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- --Copyright Simlor ( - Alle Rechte an diesen Programm sind Simlor vorbehalten.
- local datei = http.get("")
- if not datei then
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- TC(16384)
- print("Please, check you internet connection!")
- print("Or try it later again.")
- sleep(3)
- else
- fs.delete("SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp/Temp")
- Download("MD0dmx9s", "SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp/Temp")
- BC(256)
- CP(15,18)
- print("Loading...")
- function LiveSappSDar(nr)
- StoreCleaner()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp/Temp","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- Sname = fileData[nr]
- nr = (nr+1)
- Sautor = fileData[nr]
- nr = (nr+1)
- Ssterne = fileData[nr]
- nr = (nr+1)
- PBCodeS = fileData[nr]
- nr = (nr-3)
- CP(17,6) --17,6
- TC(1)
- print(Sname)
- CP(18,8)
- TC(128)
- print("Creator = "..Sautor)
- CP(18,10)
- TC(128)
- print("Stars = "..Ssterne)
- CP(18,13)
- TC(1)
- write("Download ")
- TC(128)
- print("("..PBCodeS..")")
- CP(14,18)
- TC(128)
- print("<")
- CP(50,18)
- TC(128)
- print(">")
- CP(27,18)
- TC(128)
- print(ggz.."/"..anzLS)
- end
- auswahl = 0
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- SimSoftBalken("SimSoft 4 - Store", 17)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- CP(1,4)
- BC(8)
- TC(32768)
- print(" ")
- write(" Store ")
- TC(1)
- print("BETA ")
- print(" ")
- TC(8)
- BC(1)
- print(" SappS-Code ")
- TC(1)
- BC(8)
- print(" Live-Store ")
- TC(8)
- BC(1)
- print(" Add a pro. ")
- BC(8)
- z = 9
- while true do
- z = (z+1)
- CP(1,z)
- write(" ")
- if z == h then
- TC(1)
- z = (z-1)
- CP(2,z)
- print("Back")
- break
- end
- end
- --StoreCleaner
- function StoreCleaner()
- BC(256)
- ySC = 3
- while true do
- ySC = (ySC+1)
- CP(13,ySC)
- write(" ")
- if ySC == 19 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --TouchMenu
- function TouchMenu()
- while true do
- event,side,ex,ry = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if ex >= 1 and ex <= 12 and ry == 7 then
- auswahl = 1
- end
- if ex >= 1 and ex <= 12 and ry == 8 then
- auswahl = 2
- end
- if ex >= 1 and ex <= 12 and ry == 9 then
- auswahl = 3
- end
- if ex >= 2 and ex <= 5 and ry == z then
- auswahl = 4
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --Anzeige Functionen
- --Kontrolle0
- function AnzeigeKontrolle0()
- while true do
- if auswahl == 0 then
- sleep(0.1)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --Kontrolle1
- function AnzeigeKontrolle1()
- while true do
- if auswahl == 1 then
- sleep(0.1)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --Kontrolle2
- function AnzeigeKontrolle2()
- while true do
- if auswahl == 2 then
- sleep(0.1)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --Kontrolle3
- function AnzeigeKontrolle3()
- while true do
- if auswahl == 3 then
- sleep(0.1)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --1 - SappS-Code
- function AnzeigeStore1()
- while true do
- StoreCleaner()
- CP(17,6)
- BC(256)
- TC(1)
- print("Enter a SappS-Code")
- TC(128)
- CP(18,8)
- print("SappS-Code")
- CP(15,18)
- print("Outdated")
- while true do
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if x >= 18 and x <= 27 and y == 8 then
- CP(18,8)
- write(" ")
- CP(18,8)
- TC(128)
- sappscode = read()
- CP(18,10)
-"pastebin run "..sappscode)
- CP(1,11)
- BC(256)
- print(" ")
- auswahl = 4
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --2 - Live-Store
- function AnzeigeStore2()
- while true do
- StoreCleaner()
- BC(256)
- CP(15,18)
- print("Loading...")
- anzLS = 0
- file ="SimSoft/Data/StoreTemp/Temp","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- anzLS = fileData[1]
- anzLS = (anzLS+1)
- anzLS = (anzLS-1)
- sonderzahl = (anzLS*5-2)
- nr = 3
- ggz = 1
- if anzLS == 0 then
- CP(15,18)
- print(" ")
- CP(15,18)
- TC(16384)
- print("ERROR - Try later")
- elseif anzLS >= 1 then
- nr = 3
- ggz = 1
- LiveSappSDar(nr)
- end
- while true do
- event,side,tx,ty = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if tx == 14 and ty == 18 then
- if nr >= 8 then
- nr = (nr-5)
- ggz = (ggz-1)
- LiveSappSDar(nr)
- elseif nr == 3 then
- nr = sonderzahl
- ggz = anzLS
- LiveSappSDar(nr)
- end
- end
- if tx == 50 and ty == 18 then
- if nr < sonderzahl then
- nr = (nr+5)
- ggz = (ggz+1)
- LiveSappSDar(nr)
- elseif nr == sonderzahl then
- nr = 3
- ggz = 1
- LiveSappSDar(nr)
- end
- end
- if tx >= 18 and tx <= 25 and ty == 13 then
- BC(256)
- TC(32)
- CP(15,14)
-"pastebin run "..PBCodeS)
- auswahl = 4
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --3 - Add a program
- function AnzeigeStore3()
- StoreCleaner()
- programname = ""
- programpfad = ""
- n = ""
- p = 13.0
- f = 1.0
- paste = false
- while true do
- CP(17,6)
- BC(256)
- TC(1)
- print("Add your own program ")
- TC(128)
- CP(18,8)
- print("Program Name (6 characters) ")
- CP(18,10)
- print("Program path or Pastebin-Code")
- CP(18,13)
- TC(128)
- print("<")
- CP(23,13)
- print(">")
- CP(26,13)
- TC(1)
- print("Pastebin")
- CP(35,13)
- BC(32768)
- write(" ")
- BC(128)
- print(" ")
- BC(256)
- CP(18,16)
- TC(1)
- print("Create ")
- AppG(n,p,f)
- while true do
- event,side,x,y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if x >= 18 and x <= 44 and y == 8 then
- CP(18,8)
- write(" ")
- CP(18,8)
- TC(128)
- programname = read()
- end
- if x >= 35 and x <= 37 and y == 13 then
- if paste == false then
- CP(35,13)
- BC(8)
- write(" ")
- BC(32768)
- print(" ")
- paste = true
- elseif paste == true then
- CP(35,13)
- BC(32768)
- write(" ")
- BC(128)
- print(" ")
- paste = false
- end
- BC(256)
- end
- if x >= 18 and x <= 46 and y == 10 then
- CP(18,10)
- write(" ")
- CP(18,10)
- TC(128)
- programpfad = read()
- end
- if x == 18 and y == 13 then
- if f >= 2.0 then
- f = (f-1)
- AppG(n,p,f)
- else
- f = 20.0
- AppG(n,p,f)
- end
- end
- if x == 23 and y == 13 then
- if f <= 19.0 then
- f = (f+1)
- AppG(n,p,f)
- else
- f = 1.0
- AppG(n,p,f)
- end
- end
- if x >= 18 and x <= 23 and y == 16 then
- if programname == "" then
- CP(18,16)
- TC(16384)
- print("You forget somthing! ")
- sleep(1)
- CP(18,16)
- TC(1)
- print("Create ")
- elseif programpfad == "" then
- CP(18,16)
- TC(16384)
- print("You forget somthing! ")
- sleep(1)
- CP(18,16)
- TC(1)
- print("Create ")
- else
- CP(18,16)
- TC(32)
- print("please wait... ")
- term.setBackgroundColor(128)
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/A","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- anz = fileData[1]
- anz = (anz+1)
- anz = (anz-1)
- if anz >= 15.0 then
- CP(18,16)
- TC(16384)
- print("Too many Apps. ")
- sleep(1)
- CP(18,16)
- TC(1)
- print("Create ")
- else
- anz = (anz+1)
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/A","w")
- file.write(anz)
- file.close()
- local file ="SimSoft/Daten/SappS/","w")
- file.writeLine(programname)
- file.writeLine(anz)
- file.writeLine(f)
- file.writeLine("")
- file.writeLine("sv")
- file.writeLine("-")
- if paste == false then
- file.writeLine(programpfad)
- elseif paste == true then
- file.writeLine("SimSoft/SappS/Downloads/"..programpfad)
- Download(programpfad, "SimSoft/SappS/Downloads/"..programpfad)
- end
- file.close()
- CP(18,16)
- TC(32)
- BC(256)
- print("Finish! ")
- sleep(1)
- auswahl = 4
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --Store Start
- function StoreStart()
- while true do
- if auswahl == 0 then
- parallel.waitForAny(AnzeigeKontrolle0)
- end
- if auswahl == 1 then
- parallel.waitForAny(AnzeigeKontrolle1, AnzeigeStore1)
- end
- if auswahl == 2 then
- parallel.waitForAny(AnzeigeKontrolle2, AnzeigeStore2)
- end
- if auswahl == 3 then
- parallel.waitForAny(AnzeigeKontrolle3, AnzeigeStore3)
- end
- if auswahl == 4 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --Start
- parallel.waitForAny(TouchMenu, StoreStart)
- end
- --end
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