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- simple moodboard - CUSTOM COLORS
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- › i use HEX and oftentimes RGB color codes in my html codes, search "color picker" on google to pick and chose colors and their respective codes
- › (followup to the note above:) in my html codes, rgba sometimes looks like this: 255, 255, 255, .7 (the .7 or whatever .number it is indicates the opacity (0 is transparent and 1 is opaque))
- › background: #e6d7cf #283d3b #b5613f
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- <!-- character name
- !!NOTE: after "title" when it says "write a little blurb here if u want," you can write something there and it'll appear when you hover over the "name" with your mouse.
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- <h1 class="text-center text-uppercase tooltipster" title="flytext" style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- Ilxan Faerkul
- </h1>
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- <!--Info-->
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- <h1 class="text-center text-uppercase" style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- Physical Characteristics
- </h1>
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- <ul style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- <li>White dragonborn</li>
- <li>Copper draconic ancestry wizard</li>
- <li>male (he/they/any)</li>
- <li>can move his frill to express emotions</li>
- <li>the base of his tail is very sensitive and not a place he lets just anyone touch</li>
- <li>6’9” / 280lbs</li>
- <li>His bite results in frostbite-like wound symptoms that can turn into necrosis if not treated like one would treat a frostbite wound</li>
- <li>has komodo dragon-like teeth and tongue</li>
- <li>prehensile tail with a surprising amount of grip strength</li>
- </ul>
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- <!-- END info -->
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- <h1 class="text-center text-uppercase" style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- Personality Characteristics
- </h1>
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- <ul style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- <li>represented best by the Hermit tarot card</li>
- <li>Pansexual/Biromantic (masc pref) | Top/Verse</li>
- <li>hoards silk finery and garments. He absolutely loves the texture of high quality silk on his scales</li>
- <li>introduces himself as Capricorn to strangers</li>
- <li>protects his name, especially distrustful of faefolk</li>
- <li>lawful neutral</li>
- <li>merchant background</li>
- </ul>
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- <div class="container px-0" style="padding-top:15px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #283d3b">
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- <h1 class="text-center text-uppercase" style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- History
- </h1>
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- <p style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- Raised in servitude to a reclusive deep dragon. He was seen as their prized jewel, a rare bichromatic dragonborn that could access both sides of his ancestral magicks. His master always made sure that he was well pampered in the finest garments and received the highest education. They had planned on him eventually becoming one of the high archmages of Faerun that had access to some of the most guarded secrets held by the Spoken races.
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- <h1 class="text-center text-uppercase" style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- Magical Artefacts
- </h1>
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- <ul style="letter-spacing: 2px; color: #283d3b">
- <li><strong>Silver Mirror of Reflection</strong> - A pocket-sized hand mirror that reflects the worst parts of one's self. When a spellcaster looks into it, they see their worst fears, regrets, or most embarrassing moments reflected back at them. Upon rolling a successful saving throw, the user can project this image onto an enemy’s mind. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.</li><br>
- <li><strong>Spellbook of the ArchMage</strong> - A large, leather-bound spellbook that can hold a seemingly infinite amount of pages. The book is enchanted to allow its owner to never forget a spell they’ve learned or prepared, and any spells in the book cast from it have a +1 to their spell attack modifier and saving throw DCs. However, if this book is destroyed, the owner loses all of the spells they had in it.</li><br>
- <li><strong>Ring of the Dragon</strong> - A golden ring patterned with dragon scales, with a crystal orb embedded in the top. When the user speaks a command word, the orb shines with a bright light, illuminating a 120 foot cube around them. All creatures within the cube must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for the next 1d4 rounds. This item requires a 4-hour rest to recharge.</li>
- </ul>
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- <!-- credit -->
- <center>
- <a href="" target="_blank">
- <i class="far fa-feather-pointed tooltipster text-muted faded mt-3" title="code by teiyoq"></i>
- </a>
- </center>
- <!-- END credit -->
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