
pi log gl3stub

Dec 24th, 2014
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  1. pi@raspberrypi ~/tmp/psp_com2 $ sudo make
  2. [ 4%] Built target Common
  3. [ 5%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.cpp.o
  4. In file included from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/gl_common.h:25:0,
  5. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx_es2/gl_state.h:6,
  6. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.h:21,
  7. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.cpp:23:
  8. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:382:75: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glReadBuffer’
  9. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glReadBuffer) (GLenum mode);
  10. ^
  11. In file included from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/gl_common.h:25:0,
  12. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx_es2/gl_state.h:6,
  13. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.h:21,
  14. from /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.cpp:23:
  15. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:383:159: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDrawRangeElements’
  16. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDrawRangeElements) (GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* indices);
  17. ^
  18. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:384:222: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glTexImage3D’
  19. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glTexImage3D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels);
  20. ^
  21. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:385:234: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glTexSubImage3D’
  22. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glTexSubImage3D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels);
  23. ^
  24. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:386:191: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glCopyTexSubImage3D’
  25. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glCopyTexSubImage3D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
  26. ^
  27. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:387:222: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glCompressedTexImage3D’
  28. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glCompressedTexImage3D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data);
  29. ^
  30. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:388:248: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glCompressedTexSubImage3D’
  31. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glCompressedTexSubImage3D) (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data);
  32. ^
  33. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:389:86: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGenQueries’
  34. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGenQueries) (GLsizei n, GLuint* ids);
  35. ^
  36. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:390:95: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDeleteQueries’
  37. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDeleteQueries) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids);
  38. ^
  39. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:391:70: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glIsQuery’
  40. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glIsQuery) (GLuint id);
  41. ^
  42. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:392:88: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBeginQuery’
  43. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBeginQuery) (GLenum target, GLuint id);
  44. ^
  45. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:393:75: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glEndQuery’
  46. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glEndQuery) (GLenum target);
  47. ^
  48. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:394:106: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetQueryiv’
  49. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetQueryiv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
  50. ^
  51. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:395:110: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetQueryObjectuiv’
  52. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetQueryObjectuiv) (GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint* params);
  53. ^
  54. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:396:78: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUnmapBuffer’
  55. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glUnmapBuffer) (GLenum target);
  56. ^
  57. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:397:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetBufferPointerv’
  58. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetBufferPointerv) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid** params);
  59. ^
  60. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:398:94: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDrawBuffers’
  61. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDrawBuffers) (GLsizei n, const GLenum* bufs);
  62. ^
  63. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:399:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix2x3fv’
  64. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix2x3fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  65. ^
  66. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:400:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix3x2fv’
  67. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix3x2fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  68. ^
  69. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:401:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix2x4fv’
  70. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix2x4fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  71. ^
  72. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:402:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix4x2fv’
  73. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix4x2fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  74. ^
  75. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:403:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix3x4fv’
  76. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix3x4fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  77. ^
  78. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:404:144: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformMatrix4x3fv’
  79. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformMatrix4x3fv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat* value);
  80. ^
  81. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:405:203: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBlitFramebuffer’
  82. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBlitFramebuffer) (GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter);
  83. ^
  84. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:406:168: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glRenderbufferStorageMultisample’
  85. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glRenderbufferStorageMultisample) (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
  86. ^
  87. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:407:151: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glFramebufferTextureLayer’
  88. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glFramebufferTextureLayer) (GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer);
  89. ^
  90. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:408:136: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glMapBufferRange’
  91. extern GL_APICALL GLvoid* (* GL_APIENTRY glMapBufferRange) (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access);
  92. ^
  93. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:409:125: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glFlushMappedBufferRange’
  94. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glFlushMappedBufferRange) (GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length);
  95. ^
  96. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:410:81: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBindVertexArray’
  97. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBindVertexArray) (GLuint array);
  98. ^
  99. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:411:103: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDeleteVertexArrays’
  100. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDeleteVertexArrays) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* arrays);
  101. ^
  102. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:412:94: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGenVertexArrays’
  103. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGenVertexArrays) (GLsizei n, GLuint* arrays);
  104. ^
  105. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:413:79: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glIsVertexArray’
  106. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glIsVertexArray) (GLuint array);
  107. ^
  108. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:414:107: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetIntegeri_v’
  109. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetIntegeri_v) (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint* data);
  110. ^
  111. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:415:96: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBeginTransformFeedback’
  112. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBeginTransformFeedback) (GLenum primitiveMode);
  113. ^
  114. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:416:78: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glEndTransformFeedback’
  115. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glEndTransformFeedback) (void);
  116. ^
  117. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:417:145: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBindBufferRange’
  118. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBindBufferRange) (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size);
  119. ^
  120. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:418:110: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBindBufferBase’
  121. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBindBufferBase) (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer);
  122. ^
  123. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:419:158: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glTransformFeedbackVaryings’
  124. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glTransformFeedbackVaryings) (GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar* const* varyings, GLenum bufferMode);
  125. ^
  126. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:420:186: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetTransformFeedbackVarying’
  127. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetTransformFeedbackVarying) (GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLsizei* size, GLenum* type, GLchar* name);
  128. ^
  129. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:421:150: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribIPointer’
  130. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribIPointer) (GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid* pointer);
  131. ^
  132. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:422:113: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetVertexAttribIiv’
  133. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetVertexAttribIiv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
  134. ^
  135. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:423:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetVertexAttribIuiv’
  136. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetVertexAttribIuiv) (GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint* params);
  137. ^
  138. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:424:117: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribI4i’
  139. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribI4i) (GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w);
  140. ^
  141. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:425:122: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribI4ui’
  142. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribI4ui) (GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w);
  143. ^
  144. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:426:98: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribI4iv’
  145. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribI4iv) (GLuint index, const GLint* v);
  146. ^
  147. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:427:100: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribI4uiv’
  148. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribI4uiv) (GLuint index, const GLuint* v);
  149. ^
  150. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:428:113: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetUniformuiv’
  151. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetUniformuiv) (GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint* params);
  152. ^
  153. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:429:107: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetFragDataLocation’
  154. extern GL_APICALL GLint (* GL_APIENTRY glGetFragDataLocation) (GLuint program, const GLchar *name);
  155. ^
  156. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:430:89: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform1ui’
  157. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform1ui) (GLint location, GLuint v0);
  158. ^
  159. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:431:100: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform2ui’
  160. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform2ui) (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1);
  161. ^
  162. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:432:111: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform3ui’
  163. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform3ui) (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2);
  164. ^
  165. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:433:122: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform4ui’
  166. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform4ui) (GLint location, GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint v3);
  167. ^
  168. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:434:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform1uiv’
  169. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform1uiv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* value);
  170. ^
  171. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:435:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform2uiv’
  172. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform2uiv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* value);
  173. ^
  174. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:436:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform3uiv’
  175. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform3uiv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* value);
  176. ^
  177. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:437:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniform4uiv’
  178. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniform4uiv) (GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint* value);
  179. ^
  180. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:438:118: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glClearBufferiv’
  181. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glClearBufferiv) (GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint* value);
  182. ^
  183. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:439:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glClearBufferuiv’
  184. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glClearBufferuiv) (GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint* value);
  185. ^
  186. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:440:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glClearBufferfv’
  187. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glClearBufferfv) (GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat* value);
  188. ^
  189. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:441:128: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glClearBufferfi’
  190. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glClearBufferfi) (GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil);
  191. ^
  192. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:442:89: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetStringi’
  193. extern GL_APICALL const GLubyte* (* GL_APIENTRY glGetStringi) (GLenum name, GLuint index);
  194. ^
  195. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:443:168: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glCopyBufferSubData’
  196. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glCopyBufferSubData) (GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size);
  197. ^
  198. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:444:166: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetUniformIndices’
  199. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetUniformIndices) (GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar* const* uniformNames, GLuint* uniformIndices);
  200. ^
  201. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:445:168: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetActiveUniformsiv’
  202. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetActiveUniformsiv) (GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint* uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
  203. ^
  204. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:446:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetUniformBlockIndex’
  205. extern GL_APICALL GLuint (* GL_APIENTRY glGetUniformBlockIndex) (GLuint program, const GLchar* uniformBlockName);
  206. ^
  207. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:447:146: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetActiveUniformBlockiv’
  208. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetActiveUniformBlockiv) (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
  209. ^
  210. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:448:179: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetActiveUniformBlockName’
  211. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetActiveUniformBlockName) (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* uniformBlockName);
  212. ^
  213. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:449:141: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glUniformBlockBinding’
  214. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glUniformBlockBinding) (GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding);
  215. ^
  216. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:450:135: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDrawArraysInstanced’
  217. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDrawArraysInstanced) (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instanceCount);
  218. ^
  219. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:451:160: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDrawElementsInstanced’
  220. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDrawElementsInstanced) (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* indices, GLsizei instanceCount);
  221. ^
  222. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:452:97: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glFenceSync’
  223. extern GL_APICALL GLsync (* GL_APIENTRY glFenceSync) (GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags);
  224. ^
  225. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:453:71: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glIsSync’
  226. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glIsSync) (GLsync sync);
  227. ^
  228. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:454:75: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDeleteSync’
  229. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDeleteSync) (GLsync sync);
  230. ^
  231. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:455:115: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glClientWaitSync’
  232. extern GL_APICALL GLenum (* GL_APIENTRY glClientWaitSync) (GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
  233. ^
  234. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:456:109: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glWaitSync’
  235. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glWaitSync) (GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout);
  236. ^
  237. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:457:96: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetInteger64v’
  238. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetInteger64v) (GLenum pname, GLint64* params);
  239. ^
  240. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:458:137: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetSynciv’
  241. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetSynciv) (GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLint* values);
  242. ^
  243. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:459:111: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetInteger64i_v’
  244. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetInteger64i_v) (GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64* data);
  245. ^
  246. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:460:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetBufferParameteri64v’
  247. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetBufferParameteri64v) (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64* params);
  248. ^
  249. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:461:96: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGenSamplers’
  250. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGenSamplers) (GLsizei count, GLuint* samplers);
  251. ^
  252. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:462:105: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDeleteSamplers’
  253. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDeleteSamplers) (GLsizei count, const GLuint* samplers);
  254. ^
  255. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:463:77: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glIsSampler’
  256. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glIsSampler) (GLuint sampler);
  257. ^
  258. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:464:92: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBindSampler’
  259. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBindSampler) (GLuint unit, GLuint sampler);
  260. ^
  261. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:465:112: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glSamplerParameteri’
  262. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glSamplerParameteri) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param);
  263. ^
  264. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:466:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glSamplerParameteriv’
  265. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glSamplerParameteriv) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint* param);
  266. ^
  267. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:467:114: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glSamplerParameterf’
  268. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glSamplerParameterf) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
  269. ^
  270. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:468:122: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glSamplerParameterfv’
  271. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glSamplerParameterfv) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* param);
  272. ^
  273. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:469:118: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetSamplerParameteriv’
  274. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetSamplerParameteriv) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
  275. ^
  276. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:470:120: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetSamplerParameterfv’
  277. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetSamplerParameterfv) (GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params);
  278. ^
  279. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:471:101: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glVertexAttribDivisor’
  280. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glVertexAttribDivisor) (GLuint index, GLuint divisor);
  281. ^
  282. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:472:99: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glBindTransformFeedback’
  283. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glBindTransformFeedback) (GLenum target, GLuint id);
  284. ^
  285. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:473:106: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glDeleteTransformFeedbacks’
  286. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glDeleteTransformFeedbacks) (GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids);
  287. ^
  288. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:474:97: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGenTransformFeedbacks’
  289. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGenTransformFeedbacks) (GLsizei n, GLuint* ids);
  290. ^
  291. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:475:82: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glIsTransformFeedback’
  292. extern GL_APICALL GLboolean (* GL_APIENTRY glIsTransformFeedback) (GLuint id);
  293. ^
  294. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:476:80: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glPauseTransformFeedback’
  295. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glPauseTransformFeedback) (void);
  296. ^
  297. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:477:81: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glResumeTransformFeedback’
  298. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glResumeTransformFeedback) (void);
  299. ^
  300. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:478:156: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetProgramBinary’
  301. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetProgramBinary) (GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei* length, GLenum* binaryFormat, GLvoid* binary);
  302. ^
  303. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:479:140: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glProgramBinary’
  304. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glProgramBinary) (GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid* binary, GLsizei length);
  305. ^
  306. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:480:112: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glProgramParameteri’
  307. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glProgramParameteri) (GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value);
  308. ^
  309. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:481:139: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glInvalidateFramebuffer’
  310. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glInvalidateFramebuffer) (GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum* attachments);
  311. ^
  312. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:482:191: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glInvalidateSubFramebuffer’
  313. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glInvalidateSubFramebuffer) (GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum* attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
  314. ^
  315. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:483:149: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glTexStorage2D’
  316. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glTexStorage2D) (GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
  317. ^
  318. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:484:164: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glTexStorage3D’
  319. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glTexStorage3D) (GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth);
  320. ^
  321. /home/pi/tmp/ppsspp/native/gfx/../gfx_es2/gl3stub.h:485:155: error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of ‘glGetInternalformativ’
  322. extern GL_APICALL void (* GL_APIENTRY glGetInternalformativ) (GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params);
  323. ^
  324. CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/build.make:333: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.cpp.o' failed
  325. make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/GPU/GLES/DepalettizeShader.cpp.o] Error 1
  326. CMakeFiles/Makefile2:140: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/all' failed
  327. make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/GPU.dir/all] Error 2
  328. Makefile:75: recipe for target 'all' failed
  329. make: *** [all] Error 2
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