b>.[?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Actual Alz/s per [n:this] : <b>[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)<10000 and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10/this)%10]][?this|</b><.>Total Alz/s by all [p:this] : <b>[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)<10000 and round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]Alz:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%ship]Alz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10]][?this|%)<.>Total Space Crystals/s by all [p:this] : <b>[round([%ship]SC:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round([%ship]SC:ps*10)<10000 and round([%ship]SC:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round([%ship]SC:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)/10]][?this and (round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10>=1)|.[round(([%ship]SC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?([%ship]AlzT or [%ship]SCT)|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?([%ship]Alz and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Alz earned this run : <b>[[%ship]Alz]</b>][?([%ship]AlzDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Alz earned this Data Orb : <b>[[%ship]AlzDO]</b>][?[%ship]AlzT|<.>Total Alz earned : <b>[[%ship]AlzT]</b>][?([%ship]SC and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this run : <b>[[%ship]SC]</b>][?([%ship]SCDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this Data Orb : <b>[[%ship]SCDO]</b>][?[%ship]SCT|<.>Total Space Crystals earned : <b>[[%ship]SCT]</b>]
  234. //Made an inclusion template for the sake of centralizing them all.
  235. *include mammothDescription :<.>Adjusted Cost : <b>[round(mammothCost/mammothAlzPS)] Alz</b>[?mammothDrones|, <b>[round(mammothSCCost/mammothSCPS)] Space Crystals</b>]<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Produces <b>[(round(mammothAlzPS*10)/10)][?(round(mammothAlzPS*10)<10000 and round(mammothAlzPS*10)%10>=1)|.[(round(mammothAlzPS*10)%10)]] Alz per second</b>.[?mammothDrones|<.>Produces <b>[(round(mammothSCPS*100)/100)]][?(mammothDrones and round(mammothSCPS*100)<100000 and round(mammothSCPS*100)%100>=1)|.[((round(mammothSCPS*100)/10)%10)]][?(mammothDrones and round(mammothSCPS*100)<100000 and round(mammothSCPS*100)%10>=1)|[(round(mammothSCPS*100)%10)]][?mammothDrones| Space Crystal][?(mammothDrones and (round(mammothSCPS*100)/100) != 1)|s][?mammothDrones| per minute</b>.][?this|<//><b>Production:</b><.>Actual Alz/s per [n:this] : <b>[round(mammothAlz:ps*10/this)/10]][?(this and round(mammothAlz:ps*10/this)<10000 and round(mammothAlz:ps*10/this)%10>=1)|.[round(mammothAlz:ps*10/this)%10]][?this|</b><.>Total Alz/s by all [p:this] : <b>[round(mammothAlz:ps*10)/10]][?(this and round(mammothAlz:ps*10)<10000 and round(mammothAlz:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round(mammothAlz:ps*10)%10]][?this|</b> ([round((mammothAlz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)/10]][?this and (round((mammothAlz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10>=1)|.[round((mammothAlz:ps*1000)/alz:ps)%10]][?this|%)][?(this and mammothSC)|<.>Total Space Crystals/s by all [p:this] : <b>[(round(mammothSC:ps*10)/10)]][?(this and mammothSC and round(mammothSC:ps*10)<10000 and round(mammothSC:ps*10)%10>=1)|.[round(mammothSC:ps*10)%10]][?(this and mammothSC)|</b> ([round((mammothSC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)/10]][?this and mammothSC and (round((mammothSC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10>=1)|.[round((mammothSC:ps*1000)/spaceCrystal:ps)%10]][?(this and mammothSC)|%)][?(mammothAlzT or mammothSCT)|<//><b>Statistics:</b>][?(mammothAlz and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Alz earned this run : <b>[mammothAlz]</b>][?(mammothAlzDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Alz earned this Data Orb : <b>[mammothAlzDO]</b>][?mammothAlzT|<.>Total Alz earned : <b>[mammothAlzT]</b>][?(mammothSC and (taa or prestigio2))|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this run : <b>[mammothSC]</b>][?(mammothSCDO and taa and prestigio2)|<.>Total Space Crystals earned this Data Orb : <b>[mammothSCDO]</b>][?mammothSCT|<.>Total Space Crystals earned : <b>[mammothSCT]</b>]
  236. *include yieldAlz %amt %for
  237. on tick:yield [%amt] alz
  238. on tick:yield [%amt] talz
  239. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]Alz
  240. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]AlzDO
  241. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]AlzT
  242. *include yieldSC %amt %for
  243. on tick:yield [%amt] spaceCrystals
  244. on tick:yield [%amt] tsc
  245. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]SC
  246. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]SCDO
  247. on tick:yield [%amt] [%for]SCT
  249. Resources
  250. *bunny|alz
  251. name:Alz
  252. desc:This is your Alz; trade and upgrade to earn Alz.[?(taa or prestigio2)|<.>Total earned in this run : <b>[talz]</b>]
  253. icon:icons[0,0]
  254. class:noBackground
  255. tag:Alz
  256. show earned
  258. *goldenCarrot|spaceCrystal|spaceCrystals
  259. name:Space Crystal|Space Crystals
  260. desc:These crystals are terribly rare![?prestigio2|<.>Earned since last Data Orb : <b>[tsc]</b>]
  261. icon:icons[0,1]
  262. class:noBackground
  263. show earned
  264. tag:SC
  265. hidden when 0
  267. *prestigio
  268. name:Alien Artifact|Alien Artifacts
  269. desc:Obtain Alien Artifacts when you reset the game.[?prestigio2|<.>Earned since last Data Orb : <b>[taa]</b>]<.>Max Alien Technology lvl reached : <b>[alienTech:max]</b><.>Max A.T. Bounty Hunter lvl reached : <b>[BountyAI:max]</b>
  270. icon:icons[0,8]
  271. class:noBackground
  272. show earned
  273. tag:prestige
  274. hidden when 0
  276. *prestigio2
  277. name:Data Orb|Data Orbs
  278. desc:Shows how many times you have completed the game.
  279. icon:icons[0,10]
  280. class:noBackground
  281. show earned
  282. tag:prestige prestige2
  283. hidden when 0
  285. *totalShips
  286. hidden
  287. is always:(drones+merchants+haulers+transporters+freighters+specCargos+orcas+mammoths+stations+polices+bombers+ionfrigates+battlecruisers+Superfreighters+Vanguards+(titan>=100))
  289. *totalPlanets
  290. hidden
  291. is always:(moons+iceWorlds+deserts+volcanoes+gasGiants+waterWorlds+asteroids+cityPlanets+acidWorlds+earthLikes+superEarths+roguePlanets)
  293. // TALZ = Total Alz. Can't just use alz:earned, because then they'd carry through Alien Artifact prestiges.
  294. *talz
  295. hidden
  296. tag:Alz
  298. *slvl
  299. name:Station Level
  300. text:Station Level [slvl]
  301. is always:(pow(talz,0.041))*1.47
  302. class:slvl
  303. no tooltip
  305. *ulvl
  306. name:Uber Level
  307. text:Uber Level [ulvl]
  308. is always:(pow(((alz:max)),0.041)*1.47)
  309. class:ulvl
  310. no tooltip
  311. tag:prestige prestige2
  313. // This allows talz to work for saves from before it was added.
  314. *chk
  315. on start:
  316. if (chk > 0)
  317. else
  318. talz=alz:earned
  319. chk=1
  320. end
  321. do resetps with tag:PS
  322. end
  323. on load:
  324. if (chk > 0)
  325. else
  326. talz=alz:earned
  327. chk=1
  328. end
  329. do resetps with tag:PS
  330. end
  331. on resetps:
  332. //Reset "per second" resources.
  333. droneAlzPS=0.1
  334. merchantAlzPS=1
  335. haulerAlzPS=10
  336. transporterAlzPS=50
  337. //Actually measuring SC "per hour" because it's unlikely to reach measurable values at "per second"
  338. transporterSCPS=1
  339. freighterAlzPS=500
  340. specCargoAlzPS=400
  341. //Similarly, this measures "per minute"
  342. specCargoSCPS=0.1
  343. orcaAlzPS=1400
  344. mammothAlzPS=4000
  345. //This one is also "per minute"
  346. //For "every 100 seconds", make it 1.
  347. mammothSCPS=0.6
  348. moonAlzPS=6000
  349. iceWorldSCPS=1
  350. StationAlzPS=16000
  351. desertAlzPS=100000
  352. //"Every 5 seconds"
  353. desertSCPS=1
  354. volcanoAlzPS=50000
  355. //"Every 10 seconds"
  356. //Could go with "per second", except the full value wouldn't display when Prime
  357. volcanoSCPS=1
  358. PoliceAlzPS=100000
  359. gasGiantAlzPS=200000
  360. BomberAlzPS=400000
  361. IonfrigateAlzPS=1600000
  362. IonfrigateSCPS=1
  363. waterWorldAlzPS=300000
  364. waterWorldSCPS=1
  365. asteroidAlzPS=600000
  366. //"Every 2 seconds"
  367. asteroidSCPS=1
  368. BattlecruiserAlzPS=8000000
  369. cityPlanetAlzPS=1000000
  370. //"Every 2 seconds"
  371. cityPlanetSCPS=1
  372. acidWorldAlzPS=16000000
  373. earthLikeAlzPS=20000000
  374. earthLikeSCPS=10
  375. SuperfreighterAlzPS=50000000
  376. SuperfreighterSCPS=5
  377. superEarthAlzPS=80000000
  378. superEarthSCPS=20
  379. roguePlanetAlzPS=200000000
  380. roguePlanetSCPS=160
  381. VanguardAlzPS=100000000
  382. VanguardSCPS=400
  383. end
  384. hidden
  385. tag:prestige prestige2 PS
  387. // TSC = Total Space Crystals. Can't just use spaceCrystals:earned, because then they'd carry through Data Orb prestiges.
  388. *tsc
  389. hidden
  390. tag:prestige SC
  392. // TAA = Total Alien Artifacts. See above for why a separate resource is used.
  393. *taa
  394. hidden
  395. tag:prestige
  397. *schk
  398. passive:
  399. if (slvl>=(schkt+1))
  400. log <b><#FFFFFF>Station Level [slvl] reached!</b>
  401. schk=0
  402. schkt = floor(slvl)
  403. end
  404. end
  405. hidden
  407. *schkt
  408. on load:
  409. schkt = floor(slvl)
  410. end
  411. on start:
  412. schkt = floor(slvl)
  413. end
  414. hidden
  416. *uchk
  417. passive:
  418. if (ulvl>=(uchkt+1))
  419. log <b><#FFFFFF>Uber Level [ulvl] reached!</b>
  420. uchk=0
  421. uchkt = floor(ulvl)
  422. end
  423. end
  424. tag:prestige prestige2
  425. hidden
  427. *uchkt
  428. on load:
  429. uchkt = floor(ulvl)
  430. end
  431. on start:
  432. uchkt = floor(ulvl)
  433. end
  434. tag:prestige prestige2
  435. hidden
  437. // Can't just use alienTech for this, because then the effects would be multiplied by your level.
  438. // Resource "on tick" blocks are always executed and never scaled, making it perfect for this.
  439. *alienMultiplier
  440. hidden
  441. on tick:
  442. [include alzMult %ship="drone" %tech="1" %tech2="28"]
  443. [include alzMult %ship="merchant" %tech="2" %tech2="29"]
  444. [include alzMult %ship="hauler" %tech="3" %tech2="30"]
  445. [include doubleMult %ship="transporter" %tech="4" %tech2="31"]
  446. [include alzMult %ship="freighter" %tech="5" %tech2="32"]
  447. [include doubleMult %ship="specCargo" %tech="6" %tech2="33"]
  448. [include alzMult %ship="orca" %tech="7" %tech2="34"]
  449. [include doubleMult %ship="mammoth" %tech="8" %tech2="35"]
  450. [include alzMult %ship="moon" %tech="9" %tech2="36"]
  451. [include scMult %ship="iceWorld" %tech="10" %tech2="37"]
  452. [include alzMult %ship="Station" %tech="11" %tech2="38"]
  453. [include doubleMult %ship="desert" %tech="12" %tech2="39"]
  454. [include doubleMult %ship="volcano" %tech="13" %tech2="40"]
  455. [include alzMult %ship="Police" %tech="14" %tech2="41"]
  456. [include alzMult %ship="gasGiant" %tech="15" %tech2="42"]
  457. [include alzMult %ship="Bomber" %tech="16" %tech2="43"]
  458. [include doubleMult %ship="Ionfrigate" %tech="17" %tech2="44"]
  459. [include doubleMult %ship="waterWorld" %tech="18" %tech2="45"]
  460. [include doubleMult %ship="asteroid" %tech="19" %tech2="46"]
  461. [include alzMult %ship="Battlecruiser" %tech="20" %tech2="47"]
  462. [include doubleMult %ship="cityPlanet" %tech="21" %tech2="48"]
  463. [include alzMult %ship="acidWorld" %tech="22" %tech2="49"]
  464. [include doubleMult %ship="earthLike" %tech="23" %tech2="50"]
  465. [include doubleMult %ship="Superfreighter" %tech="24" %tech2="51"]
  466. [include doubleMult %ship="superEarth" %tech="25" %tech2="52"]
  467. [include doubleMult %ship="roguePlanet" %tech="26" %tech2="53"]
  468. [include doubleMult %ship="Vanguard" %tech="27" %tech2="54"]
  469. end
  471. [include alzCost %ship="drone" %cost="30"]
  472. [include alzResources %ship="drone"]
  473. [include alzCost %ship="merchant" %cost="1000"]
  474. [include alzResources %ship="merchant"]
  475. [include alzCost %ship="hauler" %cost="10000"]
  476. [include alzResources %ship="hauler"]
  477. [include alzCost %ship="transporter" %cost="20000"]
  478. [include doubleResources %ship="transporter"]
  479. [include alzCost %ship="freighter" %cost="700000"]
  480. [include alzResources %ship="freighter"]
  481. [include doubleCost %ship="specCargo" %alzCost="4000000" %scCost="120"]
  482. [include doubleResources %ship="specCargo"]
  483. [include alzCost %ship="orca" %cost="60000000"]
  484. [include alzResources %ship="orca"]
  485. [include doubleCost %ship="mammoth" %alzCost="140000000" %scCost="1920"]
  486. [include doubleResources %ship="mammoth"]
  487. [include alzCost %ship="moon" %cost="140000000"]
  488. [include alzResources %ship="moon"]
  489. [include scCost %ship="iceWorld" %cost="1000"]
  490. [include scResources %ship="iceWorld"]
  491. [include alzCost %ship="Station" %cost="400000000"]
  492. [include alzResources %ship="Station"]
  493. [include alzCost %ship="desert" %cost="600000000"]
  494. [include doubleResources %ship="desert"]
  495. [include doubleCost %ship="volcano" %alzCost="800000000" %scCost="50000"]
  496. [include doubleResources %ship="volcano"]
  497. [include alzCost %ship="Police" %cost="1600000000"]
  498. [include alzResources %ship="Police"]
  499. [include alzCost %ship="gasGiant" %cost="2000000000"]
  500. [include alzResources %ship="gasGiant"]
  501. [include alzCost %ship="Bomber" %cost="5000000000"]
  502. [include alzResources %ship="Bomber"]
  503. [include doubleCost %ship="Ionfrigate" %alzCost="20000000000" %scCost="1000"]
  504. [include doubleResources %ship="Ionfrigate"]
  505. [include doubleCost %ship="waterWorld" %alzCost="20000000000" %scCost="4000"]
  506. [include doubleResources %ship="waterWorld"]
  507. [include doubleCost %ship="asteroid" %alzCost="35000000000" %scCost="80000"]
  508. [include doubleResources %ship="asteroid"]
  509. [include alzCost %ship="Battlecruiser" %cost="200000000000"]
  510. [include alzResources %ship="Battlecruiser"]
  511. [include doubleCost %ship="cityPlanet" %alzCost="140000000" %scCost="200000"]
  512. [include doubleResources %ship="cityPlanet"]
  513. [include alzResources %ship="acidWorld"]
  514. [include doubleCost %ship="earthLike" %alzCost="400000000000" %scCost="900000"]
  515. [include doubleResources %ship="earthLike"]
  516. [include doubleCost %ship="Superfreighter" %alzCost="1000000000000" %scCost="50000"]
  517. [include doubleResources %ship="Superfreighter"]
  518. [include doubleCost %ship="superEarth" %alzCost="1000000000000" %scCost="2000000"]
  519. [include doubleResources %ship="superEarth"]
  520. [include alzCost %ship="roguePlanet" %cost="5000000000000"]
  521. [include doubleResources %ship="roguePlanet"]
  522. [include doubleCost %ship="Vanguard" %alzCost="2000000000000" %scCost="1000000"]
  523. [include doubleResources %ship="Vanguard"]
  526. Shinies
  527. *luckyBunny|bountyHunter
  528. movement:onRight moveLeft
  529. frequency: 60
  530. frequency variation:30
  531. req:7000 talz
  532. icon:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kasperja/SSM/main/t8RoQYb.png
  533. class:bigButton
  534. on click:
  535. $boost=1
  536. if (have pirateHunters) $boost=4
  537. if (chance(50%))
  538. //get at least 7, or between 0.5 and 3 minutes of our alz production
  539. $amount=(max(7,random(alz:ps*30,alz:ps*180))*$boost)/max(pow(10,BountyAI),1)
  540. toast The bounty hunter grants you<//><b>[$amount] Alz</b>.
  541. log The bounty hunter grants you <b>[$amount] Alz</b>.
  542. yield $amount alz
  543. yield $amount talz
  544. else
  545. // Consolidated the two spaceCrystal branches into one.
  546. //get at least 7, or between 0.5 and 3 minutes of our space crystal production
  547. $amount=(max(7,random(spaceCrystals:ps*30,spaceCrystals:ps*180))*$boost)/max(pow(10,BountyAI),1)
  548. if (no bar) $amount=1
  549. toast The bounty hunter grants you<//><b>[$amount] Space Crystal[s?$amount]</b>!
  550. log The bounty hunter grants you <b>[$amount] Space Crystal[s?$amount]</b>!
  551. yield $amount spaceCrystal
  552. yield $amount tsc
  553. end
  554. end
  556. *psDrones
  557. icon:icons[1,0]
  558. no click
  559. frequency:15
  560. frequency variation:30
  561. duration:30
  562. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  563. *psDrones2
  564. icon:icons[2,0]
  565. no click
  566. frequency:15
  567. frequency variation:30
  568. duration:32
  569. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  570. *psHaulers
  571. icon:icons[1,3]
  572. no click
  573. frequency:70
  574. frequency variation:30
  575. duration:34
  576. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  577. *psHaulers2
  578. icon:icons[2,3]
  579. no click
  580. frequency:60
  581. frequency variation:30
  582. duration:36
  583. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  584. *psTransp
  585. icon:icons[1,4]
  586. no click
  587. frequency:170
  588. frequency variation:30
  589. duration:38
  590. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  591. *psTransp2
  592. icon:icons[2,4]
  593. no click
  594. frequency:280
  595. frequency variation:30
  596. duration:40
  597. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  598. *psFrei
  599. icon:icons[1,5]
  600. no click
  601. frequency:160
  602. frequency variation:30
  603. duration:42
  604. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  605. *psFrei2
  606. icon:icons[2,5]
  607. no click
  608. frequency:240
  609. frequency variation:30
  610. duration:44
  611. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  612. *psSCS
  613. icon:icons[1,6]
  614. no click
  615. frequency:200
  616. frequency variation:30
  617. duration:46
  618. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  619. *psSCS2
  620. icon:icons[2,6]
  621. no click
  622. frequency:430
  623. frequency variation:30
  624. duration:48
  625. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  626. *psOrca
  627. icon:icons[1,7]
  628. no click
  629. frequency:460
  630. frequency variation:30
  631. duration:50
  632. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  633. *psOrca2
  634. icon:icons[2,7]
  635. no click
  636. frequency:270
  637. frequency variation:30
  638. duration:51
  639. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  640. *psMam
  641. icon:icons[1,8]
  642. no click
  643. frequency:520
  644. frequency variation:30
  645. duration:52
  646. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  647. *psMam2
  648. icon:icons[2,8]
  649. no click
  650. frequency:340
  651. frequency variation:30
  652. duration:54
  653. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  654. *psTitan
  655. icon:icons[1,15]
  656. no click
  657. frequency: 1470
  658. frequency variation:30
  659. duration:70
  660. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  661. *psTitan2
  662. icon:icons[2,15]
  663. no click
  664. frequency:2480
  665. frequency variation:30
  666. duration:70
  667. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  668. *psPS
  669. icon:icons[1,9]
  670. no click
  671. frequency:660
  672. frequency variation:30
  673. duration:33
  674. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  675. *psPS2
  676. icon:icons[2,9]
  677. no click
  678. frequency:440
  679. frequency variation:30
  680. duration:32
  681. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  682. *psBE
  683. icon:icons[1,10]
  684. no click
  685. frequency:510
  686. frequency variation:30
  687. duration:32
  688. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  689. *psBE2
  690. icon:icons[2,10]
  691. no click
  692. frequency:700
  693. frequency variation:30
  694. duration:32
  695. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  696. *psIon
  697. icon:icons[1,11]
  698. no click
  699. frequency:760
  700. frequency variation:30
  701. duration:56
  702. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  703. *psIon2
  704. icon:icons[2,11]
  705. no click
  706. frequency:570
  707. frequency variation:30
  708. duration:56
  709. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  710. *psBC
  711. icon:icons[1,12]
  712. no click
  713. frequency:620
  714. frequency variation:30
  715. duration:58
  716. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  717. *psBC2
  718. icon:icons[2,12]
  719. no click
  720. frequency:830
  721. frequency variation:30
  722. duration:59
  723. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  724. *psSuperF
  725. icon:icons[1,13]
  726. no click
  727. frequency:880
  728. frequency variation:30
  729. duration:62
  730. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  731. *psSuperF2
  732. icon:icons[2,13]
  733. no click
  734. frequency:690
  735. frequency variation:30
  736. duration:63
  737. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  738. *psVG
  739. icon:icons[1,14]
  740. no click
  741. frequency:740
  742. frequency variation:30
  743. duration:40
  744. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  745. *psVG2
  746. icon:icons[2,14]
  747. no click
  748. frequency:950
  749. frequency variation:30
  750. duration:41
  751. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  752. *particleShips
  753. icon:icons[1,2]
  754. no click
  755. frequency:60
  756. frequency variation:30
  757. duration:32
  758. movement:onRight moveLeft growShrink
  759. *particleShips2
  760. icon:icons[2,2]
  761. no click
  762. frequency:60
  763. frequency variation:30
  764. duration:32
  765. movement:onLeft moveRight growShrink
  768. Buildings
  769. // There is no glow animation in the stylesheet.
  770. //*TEMPLATE
  771. // on click:anim glow
  773. *cage|drone|drones
  774. name:Mining Drone|Mining Drones
  775. [include shipText %low="1" %high="28"]
  776. desc:A tiny asteroid mining drone.[include alzCostDesc %ship="drone"][include descriptionAlz %ship="drone"]
  777. icon:icons[6,0]
  778. cost:30 alz
  779. [include yieldAlz %amt="0.1" %for="drone"]
  780. req:20 talz
  782. *hutch|merchant|merchants
  783. name:Merchant Ship|Merchant Ships
  784. [include shipText %low="2" %high="29"]
  785. desc:A merchant ship can trade with other stations.[include alzCostDesc %ship="merchant"][include descriptionAlz %ship="merchant"]
  786. icon:icons[6,1]
  787. cost:1000 alz
  788. [include yieldAlz %amt="1" %for="merchant"]
  789. req:900 talz and airlock
  791. *coop|hauler|haulers
  792. name:Hauler|Haulers
  793. [include shipText %low="3" %high="30"]
  794. desc:A much larger ship for trade routes.[include alzCostDesc %ship="hauler"][include descriptionAlz %ship="hauler"]
  795. icon:icons[6,2]
  796. cost:10000 alz
  797. [include yieldAlz %amt="10" %for="hauler"]
  798. req:20000 talz and (merchants>=1) and airlock
  800. *pen|transporter|transporters
  801. name:Transporter|Transporters
  802. [include shipText %low="4" %high="31"]
  803. desc:This ship is able to transport people between systems.[include alzCostDesc %ship="transporter"][include descriptionDouble %ship="transporter" %interval="per hour"]
  804. icon:icons[6,3]
  805. cost:20000 alz
  806. [include yieldAlz %amt="50" %for="transporter"]
  807. [include yieldSC %amt="0.000277778" %for="transporter"]
  808. req:60000 talz and airlock and (merchants>=1)
  810. *meadow|freighter|freighters
  811. name:Freighter|Freighters
  812. [include shipText %low="5" %high="32"]
  813. desc:A very large transport ship, for transporting huge loads of goods.[include alzCostDesc %ship="freighter"][include descriptionAlz %ship="freighter"]
  814. icon:icons[6,4]
  815. cost:700000 alz
  816. [include yieldAlz %amt="500" %for="freighter"]
  817. req:700000 talz and (transporters>=1) and airlock
  819. *village|specCargo|specCargos
  820. name:Special Cargo Ship|Special Cargo Ships
  821. [include shipText %low="6" %high="33"]
  822. desc:Transports dangerous cargo and hunts for Space Crystals![include doubleCostDesc %ship="specCargo"][include descriptionDouble %ship="specCargo" %interval="per minute"]
  823. icon:icons[6,5]
  824. cost:4000000 alz, 2 spaceCrystals
  825. [include yieldAlz %amt="400" %for="specCargo"]
  826. [include yieldSC %amt="0.00167" %for="specCargo"]
  827. req:2000000 talz and independenceDay
  829. *city|orca|orcas
  830. name:Orca|Orcas
  831. [include shipText %low="7" %high="34"]
  832. desc:A ship with the ability to carry both smaller ships and a high number of personel.[include alzCostDesc %ship="orca"][include descriptionAlz %ship="orca"]
  833. icon:icons[6,6]
  834. cost:60000000 alz, 8 spaceCrystals
  835. [include yieldAlz %amt="1400" %for="orca"]
  836. req:10000000 talz and independenceDay
  838. *citadel|mammoth|mammoths
  839. name:Mammoth|Mammoths
  840. [include shipText %low="8" %high="35"]
  841. desc:One of the largest transporters, with ability to build outposts and other stations.[include mammothDescription]
  842. icon:icons[6,7]
  843. cost:140000000 alz, 32 spaceCrystals
  844. [include yieldAlz %amt="4000" %for="mammoth"]
  845. on tick:
  846. if (have mammothDrones)
  847. yield 0.01 spaceCrystal
  848. yield 0.01 tsc
  849. yield 0.01 mammothSC
  850. yield 0.01 mammothSCDO
  851. yield 0.01 mammothSCT
  852. end
  853. end
  854. req:50000000 talz and independenceDay and (orcas>=2)
  856. *fortress|titan
  857. name:Titan
  858. text:Titan ([this]%)
  859. desc:The absolute largest ship, with ability to defend itself and transport huge colonies to populate other planets.<//><b>The Titan is [this]% complete.</b>
  860. icon:icons[6,8]
  861. cost:600000000 alz, 400 spaceCrystals
  862. req:3000000000 talz and independenceDay
  863. cost increase:105%
  864. limit:100
  866. *Station|stations
  867. name:Station|Stations
  868. [include shipText %low="11" %high="38"]
  869. desc:A smaller station that trades for you.[include alzCostDesc %ship="Station"][include descriptionAlz %ship="Station"]
  870. icon:icons[6,9]
  871. cost:400000000 alz
  872. [include yieldAlz %amt="16000" %for="Station"]
  873. req:3500000000 talz and independenceDay and (mammoths>=2)
  875. *Police|polices
  876. name:Police Squadron|Police Squadrons
  877. [include shipText %low="14" %high="41"]
  878. desc:A police fleet to protect your trade routes.[include alzCostDesc %ship="Police"][include descriptionAlz %ship="Police"]
  879. icon:icons[6,10]
  880. cost:1600000000 alz
  881. [include yieldAlz %amt="100000" %for="Police"]
  882. req:400000000 talz and independenceDay and militaryProtection
  884. *Bomber|bombers
  885. name:Bomber Escadrille|Bomber Escadrilles
  886. [include shipText %low="16" %high="43"]
  887. desc:Bomb the larger enemy and pirate ships.[include alzCostDesc %ship="Bomber"][include descriptionAlz %ship="Bomber"]
  888. icon:icons[6,11]
  889. cost:5000000000 alz
  890. [include yieldAlz %amt="400000" %for="Bomber"]
  891. req:1000000000 talz and independenceDay and militaryProtection
  893. *Ionfrigate|ionfrigates
  894. name:Ion Frigate|Ion Frigates
  895. [include shipText %low="17" %high="44"]
  896. desc:Can destroy enemy stations and larger ships, and gather Space Crystals from heavy mining.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="Ionfrigate"][include descriptionDouble %ship="Ionfrigate"]
  897. icon:icons[6,12]
  898. cost:20000000000 alz, 1000 spaceCrystals
  899. [include yieldAlz %amt="1600000" %for="Ionfrigate"]
  900. [include yieldSC %amt="1" %for="Ionfrigate"]
  901. req:independenceDay and militaryProtection and militaryProtection2
  903. *Battlecruiser|battlecruisers
  904. name:Battlecruiser|Battlecruisers
  905. [include shipText %low="20" %high="47"]
  906. desc:A flying fortress.[include alzCostDesc %ship="Battlecruiser"][include descriptionAlz %ship="Battlecruiser"]
  907. icon:icons[6,13]
  908. cost:200000000000 alz, 10000 spaceCrystals
  909. [include yieldAlz %amt="8000000" %for="Battlecruiser"]
  910. req:70000000000 talz and independenceDay and militaryProtection and militaryProtection2
  912. *Superfreighter|Superfreighters
  913. name:Superfreighter|Superfreighters
  914. [include shipText %low="24" %high="51"]
  915. desc:The pride of your trading empire.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="Superfreighter"][include descriptionDouble %ship="Superfreighter"]
  916. icon:icons[6,14]
  917. cost:1000000000000 alz, 50000 spaceCrystals
  918. [include yieldAlz %amt="50000000" %for="Superfreighter"]
  919. [include yieldSC %amt="5" %for="Superfreighter"]
  920. req:100000000000 talz and independenceDay and militaryProtection and militaryProtection2 and fusionReactor
  922. *Vanguard|Vanguards
  923. name:Vanguard|Vanguards
  924. [include shipText %low="27" %high="54"]
  925. desc:An all-around ship that hunts for Space Crystals.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="Vanguard"][include descriptionDouble %ship="Vanguard"]
  926. icon:icons[6,15]
  927. cost:2000000000000 alz, 1000000 spaceCrystals, 10 prestigio
  928. [include yieldAlz %amt="100000000" %for="Vanguard"]
  929. [include yieldSC %amt="400" %for="Vanguard"]
  930. req:100000000000 talz and independenceDay and militaryProtection and militaryProtection2 and fusionReactor and (Superfreighters>=2)
  933. //Buildings2 Planets
  935. *cage2|moon|moons
  936. name:Moon|Moons
  937. [include planetText %low="9" %high="36"]
  938. desc:Moons can be used as a gateway to more expanded markets.[include alzCostDesc %ship="moon"][include descriptionAlz %ship="moon"]
  939. icon:icons[10,0]
  940. cost:140000000 alz, 300 spaceCrystals
  941. [include yieldAlz %amt="6000" %for="moon"]
  942. req:independenceDay and (mammoths>=1)
  943. tag: buildings2
  945. *hutch2|iceWorld|iceWorlds
  946. name:Ice World|Ice Worlds
  947. [include planetText %low="10" %high="37"]
  948. desc:Space Crystals can be mined inside these frozen worlds.[include scCostDesc %ship="iceWorld"][include descriptionSC %ship="iceWorld"]
  949. icon:icons[10,1]
  950. cost:300000000 alz, 1000 spaceCrystals
  951. [include yieldSC %amt="1" %for="iceWorld"]
  952. req:2000000000 talz and 10000 tsc and independenceDay and (mammoths>=1)
  953. tag: buildings2
  955. *coop2|desert|deserts
  956. name:Desert Planet|Desert Planets
  957. [include planetText %low="12" %high="39"]
  958. desc:The Desert Planets have access to large buildable areas and many overlooked resources. As a result, markets on these planets often flourish.[include alzCostDesc %ship="desert"][include descriptionDouble %ship="desert" %interval="every 5 seconds"]
  959. icon:icons[10,2]
  960. cost:600000000 alz
  961. [include yieldAlz %amt="100000" %for="desert"]
  962. [include yieldSC %amt="0.2" %for="desert"]
  963. req:5000000000 talz and 30000 tsc and (mammoths>=1)
  964. tag: buildings2
  966. *pen2|volcano|volcanoes
  967. name:Volcanic Planet|Volcanic Planets
  968. [include planetText %low="13" %high="40"]
  969. desc:These worlds are very hard to populate, but yields lots of valuable minerals.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="volcano"][include descriptionDouble %ship="volcano" %interval="every 10 seconds"]
  970. icon:icons[10,3]
  971. cost:800000000 alz, 5000 spaceCrystals
  972. [include yieldAlz %amt="50000" %for="volcano"]
  973. [include yieldSC %amt="0.1" %for="volcano"]
  974. req:7000000000 talz and 50000 tsc and (mammoths>=1)
  975. tag: buildings2
  977. *meadow2|gasGiant|gasGiants
  978. name:Gas Giant|Gas Giants
  979. [include planetText %low="15" %high="42"]
  980. desc:Floating outposts harvests gas from these huge planets, which can be sold for high profit.[include alzCostDesc %ship="gasGiant"][include descriptionAlz %ship="gasGiant"]
  981. icon:icons[10,4]
  982. cost:2000000000 alz
  983. [include yieldAlz %amt="200000" %for="gasGiant"]
  984. req:10000000000 talz and 100000 tsc and (mammoths>=1)
  985. tag: buildings2
  987. *village2|waterWorld|waterWorlds
  988. name:Water World|Water Worlds
  989. [include planetText %low="18" %high="45"]
  990. desc:Water Worlds are famous for their floating luxury resorts and science bases.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="waterWorld"][include descriptionDouble %ship="waterWorld"]
  991. icon:icons[10,5]
  992. cost:20000000000 alz, 4000 spaceCrystals
  993. [include yieldAlz %amt="300000" %for="waterWorld"]
  994. [include yieldSC %amt="1" %for="waterWorld"]
  995. req:50000000000 talz and (mammoths>=1)
  996. tag: buildings2
  998. *city2|asteroid|asteroids
  999. name:Asteroid Base|Asteroid Bases
  1000. [include planetText %low="19" %high="46"]
  1001. desc:These bases are built on large asteroids. They are costly because of their defense against asteroid impacts. However they can mine for both Space Crystals and ore which is profitable.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="asteroid"][include descriptionDouble %ship="asteroid" %interval="every 2 seconds"]
  1002. icon:icons[10,6]
  1003. cost:35000000000 alz, 40000 spaceCrystals
  1004. [include yieldAlz %amt="400000" %for="asteroid"]
  1005. [include yieldSC %amt="0.5" %for="asteroid"]
  1006. req:550000000000 talz and (mammoths>=1)
  1007. tag: buildings2
  1009. *citadel2|cityPlanet|cityPlanets
  1010. name:City Planet|City Planets
  1011. [include planetText %low="21" %high="48"]
  1012. desc:City Planets are very densely populated, and therefore a great market if you get renowned.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="cityPlanet"][include descriptionDouble %ship="cityPlanet" %interval="every 2 seconds"]
  1013. icon:icons[10,7]
  1014. cost:140000000 alz, 100000 spaceCrystals
  1015. [include yieldAlz %amt="1000000" %for="cityPlanet"]
  1016. [include yieldSC %amt="0.5" %for="cityPlanet"]
  1017. req:700000000000 talz and (battlecruisers>=1)
  1018. tag: buildings2
  1020. *Station2|acidWorld|acidWorlds
  1021. name:Acid World|Acid Worlds
  1022. [include planetText %low="22" %high="49"]
  1023. desc:With the use of the energy of Space Crystals, these outposts can be protected. The planets are very difficult to approach, which makes them suitable for intergalactic prisons and vaults.[include descriptionAlz %ship="acidWorld"]
  1024. icon:icons[10,8]
  1025. cost:600000 spaceCrystals
  1026. [include yieldAlz %amt="16000000" %for="acidWorld"]
  1027. req:1000000000000 talz and (battlecruisers>=3)
  1028. tag: buildings2
  1030. *Police2|earthLike|earthLikes
  1031. name:Earth-like Planet|Earth-like Planets
  1032. [include planetText %low="23" %high="50"]
  1033. desc:With the <b>Titan</b> built, you can now set course to populate newly discovered Earth-like planets.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="earthLike"][include descriptionDouble %ship="earthLike"]
  1034. icon:icons[10,9]
  1035. cost:400000000000 alz, 900000 spaceCrystals
  1036. [include yieldAlz %amt="20000000" %for="earthLike"]
  1037. [include yieldSC %amt="10" %for="earthLike"]
  1038. req:100 titan
  1039. tag: buildings2
  1041. *Bomber2|superEarth|superEarths
  1042. name:Super-Earth|Super-Earths
  1043. [include planetText %low="25" %high="52"]
  1044. desc:The Super-Earths are large Earth-like planets, with even greater conditions for life to exist. Colonize these planets, to gain both economic and scientific advantages.[include doubleCostDesc %ship="superEarth"][include descriptionDouble %ship="superEarth"]
  1045. icon:icons[10,10]
  1046. cost:1000000000000 alz, 2000000 spaceCrystals, 1 prestigio
  1047. [include yieldAlz %amt="80000000" %for="superEarth"]
  1048. [include yieldSC %amt="20" %for="superEarth"]
  1049. req:100000000000 talz and 100 titan and (earthLikes>=1)
  1050. tag: buildings2
  1052. *Ionfrigate2|roguePlanet|roguePlanets
  1053. name:Rogue Planet|Rogue Planets
  1054. [include planetText %low="26" %high="53"]
  1055. desc:Rogue Planets are in highly elliptical orbits and are difficult to both discover and populate. Both aliens and humans visit these planets to gain knowledge about the universe. Because of the great diversity, these planets additionally function as trading posts for valuable treasures.[include alzCostDesc %ship="roguePlanet"][include descriptionDouble %ship="roguePlanet"]
  1056. icon:icons[10,11]
  1057. cost:5000000000000 alz, 5 prestigio
  1058. [include yieldAlz %amt="200000000" %for="roguePlanet"]
  1059. [include yieldSC %amt="160" %for="roguePlanet"]
  1060. req:100000000000 talz and 4 taa and independenceDay and 100 titan and (earthLikes>=1)
  1061. tag: buildings2
  1064. //Tier'd "upgrades"
  1066. *alienTech
  1067. name:Alien Technology
  1068. text:Alien Technology Level : [?(alienTech >= 54)|Maxed|[this]]
  1069. desc:Integrate Alien Artifacts into regular ship and outpost designs.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Each Level upgrades a ship or planet category, producing x2 Alz and x1.5 Space Crystals.<.>Each Level adds +4% Alz per Click and +1% to all production.[?(alienTech<54)|<//>Next upgrade: <b>][?(alienTech == 0 or alienTech == 27)|[n:drone]][?(alienTech == 1 or alienTech == 28)|[n:merchant]][?(alienTech == 2 or alienTech == 29)|[n:hauler]][?(alienTech == 3 or alienTech == 30)|[n:transporter]][?(alienTech == 4 or alienTech == 31)|[n:freighter]][?(alienTech == 5 or alienTech == 32)|[n:specCargo]][?(alienTech == 6 or alienTech == 33)|[n:orca]][?(alienTech == 7 or alienTech == 34)|[n:mammoth]][?(alienTech == 8 or alienTech == 35)|[n:moon]][?(alienTech == 9 or alienTech == 36)|[n:iceWorld]][?(alienTech == 10 or alienTech == 37)|[n:Station]][?(alienTech == 11 or alienTech == 38)|[n:desert]][?(alienTech == 12 or alienTech == 39)|[n:volcano]][?(alienTech == 13 or alienTech == 40)|[n:Police]][?(alienTech == 14 or alienTech == 41)|[n:gasGiant]][?(alienTech == 15 or alienTech == 42)|[n:Bomber]][?(alienTech == 16 or alienTech == 43)|[n:Ionfrigate]][?(alienTech == 17 or alienTech == 44)|[n:waterWorld]][?(alienTech == 18 or alienTech == 45)|[n:asteroid]][?(alienTech == 19 or alienTech == 46)|[n:Battlecruiser]][?(alienTech == 20 or alienTech == 47)|[n:cityPlanet]][?(alienTech == 21 or alienTech == 48)|[n:acidWorld]][?(alienTech == 22 or alienTech == 49)|[n:earthLike]][?(alienTech == 23 or alienTech == 50)|[n:Superfreighter]][?(alienTech == 24 or alienTech == 51)|[n:superEarth]][?(alienTech == 25 or alienTech == 52)|[n:roguePlanet]][?(alienTech == 26 or alienTech == 53)|[n:Vanguard]][?(alienTech<54)|</b>]
  1070. tags:sortup PS
  1071. icon:icons[0,8]
  1072. cost:1 prestigio
  1073. cost increase:150%
  1074. on earn:do resetps with tag:PS
  1075. on resetps:
  1076. if (alienTech >= 1) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1077. if (alienTech >= 2) merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 2
  1078. if (alienTech >= 3) haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 2
  1079. if (alienTech >= 4)
  1080. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 2
  1081. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 1.5
  1082. end
  1083. if (alienTech >= 5) freighterAlzPS = freighterAlzPS * 2
  1084. if (alienTech >= 6)
  1085. specCargoAlzPS = specCargoAlzPS * 2
  1086. specCargoSCPS = specCargoSCPS * 1.5
  1087. end
  1088. if (alienTech >= 7) orcaAlzPS = orcaAlzPS * 2
  1089. if (alienTech >= 8)
  1090. mammothAlzPS = mammothAlzPS * 2
  1091. mammothSCPS = mammothSCPS * 1.5
  1092. end
  1093. if (alienTech >= 9) moonAlzPS = moonAlzPS * 2
  1094. if (alienTech >= 10) iceWorldSCPS = iceWorldSCPS * 1.5
  1095. if (alienTech >= 11) StationAlzPS = StationAlzPS * 2
  1096. if (alienTech >= 12)
  1097. desertAlzPS = desertAlzPS * 2
  1098. desertSCPS = desertSCPS * 1.5
  1099. end
  1100. if (alienTech >= 13)
  1101. volcanoAlzPS = volcanoAlzPS * 2
  1102. volcanoSCPS = volcanoSCPS * 1.5
  1103. end
  1104. if (alienTech >= 14) PoliceAlzPS = PoliceAlzPS * 2
  1105. if (alienTech >= 15) gasGiantAlzPS = gasGiantAlzPS * 2
  1106. if (alienTech >= 16) BomberAlzPS = BomberAlzPS * 2
  1107. if (alienTech >= 17)
  1108. IonfrigateAlzPS = IonfrigateAlzPS * 2
  1109. IonfrigateSCPS = IonfrigateSCPS * 1.5
  1110. end
  1111. if (alienTech >= 18)
  1112. waterWorldAlzPS = waterWorldAlzPS * 2
  1113. waterWorldSCPS = waterWorldSCPS * 1.5
  1114. end
  1115. if (alienTech >= 19)
  1116. asteroidAlzPS = asteroidAlzPS * 2
  1117. asteroidSCPS = asteroidSCPS * 1.5
  1118. end
  1119. if (alienTech >= 20) BattlecruiserAlzPS = BattlecruiserAlzPS * 2
  1120. if (alienTech >= 21)
  1121. cityPlanetAlzPS = cityPlanetAlzPS * 2
  1122. cityPlanetSCPS = cityPlanetSCPS * 1.5
  1123. end
  1124. if (alienTech >= 22) acidWorldAlzPS = acidWorldAlzPS * 2
  1125. if (alienTech >= 23)
  1126. earthLikeAlzPS = earthLikeAlzPS * 2
  1127. earthLikeSCPS = earthLikeSCPS * 1.5
  1128. end
  1129. if (alienTech >= 24)
  1130. SuperfreighterAlzPS = SuperfreighterAlzPS * 2
  1131. SuperfreighterSCPS = SuperfreighterSCPS * 1.5
  1132. end
  1133. if (alienTech >= 25)
  1134. superEarthAlzPS = superEarthAlzPS * 2
  1135. superEarthSCPS = superEarthSCPS * 1.5
  1136. end
  1137. if (alienTech >= 26)
  1138. roguePlanetAlzPS = roguePlanetAlzPS * 2
  1139. roguePlanetSCPS = roguePlanetSCPS * 1.5
  1140. end
  1141. if (alienTech >= 27)
  1142. VanguardAlzPS = VanguardAlzPS * 2
  1143. VanguardSCPS = VanguardSCPS * 1.5
  1144. end
  1145. if (alienTech >= 28) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1146. if (alienTech >= 29) merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 2
  1147. if (alienTech >= 30) haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 2
  1148. if (alienTech >= 31)
  1149. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 2
  1150. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 1.5
  1151. end
  1152. if (alienTech >= 32) freighterAlzPS = freighterAlzPS * 2
  1153. if (alienTech >= 33)
  1154. specCargoAlzPS = specCargoAlzPS * 2
  1155. specCargoSCPS = specCargoSCPS * 1.5
  1156. end
  1157. if (alienTech >= 34) orcaAlzPS = orcaAlzPS * 2
  1158. if (alienTech >= 35)
  1159. mammothAlzPS = mammothAlzPS * 2
  1160. mammothSCPS = mammothSCPS * 1.5
  1161. end
  1162. if (alienTech >= 36) moonAlzPS = moonAlzPS * 2
  1163. if (alienTech >= 37) iceWorldSCPS = iceWorldSCPS * 1.5
  1164. if (alienTech >= 38) StationAlzPS = StationAlzPS * 2
  1165. if (alienTech >= 39)
  1166. desertAlzPS = desertAlzPS * 2
  1167. desertSCPS = desertSCPS * 1.5
  1168. end
  1169. if (alienTech >= 40)
  1170. volcanoAlzPS = volcanoAlzPS * 2
  1171. volcanoSCPS = volcanoSCPS * 1.5
  1172. end
  1173. if (alienTech >= 41) PoliceAlzPS = PoliceAlzPS * 2
  1174. if (alienTech >= 42) gasGiantAlzPS = gasGiantAlzPS * 2
  1175. if (alienTech >= 43) BomberAlzPS = BomberAlzPS * 2
  1176. if (alienTech >= 44)
  1177. IonfrigateAlzPS = IonfrigateAlzPS * 2
  1178. IonfrigateSCPS = IonfrigateSCPS * 1.5
  1179. end
  1180. if (alienTech >= 45)
  1181. waterWorldAlzPS = waterWorldAlzPS * 2
  1182. waterWorldSCPS = waterWorldSCPS * 1.5
  1183. end
  1184. if (alienTech >= 46)
  1185. asteroidAlzPS = asteroidAlzPS * 2
  1186. asteroidSCPS = asteroidSCPS * 1.5
  1187. end
  1188. if (alienTech >= 47) BattlecruiserAlzPS = BattlecruiserAlzPS * 2
  1189. if (alienTech >= 48)
  1190. cityPlanetAlzPS = cityPlanetAlzPS * 2
  1191. cityPlanetSCPS = cityPlanetSCPS * 1.5
  1192. end
  1193. if (alienTech >= 49) acidWorldAlzPS = acidWorldAlzPS * 2
  1194. if (alienTech >= 50)
  1195. earthLikeAlzPS = earthLikeAlzPS * 2
  1196. earthLikeSCPS = earthLikeSCPS * 1.5
  1197. end
  1198. if (alienTech >= 51)
  1199. SuperfreighterAlzPS = SuperfreighterAlzPS * 2
  1200. SuperfreighterSCPS = SuperfreighterSCPS * 1.5
  1201. end
  1202. if (alienTech >= 52)
  1203. superEarthAlzPS = superEarthAlzPS * 2
  1204. superEarthSCPS = superEarthSCPS * 1.5
  1205. end
  1206. if (alienTech >= 53)
  1207. roguePlanetAlzPS = roguePlanetAlzPS * 2
  1208. roguePlanetSCPS = roguePlanetSCPS * 1.5
  1209. end
  1210. if (alienTech >= 54)
  1211. VanguardAlzPS = VanguardAlzPS * 2
  1212. VanguardSCPS = VanguardSCPS * 1.5
  1213. end
  1214. end
  1215. on tick:
  1216. multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.04
  1217. multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.04
  1218. multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.01
  1219. multiply yield of tag:SC by 1.01
  1220. end
  1221. req:fusionReactor and 1 taa
  1222. limit:54
  1224. *BountyAI
  1225. name:A.T. Bounty Hunter
  1226. text:A.T. Bounty Hunter Level : [this]
  1227. desc:Integrate your Alien Technology into the Bounty Hunter ship. The Alz and Space Crystals gains of the Bounty Hunter are now teleported across space directly to your income. Thereby the Bounty Hunter can make longer journeys.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>With every level, gain a Space Crystal every second for every Alien Artifact ever earned (previous games included): <b>[taa]</b>.<.>With every level, gain 1,000,000 Alz every second for every Alien Artifact ever earned (previous games included): <b>[(taa*1000000)]</b>.<.>With every level, Bounty Hunters appear 2x less often and grant you 10x less Alz and Space Crystals.
  1228. icon:icons[0,9]
  1229. cost:5000 prestigio
  1230. req:fusionReactor and 100000 taa
  1231. on tick:yield (taa) spaceCrystals
  1232. on tick:yield (taa) tsc
  1233. on tick:yield (taa*1000000) alz
  1234. on tick:yield (taa*1000000) talz
  1235. passive:multiply frequency of bountyHunter by 2
  1236. tags:sortup
  1237. cost increase:150%
  1240. Upgrades
  1241. //*TEMPLATE
  1242. // on click:anim glow
  1244. *parsley|miningDroneI
  1245. name:Mining Drone Tech I
  1246. desc:Powers up the efficiency of the Mining Drones.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>+1 Alz/click.<.>Mining Drone production x2.
  1247. icon:icons[0,3]
  1248. cost:200 alz
  1249. passive:increase alz yield of tradeButton by 1
  1250. passive:increase talz yield of tradeButton by 1
  1251. passive:multiply yield of drone by 2
  1252. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones by 0.1
  1253. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones2 by 0.1
  1254. on earn:do resetps
  1255. on resetps:if (this) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1256. req:200 talz and (drones>=3)
  1257. tag:PS
  1259. *spinach|miningDroneII
  1260. name:Mining Drone Tech II
  1261. desc:Powers up the efficiency of the Mining Drones.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x3.
  1262. icon:icons[0,3]
  1263. cost:500 alz
  1264. passive:multiply yield of drone by 3
  1265. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones by 0.7
  1266. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones2 by 0.7
  1267. on earn:do resetps
  1268. on resetps:if (this) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 3
  1269. req:500 talz and miningDroneI
  1270. tag:PS
  1272. *lettuce|droneAI
  1273. name:Drone AI Upgrade
  1274. desc:The AI is significantly upgraded.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x4.
  1275. icon:icons[0,3]
  1276. cost:1000 alz
  1277. passive:multiply yield of drone by 4
  1278. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones by 0.7
  1279. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones2 by 0.7
  1280. on earn:do resetps
  1281. on resetps:if (this) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 4
  1282. req:1000 talz and miningDroneI and (drones>=20)
  1283. tag:PS
  1285. *broccoli|exchangeI
  1286. name:Grand Exchange I
  1287. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x2.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1288. icon:icons[0,4]
  1289. cost:3000 alz
  1290. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 2
  1291. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 2
  1292. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1293. req:3000 talz and miningDroneI and miningDroneII
  1295. *apple|exchangeII
  1296. name:Grand Exchange II
  1297. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1298. icon:icons[0,4]
  1299. cost:200000 alz
  1300. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1301. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1302. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1303. req:100000 talz and exchangeI
  1305. *radish|exchangeIII
  1306. name:Grand Exchange III
  1307. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1308. icon:icons[0,4]
  1309. cost:10000000 alz
  1310. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1311. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1312. passive:multiply yield of tag:alz by 1.05
  1313. req:16000000 talz and exchangeII
  1315. *mint|exchangeIV
  1316. name:Grand Exchange IV
  1317. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1318. icon:icons[0,4]
  1319. cost:50000000 alz
  1320. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1321. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1322. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1323. req:100000000 talz and exchangeIII
  1325. *chard|exchangeV
  1326. name:Grand Exchange V
  1327. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1328. icon:icons[0,5]
  1329. cost:100000000 alz
  1330. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1331. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1332. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1333. req:200000000 talz and exchangeIV
  1335. *cherry|exchangeVI
  1336. name:Grand Exchange VI
  1337. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1338. icon:icons[0,5]
  1339. cost:400000000 alz
  1340. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1341. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1342. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1343. req:5000000000 talz and exchangeV
  1345. *carrot|exchangeVII
  1346. name:Grand Exchange VII
  1347. desc:Increases the entire station sales.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x2.<.>Alz production +10%.
  1348. icon:icons[0,5]
  1349. cost:10000000000 alz
  1350. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 2
  1351. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 2
  1352. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.1
  1353. req:15000000000 talz and exchangeVI
  1355. //building upgrades
  1357. *buildingUpgrade1|engineTechI
  1358. name:Ship Engine Tech I
  1359. desc:Your basic ships and drones travel faster!<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x2.<.>Merchant Ship production x2.<.>Hauler production x2.
  1360. icon:icons[0,2]
  1361. cost:100000 alz
  1362. passive:multiply yield of drone by 2
  1363. passive:multiply yield of merchant by 2
  1364. passive:multiply yield of hauler by 2
  1365. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips by 0.01
  1366. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips2 by 0.01
  1367. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers by 0.01
  1368. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers2 by 0.01
  1369. on earn:do resetps
  1370. on resetps:
  1371. if (this)
  1372. droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1373. merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 2
  1374. haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 2
  1375. end
  1376. end
  1377. req:80000 talz and (haulers>=2)
  1378. tag:PS
  1380. *buildingUpgrade2|engineTechII
  1381. name:Ship Engine Tech II
  1382. desc:Improves the engine technology of your basic ships and drones.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x2.<.>Merchant Ship production x2.<.>Hauler production x2.
  1383. icon:icons[0,2]
  1384. cost:1000000 alz
  1385. passive:multiply yield of drone by 2
  1386. passive:multiply yield of merchant by 2
  1387. passive:multiply yield of hauler by 2
  1388. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips by 0.7
  1389. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips2 by 0.7
  1390. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers by 0.7
  1391. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers2 by 0.7
  1392. on earn:do resetps
  1393. on resetps:
  1394. if (this)
  1395. droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1396. merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 2
  1397. haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 2
  1398. end
  1399. end
  1400. req:2000000 talz and (drones>=30 or merchants>=30 or haulers>=30) and engineTechI
  1401. tag:PS
  1403. *buildingUpgrade3|engineTechIII
  1404. name:Ship Engine Tech III
  1405. desc:Further improves the engine technology.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x2.<.>Merchant Ship production x2.<.>Hauler production x2.
  1406. icon:icons[0,2]
  1407. cost:5000000 alz
  1408. passive:multiply yield of drone by 2
  1409. passive:multiply yield of merchant by 2
  1410. passive:multiply yield of hauler by 2
  1411. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips by 0.7
  1412. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips2 by 0.7
  1413. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers by 0.7
  1414. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers2 by 0.7
  1415. on earn:do resetps
  1416. on resetps:
  1417. if (this)
  1418. droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 2
  1419. merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 2
  1420. haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 2
  1421. end
  1422. end
  1423. req:(drones>=50 or merchants>=50 or haulers>=50) and engineTechII
  1424. tag:PS
  1426. *buildingUpgrade4|cargoHoldI
  1427. name:Cargo Hold Upgrade I
  1428. desc:Increases the cargo hold of your medium trade ships.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Transporter production x2.<.>Freighter production x2.
  1429. icon:icons[12,3]
  1430. cost:4000000 alz
  1431. passive:multiply yield of transporter by 2
  1432. passive:multiply yield of freighter by 2
  1433. on earn:do resetps
  1434. on resetps:
  1435. if (this)
  1436. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 2
  1437. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 2
  1438. freighterAlzPS = freighterAlzPS * 2
  1439. end
  1440. end
  1441. req:(transporters>=10 or freighters>=10)
  1442. tag:PS
  1444. *buildingUpgrade5|cargoHoldII
  1445. name:Cargo Hold Upgrade II
  1446. desc:Further increases the cargo hold of your medium trade ships.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Transporter production x2.<.>Freighter production x2.
  1447. icon:icons[12,4]
  1448. cost:50000000 alz
  1449. passive:multiply yield of transporter by 2
  1450. passive:multiply yield of freighter by 2
  1451. passive:multiply frequency of psTransp by 0.005
  1452. passive:multiply frequency of psTransp2 by 0.005
  1453. passive:multiply frequency of psFrei by 0.005
  1454. passive:multiply frequency of psFrei2 by 0.005
  1455. on earn:do resetps
  1456. on resetps:
  1457. if (this)
  1458. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 2
  1459. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 2
  1460. freighterAlzPS = freighterAlzPS * 2
  1461. end
  1462. end
  1463. req:(transporters>=30 or freighters>=30) and cargoHoldI
  1464. tag:PS
  1466. *buildingUpgrade6|hyperDriveI
  1467. name:Hyper Drive I
  1468. desc:Invent the Hyper Drive to travel to distant galaxies.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Special Cargo Ship production x2.<.>Orca production x2.
  1469. icon:icons[0,2]
  1470. cost:100000000 alz
  1471. passive:multiply yield of specCargo by 2
  1472. passive:multiply yield of orca by 2
  1473. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS by 0.01
  1474. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS2 by 0.01
  1475. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca by 0.01
  1476. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca2 by 0.01
  1477. on earn:do resetps
  1478. on resetps:
  1479. if (this)
  1480. specCargoAlzPS = specCargoAlzPS * 2
  1481. specCargoSCPS = specCargoSCPS * 2
  1482. orcaAlzPS = orcaAlzPS * 2
  1483. end
  1484. end
  1485. req:(specCargos>=10 or orcas>=10)
  1486. tag:PS
  1488. *buildingUpgrade7|hyperDriveII
  1489. name:Hyper Drive II
  1490. desc:Improves the Hyper Drive technology.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Special Cargo Ship production x8.<.>Orca production x8.
  1491. icon:icons[0,2]
  1492. cost:50000000000 alz
  1493. passive:multiply yield of specCargo by 8
  1494. passive:multiply yield of orca by 8
  1495. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS by 0.5
  1496. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS2 by 0.5
  1497. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca by 0.5
  1498. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca2 by 0.5
  1499. on earn:do resetps
  1500. on resetps:
  1501. if (this)
  1502. specCargoAlzPS = specCargoAlzPS * 8
  1503. specCargoSCPS = specCargoSCPS * 8
  1504. orcaAlzPS = orcaAlzPS * 8
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. req:hyperDriveI and 15000000000 talz
  1508. tag:PS
  1510. *buildingUpgrade8|extremeCargoHold
  1511. name:Extreme Cargo Hold
  1512. desc:Increases the Mammoth cargo hold.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mammoth production x10.
  1513. icon:icons[12,5]
  1514. cost:10000000000 alz
  1515. passive:multiply frequency of psMam by 0.01
  1516. passive:multiply frequency of psMam2 by 0.01
  1517. passive:multiply yield of mammoth by 10
  1518. on earn:do resetps
  1519. on resetps:
  1520. if (this)
  1521. mammothAlzPS = mammothAlzPS * 10
  1522. mammothSCPS = mammothSCPS * 10
  1523. end
  1524. end
  1525. req:10 mammoths and cargoHoldII
  1526. tag:PS
  1528. //space crystal upgrades
  1530. *goldenTouch|blackMarket
  1531. name:Black Market
  1532. desc:Access the Black Market.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>1% chance of gaining 1 Space Crystal per trading click.
  1533. icon:icons[0,3]
  1534. cost:5 spaceCrystal
  1535. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips by 0.7
  1536. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips2 by 0.7
  1537. req:10 tsc and engineTechI
  1539. *rabbitHaste|bountyNetworkI
  1540. name:Bounty Hunting Network I
  1541. desc:Create a network for bounty hunting.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Bounty Hunters appear 30% more often.
  1542. icon:icons[0,3]
  1543. passive:multiply frequency of bountyHunter by 0.7
  1544. cost:7 spaceCrystal
  1545. req:4 tsc and engineTechI
  1547. *rabbitHasteII|bountyNetworkII
  1548. name:Bounty Hunting Network II
  1549. desc:Expands and improves the network.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Bounty Hunters appear 30% more often.
  1550. icon:icons[0,3]
  1551. passive:multiply frequency of bountyHunter by 0.7
  1552. cost:12 spaceCrystal
  1553. req:15 tsc and bountyNetworkI
  1555. *independenceDay
  1556. name:Independence Day
  1557. desc:Unlock the technology for advanced constructions.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks advanced ships.
  1558. icon:icons[0,6]
  1559. cost:25 spaceCrystals
  1560. req:22 tsc and (freighters>=1)
  1562. *clover|pirateHunters
  1563. name:Pirate Hunters
  1564. desc:Place bounties on pirate ships!<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Bounty Hunters grant you 4 times more Alz[?bar| and Space Crystals].
  1565. icon:icons[12,6]
  1566. cost:100 spaceCrystals
  1567. req:50 tsc and independenceDay
  1569. *moonGardens|mammothDrones
  1570. name:Mammoth Drone Tech
  1571. desc:Your Mammoths can now deploy mining drones to mine for Space Crystals!<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mammoths now produce 1 Space Crystal every 100 seconds.
  1572. icon:icons[12,7]
  1573. cost:1000 spaceCrystals
  1574. passive:multiply frequency of psMam by 0.5
  1575. passive:multiply frequency of psMam2 by 0.5
  1576. req:(mammoths>=1) and 50 tsc
  1578. *militaryProtection
  1579. name:Military Protection I
  1580. desc:Protect your trade routes and stations from enemies and pirates.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks military ships.
  1581. icon:icons[3,6]
  1582. cost:8000 spaceCrystals
  1583. req:500 tsc and (stations>=1)
  1585. *militaryProtection2
  1586. name:Military Protection II
  1587. desc:Protect your trade routes and stations with larger and more advanced ships.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks large military ships.
  1588. icon:icons[3,7]
  1589. cost:90000 spaceCrystals
  1590. req:5000 tsc and militaryProtection
  1592. *shippingNetwork
  1593. name:Shipping Network
  1594. desc:The Shipping Network optimizes all your trade routes.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz production increased by 100% per 1,000 total Ships and Drones owned.
  1595. icon:icons[0,3]
  1596. cost:100000000000000 alz
  1597. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by (1+(totalShips*0.001))
  1598. req:fusionReactor and 1 taa
  1600. *shippingNetwork2
  1601. name:Shipping Network II
  1602. desc:Expands the Shipping Network.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz production increased by 200% per 1,000 total Ships and Drones owned.
  1603. icon:icons[0,3]
  1604. cost:1000000000000000000 alz
  1605. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by (1+(totalShips*0.002))
  1606. req:shippingNetwork and 1000000 taa
  1608. *supplyNetwork
  1609. name:Supply Network
  1610. desc:Create a network for Space Crystal hunters.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Space Crystal production increased by 100% per 1,000 total Outposts owned.
  1611. icon:icons[0,3]
  1612. cost:10000000 spaceCrystals
  1613. passive:multiply yield of tag:SC by (1+(totalPlanets*0.001))
  1614. req:fusionReactor and 1 taa
  1616. *supplyNetwork2
  1617. name:Supply Network II
  1618. desc:Expands the network for Space Crystal hunters.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Space Crystal production increased by 200% per 1,000 total Outposts owned.
  1619. icon:icons[0,3]
  1620. cost:1000000000000 spaceCrystals
  1621. passive:multiply yield of tag:SC by (1+(totalPlanets*0.002))
  1622. req:supplyNetwork and 1000000 taa
  1625. //upgrades2
  1627. *parsley2|lifeSupport
  1628. name:Life Support System
  1629. desc:Makes the station inhabitable.
  1630. icon:icons[13,0]
  1631. cost:400 alz
  1632. req:drones>=5
  1633. tag: upgrades2
  1635. *spinach2|airlock
  1636. name:Airlock
  1637. desc:With this facility people can enter the station from the shipyard.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Unlocks Merchant Ships.
  1638. icon:icons[13,1]
  1639. cost:900 alz
  1640. req:lifeSupport
  1641. tag: upgrades2
  1643. *lettuce2|bar
  1644. name:Bar
  1645. desc:This is where the people of the station come to hang out. Also bartenders gathers and delivers information for Bounty Hunters and visitors.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Bounty Hunters can now grant you a lot more Space Crystals.
  1646. icon:icons[13,2]
  1647. cost:600000 alz
  1648. req:bountyNetworkII and airlock
  1649. tag: upgrades2
  1651. *broccoli2|refinery
  1652. name:Refinery
  1653. desc:Makes your station able to refine ore from Mining Drones.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mining Drone production x5.
  1654. icon:icons[13,3]
  1655. cost:75000 alz
  1656. passive:multiply yield of drone by 5
  1657. on earn:do resetps
  1658. on resetps:if (this) droneAlzPS = droneAlzPS * 5
  1659. req:lifeSupport
  1660. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1662. *apple2|tradeHub
  1663. name:Trade Hub
  1664. desc:The Trade Hub is the center of trading. It gives traders market overviews and economic advantadges.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz/click x5.<.>Alz production +10%.
  1665. icon:icons[13,4]
  1666. cost:6000000 alz
  1667. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 5
  1668. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 5
  1669. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.10
  1670. req:refinery
  1671. tag: upgrades2
  1673. *radish2|residenceArea
  1674. name:Residence Area
  1675. desc:Expands the inhabitability of the station. Now lifeforms from around the universe can have their home here.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Merchant Ship production x3<.>Hauler production x3.<.>Transporter production x3.
  1676. icon:icons[13,5]
  1677. cost:20000000 alz
  1678. passive:multiply yield of merchant by 3
  1679. passive:multiply yield of hauler by 3
  1680. passive:multiply yield of transporter by 3
  1681. on earn:do resetps
  1682. on resetps:
  1683. if (this)
  1684. merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 3
  1685. haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 3
  1686. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 3
  1687. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 3
  1688. end
  1689. end
  1690. req:tradeHub
  1691. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1693. *mint2|garden
  1694. name:Garden
  1695. desc:With the garden, your station becomes a self-sustaining ecosystem.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz production +20%.
  1696. icon:icons[13,6]
  1697. cost:40000000 alz
  1698. passive:multiply alz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1699. passive:multiply talz yield of tradeButton by 1.5
  1700. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.20
  1701. req:residenceArea
  1702. tag: upgrades2
  1704. *chard2|shieldGenerator
  1705. name:Shield Generator
  1706. desc:Protects the station and docked ships from enemy fire and asteroids.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Merchant Ship production x1.5.<.>Hauler production x1.5.<.>Transporter production x1.5.<.>Freighter production x4.
  1707. icon:icons[13,7]
  1708. cost:50000000 alz
  1709. passive:multiply yield of merchant by 1.5
  1710. passive:multiply yield of hauler by 1.5
  1711. passive:multiply yield of transporter by 1.5
  1712. passive:multiply yield of freighter by 4
  1713. on earn:do resetps
  1714. on resetps:
  1715. if (this)
  1716. merchantAlzPS = merchantAlzPS * 1.5
  1717. haulerAlzPS = haulerAlzPS * 1.5
  1718. transporterAlzPS = transporterAlzPS * 1.5
  1719. transporterSCPS = transporterSCPS * 1.5
  1720. freighterAlzPS = freighterAlzPS * 4
  1721. end
  1722. end
  1723. req:garden
  1724. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1726. *cherry2|fitnessRoom
  1727. name:Fitness Room
  1728. desc:The lifeforms of the station can now stay healthy and thereby be in space for longer time.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Alz production +10%.
  1729. icon:icons[13,8]
  1730. cost:40000000 alz
  1731. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.10
  1732. req:50000000 talz and shieldGenerator
  1733. tag: upgrades2
  1735. *carrot2|researchLab
  1736. name:Research Lab
  1737. desc:Researches new technologies.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Special Cargo Ship production x4.
  1738. icon:icons[13,9]
  1739. cost:1000000000 alz
  1740. passive:multiply yield of specCargo by 4
  1741. on earn:do resetps
  1742. on resetps:
  1743. if (this)
  1744. specCargoAlzPS = specCargoAlzPS * 4
  1745. specCargoSCPS = specCargoSCPS * 4
  1746. end
  1747. end
  1748. req:shieldGenerator
  1749. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1751. //building upgrades
  1753. *buildingUpgrade12|commandCenter
  1754. name:Command Center
  1755. desc:Optimizes the trade routes and expands the control of your ships and stations.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Mammoth production x3.<.>Station production x2.
  1756. icon:icons[13,10]
  1757. cost:7000000000 alz
  1758. passive:multiply yield of mammoth by 3
  1759. passive:multiply yield of Station by 2
  1760. on earn:do resetps
  1761. on resetps:
  1762. if (this)
  1763. mammothAlzPS = mammothAlzPS * 3
  1764. mammothSCPS = mammothSCPS * 3
  1765. StationAlzPS = StationAlzPS * 2
  1766. end
  1767. end
  1768. req:800000000 talz and (mammoths>=1)
  1769. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1771. *buildingUpgrade22|defenseControl
  1772. name:Defense Control Room
  1773. desc:Control the turrets of the station and ensure full control over your military units.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Police Squadron production x2.<.>Bomber Escadrille production x2.<.>Ion Frigate production x1.5.<.>Alz production +5%.
  1774. icon:icons[13,11]
  1775. cost:50000000000 alz
  1776. passive:multiply yield of Police by 2
  1777. passive:multiply yield of Bomber by 2
  1778. passive:multiply yield of Ionfrigate by 1.5
  1779. passive:multiply yield of tag:Alz by 1.05
  1780. passive:multiply frequency of psPS by 0.01
  1781. passive:multiply frequency of psPS2 by 0.01
  1782. passive:multiply frequency of psBE by 0.01
  1783. passive:multiply frequency of psBE2 by 0.01
  1784. passive:multiply frequency of psIon by 0.01
  1785. passive:multiply frequency of psIon2 by 0.01
  1786. on earn:do resetps
  1787. on resetps:
  1788. if (this)
  1789. PoliceAlzPS = PoliceAlzPS * 2
  1790. BomberAlzPS = BomberAlzPS * 2
  1791. IonfrigateAlzPS = IonfrigateAlzPS * 1.5
  1792. IonfrigateSCPS = IonfrigateSCPS * 1.5
  1793. end
  1794. end
  1795. req:commandCenter and militaryProtection2
  1796. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1798. *buildingUpgrade32|robotShop
  1799. name:Robot Shop
  1800. desc:Makes and sells robots, which can do anything from repairing ships to handling communication.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Ion Frigate production x2.
  1801. icon:icons[13,12]
  1802. cost:400000000000 alz
  1803. passive:multiply yield of Ionfrigate by 2
  1804. passive:multiply frequency of psIon by 0.5
  1805. passive:multiply frequency of psIon2 by 0.5
  1806. on earn:do resetps
  1807. on resetps:
  1808. if (this)
  1809. IonfrigateAlzPS = IonfrigateAlzPS * 2
  1810. IonfrigateSCPS = IonfrigateSCPS * 2
  1811. end
  1812. end
  1813. req:defenseControl
  1814. tag: upgrades2 PS
  1816. *buildingUpgrade42|fusionReactor
  1817. name:Fusion Reactor
  1818. desc:A source for near unlimited energy. Power is no longer a limitation.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Space Crystal production +40%.<.>Unlocks something colossal.
  1819. icon:icons[13,13]
  1820. cost:1000000000000 alz, 1000000 spaceCrystals
  1821. passive:multiply yield of tag:SC by 1.40
  1822. passive:multiply frequency of psBC by 0.005
  1823. passive:multiply frequency of psBC2 by 0.005
  1824. passive:multiply frequency of psSuperF by 0.005
  1825. passive:multiply frequency of psSuperF2 by 0.005
  1826. passive:multiply frequency of psVG by 0.05
  1827. passive:multiply frequency of psVG2 by 0.05
  1828. passive:multiply frequency of psTitan by 0.05
  1829. passive:multiply frequency of psTitan2 by 0.05
  1830. req:5600000000 talz and robotShop
  1831. tag: upgrades2
  1833. *ResetPrestige
  1834. name:Gain Alien Artifacts
  1835. text:Gain <b><#ffffff>[tsc*0.000001]</b></#><//>Alien Artifacts
  1836. desc:Reset everything, gaining <b>[tsc*0.000001]</b> Alien Artifacts.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Gain 1 Alien Artifact per 1,000,000 Space Crystals earned (previous runs included).
  1837. tag:prestige upgrades2
  1838. req:fusionReactor and taa<1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  1839. icon:icons[0,8]
  1840. on earn:log Run completed. <//>[tsc*0.000001] Alien Artifacts gained!
  1841. on earn:
  1842. lose notTag:prestige
  1843. yield (tsc*0.000001) prestigio
  1844. yield (tsc*0.000001) taa
  1845. lose ResetPrestige
  1846. //This will reset all the "per second" hidden resources used for descriptions to their default values.
  1847. do resetps with tag:PS
  1848. end
  1850. *ResetPrestige2
  1851. name:Gain Data Orb
  1852. desc:Reset everything, <b>even your Alien Artifacts</b>, gaining <b>1</b> Data Orb.<//><b>Effect:</b><.>Complete the game and start from scratch with a Data Orb.
  1853. tag:prestige sortup2
  1854. req:1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 taa and fusionReactor
  1855. icon:icons[0,10]
  1856. on earn:log Congratulations, you finally completed the game!
  1857. on earn:
  1858. lose notTag:prestige2
  1859. yield 1 prestigio2
  1860. lose ResetPrestige2
  1861. //This will reset all the "per second" hidden resources used for descriptions to their default values.
  1862. do resetps with tag:PS
  1863. end
  1865. Achievements
  1866. *TEMPLATE
  1867. on earn:log [n:this] Achievement earned!
  1868. // on click:anim glow
  1870. *shipAchiev1
  1871. name:Your First Spaceship
  1872. desc:Buy a spaceship.
  1873. req:(merchants>=1)
  1874. icon:icons[0,2]
  1875. tag:prestige prestige2
  1876. *shipAchiev5
  1877. name:Wealth
  1878. desc:Buy a Superfreighter.
  1879. req:(Superfreighters>=1)
  1880. icon:icons[6,14]
  1881. tag:prestige prestige2
  1882. *shipAchiev6
  1883. name:Prosperity
  1884. desc:Have <b>10</b> Superfreighters.
  1885. req:(Superfreighters>=10)
  1886. icon:icons[6,14]
  1887. tag:prestige prestige2
  1888. *shipAchiev7
  1889. name:Trade Expansion
  1890. desc:Have <b>100</b> Superfreighters.
  1891. req:(Superfreighters>=100)
  1892. icon:icons[6,14]
  1893. tag:prestige prestige2
  1894. *shipAchiev2
  1895. name:Explorer of the Cosmos
  1896. desc:Buy a Vanguard.
  1897. req:(Vanguards>=1)
  1898. icon:icons[6,15]
  1899. tag:prestige prestige2
  1900. *shipAchiev3
  1901. name:Guardian
  1902. desc:Have <b>10</b> Vanguards.
  1903. req:(Vanguards>=10)
  1904. icon:icons[6,15]
  1905. tag:prestige prestige2
  1906. *shipAchiev4
  1907. name:Champion
  1908. desc:Have <b>100</b> Vanguards.
  1909. req:(Vanguards>=100)
  1910. icon:icons[6,15]
  1911. tag:prestige prestige2
  1913. *bunnyAchievm1
  1914. name:The Start of the Journey
  1915. desc:Start a new game.
  1916. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones by 5
  1917. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers by 50
  1918. passive:multiply frequency of psTransp by 50
  1919. passive:multiply frequency of psFrei by 50
  1920. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS by 50
  1921. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca by 50
  1922. passive:multiply frequency of psMam by 50
  1923. passive:multiply frequency of psTitan by 50
  1924. passive:multiply frequency of psPS by 50
  1925. passive:multiply frequency of psBE by 50
  1926. passive:multiply frequency of psIon by 50
  1927. passive:multiply frequency of psBC by 50
  1928. passive:multiply frequency of psSuperF by 50
  1929. passive:multiply frequency of psVG by 50
  1930. passive:multiply frequency of psDrones2 by 5
  1931. passive:multiply frequency of psHaulers2 by 50
  1932. passive:multiply frequency of psTransp2 by 50
  1933. passive:multiply frequency of psFrei2 by 50
  1934. passive:multiply frequency of psSCS2 by 50
  1935. passive:multiply frequency of psOrca2 by 50
  1936. passive:multiply frequency of psMam2 by 50
  1937. passive:multiply frequency of psTitan2 by 50
  1938. passive:multiply frequency of psPS2 by 50
  1939. passive:multiply frequency of psBE2 by 50
  1940. passive:multiply frequency of psIon2 by 50
  1941. passive:multiply frequency of psBC2 by 50
  1942. passive:multiply frequency of psSuperF2 by 50
  1943. passive:multiply frequency of psVG2 by 50
  1944. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips by 50
  1945. passive:multiply frequency of particleShips2 by 50
  1946. on earn:tsc is spaceCrystals:earned
  1947. on earn:taa is prestigio:earned
  1948. //This will set all the "per second" hidden resources used for descriptions.
  1949. on earn:do resetps with tag:ps
  1950. req:0 alz
  1951. icon:icons[0,0]
  1952. tag:prestige prestige2
  1953. *bunnyAchiev2
  1954. name:Humble Merchant
  1955. desc:Have <b>1,000</b> Alz.
  1956. req:1000 alz
  1957. icon:icons[0,0]
  1958. tag:prestige prestige2
  1959. *bunnyAchiev3
  1960. name:Millionaire
  1961. desc:Have <b>1,000,000</b> Alz.
  1962. req:1000000 alz
  1963. icon:icons[0,0]
  1964. tag:prestige prestige2
  1965. *bunnyAchiev4
  1966. name:Billionaire
  1967. desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000</b> Alz.
  1968. req:1000000000 alz
  1969. icon:icons[0,0]
  1970. tag:prestige prestige2
  1971. *bunnyAchiev5
  1972. name:Trillionaire
  1973. desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000,000</b> Alz.
  1974. req:1000000000000 alz
  1975. icon:icons[0,0]
  1976. tag:prestige prestige2
  1978. *clickAchiev1
  1979. name:Trader
  1980. desc:Click the trade station <b>100</b> times.
  1981. req:100 tradeButton clicks
  1982. icon:icons[0,3]
  1983. tag:prestige prestige2
  1984. *clickAchiev2
  1985. name:Agent
  1986. desc:Click the trade station <b>1,000</b> times.
  1987. req:1000 tradeButton clicks
  1988. icon:icons[0,3]
  1989. tag:prestige prestige2
  1990. *clickAchiev3
  1991. name:Marketeer
  1992. desc:Click the trade station <b>2,000</b> times.
  1993. req:2000 tradeButton clicks
  1994. icon:icons[0,3]
  1995. tag:prestige prestige2
  1997. *bunnyPsAchiev1
  1998. name:Drone Mechanic
  1999. desc:Produce <b>10</b> Alz per second.
  2000. req:10 alz per second
  2001. icon:icons[0,4]
  2002. tag:prestige prestige2
  2003. *bunnyPsAchiev2
  2004. name:Spacecraft Collector
  2005. desc:Produce <b>100</b> Alz per second.
  2006. req:100 alz per second
  2007. icon:icons[0,4]
  2008. tag:prestige prestige2
  2009. *bunnyPsAchiev3
  2010. name:Shipyard CEO
  2011. desc:Produce <b>1,000</b> Alz per second.
  2012. req:1000 alz per second
  2013. icon:icons[0,4]
  2014. tag:prestige prestige2
  2015. *bunnyPsAchiev4
  2016. name:Station Manager
  2017. desc:Produce <b>10,000</b> Alz per second.
  2018. req:10000 alz per second
  2019. icon:icons[0,5]
  2020. tag:prestige prestige2
  2021. *bunnyPsAchiev5
  2022. name:Market Manipulator
  2023. desc:Produce <b>100,000</b> Alz per second.
  2024. req:100000 alz per second
  2025. icon:icons[0,5]
  2026. tag:prestige prestige2
  2027. *bunnyPsAchiev6
  2028. name:Trade Dynasty CEO
  2029. desc:Produce <b>1,000,000</b> Alz per second.
  2030. req:1000000 alz per second
  2031. icon:icons[0,5]
  2032. tag:prestige prestige2
  2034. *carrotAchiev1
  2035. name:A Great Discovery
  2036. desc:Have <b>1</b> Space Crystal.
  2037. req:1 spaceCrystal
  2038. icon:icons[0,1]
  2039. tag:prestige prestige2
  2040. *carrotAchiev2
  2041. name:Treasure Keeper
  2042. desc:Have <b>10</b> Space Crystals.
  2043. req:10 spaceCrystal
  2044. icon:icons[0,1]
  2045. tag:prestige prestige2
  2046. *carrotAchiev3
  2047. name:Crystal Hunter
  2048. desc:Have <b>100</b> Space Crystals.
  2049. req:100 spaceCrystal
  2050. icon:icons[0,1]
  2051. tag:prestige prestige2
  2052. *carrotAchiev4
  2053. name:Crystal Miner
  2054. desc:Have <b>1,000</b> Space Crystals.
  2055. req:1000 spaceCrystal
  2056. icon:icons[0,1]
  2057. tag:prestige prestige2
  2058. *carrotAchiev5
  2059. name:Crystal Maniac
  2060. desc:Have <b>10,000</b> Space Crystals.
  2061. req:10000 spaceCrystal
  2062. icon:icons[0,1]
  2063. tag:prestige prestige2
  2064. *carrotAchiev6
  2065. name:Singularity
  2066. desc:Have <b>100,000</b> Space Crystals.
  2067. req:100000 spaceCrystal
  2068. icon:icons[0,1]
  2069. tag:prestige prestige2
  2070. *carrotAchiev7
  2071. name:New Dawn
  2072. desc:Have <b>1,000,000</b> Space Crystals.
  2073. req:1000000 spaceCrystal
  2074. icon:icons[0,1]
  2075. tag:prestige prestige2
  2077. *fortressAchiev
  2078. name:Freedom!
  2079. desc:Complete building the <b>Titan</b>.<//>
  2080. req:100 titan
  2081. icon:icons[6,8]
  2082. tag:prestige prestige2
  2084. *pAchiev1
  2085. name:To the Moon
  2086. desc:Create an Oupost on a Moon.
  2087. req:(moons>=1)
  2088. icon:icons[10,0]
  2089. tag:prestige prestige2
  2090. *pAchiev2
  2091. name:Another Earth
  2092. desc:Create an Oupost on an Earth-Like Planet.
  2093. req:(earthLikes>=1)
  2094. icon:icons[10,9]
  2095. tag:prestige prestige2
  2096. *pAchiev3
  2097. name:Intergalactical
  2098. desc:Have <b>10</b> Outposts on Earth-Like Planets.
  2099. req:(earthLikes>=10)
  2100. icon:icons[10,9]
  2101. tag:prestige prestige2
  2102. *pAchiev4
  2103. name:Utopia
  2104. desc:Create an Oupost on a Super-Earth.
  2105. req:(superEarths>=1)
  2106. icon:icons[10,10]
  2107. tag:prestige prestige2
  2108. *pAchiev5
  2109. name:Avalon
  2110. desc:Have <b>10</b> Outposts on Super-Earths.
  2111. req:(superEarths>=10)
  2112. icon:icons[10,10]
  2113. tag:prestige prestige2
  2114. *pAchiev6
  2115. name:Remote
  2116. desc:Create an Oupost on a Rogue Planet.
  2117. req:(roguePlanets>=1)
  2118. icon:icons[10,11]
  2119. tag:prestige prestige2
  2120. *pAchiev7
  2121. name:Improbable
  2122. desc:Have <b>10</b> Outposts on Rogue Planets.
  2123. req:(roguePlanets>=10)
  2124. icon:icons[10,11]
  2125. tag:prestige prestige2
  2126. *aaAchiev
  2127. name:Paradox
  2128. desc:Gain <b>Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2129. req:1 prestigio
  2130. icon:icons[0,8]
  2131. tag:prestige prestige2
  2132. *aaAchiev2
  2133. name:Flux
  2134. desc:Have <b>100 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2135. req:100 prestigio
  2136. icon:icons[0,8]
  2137. tag:prestige prestige2
  2138. *aaAchiev3
  2139. name:Chimera
  2140. desc:Have <b>1,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2141. req:1000 prestigio
  2142. icon:icons[0,8]
  2143. tag:prestige prestige2
  2144. *aaAchiev4
  2145. name:Enigma
  2146. desc:Have <b>10,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2147. req:10000 prestigio
  2148. icon:icons[0,8]
  2149. tag:prestige prestige2
  2150. *aaAchiev5
  2151. name:Endless
  2152. desc:Have <b>100,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2153. req:100000 prestigio
  2154. icon:icons[0,8]
  2155. tag:prestige prestige2
  2156. *aaAchiev6
  2157. name:Infinity
  2158. desc:Have <b>1,000,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2159. req:1000000 prestigio
  2160. icon:icons[0,8]
  2161. tag:prestige prestige2
  2162. *aaAchiev7
  2163. name:Eternity
  2164. desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2165. req:1000000000 prestigio
  2166. icon:icons[0,8]
  2167. tag:prestige prestige2
  2168. *aaAchiev8
  2169. name:Eon
  2170. desc:Have <b>1,000,000,000,000 Alien Artifacts</b>.<//>
  2171. req:1000000000000 prestigio
  2172. icon:icons[0,8]
  2173. tag:prestige prestige2
  2174. *doAchiev1
  2175. name:Devotion
  2176. desc:Have a <b>Data Orb</b>.
  2177. req:1 prestigio2
  2178. icon:icons[0,10]
  2179. tag:prestige prestige2
  2182. CSS
  2183. #game
  2184. {
  2185. background:#002130;
  2186. background-size: cover;
  2187. font-family: DejaVu Sans Mono, monospace !important;
  2188. letter-spacing: 0px;
  2190. font-stretch: ultra-expanded
  2192. // font-family:Century Gothic,sans-serif;
  2193. //font-weight:100;
  2194. color:#93f8ff;
  2195. }
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