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- local tArg = {...}
- local selfDelete = false -- if true, deletes extractor after running
- local file
- local outputPath = "gametest"
- local safeColorList = {[colors.white] = true,[colors.lightGray] = true,[colors.gray] = true,[] = true}
- local stc = function(color) if (term.isColor() or safeColorList[color]) then term.setTextColor(color) end end
- local choice = function()
- local input = "yn"
- write("[")
- for a = 1, #input do
- write(input:sub(a,a):upper())
- if a < #input then
- write(",")
- end
- end
- print("]?")
- local evt,char
- repeat
- evt,char = os.pullEvent("char")
- until string.find(input:lower(),char:lower())
- if verbose then
- print(char:upper())
- end
- local pos = string.find(input:lower(), char:lower())
- return pos, char:lower()
- end
- local archive = textutils.unserialize("{\
- mainFile = \"game.lua\",\
- compressed = false,\
- data = {\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/hurt.nft\" ] = \" 3ff3\\\
- bfbf3\\\
- 3ff3b0b3ff3\\\
- bf33ffb0f03b ffb\\\
- b 3ff3 fb \\\
- 3fb33f\\\
- 3f bb3fb3fb3fb\\\
- b3fb bfbf\\\
- bfb\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/teleport3.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- \\\
- \\\
- \\\
- bf3b\\\
- b3b\\\
- \\\
- bf3bb33bbf\\\
- bbf3b b33bf\\\
- 3bb3 3bb3\\\
- fb3b\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster3-2.nft\" ] = \" 4f\\\
- 0f40f4f 4f0f4\\\
- 4f00f4 4f0404f\\\
- 0f0 f400f4\\\
- 404f 4ff4004\\\
- f040ff4 f4\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walk2.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- 3ff30b0ff0\\\
- f3bf3ff0\\\
- fbbf3f3b\\\
- fb3ff3 \\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/climbshoot.nft\" ] = \" bffb\\\
- bf3ff3\\\
- 3fb3b0f \\\
- 3bb30f0f3bf3\\\
- f33fb0f3b\\\
- 3fb3\\\
- 3bfbbf3b\\\
- bffb3bfb\\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/teleport2.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- \\\
- \\\
- \\\
- \\\
- \\\
- \\\
- bf3\\\
- bbf3b b33bf\\\
- 3bb3 3bb3\\\
- fb3b\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/shoot.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- b30b3fb\\\
- 3fb00f bffb\\\
- bffbbf3fb03ff3bf\\\
- fbbf33f\\\
- 3fbb3f3\\\
- bf3fbfb\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster2-1.nft\" ] = \" 4f\\\
- 4f0404f\\\
- 4004f4 \\\
- f4\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/jump.nft\" ] = \"bf bff3 bf\\\
- bbf3bb03ffb bf fb\\\
- fbbff30b0ff0b3fb\\\
- 3f0f3f3\\\
- 33\\\
- 3bb3b3\\\
- 33f bfbf\\\
- bf fb\\\
- bfb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/teleport1.nft\" ] = \" 3fbbf3\\\
- 3bf3\\\
- 3bbf3\\\
- 3f bf3\\\
- 3bb3f\\\
- 3fbbf3\\\
- 3fbf3\\\
- 3bb3f\\\
- 3fbbf3\\\
- 3bf3\\\
- b3fb3 \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster3-3.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- 0ff0 bf99bffb\\\
- 4f f040 bf9b9bf\\\
- 04f0 9f9fb\\\
- 40ff0 fb9f9b \\\
- f4 fb9\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walkshoot3.nft\" ] = \" 3ff3\\\
- bfbf3\\\
- b30bb0fbbf\\\
- bf03f03ff3b3f\\\
- bff33bb3ffb3b\\\
- bfbf3bb3f3fb\\\
- b3 f3bfb\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster1.nft\" ] = \"f4f\\\
- 440f4 \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/jumpshoot.nft\" ] = \"bffb bff3\\\
- bbffbb30b3fb\\\
- fb3bf00f 3f3bf3\\\
- f33ffb0f3f3 b\\\
- 3f3f\\\
- bf3b3b3fb\\\
- 3fb3f fbbffb\\\
- fbbf fb\\\
- bbf\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/climb2.nft\" ] = \" bffb\\\
- bffbbf3b\\\
- 3fbb33bbf\\\
- 3bb3b3ffb\\\
- f33fb3bf\\\
- 3fb33ff3 \\\
- 3bfbbf3b\\\
- bffb3bfb\\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/throw.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- b30b3fb\\\
- 3fb00f \\\
- bffbbf3fb03f\\\
- fbbf33f3fb3\\\
- 3fbb3f3 fbbf\\\
- bf3fbfb fb\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walk0.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- b30b3fb\\\
- bf00f \\\
- bf3fb03fb\\\
- bbf3f3fbffb\\\
- fbbf b3f3b\\\
- bf 3f3fb3f\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/stand1.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- f30b0ff0\\\
- bf33ff00f3fb\\\
- bff33fbfb\\\
- b3fb3b3bffb\\\
- bfb3fbffb\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/climbtop.nft\" ] = \" bffb\\\
- bf33ffb\\\
- bffbb3b3fb\\\
- bf3b3ffb\\\
- 3f3f bfbf\\\
- bfbf\\\
- fbbf\",\
- [ \".game/maps/testmap.nft\" ] = \" 47 \\\
- 07 07 47 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 07 07 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 07 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 07 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 07 07 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 0 07 \\\
- 07 47 3 4 3 4 0 07 \\\
- 07 47 47 0 07 \\\
- 07 47 You can hit your 07 07 \\\
- 07 47 head on the roof! 07 07 \\\
- 07 47 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 Sliding! 07 \\\
- 07 07 (Down and Jump) 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 Slopes! 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 07 \\\
- 07 07 07 07 e 0 \\\
- 07 07 Look at my engine! 07 07 e 0 \\\
- 07 07 I spent too much 07 07 e 0 \\\
- 07 time on this 07 Pits! 07 e 0 \\\
- 07 07 e 0 \\\
- 07 07 Scrolling! 07 e7 \\\
- 07 07 e7 0 e7 \\\
- 07 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 e7 e7 Q to \\\
- 07 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 e7 e7 \\\
- 07 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 e7 e7 quit \\\
- 07 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 e7 e7 \\\
- c7 c7 c7 c7 c7 e7 e7 \\\
- c7 e7 e7 \\\
- e7 e7 \\\
- e7 e7 \\\
- e7 e7 \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walk1.nft\" ] = \" 3ff3\\\
- bfbf3\\\
- bf3f3b0bb0fbbf\\\
- bfbf 3ffb0f0 bffb\\\
- bfb33ff03fbfb\\\
- bffbbf3bff3b\\\
- b3bf3fb \\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster3-4.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- \\\
- 4f0f4\\\
- 4400f\\\
- f404\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walk4.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- 3ff30b0ff0\\\
- f3bf3ff0\\\
- fbbf3f3b\\\
- fb3ff3 \\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \"game.lua\" ] = \"local game = {}\\\
- game.path = fs.combine(fs.getDir(shell.getRunningProgram()),\\\".game\\\")\\\
- game.apiPath = fs.combine(game.path, \\\"api\\\")\\\
- game.spritePath = fs.combine(game.path, \\\"sprites\\\")\\\
- game.mapPath = fs.combine(game.path, \\\"maps\\\")\\\
- game.imagePath = fs.combine(game.path, \\\"image\\\")\\\
- game.configPath = fs.combine(game.path, \\\"config.cfg\\\")\\\
- \\\
- local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize()\\\
- local mapname = \\\"testmap\\\"\\\
- \\\
- local scrollX = 0\\\
- local scrollY = 0\\\
- local killY = 100\\\
- \\\
- local keysDown = {}\\\
- \\\
- local tsv = function(visible)\\\
- if term.current().setVisible then\\\
- term.current().setVisible(visible)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local getAPI = function(apiName, apiPath, apiURL, doDoFile)\\\
- apiPath = fs.combine(game.apiPath, apiPath)\\\
- if not fs.exists(apiPath) then\\\
- write(\\\"Getting \\\" .. apiName .. \\\"...\\\")\\\
- local prog = http.get(apiURL)\\\
- if prog then\\\
- print(\\\"success!\\\")\\\
- local file =, \\\"w\\\")\\\
- file.write(prog.readAll())\\\
- file.close()\\\
- else\\\
- error(\\\"fail!\\\")\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- if doDoFile then\\\
- _ENV[fs.getName(apiPath)] = dofile(apiPath)\\\
- else\\\
- os.loadAPI(apiPath)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- getAPI(\\\"NFT Extra\\\", \\\"nfte\\\", \\\"\\\", false)\\\
- \\\
- -- load sprites from sprite folder\\\
- -- sprites are separated into \\\"sets\\\", but the only one here is \\\"megaman\\\" so whatever\\\
- \\\
- local sprites, maps = {}, {}\\\
- for k, set in pairs(fs.list(game.spritePath)) do\\\
- sprites[set] = {}\\\
- for num, name in pairs(fs.list(fs.combine(game.spritePath, set))) do\\\
- sprites[set][name:gsub(\\\".nft\\\", \\\"\\\")] = nfte.loadImage(fs.combine(game.spritePath, set .. \\\"/\\\" .. name))\\\
- print(\\\"Loaded sprite \\\" .. name:gsub(\\\".nft\\\",\\\"\\\"))\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- for num, name in pairs(fs.list(game.mapPath)) do\\\
- maps[name:gsub(\\\".nft\\\", \\\"\\\")] = nfte.loadImage(fs.combine(game.mapPath, name))\\\
- print(\\\"Loaded map \\\" .. name:gsub(\\\".nft\\\",\\\"\\\"))\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local projectiles = {}\\\
- local players = {}\\\
- \\\
- local newPlayer = function(name, spriteset, x, y)\\\
- return {\\\
- name = name, -- player name\\\
- spriteset = spriteset, -- set of sprites to use\\\
- sprite = \\\"stand\\\", -- current sprite\\\
- direction = 1, -- 1 is right, -1 is left\\\
- xsize = 10, -- hitbox x size\\\
- ysize = 8, -- hitbox y size\\\
- x = x, -- x position\\\
- y = y, -- y position\\\
- xadj = 0, -- adjust x for good looks\\\
- yadj = 0, -- adjust y for good looks\\\
- xvel = 0, -- x velocity\\\
- yvel = 0, -- y velocity\\\
- maxVelocity = 8, -- highest posible speed in any direction\\\
- jumpHeight = 2, -- height of jump\\\
- jumpAssist = 0.5, -- assists jump while in air\\\
- moveSpeed = 2, -- speed of walking\\\
- gravity = 0.75, -- force of gravity\\\
- slideSpeed = 4, -- speed of sliding\\\
- grounded = false, -- is on solid ground\\\
- shots = 0, -- how many shots onscreen\\\
- maxShots = 3, -- maximum shots onscreen\\\
- lemonSpeed = 3, -- speed of megabuster shots\\\
- chargeLevel = 0, -- current charged buster level\\\
- cycle = { -- used for animation cycles\\\
- run = 0, -- used for run sprite\\\
- shoot = 0, -- determines duration of shoot sprite\\\
- shootHold = 0, -- forces user to release then push shoot\\\
- stand = 0, -- used for high-octane eye blinking action\\\
- slide = 0, -- used to limit slide length\\\
- jump = 0, -- used to prevent auto-bunnyhopping\\\
- shootCharge = 0, -- records how charged your megabuster is\\\
- ouch = 0, -- records hitstun\\\
- iddqd = 0 -- records invincibility frames\\\
- },\\\
- chargeDiscolor = { -- swaps colors during buster charging\\\
- [0] = {{}},\\\
- [1] = { -- charge level one\\\
- {\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"a\\\"\\\
- },\\\
- {\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"b\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- },\\\
- [2] = { -- woAH charge level two\\\
- {\\\
- --[\\\"f\\\"] = \\\"b\\\",\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"3\\\",\\\
- [\\\"3\\\"] = \\\"f\\\"\\\
- },\\\
- {\\\
- --[\\\"f\\\"] = \\\"3\\\",\\\
- [\\\"3\\\"] = \\\"b\\\",\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"f\\\"\\\
- },\\\
- {\\\
- --[\\\"f\\\"] = \\\"3\\\",\\\
- [\\\"3\\\"] = \\\"b\\\",\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"8\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- }\\\
- },\\\
- control = { -- inputs\\\
- up = false, -- move up ladders\\\
- down = false, -- move down ladders, or slide\\\
- left = false, -- point and walk left\\\
- right = false, -- point and walk right\\\
- jump = false, -- jump, or slide\\\
- shoot = false -- fire your weapon\\\
- }\\\
- }\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local deriveControls = function(keyList)\\\
- return {\\\
- up = keyList[keys.up],\\\
- down = keyList[keys.down],\\\
- left = keyList[keys.left],\\\
- right = keyList[keys.right],\\\
- jump = keyList[keys.x],\\\
- shoot = keyList[keys.z]\\\
- }\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- main colision function\\\
- local isSolid = function(x, y)\\\
- x = math.floor(x)\\\
- y = math.floor(y)\\\
- if (not maps[mapname][1][y]) or (x < 1) then\\\
- return false\\\
- else\\\
- if (maps[mapname][1][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\" \\\" or\\\
- maps[mapname][1][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\"\\\") and\\\
- (maps[mapname][3][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\" \\\" or\\\
- maps[mapname][3][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\"\\\") then\\\
- return false\\\
- else\\\
- return true\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local isPlayerTouchingSolid = function(player, xmod, ymod, ycutoff)\\\
- for y = player.y + (ycutoff or 0), player.ysize + player.y - 1 do\\\
- for x = player.x, player.xsize + player.x - 1 do\\\
- if isSolid(x + (xmod or 0), y + (ymod or 0)) then\\\
- return \\\"map\\\"\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return false\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- you = 1\\\
- players[you] = newPlayer(\\\"LDD\\\", \\\"megaman\\\", 40, 8)\\\
- \\\
- local movePlayer = function(player, x, y)\\\
- i = player.yvel / math.abs(player.yvel)\\\
- for y = 1, math.abs(player.yvel) do\\\
- if isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, 0, -i, (player.cycle.slide > 0 and 2 or 0)) then\\\
- if player.yvel < 0 then\\\
- player.grounded = true\\\
- end\\\
- player.yvel = 0\\\
- break\\\
- else\\\
- player.y = player.y - i\\\
- player.grounded = false\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- i = player.xvel / math.abs(player.xvel)\\\
- for x = 1, math.abs(player.xvel) do\\\
- if isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, i, 0, (player.cycle.slide > 0 and 2 or 0)) then\\\
- if player.grounded and not isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, i, -1) then -- upward slope detection\\\
- player.y = player.y - 1\\\
- player.x = player.x + i\\\
- grounded = true\\\
- else\\\
- player.xvel = 0\\\
- break\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- player.x = player.x + i\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- types of projectiles\\\
- \\\
- local bullet = {\\\
- lemon = {\\\
- damage = 1,\\\
- element = \\\"neutral\\\",\\\
- sprites = {\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster1\\\"]\\\
- },\\\
- },\\\
- lemon2 = {\\\
- damage = 1,\\\
- element = \\\"neutral\\\",\\\
- sprites = {\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster2-1\\\"],\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster2-2\\\"]\\\
- }\\\
- },\\\
- lemon3 = {\\\
- damage = 4,\\\
- element = \\\"neutral\\\",\\\
- sprites = {\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster3-1\\\"],\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster3-2\\\"],\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster3-3\\\"],\\\
- sprites[\\\"megaman\\\"][\\\"buster3-4\\\"],\\\
- }\\\
- }\\\
- }\\\
- \\\
- local spawnProjectile = function(boolit, owner, x, y, xvel, yvel)\\\
- projectiles[#projectiles+1] = {\\\
- owner = owner,\\\
- bullet = boolit,\\\
- x = x,\\\
- y = y,\\\
- xvel = xvel,\\\
- yvel = yvel,\\\
- direction = xvel / math.abs(xvel),\\\
- life = 32,\\\
- cycle = 0,\\\
- phaze = false,\\\
- }\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local moveTick = function()\\\
- local i\\\
- for num, player in pairs(players) do\\\
- \\\
- -- falling\\\
- player.yvel = player.yvel - player.gravity\\\
- \\\
- -- jumping\\\
- \\\
- if player.control.jump then\\\
- if player.grounded then\\\
- if player.cycle.jump == 0 then\\\
- if player.control.down and player.cycle.slide == 0 then\\\
- player.cycle.slide = 6\\\
- elseif not isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, 0, -1, 0) then\\\
- player.yvel = player.jumpHeight\\\
- player.cycle.slide = 0\\\
- player.grounded = false\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- player.cycle.jump = 1\\\
- end\\\
- if player.yvel > 0 and not player.grounded then\\\
- player.yvel = player.yvel + player.jumpAssist\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- player.cycle.jump = 0\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- walking\\\
- \\\
- if player.control.right then\\\
- player.direction = 1\\\
- player.xvel = player.moveSpeed\\\
- elseif player.control.left then\\\
- player.direction = -1\\\
- player.xvel = -player.moveSpeed\\\
- else\\\
- player.xvel = 0\\\
- end\\\
- if player.cycle.slide > 0 then\\\
- player.xvel = player.direction * player.slideSpeed\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- shooting\\\
- \\\
- if player.control.shoot then\\\
- if player.cycle.shootHold == 0 then\\\
- if player.shots < player.maxShots and player.cycle.slide == 0 then\\\
- spawnProjectile(\\\
- bullet.lemon,\\\
- player,\\\
- player.x + player.xsize * player.direction,\\\
- player.y + 2,\\\
- player.lemonSpeed * player.direction,\\\
- 0\\\
- )\\\
- player.cycle.shoot = 5\\\
- player.shots = player.shots + 1\\\
- end\\\
- player.cycle.shootHold = 1\\\
- end\\\
- if player.cycle.shootHold == 1 then\\\
- player.cycle.shootCharge = player.cycle.shootCharge + 1\\\
- if player.cycle.shootCharge < 16 then\\\
- player.chargeLevel = 0\\\
- elseif player.cycle.shootCharge < 32 then\\\
- player.chargeLevel = 1\\\
- else\\\
- player.chargeLevel = 2\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- player.cycle.shootHold = 0\\\
- if player.shots < player.maxShots and player.cycle.slide == 0 then\\\
- if player.cycle.shootCharge > 16 then\\\
- if player.cycle.shootCharge >= 32 then\\\
- spawnProjectile(\\\
- bullet.lemon3,\\\
- player,\\\
- player.x + math.max(0, player.direction * player.xsize),\\\
- player.y,\\\
- player.lemonSpeed * player.direction,\\\
- 0\\\
- )\\\
- else\\\
- spawnProjectile(\\\
- bullet.lemon2,\\\
- player,\\\
- player.x + math.max(0, player.direction * player.xsize),\\\
- player.y + 1,\\\
- player.lemonSpeed * player.direction,\\\
- 0\\\
- )\\\
- end\\\
- player.shots = player.shots + 1\\\
- player.cycle.shoot = 5\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- player.cycle.shootCharge = 0\\\
- player.chargeLevel = 0\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- movement\\\
- if player.xvel > 0 then\\\
- player.xvel = math.min(player.xvel, player.maxVelocity)\\\
- else\\\
- player.xvel = math.max(player.xvel, -player.maxVelocity)\\\
- end\\\
- if player.yvel > 0 then\\\
- player.yvel = math.min(player.yvel, player.maxVelocity)\\\
- else\\\
- player.yvel = math.max(player.yvel, -player.maxVelocity)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- if player.y > killY then\\\
- player.x = 40\\\
- player.y = -80\\\
- player.xvel = 0\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- movePlayer(player, xvel, yvel)\\\
- \\\
- scrollX = player.x - math.floor(scr_x / 2) + math.floor(player.xsize / 2)\\\
- scrollY = player.y - math.floor(scr_y / 2) + math.floor(player.ysize / 2)\\\
- \\\
- -- projectile management\\\
- \\\
- for i = #projectiles, 1, -1 do\\\
- projectiles[i].x = projectiles[i].x + projectiles[i].xvel\\\
- projectiles[i].y = projectiles[i].y + projectiles[i].yvel\\\
- projectiles[i].cycle = projectiles[i].cycle + 1\\\
- projectiles[i].life = projectiles[i].life - 1\\\
- if projectiles[i].life <= 0 then\\\
- table.remove(projectiles, i)\\\
- player.shots = player.shots - 1\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local render = function()\\\
- tsv(false)\\\
- term.clear()\\\
- nfte.drawImage(maps[mapname], -scrollX + 1, -scrollY + 1)\\\
- for num,player in pairs(players) do\\\
- term.setCursorPos(1,num)\\\
- print(\\\"(\\\" .. player.x .. \\\", \\\" .. player.y .. \\\", \\\" .. tostring(player.shots) .. \\\")\\\")\\\
- if player.direction == -1 then\\\
- nfte.drawImageTransparent(\\\
- nfte.colorSwap(\\\
- nfte.flipX(\\\
- sprites[player.spriteset][player.sprite]\\\
- ),\\\
- player.chargeDiscolor[player.chargeLevel][\\\
- (math.floor(player.cycle.shootCharge / 2) % #player.chargeDiscolor[player.chargeLevel]) + 1\\\
- ]\\\
- ),\\\
- player.x - scrollX + player.xadj,\\\
- player.y - scrollY + player.yadj\\\
- )\\\
- else\\\
- nfte.drawImageTransparent(\\\
- nfte.colorSwap(\\\
- sprites[player.spriteset][player.sprite],\\\
- player.chargeDiscolor[player.chargeLevel][\\\
- (math.floor(player.cycle.shootCharge / 2) % #player.chargeDiscolor[player.chargeLevel]) + 1\\\
- ]\\\
- ),\\\
- player.x - scrollX,\\\
- player.y - scrollY\\\
- )\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- for num,p in pairs(projectiles) do\\\
- if p.direction == -1 then\\\
- nfte.drawImageTransparent(\\\
- nfte.flipX(p.bullet.sprites[(p.cycle % #p.bullet.sprites) + 1]),\\\
- p.x - scrollX,\\\
- p.y - scrollY\\\
- )\\\
- else\\\
- nfte.drawImageTransparent(\\\
- p.bullet.sprites[(p.cycle % #p.bullet.sprites) + 1],\\\
- p.x - scrollX,\\\
- p.y - scrollY\\\
- )\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- tsv(true)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- -- determines what sprite a player uses\\\
- local determineSprite = function(player)\\\
- local output\\\
- player.xadj = 0\\\
- player.yadj = 0\\\
- if player.grounded then\\\
- if player.cycle.slide > 0 then\\\
- player.cycle.slide = math.max(player.cycle.slide - 1, isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, 0, 0, 0) and 1 or 0)\\\
- output = \\\"slide\\\"\\\
- else\\\
- if player.xvel == 0 then\\\
- = -1\\\
- player.cycle.stand = (player.cycle.stand + 1) % 40\\\
- if player.cycle.shoot > 0 then\\\
- output = \\\"shoot\\\"\\\
- if player.direction == -1 then\\\
- player.xadj = -5\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- output = player.cycle.stand == 39 and \\\"stand2\\\" or \\\"stand1\\\"\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- if == -1 and player.cycle.shoot == 0 then\\\
- = 0\\\
- output = \\\"walk0\\\"\\\
- else\\\
- = ( + 0.35) % 4\\\
- if player.cycle.shoot > 0 then\\\
- output = \\\"walkshoot\\\" .. (math.floor( + 1)\\\
- else\\\
- output = \\\"walk\\\" .. (math.floor( + 1)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- player.cycle.slide = isPlayerTouchingSolid(player, 0, 0, 0) and 1 or 0\\\
- if player.cycle.shoot > 0 then\\\
- output = \\\"jumpshoot\\\"\\\
- if player.direction == -1 then\\\
- player.xadj = -1\\\
- end\\\
- else\\\
- output = \\\"jump\\\"\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- player.cycle.shoot = math.max(player.cycle.shoot - 1, 0)\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local getInput = function()\\\
- local evt\\\
- while true do\\\
- evt = {os.pullEvent()}\\\
- if evt[1] == \\\"key\\\" then\\\
- keysDown[evt[2]] = true\\\
- elseif evt[1] == \\\"key_up\\\" then\\\
- keysDown[evt[2]] = false\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local main = function()\\\
- while true do\\\
- players[you].control = deriveControls(keysDown)\\\
- moveTick()\\\
- players[you].sprite = determineSprite(players[you])\\\
- render()\\\
- if keysDown[keys.q] then\\\
- return\\\
- end\\\
- sleep(0.05)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- parallel.waitForAny(getInput, main)\\\
- \\\
- term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y)\\\
- term.clearLine()\\\
- \",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/jumpthrow.nft\" ] = \"bf bff3\\\
- bbf3bb03ffb \\\
- fbbff30b0ff03fbfb\\\
- 3f0f3f3bbf\\\
- 33\\\
- 3bb3b3\\\
- 33f bfbf\\\
- bf fb\\\
- bfb\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/climb1.nft\" ] = \" bffb\\\
- bf3fbbf\\\
- bfb3b3bf\\\
- bff3bb3fb3\\\
- 3b3fbf3\\\
- 33fb33f\\\
- f3bfbf3\\\
- fb3 fbb\\\
- fbb\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walkshoot4.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- 3ff30b0ff03fbf3\\\
- f3bf3ff03b\\\
- fbbf3f3\\\
- fb3ff3 \\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/slide.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- bf3f3bffb\\\
- 3fbbff3bbf \\\
- f30b0fb03f\\\
- 3ff303f3bffb\\\
- bbf33fb3fb\\\
- bf f3b3bfbbf\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/api/nfte\" ] = \"local tchar, bchar = string.char(31), string.char(30)\\\
- \\\
- local deepCopy = function(tbl)\\\
- local output = {}\\\
- for k,v in pairs(tbl) do\\\
- output[k] = v\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local function stringWrite(str,pos,ins,exc)\\\
- str, ins = tostring(str), tostring(ins)\\\
- local output, fn1, fn2 = str:sub(1,pos-1)..ins..str:sub(pos+#ins)\\\
- if exc then\\\
- repeat\\\
- fn1, fn2 = str:find(exc,fn2 and fn2+1 or 1)\\\
- if fn1 then\\\
- output = stringWrite(output,fn1,str:sub(fn1,fn2))\\\
- end\\\
- until not fn1\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local checkValid = function(image)\\\
- if type(image) == \\\"table\\\" then\\\
- if #image == 3 then\\\
- if #image[1] + #image[2] + #image[3] >= 3 then\\\
- return (#image[1] == #image[2] and #image[2] == #image[3])\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return false\\\
- end\\\
- local bl = {\\\
- [' '] = 0,\\\
- ['0'] = 1,\\\
- ['1'] = 2,\\\
- ['2'] = 4,\\\
- ['3'] = 8,\\\
- ['4'] = 16,\\\
- ['5'] = 32,\\\
- ['6'] = 64,\\\
- ['7'] = 128,\\\
- ['8'] = 256,\\\
- ['9'] = 512,\\\
- ['a'] = 1024,\\\
- ['b'] = 2048,\\\
- ['c'] = 4096,\\\
- ['d'] = 8192,\\\
- ['e'] = 16384,\\\
- ['f'] = 32768,\\\
- }\\\
- local lb = {}\\\
- for k,v in pairs(bl) do\\\
- lb[v] = k\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local ldchart = { --it stands for light/dark chart\\\
- [\\\"0\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"1\\\"] = \\\"4\\\",\\\
- [\\\"2\\\"] = \\\"6\\\",\\\
- [\\\"3\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"4\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"5\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"6\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"7\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"8\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"9\\\"] = \\\"3\\\",\\\
- [\\\"a\\\"] = \\\"2\\\",\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"9\\\",\\\
- [\\\"c\\\"] = \\\"1\\\",\\\
- [\\\"d\\\"] = \\\"5\\\",\\\
- [\\\"e\\\"] = \\\"2\\\",\\\
- [\\\"f\\\"] = \\\"7\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- \\\
- local getSizeNFP = function(image)\\\
- local xsize = 0\\\
- if type(image) ~= \\\"table\\\" then return 0,0 end\\\
- for y = 1, #image do xsize = math.max(xsize,#image[y]) end\\\
- return xsize, #image\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- getSize = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local x, y = 0, #image[1]\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- x = math.max(x, #image[1][y])\\\
- end\\\
- return x, y\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- crop = function(image, x1, y1, x2, y2)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for y = y1, y2 do\\\
- output[1][#output[1]+1] = image[1][y]:sub(x1,x2)\\\
- output[2][#output[2]+1] = image[2][y]:sub(x1,x2)\\\
- output[3][#output[3]+1] = image[3][y]:sub(x1,x2)\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- loadImageData = function(image, background) --string image\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}} --char, text, back\\\
- local y = 1\\\
- local text, back = \\\" \\\", background or \\\" \\\"\\\
- local doSkip, c1, c2 = false\\\
- local maxX = 0\\\
- for i = 1, #image do\\\
- if doSkip then\\\
- doSkip = false\\\
- else\\\
- output[1][y] = output[1][y] or \\\"\\\"\\\
- output[2][y] = output[2][y] or \\\"\\\"\\\
- output[3][y] = output[3][y] or \\\"\\\"\\\
- c1, c2 = image:sub(i,i), image:sub(i+1,i+1)\\\
- if c1 == tchar then\\\
- text = c2\\\
- doSkip = true\\\
- elseif c1 == bchar then\\\
- back = c2\\\
- doSkip = true\\\
- elseif c1 == \\\"\\\\n\\\" then\\\
- maxX = math.max(maxX, #output[1][y] + 1)\\\
- y = y + 1\\\
- text, back = \\\" \\\", background or \\\" \\\"\\\
- else\\\
- output[1][y] = output[1][y]..c1\\\
- output[2][y] = output[2][y]..text\\\
- output[3][y] = output[3][y]..back\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- for y = 1, #output[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = output[1][y] .. (\\\" \\\"):rep(maxX - #output[1][y])\\\
- output[2][y] = output[2][y] .. (\\\" \\\"):rep(maxX - #output[2][y])\\\
- output[3][y] = output[3][y] .. (\\\" \\\"):rep(maxX - #output[3][y])\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- convertFromNFP = function(image)\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSizeNFP(image)\\\
- for y = 1, imageY do\\\
- output[1][y] = \\\"\\\"\\\
- output[2][y] = \\\"\\\"\\\
- output[3][y] = \\\"\\\"\\\
- for x = 1, imageX do\\\
- output[1][y] = output[1][y][image[y][x] or \\\" \\\"]\\\
- output[2][y] = output[2][y][image[y][x] or \\\" \\\"]\\\
- output[3][y] = output[3][y][image[y][x] or \\\" \\\"]\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- loadImage = function(path, background)\\\
- local file =,\\\"r\\\")\\\
- local output = loadImageData(file.readAll(), background)\\\
- file.close()\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- unloadImage = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = \\\"\\\"\\\
- local text, back = \\\" \\\", \\\" \\\"\\\
- local c, t, b\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- for x = 1, #image[1][y] do\\\
- c, t, b = image[1][y]:sub(x,x), image[2][y]:sub(x,x), image[3][y]:sub(x,x)\\\
- if (t ~= text) or (x + y == 2) then output = output..tchar..t end\\\
- if (b ~= back) or (x + y == 2) then output = output..bchar..b end\\\
- output = output..c\\\
- end\\\
- if y ~= #image[1] then\\\
- output = output..\\\"\\\\n\\\"\\\
- text, back = \\\" \\\", \\\" \\\"\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- drawImage = function(image, x, y)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos()\\\
- for iy = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- term.setCursorPos(x,y+(iy-1))\\\
- term.blit(image[1][iy], image[2][iy], image[3][iy])\\\
- end\\\
- term.setCursorPos(cx,cy)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- drawImageTransparent = function(image, x, y)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image. (\\\" .. textutils.serialize(image) .. \\\")\\\")\\\
- local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos()\\\
- local c, t, b\\\
- for iy = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- for ix = 1, #image[1][iy] do\\\
- c, t, b = image[1][iy]:sub(ix,ix), image[2][iy]:sub(ix,ix), image[3][iy]:sub(ix,ix)\\\
- if not (b == \\\" \\\" and c == \\\" \\\") then\\\
- term.setCursorPos(x+(ix-1),y+(iy-1))\\\
- term.blit(c, t, b)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- term.setCursorPos(cx,cy)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- drawImageCenter = function(image, x, y)\\\
- local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize()\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSize(image)\\\
- return drawImage(image, (x and x or (scr_x/2)) - (imageX/2), (y and y or (scr_y/2)) - (imageY/2))\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- drawImageCenterTransparent = function(image, x, y)\\\
- local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize()\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSize(image)\\\
- return drawImageTransparent(image, (x and x or (scr_x/2)) - (imageX/2), (y and y or (scr_y/2)) - (imageY/2))\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- colorSwap = function(image, tbl)\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = image[1][y]\\\
- output[2][y] = image[2][y]:gsub(\\\".\\\", tbl)\\\
- output[3][y] = image[3][y]:gsub(\\\".\\\", tbl)\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- local xflippable = {\\\
- [\\\"\\\\129\\\"] = \\\"\\\\130\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\131\\\"] = \\\"\\\\131\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\132\\\"] = \\\"\\\\136\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\133\\\"] = \\\"\\\\138\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\134\\\"] = \\\"\\\\137\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\135\\\"] = \\\"\\\\139\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\140\\\"] = \\\"\\\\140\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\141\\\"] = \\\"\\\\142\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\143\\\"] = \\\"\\\\143\\\",\\\
- }\\\
- local xinvertable = {\\\
- [\\\"\\\\144\\\"] = \\\"\\\\159\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\145\\\"] = \\\"\\\\157\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\146\\\"] = \\\"\\\\158\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\147\\\"] = \\\"\\\\156\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\148\\\"] = \\\"\\\\151\\\",\\\
- [\\\"\\\\152\\\"] = \\\"\\\\155\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- for k,v in pairs(xflippable) do\\\
- xflippable[v] = k\\\
- end\\\
- for k,v in pairs(xinvertable) do\\\
- xinvertable[v] = k\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- flipX = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = image[1][y]:reverse():gsub(\\\".\\\", xflippable):gsub(\\\".\\\", xinvertable)\\\
- output[2][y] = \\\"\\\"\\\
- output[3][y] = \\\"\\\"\\\
- for x = 1, #image[1][y] do\\\
- if (not xflippable[image[1][y]:sub(x,x)]) or xinvertable[image[1][y]:sub(x,x)] then\\\
- output[2][y] = image[3][y]:sub(x,x) .. output[2][y]\\\
- output[3][y] = image[2][y]:sub(x,x) .. output[3][y]\\\
- else\\\
- output[2][y] = image[2][y]:sub(x,x) .. output[2][y]\\\
- output[3][y] = image[3][y]:sub(x,x) .. output[3][y]\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- flipY = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for y = #image[1], 1, -1 do\\\
- output[1][#output[1]+1] = image[1][y]\\\
- output[2][#output[2]+1] = image[2][y]\\\
- output[3][#output[3]+1] = image[3][y]\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- grayOut = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local chart = {\\\
- [\\\"0\\\"] = \\\"0\\\",\\\
- [\\\"1\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"2\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"3\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"4\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"5\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"6\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"7\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"8\\\"] = \\\"8\\\",\\\
- [\\\"9\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"a\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"b\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"c\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"d\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"e\\\"] = \\\"7\\\",\\\
- [\\\"f\\\"] = \\\"f\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- for k,v in pairs(chart) do\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = image[1][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- output[2][y] = image[2][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- output[3][y] = image[3][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- greyOut = grayOut\\\
- \\\
- lighten = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for k,v in pairs(ldchart) do\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = image[1][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- output[2][y] = image[2][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- output[3][y] = image[3][y]:gsub(k,v)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- darken = function(image)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- for k,v in pairs(ldchart) do\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- output[1][y] = image[1][y]:gsub(v,k)\\\
- output[2][y] = image[2][y]:gsub(v,k)\\\
- output[3][y] = image[3][y]:gsub(v,k)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- stretchImage = function(_image, sx, sy, noRepeat)\\\
- assert(checkValid(_image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local image = deepCopy(_image)\\\
- if sx < 0 then image = flipX(image) end\\\
- if sy < 0 then image = flipY(image) end\\\
- sx, sy = math.abs(sx), math.abs(sy)\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSize(image)\\\
- local tx, ty\\\
- for y = 1, sy do\\\
- for x = 1, sx do\\\
- tx = math.ceil((x / sx) * imageX)\\\
- ty = math.ceil((y / sy) * imageY)\\\
- if not noRepeat then\\\
- output[1][y] = (output[1][y] or \\\"\\\")..image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx)\\\
- else\\\
- output[1][y] = (output[1][y] or \\\"\\\")..\\\" \\\"\\\
- end\\\
- output[2][y] = (output[2][y] or \\\"\\\")..image[2][ty]:sub(tx,tx)\\\
- output[3][y] = (output[3][y] or \\\"\\\")..image[3][ty]:sub(tx,tx)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- if noRepeat then\\\
- for y = 1, imageY do\\\
- for x = 1, imageX do\\\
- if image[1][y]:sub(x,x) ~= \\\" \\\" then\\\
- tx = math.ceil(((x / imageX) * sx) - ((0.5 / imageX) * sx))\\\
- ty = math.ceil(((y / imageY) * sy) - ((0.5 / imageY) * sx))\\\
- output[1][ty] = stringWrite(output[1][ty], tx, image[1][y]:sub(x,x))\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- pixelateImage = function(image,amntX, amntY)\\\
- assert(checkValid(image), \\\"Invalid image.\\\")\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSize(image)\\\
- return stretchImage(stretchImage(image,imageX/math.max(amntX,1), imageY/math.max(amntY,1)), imageX, imageY)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- merge = function(...)\\\
- local images = {...}\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local imageX, imageY = 0, 0\\\
- for i = 1, #images do\\\
- imageY = math.max(imageY, #images[i][1][1]+(images[i][3]-1))\\\
- for y = 1, #images[i][1][1] do\\\
- imageX = math.max(imageX, #images[i][1][1][y]+(images[i][2]-1))\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- --will later add code to adjust X/Y positions if negative values are given\\\
- \\\
- local image, xadj, yadj\\\
- local tx, ty\\\
- for y = 1, imageY do\\\
- output[1][y] = {}\\\
- output[2][y] = {}\\\
- output[3][y] = {}\\\
- for x = 1, imageX do\\\
- for i = 1, #images do\\\
- image, xadj, yadj = images[i][1], images[i][2], images[i][3]\\\
- tx, ty = x-(xadj-1), y-(yadj-1)\\\
- output[1][y][x] = output[1][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- output[2][y][x] = output[2][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- output[3][y][x] = output[3][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- if image[1][ty] then\\\
- if (image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx) ~= \\\"\\\") and (tx >= 1) then\\\
- output[1][y][x] = (image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx) == \\\" \\\" and output[1][y][x] or image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx))\\\
- output[2][y][x] = (image[2][ty]:sub(tx,tx) == \\\" \\\" and output[2][y][x] or image[2][ty]:sub(tx,tx))\\\
- output[3][y][x] = (image[3][ty]:sub(tx,tx) == \\\" \\\" and output[3][y][x] or image[3][ty]:sub(tx,tx))\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- output[1][y] = table.concat(output[1][y])\\\
- output[2][y] = table.concat(output[2][y])\\\
- output[3][y] = table.concat(output[3][y])\\\
- end\\\
- return output\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- rotateImage = function(image, angle)\\\
- local output = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local realOutput = {{},{},{}}\\\
- local tx, ty\\\
- local imageX, imageY = getSize(image)\\\
- local originX, originY = imageX / 2, imageY / 2\\\
- local adjX, adjY = 1, 1\\\
- for y = 1, #image[1] do\\\
- for x = 1, #image[1][y] do\\\
- if not (image[1][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\" \\\" and image[2][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\" \\\" and image[3][y]:sub(x,x) == \\\" \\\") then\\\
- tx = math.floor( (x-originX) * math.cos(angle) - (originY-y) * math.sin(angle) )\\\
- ty = math.floor( (x-originX) * math.sin(angle) + (originY-y) * math.cos(angle) )\\\
- adjX, adjY = math.min(adjX, tx), math.min(adjY, ty)\\\
- output[1][ty] = output[1][ty] or {}\\\
- output[2][ty] = output[2][ty] or {}\\\
- output[3][ty] = output[3][ty] or {}\\\
- output[1][ty][tx] = image[1][y]:sub(x,x)\\\
- output[2][ty][tx] = image[2][y]:sub(x,x)\\\
- output[3][ty][tx] = image[3][y]:sub(x,x)\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- for y = adjY, #output[1] do\\\
- realOutput[1][y+1-adjY] = {}\\\
- realOutput[2][y+1-adjY] = {}\\\
- realOutput[3][y+1-adjY] = {}\\\
- for x = adjX, #output[1][y] do\\\
- realOutput[1][y+1-adjY][x+1-adjX] = output[1][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- realOutput[2][y+1-adjY][x+1-adjX] = output[2][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- realOutput[3][y+1-adjY][x+1-adjX] = output[3][y][x] or \\\" \\\"\\\
- end\\\
- end\\\
- for y = 1, #realOutput[1] do\\\
- realOutput[1][y] = table.concat(realOutput[1][y])\\\
- realOutput[2][y] = table.concat(realOutput[2][y])\\\
- realOutput[3][y] = table.concat(realOutput[3][y])\\\
- end\\\
- return realOutput, math.ceil(adjX-1+originX), math.ceil(adjY-1+originY)\\\
- end\\\
- \\\
- help = function(input)\\\
- local helpOut = {\\\
- loadImageData = \\\"Loads an NFT image from a string input.\\\",\\\
- loadImage = \\\"Loads an NFT image from a file path.\\\",\\\
- convertFromNFP = \\\"Loads a table NFP image into a table NFT image, same as what loadImage outputs.\\\",\\\
- drawImage = \\\"Draws an image. Does not support transparency, sadly.\\\",\\\
- drawImageTransparent = \\\"Draws an image. Supports transparency, but not as fast as drawImage.\\\",\\\
- drawImageCenter = \\\"Draws an image centered around the inputted coordinates. Does not support transparency, sadly.\\\",\\\
- drawImageCenterTransparent = \\\"Draws an image centered around the inputted coordinates. Supports transparency, but not as fast as drawImageCenter.\\\",\\\
- flipX = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but with the X inverted.\\\",\\\
- flipY = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but with the Y inverted.\\\",\\\
- grayOut = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but with the colors converted into grayscale as best I could.\\\",\\\
- lighten = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but with the colors lightened.\\\",\\\
- darken = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but with the colors darkened.\\\",\\\
- stretchImage = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but it's been stretched to the inputted size. If the fourth argument is true, it will spread non-space characters evenly in the image.\\\",\\\
- pixelateImage = \\\"Returns the inputted image, but pixelated to a variable degree.\\\",\\\
- merge = \\\"Merges two or more images together.\\\",\\\
- crop = \\\"Crops an image between points (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2).\\\",\\\
- rotateImage = \\\"Rotates an image, and also returns how much the image center's X and Y had been adjusted.\\\",\\\
- colorSwap = \\\"Swaps the colors of a given image with another color, according to an inputted table.\\\"\\\
- }\\\
- return helpOut[input] or \\\"No such function.\\\"\\\
- end\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walkshoot2.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- 3ff30b0ff03fbf3\\\
- f3bf3ff03b\\\
- fbbf3f3\\\
- fb3ff3 \\\
- bfbf\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walkshoot1.nft\" ] = \" 3ff3\\\
- bfbf3\\\
- bf3f3b0bb0fbbf\\\
- bfbf 3ffb0f03ff3b3f\\\
- bfb33ff03b\\\
- bffbbf3b\\\
- b3bf3fb \\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/stand2.nft\" ] = \" bff3\\\
- 3fbb03ffb \\\
- f30bff0\\\
- bf33ff00f3fb\\\
- bff33fbfb\\\
- b3fb3b3bffb\\\
- bfb3fbffb\\\
- b fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/walk3.nft\" ] = \" 3ff3\\\
- bfbf3\\\
- b30bb0fbbf\\\
- bf33f03f0\\\
- fb bff33bb3ffb\\\
- bfbf3bb3f3fb\\\
- b3 f3bfb\\\
- fb\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster3-1.nft\" ] = \" 0f40f4\\\
- 4f 0f004ff0\\\
- 4f004f\\\
- 400f4\\\
- 04400f\\\
- f4004ff04\\\
- f04\",\
- [ \".game/sprites/megaman/buster2-2.nft\" ] = \"\\\
- 4f004f\\\
- 40404f4 \",\
- },\
- }")
- if fs.isReadOnly(outputPath) then
- error("Output path is read-only. Abort.")
- elseif fs.getFreeSpace(outputPath) <= #archive then
- error("Insufficient space. Abort.")
- end
- if fs.exists(outputPath) and fs.combine("", outputPath) ~= "" then
- print("File/folder already exists! Overwrite?")
- stc(colors.lightGray)
- print("(Use -o when making the extractor to always overwrite.)")
- stc(colors.white)
- if choice() ~= 1 then
- error("Chose not to overwrite. Abort.")
- else
- fs.delete(outputPath)
- end
- end
- if selfDelete or (fs.combine("", outputPath) == shell.getRunningProgram()) then
- fs.delete(shell.getRunningProgram())
- end
- for name, contents in pairs( do
- stc(colors.lightGray)
- write("'" .. name .. "'...")
- if contents == true then -- indicates empty directory
- fs.makeDir(fs.combine(outputPath, name))
- else
- file =, name), "w")
- if file then
- file.write(contents)
- file.close()
- end
- end
- if file then
- stc(
- print("good")
- else
- stc(
- print("fail")
- end
- end
- stc(colors.white)
- write("Unpacked to '")
- stc(colors.yellow)
- write(outputPath .. "/")
- stc(colors.white)
- print("'.")
- sleep(0.25)
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