
Nerithen Family line

May 12th, 2019
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  1. Helios Nerithen Race: Kitsune Taguel (Child of strength)
  2. 10% HP, 3%(13% with CoS) Str, 30% Mag, 20% Skl, 10% Spd, 5% Lck, 15% Def, 10% Res
  3. Boon - Clever, Bane - Slow
  4. Starting Stats: Cha: 5 Int: 10 Str: 5 End: 5 Agi: 5 Sty: 10
  5. starting skill: Child O' Mine: +12% growth toward magic
  6. Starting Weapon: Ritual Tome
  9. Public Variation (Long)
  11. The History of the Nerithen Family as Told By Near Nerithen: I'm Near and this is my family history as I know it (though some details may be wrong and others false as this WAS told to me a number of years ago) my Noble family line was started about over a hundred ago by a Woman by the name of Hitomi Neritama, a Kitsune Taguel from Hoshido. she was forced to flee when her Uncle -Jiriya Neritama- Killed her father and mother In order to gain control of their Clan of Kitsune. being forced to flee she had brought two of her family retainers with her, Minami Hirotoshi and Kira Toginashi (a Bunny and a Tiger Taguel) Spending months on the road heading for the (at the time) Peaceful City of Kentheral (which as of at least 80 years ago has been destroyed and rebuilt as the farming Hamlet of Gerththal after an uprising) to get help from the Guild owned by a friend of her mother who went by the name of Gorno Ginivilla (A master swordsmen and talented mage) along the road they had gathered and made allies with the hunting tribe of Tolochuha (of which we still trade with to this day) and the Belladonna Familia (Yes there WERE a Mafia but now they sit as members as our lords guardsmen) before eventually reaching Gorno's guild (Who now as of 20 years ago go by the Passione) but sadly Gorno had passed away from an old injury he had gotten months ago, in his place, his at the time 16-year-old son Jorno was looking after the guild as such they had not the time nor the money to help them in their quest. Falling into despair the small party of five (having picked up two more people, Dipio Tolochuha and Blake Belladonna) they were forced to do odd jobs and the like to finance themselves and their quest, during one of there had encountered a young lord by the name of Laharl Lucifre -an amazing Martial artist and an excellent Magician- who was on a quest of his own to find five people to become nobles so they may be apart of his counsel- had saved her on multiple occasions which during a meeting between them she had brought-up her situation, which he had given her an offer Pledge her aligence to him and join his counsel and in exchange he and his family shall help her take back her clan(which she accepted). Traveling back to her home with A large Band of soldiers and the Allies that she gathered along the way, killing her Uncle and taking back the clan she gave leadership of the clan over to her Nephew and travel back to the Young Lords kingdom And the rest is, Well History.
  13. Now that is the history of my ancestors here is MY story currently (AS OF START OF ROLEPLAY):
  14. Well, for now, there isn't much to it, I was more or less an average Noble If a bit more focused on the Magical aspects of life and just as my ancestors had been I am a loyal retainer to the Lucifre line...
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