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it unlocks many cool features!
- -- Plastic Beta v0.12
- -- [0.12] Bug fixes
- -- [0.11] Support for latest version of OpenPeripheral
- -- A Google Glass like OS/Programs/Whatever you want to call it
- -- That runs on Terminal Glasses in OpenPeripheral
- -- Just stick in a computer with a Terminal Glass Peripheral and run it!
- -- Have fun using it!
- -- Feel free to use my code in anyway you want!
- -- HOWEVER as stated by the policies of the APIs I used
- -- Please do not use my API keys. Just register for them
- -- Yourself! It's free and World Weather Online is instant!
- local tArgs = {...}
- local function searchArgs(text)
- for k,v in pairs(tArgs) do
- if v == text then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- if not http then print("Sorry, Plastic requires HTTP to run!") return end
- local plasticInstallation = shell.getRunningProgram()
- -- Find glass bridge
- local plastic = false
- local worldSensor = false
- if fs.exists("/ocs/apis/sensor") then
- os.loadAPI("ocs/apis/sensor")
- end
- for k,v in pairs(rs.getSides()) do
- if (peripheral.getType(v) == "openperipheral_glassesbridge") then
- plastic = peripheral.wrap(v)
- break
- elseif (peripheral.getType(v) == "sensor") and (not worldSensor) then
- worldSensor = sensor.wrap(v)
- if not (worldSensor.getSensorName() == "worldCard") then
- worldSensor = false
- end
- end
- end
- if not plastic then print("Could not find Glass Bridge!") error() end
- local rootApps = nil
- if searchArgs("root") then
- rootApps = {}
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- print("-- [[ ROOT MODE ENABLED ]] --")
- if fs.isDir("/plasticApps") then
- else
- print("Creating /plasticApps folder")
- fs.delete("/plasticApps")
- fs.makeDir("/plasticApps")
- end
- -- Example plastic root app
- -- --[[Plastic Root App]]--
- -- --NAME: Example App
- -- if cmd == "hello" then
- -- print("HELLO!")
- -- end
- print("Searching for apps in /plasticApps")
- print("")
- for k,v in pairs(fs.list("/plasticApps")) do
- if not(fs.isDir("/plasticApps/"..v)) then
- local f ="/plasticApps/"..v, "r")
- if f:read("*l") == "--[[Plastic Root App]]--" then
- local name = f:read("*l"):match("%-%-NAME%: (.+)")
- dofile("/plasticApps/"..v)
- print("-- Application registered: ", name, " --")
- local data = f:read("*a")
- rootApps[name] = data
- end
- f:close()
- end
- end
- print("")
- print("Search completed!")
- print("Starting Plastic...")
- end
- if not(searchArgs("nodaemon")) and not(searchArgs("root")) then
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Plastic daemon now running. Use exit to exit")
- end
- local function reliableSleep(time)
- sleep(time)
- end
- -- Setup the actual "plastic"
- local gColors = {}
- = 0xff3333
- = 0x7dd2e4
- gColors.yellow = 0xffff4d
- = 0x4dff4d
- gColors.gray = 0xe0e0e0
- gColors.textGray = 0x818181
- gColors.text = 0x5a5a5a
- gColors.rain = 0x2e679f
- plastic.clear()
- local mainBox = plastic.addBox(20, 20, 1, 48, gColors.gray, 0.7)
- local outlineT = plastic.addBox(18,18,2,2,,0.7)
- local outlineB = plastic.addBox(18,68,2,2,,0.7)
- --Startup Animation
- if not(searchArgs("lite")) then
- -- 120, Edge is 140, Center is 80
- for i = 0, 17 do
- mainBox.setWidth(i*8)
- outlineT.setWidth(i*8+4)
- outlineB.setWidth(i*8+4)
- reliableSleep(0.01)
- end
- else
- mainBox.setWidth(136)
- outlineT.setWidth(140)
- outlineB.setWidth(140)
- mainBox.setHeight(48)
- end
- local header = plastic.addText(75, 25, "", gColors.textGray)
- local secondText = plastic.addText(50, 40, "",
- local thirdText = plastic.addText(40, 55, "",
- local mainText = plastic.addText(40, 27, "",
- local forthText = plastic.addText(40, 55, "", gColors.text)
- local tempText = plastic.addText(40, 70, "", gColors.text)
- header.setZ(5)
- mainText.setZ(5)
- secondText.setZ(5)
- thirdText.setZ(5)
- tempText.setZ(5)
- forthText.setZ(5)
- local function closeAnimation()
- if mainBox then
- pcall(mainText.delete)
- pcall(secondText.delete)
- pcall(header.delete)
- pcall(thirdText.delete)
- pcall(tempText.delete)
- pcall(forthText.delete)
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "kill")
- reliableSleep(0.1)
- if not(searchArgs("lite")) then
- pcall(function()
- for i = 17, 0, -1 do
- mainBox.setWidth(i*8)
- outlineT.setWidth(i*8+2)
- outlineB.setWidth(i*8+2)
- reliableSleep(0.01)
- end
- end)
- end
- pcall(outlineT.delete)
- pcall(outlineB.delete)
- pcall(mainBox.delete)
- end
- end
- local oldShutdown = os.shutdown
- local oldReboot = os.reboot
- function os.shutdown()
- closeAnimation()
- return oldShutdown()
- end
- function os.reboot()
- closeAnimation()
- return oldReboot()
- end
- local function runPlastic()
- -- Variables & Stuff
- local corruption = false
- local firstTime = true
- local showClock = false
- -- Fancy functions
- local gWidth = 24
- local extraSupport = 0
- local function trimText(s)
- return s:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
- end
- local function plasticGet(url, noCancel)
- http.request(url)
- while true do
- local e, rUrl, rmsg = os.pullEvent()
- if (e == "http_success") and (rUrl == url) then
- if rmsg then
- local data = rmsg.readAll()
- rmsg.close()
- if data then
- return "success", data
- else
- sleep(1)
- http.request(url)
- end
- else
- sleep(1)
- http.request(url)
- end
- elseif (e == "http_failure") and (rUrl == url) then
- return "failure"
- elseif (e == "chat_command") and ((trimText(rUrl:lower()) == "cancel") or (trimText(rUrl:lower()) == "home")) and not(noCancel) then
- return "cancel"
- end
- end
- end
- local function slowText(text, object)
- if not(searchArgs("lite")) then
- object.setText("")
- for i = 1, #text do
- object.setText(string.sub(text, 1, i))
- reliableSleep(0.01)
- end
- else
- object.setText(text)
- end
- end
- local function getCenter(text)
- return math.ceil(((136/2)-(plastic.getStringWidth(text)*(0.65)/2))+20-0.5)
- end
- local function centerText(text, object)
- object.setText("")
- object.setX(getCenter(text))
- slowText(text, object)
- end
- local function copyTable(tb)
- local newTable = {}
- for k,v in pairs(tb) do
- newTable[k] = v
- end
- return newTable
- end
- -- Load settings
- local settings = {}
- if fs.exists("/plasticOptions") and not(fs.isDir("/plasticOptions")) then
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "r")
- local data = f:read("*a")
- settings = textutils.unserialize(data)
- f:close()
- firstTime = false
- end
- if not(settings) or not((type(settings["name"]) == "string") and (type(settings["use12hour"]) == "boolean") and
- (type(settings["city"]) == "string") and (type(settings["showtime"]) == "string") and
- ((settings["temperature"] == "c") or (settings["temperature"] == "f"))) and not(firstTime) then
- corruption = true
- header.setY(25)
- header.setColor(
- centerText("Error: Corruption", header)
- mainText.setY(37)
- mainText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- centerText("Options data is", mainText)
- secondText.setY(47)
- secondText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- centerText("corrupted.", secondText)
- thirdText.setY(57)
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- thirdText.setX(40)
- slowText("Resetting Plastic...", thirdText)
- reliableSleep(2)
- fs.delete("/plasticOptions")
- closeAnimation()
- reliableSleep(1)
-, "nodaemon", unpack(tArgs))
- error()
- end
- local function getWT(city, canceller)
- local function getRawWT(city, canceller) --f or c for unit
- local unit = settings["temperature"]
- local use12hour = settings["use12hour"]
- local months = {"Jan", "Feb", "March", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
- local resp, webData = nil
- if canceller then
- resp, webData = plasticGet(""..textutils.urlEncode(city).."&format=xml&extra=localObsTime&num_of_days=1&includelocation=yes&key=uyp4r5ekjns64pmpvv3qkynj", true)
- else
- resp, webData = plasticGet(""..textutils.urlEncode(city).."&format=xml&extra=localObsTime&num_of_days=1&includelocation=yes&key=uyp4r5ekjns64pmpvv3qkynj")
- end
- if resp == "cancel" then
- return "cancel"
- elseif resp == "success" then
- else
- error()
- end
- if webData:find("<error>") then
- return "invalid"
- end
- local city, country = webData:match([[<areaName><!%[CDATA%[([^>]+)%]%]></areaName><country><!%[CDATA%[([^>]+)%]%]></country>]])
- if trimText(country) == "United States Of America" then
- country = "USA"
- end
- city = trimText(city):gsub(" City", "")
- local resolvedLocation = city .. ", " .. country
- local currentTemp = nil
- if unit == "c" then
- currentTemp = webData:match([[<current_condition>.+<temp_C>([^<]+)</temp_C>.+</current_condition>]])
- elseif unit == "f" then
- currentTemp = webData:match([[<current_condition>.+<temp_F>([^<]+)</temp_F>.+</current_condition>]])
- end
- local currentHumidity = webData:match([[<current_condition>.+<humidity>([^<]+)</humidity>.+</current_condition>]])
- local currentWeather = trimText(webData:match([[<current_condition>.+<weatherDesc><!%[CDATA%[([^>]+)%]%]></weatherDesc>.+</current_condition>]]))
- local lowTemp, highTemp = nil
- if unit == "c" then
- highTemp = webData:match([[<weather>.+<tempMaxC>([^<]+)</tempMaxC>.+</weather>]])
- lowTemp = webData:match([[<weather>.+<tempMinC>([^<]+)</tempMinC>.+</weather>]])
- elseif unit == "f" then
- highTemp = webData:match([[<weather>.+<tempMaxF>([^<]+)</tempMaxF>.+</weather>]])
- lowTemp = webData:match([[<weather>.+<tempMinF>([^<]+)</tempMinF>.+</weather>]])
- end
- dayWeather = trimText(webData:match([[<weather>.+<weatherDesc><!%[CDATA%[([^<]+)%]%]></weatherDesc>.+</weather>]]))
- local time = nil
- local year, month, day, rawTime, timeFormat = webData:match("<localObsDateTime>(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+) (%d+:%d+) (%u+)</localObsDateTime>")
- local resolvedDate = day .. " " .. months[tonumber(month)] .. " " .. year
- if not use12hour then
- if timeFormat == "AM" then
- if rawTime:sub(1,2) == "12" then
- time = "0" .. rawTime:sub(3,-1)
- else
- time = rawTime
- end
- elseif timeFormat == "PM" then
- if rawTime:sub(1,2) == "12" then
- time = rawTime
- else
- time = tostring(tonumber(rawTime:sub(1,2))+12) .. rawTime:sub(3,-1)
- end
- else
- error()
- end
- else
- time = rawTime .. " " .. timeFormat
- end
- if time:sub(1,1) == "0" then time = time:sub(2,-1) end
- local current = {}
- current["temp"] = currentTemp
- current["weather"] = currentWeather
- current["humidity"] = currentHumidity
- current["time"] = time
- current["date"] = resolvedDate
- current["url"] = timeURL
- current["location"] = resolvedLocation
- local day = {}
- day["high"] = highTemp
- day["low"] = lowTemp
- day["weather"] = dayWeather
- return "success", current, day
- end
- local result = nil
- result = {pcall(getRawWT, city, canceller)}
- if result[1] then
- table.remove(result, 1)
- end
- if result[1] then
- return unpack(result)
- else
- return "failure"
- end
- end
- -- Get the time and weather!
- local function getTime(city)
- --local resp, time = getTime(settings["city"])
- local resp, cur, today = getWT(city)
- if resp == "success" then
- return "success", cur["time"]
- else return "failure" end
- end
- local function displayTime(time)
- if time then
- if #time == 4 then
- mainText.setX(60)
- elseif #time == 5 then
- mainText.setX(50)
- elseif #time == 7 then
- mainText.setX(36)
- elseif #time == 8 then
- mainText.setX(27)
- end
- mainText.setText(time)
- end
- end
- local function resetScreen()
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- forthText.setText("")
- tempText.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setScale(3)
- mainText.setY(32)
- secondText.setText("")
- secondText.setColor(
- secondText.setY(57)
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- centerText("Welcome, " .. settings["name"], secondText)
- end
- local function textScreen()
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "hide")
- reliableSleep(0.05)
- header.setScale(1)
- mainText.setScale(1)
- secondText.setScale(1)
- thirdText.setScale(1)
- header.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- secondText.setColor(gColors.text)
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.text)
- header.setY(25)
- mainText.setY(37)
- secondText.setY(47)
- thirdText.setY(57)
- reliableSleep(0.1)
- end
- local function squeezeScreen()
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- forthText.setText("")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "hide")
- reliableSleep(0.05)
- header.setScale(1)
- mainText.setScale(1)
- secondText.setScale(1)
- thirdText.setScale(1)
- forthText.setScale(1)
- header.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- secondText.setColor(gColors.text)
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.text)
- forthText.setColor(gColors.text)
- header.setY(22)
- mainText.setY(31)
- secondText.setY(40)
- thirdText.setY(49)
- forthText.setY(58)
- reliableSleep(0.1)
- end
- -- Setup functions
- local function setupName()
- thirdText.setY(57)
- secondText.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- centerText("What's your name?", mainText)
- secondText.setY(47)
- secondText.setScale(1)
- secondText.setColor(gColors.text)
- centerText("Ex: $$John", secondText)
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- local name = msg
- secondText.setText("")
- centerText("Your name is", mainText)
- centerText(name .. "?", secondText)
- thirdText.setColor(
- centerText("Options: $$y/n", thirdText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if msg:find("y") then
- return name
- elseif msg:find("n") then
- return setupName()
- end
- end
- end
- local function setupTime()
- thirdText.setY(57)
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- centerText("Use 12h Time Format?", mainText)
- secondText.setColor(
- centerText("Options: $$y/n", secondText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if msg:find("y") then
- return true
- elseif msg:find("n") then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- local function setupTemperature()
- thirdText.setY(57)
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- centerText("Celsius or Farenheit?", mainText)
- secondText.setColor(
- centerText("Options: $$c/f", secondText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if msg:find("c") then
- return "c"
- elseif msg:find("f") then
- return "f"
- end
- end
- end
- local function setupLocation()
- thirdText.setY(57)
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- secondText.setColor(gColors.text)
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.text)
- centerText("What's your city?", mainText)
- centerText("(To get time/weather)", secondText)
- centerText("Ex: $$New York", thirdText)
- while true do
- local e, city = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- centerText("Connecting...", thirdText)
- local resp, cur = getWT(city)
- if resp == "success" then
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- centerText("You're in", mainText)
- centerText(cur["location"] .. "?", secondText)
- thirdText.setColor(
- centerText("Options: $$y/n", thirdText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if msg:find("y") then
- return city
- elseif msg:find("n") then
- return setupLocation()
- end
- end
- else
- thirdText.setColor(
- centerText("Invalid city!", thirdText)
- end
- end
- end
- local function mainThread()
- local function start()
- local function welcome()
- centerText("Welcome to", mainText)
- secondText.setScale(3)
- secondText.setX(40)
- slowText("Plastic", secondText)
- reliableSleep(2)
- secondText.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- centerText("Setup", header)
- mainText.setText("")
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setY(37)
- thirdText.setY(57)
- return setupName()
- end
- if firstTime then
- settings["name"] = welcome()
- settings["use12hour"] = setupTime()
- settings["city"] = setupLocation()
- settings["temperature"] = setupTemperature()
- settings["showtime"] = "ingame"
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- f:close()
- closeAnimation()
- reliableSleep(1)
-, "nodaemon", unpack(tArgs))
- error()
- else
- return
- end
- end
- local function convert(query)
- secondText.setX(25)
- slowText("Powered by STANDS4 APIs", secondText)
- --reliableSleep(1)
- --secondText.setX(35)
- --slowText("Converting... | cancel", secondText)
- local resp, msg = plasticGet("" .. textutils.urlEncode(query))
- if resp == "success" then
- if tonumber(msg:match("<errorCode>(%d+)")) > 0 then
- centerText(trimText(msg:match("<errorMessage>([^<]+)</errorMessage>")), secondText)
- return
- else
- local response = msg:match("<result>([^<]+)</result>")
- local replaceable = {["kilogram"] = "kg", ["nautical mile"] = "nmile" , ["megabyte"] = "mb", ["gigabyte"] = "gb", ["kilobyte"] = "kb"
- ,["millimeter"] = "mm", ["centimeter"] = "cm", ["micrometer"] = "Um", ["nanometer"] = "nm", ["terrabyte"] = "tb", ["exabyte"] = "eb",
- ["British"] = "gb", ["kilometer"] = "km", ["hour"] = "h", [" / "] = "/", ["&"] = "", ["deg;"] = ""}
- for k,v in pairs(replaceable) do
- response = response:lower():gsub(k,v)
- response = response:lower():gsub(k .. "s",v)
- end
- if #response >24 then
- local startSearch = response:find("%=")
- local trim = response:find("%.", startSearch)
- local units = response:find("%s", trim)
- local nresponse = response:sub(1, trim+3) .. response:sub(units,-1)
- response = trimText(nresponse)
- end
- secondText.setX(25)
- if #response > 22 then
- slowText(response, secondText)
- else
- centerText(response, secondText)
- end
- return
- end
- elseif resp == "failure" then
- centerText("Service not available", secondText)
- return
- elseif resp == "cancel" then
- centerText("Request Cancelled", secondText)
- return
- end
- end
- local function renderWeather(city)
- local resp, cur, day = nil
- centerText("Src: World Weather Online",secondText)
- if not city then
- resp, cur, day = getWT(settings["city"], true)
- else
- resp, cur, day = getWT(city, true)
- end
- if resp == "success" then
- squeezeScreen()
- header.setColor(
- centerText(cur["location"], header)
- mainText.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- centerText(cur["weather"], mainText)
- tempText.setX(97)
- tempText.setScale(3)
- tempText.setY(43)
- tempText.setColor(
- slowText(cur["temp"]..settings["temperature"]:upper(), tempText)
- secondText.setX(23)
- slowText("Humidity: " .. cur["humidity"] .. "%", secondText)
- thirdText.setX(23)
- slowText("Current", thirdText)
- forthText.setX(23)
- slowText("$$back/day", forthText)
- local function loadCurrent()
- centerText(cur["weather"], mainText)
- slowText(cur["temp"]..settings["temperature"]:upper(), tempText)
- slowText("Current", thirdText)
- slowText("$$back/day", forthText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or msg == "home" then
- return resetScreen()
- elseif (msg == "day") then
- return loadDay()
- end
- end
- end
- local function loadDay()
- centerText(day["weather"], mainText)
- slowText(day["high"]..settings["temperature"]:upper(), tempText)
- slowText("Low: " .. day["low"] .. (settings["temperature"]:upper()), thirdText)
- slowText("$$back/cur", forthText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or msg == "home" then
- return resetScreen()
- elseif (msg:find("cur")) then
- return loadCurrent()
- end
- end
- end
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or msg == "home" then
- return resetScreen()
- elseif (msg == "day") then
- return loadDay()
- end
- end
- elseif resp == "cancel" then
- centerText("Request Cancelled", secondText)
- return
- elseif resp == "invalid" then
- centerText("Invalid location!", secondText)
- return
- else
- centerText("Service not available", secondText)
- return
- end
- end
- local function renderDate(city)
- centerText("Src: World Weather Online",secondText)
- local resp, cur = getWT(city, true)
- if resp == "success" then
- textScreen()
- header.setColor(
- centerText("Current Time/Date", header)
- centerText(cur["location"], mainText)
- centerText(cur["date"] .. " - " .. cur["time"], secondText)
- centerText("$$back", thirdText)
- while true do
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or (msg == "home") then
- resetScreen()
- return
- end
- end
- elseif resp == "cancel" then
- centerText("Request Cancelled", secondText)
- return
- elseif resp == "invalid" then
- centerText("Invalid location!", secondText)
- return
- else
- centerText("Service not available", secondText)
- return
- end
- end
- local function getEnvs()
- local newEnv = getfenv(0)
- newEnv.secondText = secondText
- newEnv.thirdText = thirdText
- newEnv.forthText = forthText
- newEnv.tempText = tempText
- newEnv.mainText = mainText
- newEnv.resetScreen = resetScreen
- newEnv.squeezeScreen = squeezeScreen
- newEnv.textScreen = textScreen
- newEnv.slowText = slowText
- newEnv.centerText = centerText
- newEnv.plasticGet = plasticGet
- newEnv.trimText = trimText
- newEnv.header = header
- newEnv.plastic = plastic
- return newEnv
- end
- local function home()
- local function resetSecond()
- secondText.setText("")
- secondText.setColor(
- secondText.setY(57)
- secondText.setScale(1)
- end
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setScale(3)
- mainText.setY(32)
- secondText.setText("")
- secondText.setColor(
- secondText.setY(57)
- displayTime("00:00 --")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- centerText("Welcome, " .. settings["name"], secondText)
- while true do
- local skipAll = false
- local e, msg = os.pullEvent()
- if e == "chat_command" then
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if searchArgs("root") then
- for k,v in pairs(rootApps) do
- local a = loadstring("local cmd = [[" .. msg .. "]]\n" .. v)
- if a then
- local env = getEnvs()
- setfenv(a, env)
- if a() then
- skipAll = true
- end
- else
- print("Failed to run application: ", k)
- end
- end
- end
- if not(skipAll) then
- if (msg:sub(1,1) == "=") then
- local banned = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
- "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x","y", "z"}
- local formula = msg:sub(2, -1):lower()
- for k,v in pairs(banned) do
- formula = formula:gsub(v, "")
- end
- local func = loadstring("return " .. formula)
- local e, resp = pcall(func)
- if e and ((type(resp) == "number") or (type(resp) == "string")) then
- centerText("=" .. resp, secondText)
- else
- centerText("Syntax Error", secondText)
- end
- elseif msg == "help" then
- squeezeScreen()
- header.setColor(
- centerText("Help, Try: $$", header)
- centerText("=12*3, home, irl, restart,", mainText)
- centerText("igl, quit, update, weather,", secondText)
- centerText("time/weather for city,", thirdText)
- centerText("convert x to y (back)", forthText)
- while true do
- local _, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or (msg == "home") then
- resetScreen()
- break
- end
- end
- elseif msg == "about" then
- secondText.setX(32)
- slowText("Plastic B v0.11 by 1lann", secondText)
- elseif (msg:sub(1,8) == "weather ") or msg == "weather" then
- local location = nil
- if msg:sub(1,12) == "weather for " then
- location = trimText(msg:sub(13, -1))
- elseif msg:sub(1,11) == "weather in " then
- location = trimText(msg:sub(12, -1))
- elseif msg == "weather" then
- location = ""
- else
- location = trimText(msg:sub(9, -1))
- end
- if location == "" then
- renderWeather()
- else
- renderWeather(location)
- end
- elseif (msg:sub(1,8) == "time in ") or (msg:sub(1,9) == "time for ") or (msg:sub(1,9) == "date for ") then
- local location = nil
- if (msg:sub(1,8) == "time in ") then
- location = msg:sub(9,-1)
- else
- location = msg:sub(10, -1)
- end
- if location == "" then
- centerText("No city speicifed!", secondText)
- else
- renderDate(location)
- end
- elseif msg == "settings" then
- local exit = false
- while true do
- local noSave = false
- textScreen()
- header.setColor(
- centerText("Change Settings", header)
- centerText("Options: temperature,", mainText)
- centerText("time format, name,", secondText)
- centerText("location, back", thirdText)
- while true do
- local _, msg = os.pullEvent("chat_command")
- msg = trimText(msg:lower())
- if (msg == "back") or (msg == "home") then
- resetScreen()
- exit = true
- break
- elseif (msg == "temperature") then
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- centerText("Setup", header)
- settings["temperature"] = setupTemperature()
- noSave = false
- elseif (msg == "time format") then
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- centerText("Setup", header)
- settings["use12hour"] = setupTime()
- noSave = false
- elseif (msg == "name") then
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- centerText("Setup", header)
- settings["name"] = setupName()
- noSave = false
- elseif (msg == "location") then
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- centerText("Setup", header)
- settings["city"] = setupLocation()
- noSave = false
- else
- noSave = true
- end
- if not(noSave) then
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- f:close()
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- mainText.setColor(
- centerText("Settings saved!", mainText)
- sleep(2)
- break
- end
- end
- if exit then break end
- end
- elseif (msg:sub(1,8) == "convert ") then
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- resetSecond()
- convert(msg)
- elseif msg == "irl" then
- if not(settings["showtime"] == "irl") then
- secondText.setX(30)
- slowText("Changing time... | cancel", secondText)
- local resp, time = getTime(settings["city"])
- if resp == "success" then
- settings["showtime"] = "irl"
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "force", time)
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "irl")
- displayTime(time)
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- f:close()
- centerText("Time is now IRL", secondText)
- else
- centerText("Could not get IRL time!", secondText)
- end
- else
- centerText("Time is already IRL!", secondText)
- end
- elseif msg == "ingame" or (msg == "igl") then
- if not(settings["showtime"] == "ingame") then
- settings["showtime"] = "ingame"
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "force", textutils.formatTime(os.time(), not(settings["use12hour"])))
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "ingame")
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- f:close()
- centerText("Time is now in-game", secondText)
- else
- secondText.setX(30)
- slowText("Time is already in-game!", secondText)
- end
- elseif msg == "update" then
- secondText.setX(35)
- centerText("Updating... | cancel", secondText)
- local resp, data = plasticGet("")
- if resp == "success" then
- local f =, "w")
- f:write(data)
- f:close()
- closeAnimation()
- reliableSleep(1)
-, "nodaemon", unpack(tArgs))
- error()
- elseif resp == "failure" then
- centerText("Failed to update!", secondText)
- elseif resp == "cancel" then
- centerText("Request Cancelled", secondText)
- end
- elseif (msg == "home") or (msg == "clock") or (msg == "time") then
- resetScreen()
- elseif (msg == "restart") then
- closeAnimation()
- reliableSleep(1)
-, "nodaemon", unpack(tArgs))
- error()
- elseif (msg == "exit") or (msg == "quit") or (msg == "stop") then
- closeAnimation()
- error()
- else
- centerText("Unknown Command!", secondText)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- start()
- home()
- end
- local function updateWeather()
- if sensor then
- if worldSensor then
- header.setY(22)
- local data = worldSensor.getTargets()["CURRENT"]
- if data["Thundering"] then
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- header.setX(53)
- header.setText("Thunderstorm")
- elseif data["Raining"] then
- header.setColor(gColors.rain)
- header.setX(80)
- header.setText("Rain")
- elseif data["Daytime"] then
- header.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- header.setX(75)
- header.setText("Sunny")
- else
- header.setColor(gColors.rain)
- header.setX(59)
- header.setText("Clear Night")
- end
- else
- header.setColor(gColors.textGray)
- header.setX(35)
- header.setText("Missing world sensor!")
- end
- end
- end
- local function weatherThread()
- local timer = os.startTimer(5)
- while true do
- local e, id = os.pullEvent()
- if e == "plastic_clock_manager" then
- if id == "hide" then
- showClock = false
- elseif id == "show" then
- updateWeather()
- timer = os.startTimer(5)
- showClock = true
- end
- elseif (e == "timer") and (timer == id) and showClock then
- updateWeather()
- timer = os.startTimer(5)
- end
- end
- end
- local function backgroundThread()
- local webUpdate = 0
- local resp, time = nil
- local lastTimeUpdate = os.clock()
- local function updateTime(prevTime, city)
- if os.clock() >= lastTimeUpdate+60 then
- webUpdate = webUpdate + 1
- if webUpdate < 60 then
- if prevTime then
- local hour,minute,ampm = prevTime:match("^(%d+):(%d+)(.-)$")
- if ampm == " AM" then
- if settings["use12hour"] == false then
- return getTime(city)
- end
- lastTimeUpdate = os.clock()
- if minute == "59" then
- if hour == "11" then
- return "success","12:00 PM"
- elseif hour == "12" then
- return "success","1:00 AM"
- else
- return "success",tostring(tonumber(hour)+1)..":00 AM"
- end
- else
- if #tostring(tonumber(minute)+1) > 1 then
- return "success",hour..":"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1).." AM"
- else
- return "success",hour..":0"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1).." AM"
- end
- end
- elseif ampm == " PM" then
- if settings["use12hour"] == false then
- return getTime(city)
- end
- lastTimeUpdate = os.clock()
- if minute == "59" then
- if hour == "11" then
- return "success","12:00 AM"
- elseif hour == "12" then
- return "success","1:00 PM"
- else
- return "success",tostring(tonumber(hour)+1)..":00 PM"
- end
- else
- if #tostring(tonumber(minute)+1) > 1 then
- return "success",hour..":"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1).." PM"
- else
- return "success",hour..":0"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1).." PM"
- end
- end
- else
- if settings["use12hour"] == true then
- return getTime(city)
- end
- lastTimeUpdate = os.clock()
- if minute == "59" then
- if hour == "23" then
- return "success", "0:00"
- else
- return "success", tostring(tonumber(hour)+1)..":".."00"
- end
- else
- if #tostring(tonumber(minute)+1) > 1 then
- return "success",hour..":"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1)
- else
- return "success",hour..":0"..tostring(tonumber(minute)+1)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- return "failure"
- end
- else
- return getTime(city)
- end
- else
- return "success",prevTime
- end
- end
- local clockType = settings["showtime"]
- local timerID = nil
- local updateTimer = nil
- local previousClock = nil
- local dynamicSleep = nil
- local resp = nil
- if settings["showtime"] == "irl" then
- resp, time = getTime(settings["city"])
- if resp == "success" then
- settings["showtime"] = "irl"
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "force", time)
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "show")
- os.queueEvent("plastic_clock_manager", "irl")
- displayTime(time)
- local f ="/plasticOptions", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(settings))
- f:close()
- else
- end
- end
- if clockType == "ingame" then
- dynamicSleep = 0.83
- else
- dynamicSleep = 60
- end
- timerID = os.clock() + dynamicSleep
- os.startTimer(0.83)
- updateTimer = 0.83+os.clock()
- while true do
- if os.clock() >= updateTimer then
- os.startTimer(0.83)
- updateTimer = 0.83+os.clock()
- end
- local e, command, param = os.pullEvent()
- if e == "plastic_clock_manager" then
- if command == "show" then
- if time then
- displayTime(time)
- end
- mainText.setColor(gColors.text)
- mainText.setScale(3)
- mainText.setY(32)
- header.setText("")
- showClock = true
- timerID = os.clock()
- elseif command == "hide" then
- header.setText("")
- mainText.setText("")
- timerID = os.clock()+2
- showClock = false
- elseif command == "irl" then
- clockType = "irl"
- dynamicSleep = 60
- timerID = os.clock() + dynamicSleep
- elseif command == "ingame" then
- clockType = "ingame"
- dynamicSleep = 0.83
- timerID = os.clock() + dynamicSleep
- elseif command == "force" then
- if param then
- time = param
- end
- elseif command == "kill" then
- sleep(100)
- end
- elseif os.clock() >= timerID then
- if showClock then
- if clockType == "irl" then
- resp, time = updateTime(time,settings["city"])
- if resp ~= "success" then
- displayTime("ERROR")
- webUpdate = 60
- else
- displayTime(time)
- end
- elseif clockType == "ingame" then
- time = textutils.formatTime(os.time(), not(settings["use12hour"]))
- displayTime(time)
- end
- end
- timerID = os.clock() + dynamicSleep
- end
- end
- end
- local eError, eResp = pcall(function() parallel.waitForAny(mainThread,backgroundThread,weatherThread) end)
- if eError then
- return
- elseif eResp then
- if not(fs.exists("/plasticLog")) then
- local f ="/plasticLog", "w") f:write("-- Plastic Error Logs --\n") f:close()
- end
- local f ="/plasticLog", "a")
- f:write(eResp .. "\n")
- f:close()
- mainText.setText("")
- secondText.setText("")
- thirdText.setText("")
- forthText.setText("")
- tempText.setText("")
- header.setText("")
- header.setY(25)
- header.setColor(
- centerText("Plastic has crashed", header)
- mainText.setY(37)
- mainText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- secondText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- thirdText.setColor(gColors.yellow)
- mainText.setScale(1)
- secondText.setScale(1)
- thirdText.setScale(1)
- centerText("and will now restart.", mainText)
- secondText.setY(47)
- centerText("See /plasticLog for", secondText)
- thirdText.setY(57)
- centerText("more information.", thirdText)
- reliableSleep(3)
- closeAnimation()
- reliableSleep(1)
-, "nodaemon", unpack(tArgs))
- error()
- end
- end
- local function plasticWrapper()
- pcall(runPlastic)
- end
- --[[function os.pullEvent(lookfor)
- local data = {os.pullEventRaw()}
- --if not(data[1] == "timer") and not(data[1] == "ocs_success") then
- print(os.clock(), data[1], tostring(data[2]))
- --end
- if not lookfor then
- return unpack(data)
- elseif data[1] == lookfor then
- return unpack(data)
- end
- end]]
- if not(searchArgs("nodaemon")) then
- parallel.waitForAny(plasticWrapper, function()"/rom/programs/shell") end)
- closeAnimation()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Thank you for using Plastic Beta v0.11 by 1lann")
- else
- runPlastic()
- closeAnimation()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Thank you for using Plastic Beta v0.11 by 1lann")
- end
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